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Kal'Shebbol Dominion Planning - First TKO Dom

Just because I don't want the buzz around this to die just yet.....

Here is my best summary of ideas from the thread in Kira Vaal format and words... (mostly)

Objective 1: (The combat based one)
Recently the planet of Kal'Shebbol has found itself in a state of unrest. Any form of governing body that they held has fallen apart into small cells of resistance and exile. This collapse caused a significant pirate and slave fleet presence to take control of the population and planet, causing it to dissolve into a place of fear and suffering.

The Underground having established themselves within the Kathol Sector have heard the hushed pleas of the people on Kal'Shebbol and have decided that a strike force is in need to cripple the illegal slaving operations over the planet.

The order has been given to launch attacks against the pirate / slave fleet, breaking the blockade, and cripple this the pirate forces. Special attention to be giving to take out fleets "flag ship"

(Fleet battle, ship to ship and boarding action) (possible place for Kesh navy?)

Objective 2: (The Scout-y One)
Kal’Shebbol has been pitched as a key point to Underground Command, they wish a long range scanning base to be established on the planet so that any ship entering the sector can be picked up and assessed before decisive actions are made.

Underground intelligence have established that the Sorbiss Valley has held a secret location can fit their needs if they can locate it and refit it. However the area has been un-settled since the Gulag Plague and arial scans have found nothing to indicate the site.

A team of scouts has been commissioned to put boots on the ground and locate the site so that heavier equipment can be brought in and set up the base for the Underground’s needs.

(Ground combat, mystery and humanitarian part)

Objective 3: (The talk-y one)
On the surface of Kal’Shebbol the rumours around the recent slaver attacks have started to spread to the merchant dictatorship who have taken it upon themselves to spread the word that any person who aids them in revealing the truth will be handsomely rewarded.

After all the rumours are horrifying. Entire ships of slaves flown away to a far distant part of the rift where they are sold in exchange for millions of credits by a questionable buyer. Does this link to the events on Demonsgate? Is it possible that the whispers of the Qektoth aggression is linked to the Kal’Shebbol slaver ring? All these questions have interested the Underground Command as well, leading to them deploying several agents to attempt to uncover the truth.

(Spy, slicing, espionage, social and who done it, possible place for Kesh social tie in.)

Also it might not be a bad idea for each part to be lead by a faction admin or senior member (to help keep them on track)

Also can we make this DOM big enough to get the hex? (Kal'Shebbol, Kesh, Exocron)

[member="Bryce Bantam"] (and [member="Kira Vaal"] too) -

Few points.. The idea of leading by 'senior members' or Admins is out, unless the others overpower me.

One, that breeds conceptualization of elitism, especially when you go 'senior member'... Having it be the same people may happen, but it should NOT be formalize. A big no.

Two, there is enough work on behind the scenes. Expecting us, or specific members, to lead doms personally is not fair to you or us. It is our job to delegate, organize, and help conceptualize. Not push and drive and be the power force. That will increased burn out like nothing else, and help the Faction have a lesser shelf-life.

Thirdly, I'm not comfortable with a pretty much utter unknown to the group (Kesh) being a driving or leading force formally behind an objective. If it happens that way, so be it. But again, forcing it thus, or putting it in black and white, breeds that concept of elitism or favortism. Besides, the TKO/Underground is NOT an overt Government. It is NOT a huge standing army. It is also not something with big huge naval assets to call on even in a pinch. This is the raggedy edge of civilization. We operate in the shadows. Keshian royal navy floating in and pew-pewing it all defeats the purpose. Think less Republic, more Resistance.

Fourth... The combat objective against the slavers AND the talk objective on the same plot point seem very, very similar. I'd rather see them merged. Having separate thematics to the objectives is good, but having slicers embedded with the combat team to hack enemy ships and talk to prisoners or locals who assist can be a thing, and frees up a objective for other plot hooks. The more diverse/separate we make the plot points, the easier the dom will be to drive interest in.

I like the idea of Objective 2 being the former Imperial Palace or what not. We can keep it kind derelict looking, etc... Nice little clubhouse...

And for Objective 3, we can toss out the Shadowport/Hangar, to give pilots something to do, a more singular invesitgative dom. Make it so an experimental E-Wing is being developed there. We are to steal the plans and/or current models, and take over or sabotage the shipyard, or repair it, whatever.

We also want to make sure not to make the objectives too much NPC driven. We are in a bit of a spotlight, and others will want to come play when this goes live to test our mettle, both in how friendly and allowing we are (And how firm we stand when pushed with silliness) and just to gauge us for future opponents/threads. So we want to give room for PC opposition, and NPC. As it stands now, it's pretty exclusively a canned story with difficulty in Bad Guy PC coming in.

I'll try and get a list up of my ideas so we can see it more formally. I'm just wiped from the gym. These are great starts, and I like the enthusiasm, so lets keep it up.
[member="Ijaat Mereel"], Understood, that looks great. Sorry if I over stepped my bounds there, just wanted to kinda merge everyone in together but I see it seemed a little to pushy. I appologise if it offended anyone.
Bryce Bantam said:
(possible place for Kesh navy?)
Its like you already know my language.

Curious to see what you guys figure out though, it would be unlikely for the Keshiri navy to actually show up even with the recent threads of it's citizens being taken by the slavers on Kal'Shebbol. (Not that it would actually do much. Keeping in mind that the 'navy' is a rag tag collection of small ships that is more akin to a smuggler fleet.
[member="Bryce Bantam"] - I like the enthusiasm, don't think for a second I Don't. And don't for a second back off. That is what FA's and FO's are for, in my eyes. Direction and cohesion, and on occasion an idea out of left field to shake things up. You guys should be the raw idea machines more often than we. Makes the Faction a better place (please no on tell Shorn, he'll think I've gone mad)
[member="Solan Charr"]

Question is, would Kesh still feel threatened with the TKO moving in? I know you've done a ton of work on the planet, hence why I'm asking you. Or would they be viewed as a welcome sight in order to recover enslaved citizens...until, like crabby houseguests, find it gets old quick? Or would Kesh feel the need to rally a bit and see the benefits of some sort of a loose alliance?

Should be interesting to see either way.

*Ponders if he is a 'merchant dictatorship'...but doesn't use slaves/condone slavery...hmmmm*
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Kesh has been the target of failed after failed regime, some were better than others but in each case it was left with no one who cared about the region and rather enriching themselves and gaining power. My work on the planet or not, it is more important to the people of kesh to finally have safety and to finally have that group who cares more about their actual culture. That is why the joy of having the TKO and the GA in the area is beyond what a good situation can look like.

In short. Kesh itself wants to preserve its history while Solan wants to push it into the future while doing that. Solan has already voiced his support for the TKO and the GA (the latter to a degree, because of personal reasons) And bother will preserve Kesh's very culture and everything about it. So you can be sure that support Kesh gives to the TKO, is wholehearted and not some uneasy house guests.

I cant say what i said above is held by every living being, but based on the past and Kesh itself, i can be sure that what ive said is mostly true.

(Also, Solan aint the merchant dictator, Kal'Shebbol is :D)
[member="Judah Dashiell"]'

He could be, who knows.... that man is very curious. :D

As an bit to add on though to the ideas. For the first idea [member="Bryce Bantam"], the Slaver Flagship. Were you thinking of doing strike squads sneaking onto the ship as its resupplying or a stealth approach to it?


Well-Known Member
Well I am happy to join as either Sabine capturing slaves, and deciding it time to go, or as elaine thul in what ever you think will fit.

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