Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lady Audrey Thénardier, Head of the Criminal Family

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] There's a lot to like as much as you can find stuff to hate. Really I did like it but I do think some of the directing was odd. Russel Crow? Really? lol.

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] If i can be honest, I'm not much for his acting either. I liked him in Gladiator, but most everything else I feel he's be meh at best.
[member="Audrey Thénardier"]
I know what you mean.

He's best when he's allowed to be an action hero. Though he has had a couple of better roles as a character actor.

Let us never mention Robin Hood again though.

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

*shudders* I know.


lol that part made me laugh.

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
[member="Aldoric Surana"] Usually the hard part, from what I've seen, if finding a decent enough picture to fit as an avatar. Either too big, too small, or come out all blurry or to the side.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Valiens Nantaris"],

Appears in a whirlwind of ropos, summoned by Valiens and looks upon [member="Audrey Thénardier"],

"Who is this man, what sort of devil is he, to have me caught in a trap, and denied my ropos their feed. It was my hour at last, to squeeze out their paste, brush up their fur, and watch them clean out the plate.

All it would take was a lick of their tongue, dinner was their, and he gave me back my life!

Damned if I'll live in the debt of a Sith!
Damned if I'll yield at the end of the chase,
I am a Droid and a Droid is not mocked!
I'll spit his pity- oh, wait, I have no face.
There is nothing on earth that we share!
It is either Audrey or HK-vert!"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Audrey Thénardier"],

Oh yeah I remember that :p

We were planning once of making Les Mis along with other musicals ICly and I volunteered to have HK be Javert :3

"You know nothing of HK!
I was forged inside a jail,
I was forged by scum like you,
I am from the gutter too!

There is no place for you to hide

Wherever you may hide away

I swear to you, I will be there!"

And then he gets a bucket thrown at him and short-circuits. :3

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