Armand Temi
Location: Iskaayuma
Objective: Accompany [member="Eeth Forte"] and keep him out of trouble
Post: 9/20
Now that Max Rumor, former Chief Counsel of Rumor, Wolf & Funk, had gone on to become the Senator of Nak Shimor, Dorskit Wolf was left to run the criminal defense law firm which held his namesake all by himself with the help of his partner Funk. Funk, a rather simian-looking Hamadryas, would remain on Nar Shadda which is where the main headquarters were while Dorskit Wolf would be primarily retained by the Techno Union and located in the South Systems. He was currently residing in hotels and had yet to purchase property.
His first direct client was Eeth Forth, an unsually dapper Zabrak with the same penchant for fine, tailored suits. They also had some other things in common – their love of squash, expensive vacations and other luxuries available to businessmen of their status. But the one thing they didn’t have in common was their bloodlust to kill. Dorskit was a mild-mannered hermaphrodite Verpine with an encyclopedic knowledge of the law, and while Forte was a banker first and foremost, he still held onto the fierce warring nature of the Zabrak culture and rumors swirled that wherever Eeth Forte went, the dead bodies would soon follow. Dorskitt hadn’t seen anything to support these rumors but there were sentient species out there who may find his carahide quite tasty so he was slightly wary of Mr. Forte.
Banking laws were not Dorskit’s specialty, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t read up on, and while he trailed along behind Eeth Forte and his entourage, he busied himself with making sure Mr. Forte had the correct intergalactic bank license.
Objective: Accompany [member="Eeth Forte"] and keep him out of trouble
Post: 9/20
Now that Max Rumor, former Chief Counsel of Rumor, Wolf & Funk, had gone on to become the Senator of Nak Shimor, Dorskit Wolf was left to run the criminal defense law firm which held his namesake all by himself with the help of his partner Funk. Funk, a rather simian-looking Hamadryas, would remain on Nar Shadda which is where the main headquarters were while Dorskit Wolf would be primarily retained by the Techno Union and located in the South Systems. He was currently residing in hotels and had yet to purchase property.
His first direct client was Eeth Forth, an unsually dapper Zabrak with the same penchant for fine, tailored suits. They also had some other things in common – their love of squash, expensive vacations and other luxuries available to businessmen of their status. But the one thing they didn’t have in common was their bloodlust to kill. Dorskit was a mild-mannered hermaphrodite Verpine with an encyclopedic knowledge of the law, and while Forte was a banker first and foremost, he still held onto the fierce warring nature of the Zabrak culture and rumors swirled that wherever Eeth Forte went, the dead bodies would soon follow. Dorskitt hadn’t seen anything to support these rumors but there were sentient species out there who may find his carahide quite tasty so he was slightly wary of Mr. Forte.
Banking laws were not Dorskit’s specialty, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t read up on, and while he trailed along behind Eeth Forte and his entourage, he busied himself with making sure Mr. Forte had the correct intergalactic bank license.