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Approved Starship Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser - "A'den be Ka'ra" [Wrath of the Stars]

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Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
  • Intent: To create the largest ship in the Bral Clan fleet. This starship will not only be a command vessel, but house a large portion of the Bral clansmen, beasts, and equipment.
  • Image Source: Novus Aeterno: Basilisk Capital Ship by Adam Burn
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Destroyer Command Ship
  • Length: 4,080 meters
  • Width: 1,020 meters
  • Height: 1,080 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
    Dral'tra Heavy Assault Laser Cannon - embedded within the bow of the starship.
  • 4x v-150r Heavy Ion Cannons - one port forward, one port middle, one starboard forward, and one starboard middle. All equipped on sponsons.
  • 2x Super Heavy Assault Concussion Missile Batteries (120 missile silos each) - one port middle and one starboard middle. Retractable.
  • 200x Dual Medium Laser Cannon Point Defense Batteries - Spread out evenly over the starship, the only blindspot is directly from the rear.
  • 100x Point Defense Turbolasers - Spread out evenly over the starship, the only blindspot is directly from the rear.
  • 10x Quadruple Heavy Turbolaser Batteries - located middle of each face. Two on top, port, and starboard. Four on bottom.

[*]Defenses: Extreme

[*]Hangar Space: (Please provide the amount of fighters/support craft this submission can hold in it's hangar by count of Squadrons, which hold 12 average Starfighters. The higher your squadron count, the lower your Armament and number of advanced systems should be. )
  • 4000 Meters: Low: 16

[*]Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
  • Starfighters: 11 squadrons
  • Support Craft: 5 squadrons (Minimum squadrons lists should match the squadrons listed for the "Base" rating for ship its size)

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • All Standard Features for atmospheric & space maneuvering (repulsor lifts, maneuvering jets, etc.)
  • Standard life support features
  • Com-scan
  • Holoprojectors/Communication systems

  • Bright Star - The Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser is equipped with a Dral'tra Heavy Assault Laser Cannon, one of the single most deadly and destructive long-ranged starship mounted weapons the galaxy has to offer.
  • Built Bral Tough - As is the want for assets designed by Bral Metal & Engeering and in keeping with Mandalorian culture, the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser puts devastating offensive capability and stalwart defensive prowess at the forefront of priorities.
  • Anti-Force - The force dampening and destabilizing aura wrought by Arikyrzium Crystal is present throughout the entirety of the transversable interior sections of the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser
  • INTERCESSOR V.I - The Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser weapon systems are partially controlled by the INTERCESSOR Virtual Intelligence. This renders the starship virtually untouchable by most forms of ordinance delivered in practicable volumes.
  • Eyes Forward - The greatest weapon at the disposal of the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser is embedded within the bow of the vessel. This means that while the Dral'tra laser can be aimed a few degrees, if the target vessel is anywhere besides the in front of the Kyr'bes, it cannot be hit by the Dral'tra.
  • Lumbering - The Kyr'bes-class design has put a low priority on maneuverability and speed, opting to allocate more energy and other resources into raw offensive output and defensive ability.
  • Anti-Force - The force dampening and destabilizing aura wrought by Arikyrzium Crystal is present throughout the entirety of the transversable interior sections of the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser. This includes beneficial effects from allies or their attacks. The aura is indiscriminate and owes no allegiance.

The Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser is a one-of-a-kind starship designed by Bral Metal & Engineering and built in cooperation with MandalArms and Concord Specialized Technologies for the use of [member="Valdus Bral"] who has christened it A'den be Ka'ra, which translates to: Wrath of the Stars. The name itself has a double meaning as "the Stars" in Mandalorian culture refer to the ancient belief that the souls of past Mand'alor's resided within a council of kings above in the stars, thereby declaring that this ship had been built for the purpose of reminding the wider galaxy of the terrifying martial ability of the Mandalorian culture.

The Kyr'bes-class was designed to embody the destructive tactics used by ancient Mandalorians such as orbital bombardment through the use of nuclear weapons and turbolaser vollies. A completely new weapons system was designed and built for the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser called the Dral'tra Heavy Assault Laser Cannon. This weapon was designed for one purpose: to obliterate or severely maim points of interests or starships that acted as a symbol of pride for the enemy in a single discharge.

To offset the chance of falling victim to this tactic itself, the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser was fitted with armor plates composed of the extremely durable metal alloy, Phrik; these plates protected a dense Carbon-Durasteel hull. Additionally, the weapons systems of the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser have been integrated into the INTERCESSOR Virtual Intelligence software allowing the Kyr'bes-class to intercept incoming ordinance with extreme efficiency and precision. The Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser is most often seen with a heavy escort of smaller capital ships and legions of starfighters, acting as a long distance command vessel. In order to facilitate secure transmissions and relays, the Kyr'bes-class makes use of heavily encrypted communication equipment.

Additional Stats:

Crew: 8,000 (minimum) - 12,000 (optimal)
Troops: 12,500 Soldiers
Cargo Capacity: 50,000 Tons
Consumables: 5 years
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, [member="Valdus Bral"]. First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to use the factory. I will being working with you through the review and approval process which will hopefully by quick and painless so that Clan Bral can have its new flagship

Valdus Bral said:
Anti-Force - The force dampening and destabilizing aura wrought by Arikyrzium Crystal is present throughout the entirety of the transversable interior sections of the Kyr'bes-class Battlecruiser
Just want to clarify that we are on the same page here (looking at your sub for this crystal). It's going to take a remarkable amount of this crystal (considering its lack of ability to strengthen its radius of effect by stacking) in order to line all corridors with this mineral. A mineral that appears to be extremely rare at that. The effect you're trying to achieve here is fine, but I would also include this as a weakness as any Force Sensitive ally is going to feel a significant drawback from this. So this effect does not differentiate between friend or foe.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Alden Akaran said:
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, [member="Valdus Bral"]. First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to use the factory. I will being working with you through the review and approval process which will hopefully by quick and painless so that Clan Bral can have its new flagship

Just want to clarify that we are on the same page here (looking at your sub for this crystal). It's going to take a remarkable amount of this crystal (considering its lack of ability to strengthen its radius of effect by stacking) in order to line all corridors with this mineral. A mineral that appears to be extremely rare at that. The effect you're trying to achieve here is fine, but I would also include this as a weakness as any Force Sensitive ally is going to feel a significant drawback from this. So this effect does not differentiate between friend or foe.
[member="Alden Akaran"]

Thanks for taking the time to review.

Alden Akaran said:
Just want to clarify that we are on the same page here (looking at your sub for this crystal). It's going to take a remarkable amount of this crystal (considering its lack of ability to strengthen its radius of effect by stacking) in order to line all corridors with this mineral. A mineral that appears to be extremely rare at that.

First, I agree with you, this submission is the largest one using the Crystal and I have been very sparse in using it in all of my other submissions. Second, the mesh is described as "loose" which I meant to describe a very open patterned, almost chain-link fence (though much wider openings, since the distance is 1 meter the open space can be sizable) style mesh within the walls. Additionally, this submission lists it as an alloy with Durasteel - a very common material used in pretty much everything and very easily accessible. As per the submission of the Arikyrizium Crystal:

  • Able to be combined into an alloy with many materials.
Which means that while this is still a very large expenditure of a very rare material, it is not as large an expenditure as it would be if not used in an alloy otherwise. So in this way I've taken a very common material in an alloy to make a very rare resource "go farther". I've also listed this submission as unique and I do fully intend to make this a one of a kind starship (unless it is otherwise copied by someone else).

As for the suggestion on Anti-force, I normally put that as both a weakness and a strength for exactly those reasons in my other submissions using the Crystal - so I will add that. That was something I overlooked and not an intentional omission.

I hope this clarifies everything. If you feel there are more errors, then I'll discuss them with you and I urge you not to see this as "I followed the mechanical rules of the factory so accept my submission, factory judge", if you feel that this submission is not in the spirit of continuity with either the rare resources or otherwise, I'd like to discuss it.
[member="Valdus Bral"], Thanks for the prompt response and clarification, as well as working with me through this! That actually clears a lot up on my end as to far as what i was asking here. I think on my part i just misread when i was reading through the sub on the crystal; guess i'm really human after all, huh?

Anyways, enjoy your new ship!

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
[member="John Locke"]

Added a brig to the flagship:

  • Two mass holding cells for 1,000 occupants each (total 2,000) which are protected by automated light-laser sentry guns which take commands from the bridge. Exits are durasteel blast doors.
  • Ten Containment Field projectors guarded by automated light-laser sentry guns which take commands from the bridge. Exits are durasteel blast doors.
  • Two Force-sensitive holding cells guarded by numerous automated sonic blaster sentry guns which take command from the bridge. Exits are turadium blast doors.

This enables a total of 2,000 standard prisoners, 10 powerful prisoners or average force users, and two extremely powerful force using prisoners.
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