Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kindred Spirits (Kezeroth)


Genetic Perfection
I had him. At least for now. The fact I was able to cover his eyes while holding on like a rodeo on a bantha was enough, but now that I at least out smarted him I knew I could have an advantage that would help me win. But then again, maybe I'd spoken too soon. The next thing I knew I felt something gripping around my throat. It felt like a hand was in my neck and choking the life from it. I couldn't tell where it was coming from, only that I was gasping for dear life while trying to find the source.

I grasped my neck and fell back on the ground, dropping everything and holding my heck to try and free it from whatver was holding it. By then I'd seen Keze's hand and realized it was him somehow. Then it hit me. The Force. He was making it do this to me. I'd never seen a skill like that done before. All I'd ever seen was the force used to lift things. But now I realized too late there was far more to it that realized.

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Ripping the shredded cloak from his head Kezeroth snickered and looked down at [member="Fenri"]. He wanted her to experience pain and did not release her till she was on the verge of fainting. Though this was not a method that was done on him since Gen'Dai did not process lungs, He still felt it would be effective for a experience to remember back on. " You can grip at your throat all day, it will not stop." he said crossing his arms. " You are sloppy you have much to work on, I expect you to train your body every day.." he smiled

" Force users call it Choke, semi-advanced form of Force grip. You used Force grip to hold the beam and move it around force choke is no different, Add pressure and you have it. Takes focus and accuracy with the Darkside of the Force." He added and looked up toward the high levels which could barely be seen i the thick fog. Kezeroth then turned around and looked at the metal door that was the 'Pits' Entrance. He pondered some and sparked a Idea to better condition her body but it would serve at another time.



Genetic Perfection
Even when he wa free he still didn't break me free from this force choke as he called it. I squirmed and rithed as I tried to stop him, to no real avail. I wanted to try and use the force but my thoughts were too clouded with the fact I was choking to death. I could feel everything starting to go dark at this point, and finally with a last great gasp he'd let me go. I chokced and coughed, trying to catch my breath. It felt like the wind was nealry all gone from my lungs and body. I felt my eyes flushed like the rest of my face. I turned on my front, holding myself up with my hands and knees, while feeling my neck for any marks or the like. Even as he kept talking about it I was too busy trying to recover myself before finally looking to Keze. I was more anrgy at him right now for nealry killing me just to prove a point, no matter if it was training or not.

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Believe it or not The sun was rising in the upper levels and for what Kezeroth had in mind he knew the girl would need enough rest to think, IF she could rest in the Undercity that is. Sleepling with all the background noises would prove quite hard, Kezeroth found meditation best for him. " Discomfort is your Ally.." he stated once more and sat down in a Meditative stance again. " Your Anger, your hate let it sustain you.. Accept those feelings and live them out do not push them aside.." Closing his eyes he then said " Good Luck finding Rest, Tomarrow I will test your body and Mind..Go and prepare yourself, Fenri." He Holstered his Sithsword on his back and began to meditate.

They both would need it if was to train her effectively.



Genetic Perfection
I finally picked myself up after Keze had basically said we were done for the day. And none too soon. So much had happened already that I was feeling tired all the way down to my bones. But given what he'd been saying about pain and suffering and all being my ally for the darkside, I knew it was only going to get harder from here. I picked up my things and started walking for the door, only my double vibro blade and the remains of the cloack I'd torn up. I'd find another for sure. For now I just needed to find whatever could pass for a decent place to rest. But I'd be back. I'd have to be if Keze, my "master" wish to make me into something greater. I just kept telling myself that one day this would all pay off...


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