Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Killing Time (Open)

The Sith watched on in curiosity as [member="Ryder Zeshatt"] began to raise his hand. No part of him wanted to interfere. After all, he wanted to see what was going to happen next. Ryder was still conscious after that brief torment, all the bullets that had peppered his body. And that gaze the man had, the burning.. Hate. Behind the Epicanthix's mask he couldn't help but smile. Had he, still a fresh from the academy Acolyte of the Sith, found himself a potential apprentice?

At least, that was his thoughts at first. But the Force was ever present around them, twisting and turning to the will of those with the strength to command it. And suddenly it warned the Epicanthix of danger. Of death. For a moment fear flashed in his mind and he instinctively pulled away. A crack resounded through their silent exchange. While Zeshatt seemed to falter at the last moment, the force felt his call.

And the mask atop Dubiety's face fell.

Surprised blue eyes stared at the man as the mask shattered and fell away. Black hair rolled down his back. A simple grin took over the features of the man. "My my, a diamond in the rough." Behind him [member="The Prowler"] finished his ritual as the dark swelled, and a new monster was born. Kahlil Zambrano looked over his shoulder to his ally. "And a monster who cannot die. I've been rather lucky in my search." As the red lightning swelled the Epicanthix prince stood and held out a single hand. Like a lightning rod he summoned that energy to himself, and he absorbed it as raw energy. He couldn't let this man die yet.

He turned his head back down to Zeshatt, his form sparking with the red energy he had made his own. "I apologize, but I'm not sure how much is needed to render you unconscious. So, we'll have to go at increments won't we?" Kahlil raised a hand up for his diamond, a single gloved finger pointed, and a blue arc of lightning soared.
The fortunate thing about the undead was they were directed by a power beyond themselves, and what they couldn't notice, they would not respond to. In this, his Anzati physiology was an advantage. He had no pulse. No body heat. Not even any discernible breath unless he chose to do so on purpose. For all intents and purposes, he was a walking undead. Indeed, it had been his kind that spawned the legends of countless worlds. Undead creatures that came to suck out their victim's blood, superhuman. It was a legacy that he had long ago turned his back on.

And while the zombies went on their rampage, Tiland pressed forward, slipping through their ranks as invisible as a wind. He could hear gunshots and the whirr of sirens. The town was no fool. Already, fire suppression droids had been deployed, and buzzed above the town, laying down flame suppressant foam, and using the water cannons to push back the dead.

Yet in an instant, the bodies crumpled to ash and dust. The Dark surged ahead and Tiland hurried forward, just in time to catch a glimpse of red lightning hurtling from one's form and a hand outstretched to choke. He rolled his shoulders and stepped forward.

"Enough!" His deep voice thundered across the sounds of the conflict as a beam of pure light extended from his hands. Force Light. The ultimate manifestation of the Light Side.

It sheared through the Darkness around them, severing the Dark from its connection to the world. Tiland continued to press forward. The blaze focused on the one in the center, the one responsible, and he would find it worse even than the feeling of the Dark Side. For as he had become one with the Dark Side, now that very Light would strip it from him, burning away everything of the Dark until nothing left remained.

Indeed, nothing was left alive in the vicinity except themselves and the refugees that fled, so Tiland continued to send the Light streaming from his hands and rolling forward, cleansing it of the great Darkness that sought to consume it.

[member="Lark"] [member="The Prowler"] [member="Dubiety"] [member="Ryder Zeshatt"] [member="Priscilla Utorna"]
The Prowler watched as his allies leapt into action. [member="Dubiety"] absorbed the prowler's lightning, much to his disdain, then attempted to rend the Gen'dai-Human unconscious with burst of lightning. Probably so that he may experiment on the creature himself. The Prowler knew the man to be a scholar and so a peculiarity such as a Human-Gen'dai half breed would most certainly peek his interest. But this was neither the time nor place for his studies, unless he had something else in mind... The sorcerer was often knit picking where he did not belong, but Prowler would let him live... For now.

He turned to address the Chiss, but saw that [member="Lark"] was now leaping into action to deal with her himself. His red hair trailed from hismelf as he fell from the roof top. Whilst descending he drew sword and it glinted brightly in the moon light. Free hand extended, his moonlit form sent a torrent of lightning towards the Chiss woman as he fell from the skies. The Prowler ceased attempting to choke the life from her as he knew his friend more then capable of dealing with a mere bounty hunter. For true, it would seem both our would be hero's to be doomed...

But, it wasn't long before an even greater foe reared his head. This one was rank with the lightside, pure of heart and soul... Both of which the Prowler had neither. He'd relish in breaking this man. He drew his blade from the ground with a single hand and prepared to face down the new opponent. The Jedi's shout could be heard throughout the graveyard that had become a small battlefield. A call to challenge if ever the Prowler heard one. He answered with his own mad laughter. The Prowler felt the force surge in the ancient Jedi and knew he was preparing to do something drastic. He would not let him succeed.

The Prowler's gave a wolfish grin to the Jedi as he neared. He swung his sword so that it became an extension of his outstretched arm then taking a step forward he stomped the earth with all his might. Enhanced by rage, fueled with pain, pebbles were turned to dust beneath his boot and the earth around it caved inwards sending forth a rolling wave of rock towards the Jedi. Then the Jedi's light flew forward, Prowler extended his free hand towards the Jedi and raised it high to the sky. A physical shield of rock and earth would block the ray of light as it found nothing but a literal wall. Then the Prowler spun his hind leg round so as to kick a large chunk of the sun baked wall towards his opponent.

[member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Priscilla Utorna"]
[member="Ryder Zeshatt"]
The hunter - now blinded by the smoke of the lightning - failed to recognize the downpour of fire she accidentally had laid into her ally, and simply the bullets never ceased; hoping that the metal thuds digging into the possessed man would somehow make him fall. Streaks of crimson and blue lightning passed her gaze, seemingly coming from two different directions, yet her hand never left its trigger. But then among the clinking of bullets as they plodded onto the pavement and the cracks of thunder, she picked up another sound. It was... isolated compared to the rest. Swiftly, her head snapped to the right, and the gun stopped firing.

She squinted slightly and then saw another spark of lightning begin to form, and within a millisecond it came soaring towards her. Usually, her reaction times would have been enough to avoid a point blank attack, but the sheer velocity and size of the streak thudded into her left shoulder, electrocuting her for a few seconds as she tried desperately to fight its grasp. The force of the attack ending caused her to thud into the concrete, and as she peered down she saw the body suit had been burned slightly at its shoulder, exposing her amethyst coloured skin. Audibly, it seemed this was the first time she put any sort of emotion into a small grunt, before muttering to herself. "Quelling the forces of hell certainly wasn't within my contract..." sighing and hastily returning to her feet, aiming on the new adversary, [member="Lark"] this time. The sensation of a loss of breath briefly stifled her assault, but the Jedi whom had contacted her later at least bought her enough time to recover from the pain and regain her posture.

But after a mere 5 bullets inaccurately aimed at the man, the gun began to click. This one was out of ammo too. Reaching for a small utility pouch on her waist, the magazine found itself rolling on the ground and replaced. Strangely, the woman looked unimpressed at the drawn blade, and was now aware enough to spot the remaining crackles of lightning that were making their way towards her. "Such a nice sword," aiming her gun towards an adjacent building, "a pity you won't get to use it." a chord of rope then shot out of the gun, moments later beginning to propel her towards the targeted destination.

Truthfully speaking she was more than happy to attempt to engage in melee combat, but the friendly fire incident earlier made her doubt anymore close quarter encounters, and the simple intensity of the lux spewing from the Jedi's being was too great for her to process the skirmish properly. As she began her ascent, the woman's brow furrowed as she gazed on the scene with confusion, not quite sure who was a friendly or foe anymore.

[member="Lark"] I [member="The Prowler"] I [member="Tiland Kortun"] I [member="Ryder Zeshatt"] I [member="Dubiety"]
Ryder's violetblue gaze was focused upon the facial features of the Epicanthix that were now revealed to him. Whilst his hearing was still distorted, to a point where he couldn't really understand what someone was saying, his vision was still clear enough to understand what that grin meant. It was a grin that made Ryder's eyes travel from the top of the male's face and down to the chin, remembering every single detail. He wasn't going to forget the face of the man who was going to put him through more of this pain. He wouldn't allow himself to ever forget.

If he forgets, he can't return the favor in the future.

Engraving the face of Dubeiety in his mind took up most of the mental energy he had left, which caused him to process very little in the next few minutes to come. He could see the motions of his lips as the Epicanthix spoke, but he couldn't interpret what was being said in the slightest. Ryder's eyes stalked the movement of the man, looking at the Prowler in the space between Dubiety's arm and torso. He could see the red lightning surging around of him, followed by it being sent towards the two in a blinding surge. Ryder, being completely unaware of how these phenomenons were being done, was watching in utter confusion as the lightning was absorbed and converted, as if it his body was one with the lightning. It was terrifying for someone blissfully unaware of the Force. Maybe it wouldn't have if his first time witnessing these phenomenons were done by a practicioner of the Light Side, but that was simply not the case. He was watching the side of the Force that was meant to invoke fear, anger and pain, and it had so far managed to do so.

His eyes noted the red transforming to blue on the tip of Dubiety's finger, and he was then enveloped in the Sith Lightning once more. The pain just as intense as the last one, the only saving grace was the fact that his mind was already encumbered by previous emotions and the damage that had already been done to his body. All he could do was endure as his palms slipped on the cobbled surface and his body sprawled along the ground from the electricity surging through his body. He couldn't percieve the area around him, as if he had suddenly been sucked into the void, the only thing he could feel was his own body jolting about, and the Sith looming over him, being the source of his agony.

The emotions were causing the Force to slowly build up around of him again, although at a far lesser rate than the stunt he pulled earlier. The anger that seeped through his body allowed him to endure for the sake of, hopefully, inflicting pain on Dubiety once it's all over. The fear that enveloped him allowed him to endure for the sake of overcoming it, because he couldn't let himself be afraid of the man he wants to kill. The pain that swelled in the very core of his body allowed him to endure, because he knew he'd feel it again. The only option was to be accustomed to it, so that it won't hinder him.

The last thought that entered the mind of Ryder was; I have to get used to this, or this will repeat itself until I die. I can't die like this.

His body eventually lost its will to resist, entering a state of unconsciousness, being at the Sith's mercy.

[member=Dubiety] | [member=The Prowler] | [member=Priscilla Utorna] | [member=Lark] | [member=Tiland Kortun]
"That's better." Dubiety let out a deep sigh once [member="Ryder Zeshatt"] finally fell unconscious. The Epicanthix had been worried that this conundrum of a man would die before he passed out, but thankfully such a reality didn't come to fruition. And so, Kahlil lowered his arm, letting the stream of lightning die out. Behind him the battle of dark and light began between [member="The Prowler"] and.. A Jedi master by the looks of it. Blue eyes settled on [member="Tiland Kortun"] for a moment, squinting in the light before the earth itself seemed to try and absorb him.

"Well, hopefully he doesn't die. For now, you and I have some business to attend to. So rest up." With a rather large amount of effort the lanky yet large figure pulled the unconscious man over his shoulder, leaving his allies to deal with the resistance they had found. Uninpeded, he would head to his own ship and leave the world with his prize.
The Mother of All Psy-Pires
Arrived in: Castle Morpheus (

Wearing: Obsidian Strike Armor (

Armed with: Million Handed Collosus (

Akaagai (

Czerka Fighting Knife (

Obsidian Lightsaber.

Supported by: Castle Morpheus Knights (

Meier (

Magnus (



If there was one thing Nine Lives could be said to hate with the intensity of a mad beast, with the sole exception of Darth Shojo, it was both those things.

One of her newly made children had signalled a desperate distress call, said her town was being consumed by such creatures. Since coming out of her manic state, in which she had acted like a paranoid moron for months, Nine had immediately thought to reassert herself in terms of her ability to project menace to others. Making the decision to come here had been easy...she loved butchering such creatures because it helped to take her mind off what she herself was.

In her normal state, Nine had never fully accepted her vampirism. She had come to terms with the fact she would never be rid of the disease, which her particular strain granted her a strange set of advantages, but she had never fully accepted being made one against her will in the first place.

And when sensors on the ship showed the Arch-Psy-Pire what was going on, the sheer carnage of what was taking place...she had immediately scrambled her warriors, left Bobbi on the bridge and had suited up in her armor, stained with the blood of the Harch she had slaughtered on the orders of [member="Darth Metus"], grabbed the weapons she felt appropriate for the situation and was heading down to the surface with a compliment of her beloved knights as well as both of her artificial daughter, The mobile Castle, shaped almost like giant, gothic version of The Tantive IV, descended into the atmosphere of the planet, purple arcs of electricity dancing on the bottom of its somewhat violet sheened hull as it descended over the burning city, looming like a terrifying gigantic floating corpse as its Morpheus Projectors turned on.

Immediately everyone below bearing witness to the spectacle of this floating vessel above their city would have noticed every light within dimming (save for @Tilund Kortun 's Force Light, which was supernatural in nature and thus not subject to the effects of the purely mechanical projectors), even that of the fires. Sound would seem to dampen to almost nothing, to the point one would have to strain to hear themselves shouting.

Her travel ships departed from the Castle, piloted by her artificial "daughters", their enhanced vision modes allowing them to pilot through the enforced darkness of the Castle above. It wouldn't last long. They would have to take advantage of the confusion, kill as many of the undead as possible and evacuate whoever was still breathing back to the ship.

Her knights were happy, eager to go into battle with their 'Mother' as the Saotome Envoy landed close to the heart of the city on an abandoned docking pad.

"We're here, Mom!" Meier chirped happily, though she could not really be heard due to the projectors overhead being active, the commando droid covered in a specialized ooglith masquer that made her appear as a beautiful woman wearing a black catsuit. Everyone knew Nine's standing orders: Get as many survivors as you can aboard. Kill anyone who tries to stop you, screen for vampirism. The rest were to guard the ships for departure, making sure the undead could not overwhelm them. The knights had brought a full compliments of sniper rifles, submachine guns and assault blasters to aid in this task, with plenty of ammo to spare as Nine instructed, fingers and head twitching unnaturally as she drew her weapons, seeking battle as soon as she departed the pad, sending the transmission signal to the Castle A.I. to cease the effects of the projectors, which were mainly for the purpose of psychological warfare, as opposed to being an actual weapon. The night instantly brightened and she found herself facing a hoard of the undead, brutally slaughtering the innocent...

(Character Theme Song Powerup)

Theme: "A View To A Kill" by Duran Duran

Nine began brutally hacking her way through the dead crowds, her sword and war hatchet cleaving through anything that looked dead already anyone that attacked her, the violent battle madness taught by her human family seizing the ancient, thought eating vampire as she murdered her way to the nearest source of darkness, telling any civilians she spotted to run to her ships and spread the word.

Finally after cutting and stabbing her way through hoardes of undead she spotted [member="Lark"] battling [member="Priscilla Utorna"] locked in battle with one another, the Sith Sword of Lark radiating the most intense darkness she had felt in months...and an equally horrendous evil from [member="The Prowler"], battling a Jedi.

Nine had a decision to make. On one hand, That hideous darkness from the one battling the Jedi made him a high priority target, on the other, that Bounty hunter was having a tough time...

Nine decided to go after the one battling the Jedi, even though the Force light made her nauseated and weakened her. But fortunately it was being blocked by the Rocks the strange...thing...was lifting to block the rays.

But such a thing takes effort, and Nine took advantage, releasing a discharge of lightning like purple psychic bolts that might have a chance of momentarily stunning and paralyzing him somewhat giving that Jedi a possible opening to attack, her sword aiming to try and decapitate The Prowler even if he dodged her psychic energy.


[member="Ryder Zeshatt"]
The Prowler was surprised when a large ship arrived to evacuate what remained of the town. It was firing some sort of dampening ray, which suppressed even the sound around them, the very light seemed to dim too nil, but it had little effect on the dead or even the Prowler's ownself. He thought at first perhaps it was trying to send the town's citizens into a greater panic. However when the ship's occupants began firing on the dead with brutal discrimination, Prowler knew they were not here to help. Truth be told he wanted more to come. He wanted the entire planet to rush to the town's aid, if it only met he may consume them all in his undead maw. If it only meant he might burn them all in his inferno.

So, he smiled to himself and stopped kicking rocks at the jedi. Grabbing hilt he swung sword towards the wall in front of him, sending the entire thing and a great wind crashing towards the Jedi. With the sword's wind came another wave of the dead. Broken arms and decaying hands reached out of their eternal resting place. Scores of them came tumbling out of their graves to seek the living. Then without waiting on the Jedi's response he pointed sword to the ship. Scores of the dead ran up roof tops and jumped at the vessel, decrepit hands clawing at whatever grip they may find purchase, most missed. But, as the ship landed the undead would scramble to find the ship once more. With their knew vessel the Prowler had great plans for he and his army... If only they could take it.

He stopped as another signature flared in the force, but unlike the others, their vitals spoke of little else.

Neither pulse nor blood ran through their body. It was most curious that one such as himself would attack their own kind. As she landed the figure reminded him of a graceful wraith. Armored robes seemed to stream behind her as she fell from the heavens giving her the appearance of wings. Her frame was illuminated by the moon which even gave herself a halo as the light glinted off something atop her head. She began hacking away at the dead indiscriminately, trailing blood like petals behind her flowing form. For some reason the sight made the Prowler want to kill her most of all. Hand curlinng into a claw, he growled deeply as she approached. He pointed the sword to her and every undead within the area froze for a moment. Then as he spoke it was with the hatred of not one, but every spirit under his control,

"KILL.... HER...!" The undead roared with him, a tulmutous cry that echoed the lamentation of every single one of their own persons "GRAAAAGHHH!!!"

The horde turned focus and charged. But, they were not fast enough, she let loose a bolt of lightning that wracked the Prowler for a moment, but soon the undead would block even that from effecting him. He embraced the glorious pain, but even so he could not stop his body from reacting. It writhed under the strike leaving the Jedi an opportune moment...

[member="Nine Lives"]
[member="Priscilla Utorna"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]
The Mother of All Psy-Pires
The first waves had been simple to deal with, but as the survivors pulled into the crafts, being screened for vampires by the knights and Magnus's thermal vision, the wait time to transport survivors safely had taken their toll, and Bobbi had made the call to lower the great castle even more putting it in range of the mad undead, who scrambled and horrifyingly began to literally pile on each other as the massive mobile Castle lowered the knights still on board were forced to open fire ruthlessly to keep the undead off the hull of the ship, the landing struts extending for the rare incident of actually landing, causing survivors to make a mad scramble for the ship's now open hangar, and only the knights experience at identifying the undead Nine so hated allowed them to discern panicked survivor from infected trying a half hearted attempt to blend in, forcing the knights already on the ground to relocate closer to it to ferry the survivors to safety, along with Nine's "daughters"

Magnus, whose masquer "skin" disguised her as a pale, athletic woman with red hair and a black combat suit, had piloted her own ship to serve as a barracade in the middle of a large road fired at the undead with her arm mounted scavenged B2 battle droid blaster cannons, set to rapid fire. Meier engaged with two pistols, her targeting systems allowing her to independently hit undead in the head with her pistols switching directions rapidly. The knights on the ground were balletic with their straight, single edged vibroswords, dancing flipping, and cleaving around and through the undead. Magnus and Meier turned in a circle atop the crafts, their bolts hitting undead in a three-sixty pattern as the undead that tried to swarm them.

Magnus's vibroswords popped out of her arms and slashed viciously through the hoardes, shooting them when close range wasn't practical, her built in vibroweapons tearing through foes like tissue, drenching her in undead blood. As more survivors poured in through the hangar, the knights desperately keeping the undead away from the innocent, it became apparant that they would soon be overwhelmed, and would not be able to get everyone aboard. The Castle was their main base of operations. They absolutely could not afford to allow it to be taken by the enemy.

Bobbi, first among Nine's knights gave the order to the knights still aboard Castle Morpheus to raise the ship up. Just as well. The five hundred strong Knights were barely keeping the ravenous undead out of the ship and away from its hangar while survivors fled into its recesses. They could load as many others as they could onto the ships Nine's daughters had flown down on.

The Castle began to rise, the knights fanatically forming a defensive line around crowds of panicking women and children as they viciously sliced through the hoardes trying to murder them all, some of the knights still shooting undead off that managed to reach the hull of the Castle, other knights reinforcing the position of the daughters atop their transport, close to being overwhelmed, every knight drenched in undead flesh pieces and undead blood as they retreated, buying time for the surviors. Bobbi took out his bull pup submachine guns and went akimbo, saving Meier from being swarmed, as bullets tore through her foes. Magnus a relentless red headed whirlwind of butchery, legs and arms making contact with the enemy constantly, until blaster shots from other knights and even some civilians shot the undead off the top of the craft. Driving the hoard back for a moment and allowing the survivors precious moments to scramble aboard the ship the daughters quickly heading in and taking in who they could, while the knights on the ground some of whom were already dead, torn apart by the hoard formed a final desperate defensive barrier as the undead came charging, the Castle now once again too high in the sky to be caught by the undead or boarded by them, their submachine guns and assault blasters threatening to run empty as they guarded the two frieghter sized ships now laden with survivors against a rushing sea of undead, pulling their swords out when they ran empty, screaming fanatical war cries as they sliced through the living dead...

(Starship Troopers Theme plays)

Bobbi was the most relentless of the surviving knights, jumping and slashing like a spinning top covered in gore, shearing flesh and limb from the torso, watching out of the corner of his eye and seeing some of his brother and sisters die as their strength and stamina at last failed them. He still had a full clip in his remaining smg but as the knight chopped and hacked the undead to pieces he knew he was close to running on empty himself.

He yelled as part of his chest armor was torn open, and he decapitated the one who had done it as the first ship, Meier's at last lifted off. Survivors were still filing aboard Magnus's Saotome freighter, and Bobbi knew in that instant he was a dead man. To get as many as possible to safety, it was necessary he and the now fifteen survivors remain on the ground to push the hoard back as long as possible.

As Bobbi gutted five more undead, one of his brothers collapsed, firing her pistol, her guts torn out. Dying, she tossed him her thermal detonator.

"Damn them...damn them hell..." she coughed before falling dead.

"I'm sorry...we can't take any more!" Magnus yelled, at last closing the hatch, even as survivors desperately banged on the hull, the surving knights down to ten as the ship finally lifted off.

Bobbi wasn't giving up. He shouted at the remaining survivors to retreat down a street that had not been flanked by the undead yet. The knights were sworn to defend those they were asked to defend to the end.

The surviving knights, now six against a sea, made a weak barricade for that one empty street and charged at the dead. The survivors, twenty and all, still ran for their lives, Bobbi taking a vibrosword from his fallen brothers on the ground and spinning them through the undead at all angels, heart breaking a little more as he saw each surviving knight be cut down and torn apart, until only he was left defending the survivors retreat, slicing maniacally into the crowds that tried to overwhelm him, some simply trying to run past him but Bobbi cut them off, slicing and hacking with abandon, the battle madness that had been part of the ancient Clan Li-Ves that both he and his "Mother" Nine had been part of seizing him as the street became a puddle of gore. Eventually the undead began to surround and attack from all sides, his armor being torn away more and more as he fought, acquiring severe cuts, bites, and bruises, but refusing to go down, screaming out of sheer hate and bloodlust for the undead as his twin swords continued to slice through bone and skin, the ground threatening to become slippery from the gore as he retreated, every second he stood allowing the survivors behind him a few more meters with every desperate second they sprinted. He did not know if they would survive...likely, they would be found and torn apart some other way. But it was his duty.

He didn't stop fighting, even when both swords were knocked from his hands. He used his fists and legs, breaking jaws and snapping necks. He didn't stop fighting, even when he had already triggered the timer on the thermal detonator and was seconds from vaporization. He didn't stop fighting when he was finally knocked to the ground, kicking dead bodies off even as other undead sank teeth into his flesh, his fists now worn to the bone from the punching. He didn't stop fighting even when he saw both ships in the air, out of reach of the undead, along with the massive mobile Castle that had been his home for decades, bleeding out and concussed, as the undead covered him completely.

Bobbi, like Nine, was from a clan that had once been one of the most feared on Atrisia for their brutality and fanatical, seething desire to kill as many of their enemies as possible. Dying fighting had once been considered the only proper, fitting death for a member of his clan, preferably with piles of their enemies around them just as dead.

Bobbi had a smile, still punching the corpses, even as his innards were torn out, knowing he had made his ancestors proud, his fingers still gouging out undead eyes as the world went white, the detonator at last going off...


He looks pissed Nine thought.

"KILL.... HER...!" [member="The Prowler"] shouted.

Yeeeeaaah, he's pissed. Go figure she mused as she began hacking and slashing once more, though she was pleased to see her psychic bolts had struck him before his hoards tried to overwhelm her. She called on Force Speed, the world slowing down as she cut into the dead, tomahawk and katana turning everything around her to chum as she ducked too slow swipes from her perspective, axe bashing through skull and katana effortlessly cutting thorough limb and torso.

A whisper in the Force and a distant boom delivered a message that broke Nine's heart.

Bobbi was dead. Her favorite and first knight was dead. Died doing his duty.

Nine looked at this man who'd just murdered the first person she had ever turned into a Psy-Pire...literally the first of the baseline species...and something snapped in her as she tore through the hoard.

A gutteral, inhuman scream, like that of a rancor, tore out of Nine's throat as she hacked, a dark, scorching, utterly feral hate she had never experienced for anyone...not even for the one who had turned her into this thought and emotion eating monstrosity seized her where this Prowler was concerned.

And that rage at the death of her first "child" made Nine break the one taboo she had never thought she would truly have to.

Since becoming a Psychic Vampire, Nine had felt herself unworthy of being a Jedi, and had refused to use a lightsaber. She had only taken her Knight Obsidian Lightsaber as a status symbol, having had no intention of actually fighting with it, being that confident in her Katana skills.

But now, as the seven foot vampire loomed ever closer to the wounded Prowler, forcing the undead back a moment, Bobbi's death made her stop caring about that hangup entirely. She sheathed her axe, gripping the lightsaber, sheathing her sword...

(Mick Gordon Doom Soundtrack Plays)

Its dark blue blade hissed out of the hilt and Nine slipped back so easily into her Makashi/Niman hybrid style it was as if she had never abandoned it to start with. Combined with her honed skill at traditional swordfighting and a now-near psychotic fury at her foe, Nine began to cut through the undead with a savage grace, the plasma blade eating through this useless garbage he feebily tossed her way as she hacked away screaming in tongues, nearly frothing at the mouth under her mask as she cut her way ever closer to him one handed her force speed making her a dark blur split by fans of dark blue plasma tearing into his minions, inexorable. Unstoppable. No zombie would fell this creature of the knight, not when the one responsible for killing some of her children lay in sight. He would die, slowly and agonizingly, for his transgressions. She would impale him on a spike. She would strip the flesh from his body, piece by piece, and make him eat himself to death. That Jedi had better either help or stay out of the way

The Mother of All Psy-Pires cut her way to her revenge with the cold determination of a hurricane about to strike a coast...


[member="Priscilla Utorna"]


[member="Tiland Kortun"]

[member="Ryder Zeshatt"]
[member="The Prowler"] [member="Nine Lives"] [member="Ryder Zeshatt"] [member="Dubiety"] @Lark

The world around them darkened as the new ship arrived, opening fire against the undead. Tiland merely nodded, sending the Light closer and closer to the Dark presence, but it did not go unnoticed. A telekinetic wall of rocks and limbs hurled themselves towards him. The Light extinguished from his hands, plunging the area into darkness. A Force barrier flickered to life as the projectiles hammered against it before plunging to the ground. They thudded to the ground as the lightning caught the enemy by surprise and another one pressed the attack.

As the undead commander turned to recoil from the attack, Tiland hurtled forward, running through the wreckage, with a burst of speed from the Force, and his own physiology. His feet bounced lightly across the ground as he came in close.

The staff in his hand swung low across the ground, targeting the man's feet, while his spare hand burst with Force Light, shooting directly towards the enemy, accompanied by a powerful palm strike towards the chest.

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