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Kal'Shebbol Dominion Planning - First TKO Dom

[member="sabrina"] - It would be very, very unwise to bring a slaver, as said elsewhere. And likely derail the thread when an Aing-Tii fleet drops on your slaver and captures her without a sweat broken. Elaine is likely your best bet.


Well-Known Member
[member="Glavo Pahro"] I am, known for many things, wisdom is not one of them.
Though if you're unhappy with ic enemy I am happy to use Elaine
[member="sabrina"] - Being nice and indirect isn't working... Here is direct:

You do as you wish. This is, after all, a story-centric and member driven place. I'm just saying, you bring a slaver, and it gets discovered (and it probably will) then there will be an Aing-Tii fleet brought down on your head. A whole fleet of massively powerful, rabidly fanatical Anti-Slavers with weapons and powers most can barely comprehend. Let alone combat or counter, and further removed do so successfully.

That situation happening ends in two ways unless you handwave or ignore- Death or Capture of the character. And it probably derails and disrupts the entire thread.. I don't want Death, Capturing, or derailment to happen.

I am telling you this not to threaten you, but to save us all some headache and bad times. I am not telling you who to bring. I am telling you if you bring this slaver character, its going to go a way I know I wouldn't want it to go for my character, and a way you have nearly literally no way out of.

I am not unhappy with an IC enemy. And this is not me making any sort of 'Admin' decision or warning. Or anything. I'm just telling you as a fellow writer, it won't end well in this setting, and persistence and insistence to force that situation is borderline rude to the others who might write in this, because it will derail their experience, all for a story that won't really end how you want it to most likely. Unless you want Sabrina to die or be taken captive by the Aing-Tii and never broken free.
Given the underground nature of the Outback. I would like to suggest something that leans more heavily into what I'd like to call the Leeory Jenkins story. You see, it could very well be that the Outback is trying to figure out what-do things on Kal. Suddenly one of their just decides to go all Leeory Jenkins and heads straight into Kal.

Leaving the rest of us to go... did they just, did they just run in there? ALONE?

And running in after them. I feel like because we're never going to have a solid anything, like hi we're a rag-tag group of folks who probably have enough assets to keep them afloat. So we're going after assets, because hi we're the underground and we also need resources.

We may while we're on Kal, run into an NPC group, maybe. I'm sorta snowballing it, and it turns into us liberating people. Because we're only here for the loot and to save our Leeory who ever they might be. This quickly goes sideways as you do, because once more planning may not have been our strongest suite ever but yo we will survive this! This turns into one of those things where we're like how are we gonna get out of this, and realize well if we settle down and throw our roots here we can help the people.

maybe they're being affected by an ailment that requires our good doctors. idk.

I'm just snowballing things around because I really like the idea of not being very organized and just kinda being the Leeory Jenkins guild of things. That's just me though!
[member="Ria Misrani"] - I worked hard on the other things, but your idea is a great basis hook. I'd still like to keep the Shipyard/E-Wing idea in there so we can have a signature fighter to give out to our folks. And so some can build maybe a good solid YT style tramp freighter for use in the Outback. I'd actually not mind giving you a go at running the dom (we are member driven after-all) if you want to.
[member="Julius Sedaire"] See I like that though, the Shipyard stuff that's where it could start though and no I am a terrible patrician. I'll stick to being a pleb, boss. I also apologize for my tl;dr off the cuff response.

And the consensus from this thread is that we're all for the Shipyard thing, so that's probably gonna stick around as an objective. I still like the idea of doing a sneaky objective though, and then someone just completely failing their stealth / bluff checks and then it just sorta goes, well fething abyss here we go!

I just imagine all of us having an idea / plan of what we're doing when we get there and then whatever that was ICly just goes out the window because, Leeroy.

Edited: To include a more constructive idea.

  1. Ships & Guns - It's not a secret that the Runners from the Underground are usually broke, and therefore constantly hitting places up for things like guns and ships. With the state of unrest that Kal'Shebbol seems to be in the Underground decide to hit. After that little shindig out in Terminus what could go wrong? They're experts! But, things go wrong, things go terribly, terribly wrong. Somehow a team gets locked up but silly, silly opposition never stick kids in a jailed cell. Either through lockpicking, persuasion or some other option the team breaks out and a slicer gets their hands on palace schematics.
  2. Above Ground - The kids who don't do so well with sneaking in decide to go for the up front in your face, we're here nonsense. Only hey guess what the other guys have big ships, kark. Thankfully the kids in their fighters are a bunch of trolls who do a good job of distracting people and manage to slip away - accidently finding a shadow port / hangar where they find a group of rebels who have been trying to seize control of the palace away from the Imperial types.
  3. Breakout - After meeting up the two groups share their intel and come up with a plan to take the palace, once they come up with their brilliant scheme the Underground kids move out doing their best not to split the party. Never split the party, they split the party and they now work to find each other and try to overthrow those in the palace. Somehow the rebels link up with the underground kids who have been busy playing minesweeper with guards and various Imperial bruiser types. Which they weren't doing so great at until the rebels showed up.
  4. The Rallying Point - Someone finally manages communications to the other group and all three decide to meet in the throne room where the last remnants of opposition remain. The Underground's Runners assist in establishing the rebel group as the new leaders of Kal'Shebbol. In their gratitude, the rebels who are now the new governors and politicians of the planet allow the Runners use of the shadow port / hangar.

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