Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Keziah Denko

Name: Keziah Denko
Force Rank: Apprentice
Force Alignment: Neutral
Species: Near-Human
Races: Human, Kraljica, Zeltron
Age: 18
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Skin Pigmentation: Pale
Force Sensitive: Yes
Voice Sample: Emma Stone


+ Positive Outlook : Due to her believe in a higher power she has a positive cheerful outlook on life and knows that things can always get better. She has deep faith.

+Discipline : Keziah has learned that you do as your told or else.

-timid: She is shy when one first meets her.

-Native : Keziah has never left her home planet of Nar Shaddaa and as such has no idea about what is out there in the galaxy.



Keziah was born during the rough period in her parents marriage. She was an unwanted surprise and was treated as such. The young one spent many days hiding from her father whom was very abusive to her and her brothers. As a child most of her days were spent in the cupboard hiding from the wrath of her parents. She lived in fear for most of her childhood until one day her father pulled himself together and stopped drinking. The damage was done already and in honesty she didn't want to be around her father anymore but sucked it up for the sake of the family. It seemed they all had moved on but she hadn't. In order to keep herself in check and from going crazy the young girl turned to faith for guidance and how to live her life. She learned to forgive her father but never forgot all he had done to her.

Even though she was the baby of the family she would sneak into the trainings her father would give her brothers. She wanted to learn too even if she was a girl. Her mother taught her how to cook and clean and act properly. Just as everything seemed to be going alright tragedy struck when her mother died and than her father. The family was broken at that point as her brothers had left. The young girl was left alone to find her own way.

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