Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Laid to Rest - SJO Kashyyyk Hex Dominion

Location: Aboard SSV Vanagandr
Objective: Assist Kashyyyk mission
Allies: SJO [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Theodosius Organa"]
Enemies: TBD

"Certainly, Colonel, and thank you for the update," Cambria answered with another bow of her head as Valkren excused himself to change out of his BDU's and into his ranger armor. For a human male, he certainly cut the mark for a soldier. She would indeed look forward to working with him and his men.

A familiar shudder was felt under the Twi'lek's booted feet as the Silver's flagship made the jump to light speed. Golden eyes peered out the forward viewport as the stars became streaks of white. The hyperspace journey from the Outer Rim to the Mid by the charts would take less than half a day as Voss and Kashyyyk were both in the Northeast quadrant of the Known Galaxy. Being a Jedi Ace, Cambria used Instinctive Astrogation when flying her starfighter and scout vessel. She did like to travel though with her R9 unit, "Zee-Three", for company. Speaking of which, the Guardian had left the astromech droid to do the post flight check on her ship. Best be checking on that in case something needed tweaking before using it again.

Turning to the young padawan, she smiled. "Jerit... Have you experience flying Jedi starfighters yet? I need to return to the hangar bay to check on mine post-flight. If you care to, you may join me," the Twi'lek Knight offered, though the padawan learner did not have to accept as he was not her student.


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Location: SSV Vanagandr
Objective: Assist with the Kashyyk Mission
Allies: Silver Jedi Order, [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Theodosius Organa"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"]

When the Twi'lek turned to Jerit and asked if he had experienced starfighters yet, his mind went blank. The only thing he was exposed to was his family ship, not a nice and fast Jedi starfighter. But he was eager to soak in and learn more about it if Cambria wanted to teach the young boy more about flying in such a grade a vehicle. He was all up for the offer now.

" Certainly! I will be most humbled in joining you! I have never experienced such crafts before and I think it would be nice to learn more about them! " His voice showed a lot of exitement.

Once they were leaving, Jerit gave everybody a polite wave and headed off with Cambria. But if she had to stay, Jerit would oblige fully...
Location: Kashyyyk
Objective: Laid to rest
Allies: Silver Jedi [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Theodosius Organa"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Valae Kitra"]
Post: 20/37

"Mother Ashla heard me all right, using Force-light on so many occasions for expelling the darkness is so taxing on me. One last, omnidirectional application of Force-light will probably get the nexus fully cleansed, and any remaining darkness may be chalked up to trapped spirits"

Jessica used her brain a lot to use Force-light and get the darkness expelled from the beach: the first two blasts of Force-light cast earlier were able to reduce the darkness' embrace on the beach, and the third was almost in a position to dissolve the remaining darkness almost entirely, with perhaps a few pockets that can easily be dealt with, using another omnidirectional blast once the revitalization process is complete. She refrained to talk about her own computational power when someone else is attempting to help her using a power such as Revitalize, which was, in effect, just an application of Force-healing, to which she was exposed before. Like the power her wife used on her when they first met each other. So she happily let [member="Theodosius Organa"] use his healing touch on her shoulder, his hand glowing green. Much like Jessica's forehead was glowing in a yellow, golden hue even, as a result. And her entire nervous system were also glowing the same yellow, too... as if her nervous system was used as some sort of optical fiber by the Force, even though she knew that her own neurotransmitters were otherwise normal. I wonder for how long my nervous system will glow like this, but for each additional use I make of Force-light, my nerves glow more, and I also expect my nervous system to glow less intensively as time passes by; meanwhile I fully expect it to be temporary. Not only that, but I think I will need to replenish my internal electrolytes and eat or drink something sweet as well, she thought, while a little disturbed by just how every single nerve wide enough to be visible became just that. And her brain stored a lot of remanent light-sided energy, too, making her brain visible while there is still remanent Force-energy in her nervous system: she realizes that her own style of Force-light might be a little raw, but then perhaps she is using Force-light as some omnidirectional Force-LED, just at a lower intensity so that she could dispel the remaining darkness.

Location: SSV Vánagandr, Voss Orbit
Objective: Kashyyyk
Allies: [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Theodosius Organa"]

"Your Grandmaster is all seeing," she quipped.

Meanwhile, Arisa was just wearing fatigues in the style of the crewmen around her. Self-conscious in a different way from
Valae, Arisa had always felt the need to blend in with normal people around her so that they wouldn't just see her as a Jedi, some heroic mystical figure, but as a person.

"I think we do have a nice outfit assembled," she agreed as she looked around the CIC. Old and new faces alike, all working together. There were times in the recent past that Silver Order looked to break apart from apathy and treachery, but now a bright future looked to lay ahead for them all even in these trying times.

"Well then, it looks like we're all here it looks like it's time for me to get to work. Thanks again for being here."

She reached out to give her friend an embrace in appreciation, before turning to face the whole group to address them all.

"Alright, I'm receiving reports that everyone has now assembled. We'll be heading out now. Feel free to remain in the CIC, but I would ask you not to interrupt the crew. I'll also be indisposed during transit."

The reason for that would be that she would be guiding the entire fleet through real-time astrogation. It required her full concentration as she directed the movements of the formation.

She took her seat on the command chair, closing her eyes, first tapping in deeper into the Force before expanding her conscious outward, focusing on the depths of space all around her. As she raised herself to a state of hyper awareness, she could once again perceive those familiar fissures that permeated the universe. She still had no idea of what to make of those, yet to meet anyone who shared such an experience.

As the Force now flowed strongly through her, the CIC would be flooded with her aura, creating a positive ambiance of residual Force energies emanating from the Jedi Master.

She now communed with the cosmos as one among the stars, reading the ripples generated from all celestial bodies, black holes and anomalies through both space-time and the Force.

Now they were ready to go. In one simultaneous motion, every ship blinked into hyperspace as one, vessels traveling faster than they ever had with even the most advanced


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Location: SSV Vanagandr
Objective: Assist with the Kashyyyk Mission
Allies: Silver Jedi Order, Arisa Yune | Valkren Calderon | Valae Kitra | Jessica Med-Beq | Theodosius Organa | Cambria Zadira

As he was about to go with Cambria, Jerit looked over and found out that Master Yune was addressing everybody. He took attention and straightened up.


Don't interrupt the crew? No problem! After Jerit was finished listening he accompanied Cambria. But as they were leaving, the Padawan good feel warmness all around him. The energy that was around him was peaceful. He stood. It felt like a warm blanket around him. He tried to connect to it to see where it came from until he got his eyes on the Grandmaster. Jerit had not a doubt in his mind it was her. She was probably reaching out to concentrate more or something, Jerit did not know. After that moment, Jerit made eye contact with Cambria with the look of, "Shall we leave?" He was anxious to see the hangar....
Location: Kashyyyk
Objective: BYOO
Post: 4/15

Jakkor traveled through the thick jungle. He had started using a map that he had been given. The remains of Jedi Master Vos should be found in a cave. He was certain that he would find the Holocron there, but still, he was not sure. He still continued his hunt through the various jungle. As when the beasts that were stalking came after him he had activated his sabers and prepared for combat.

He then moved with sudden grace, as the creatures leaped up to him with claws and teeth. He then began in a pattern bisecting them, only grunting in pain when one had got to his leg. After what seemed like minutes of the bloody combat he then saw the creatures recognize his strength and retreated back into the depths of the jungle.

He still kept up on the path to the cave going along what the map told him, and so he did through the brush and vines of the forest.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: SSV Vanagandr[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Objective: Provide security with members of 228th Special forces group.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Theodosius Organa"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Post #3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Colonel Calderon sat in the armory with the other members of his company, staring at the helmet that he held in his gloved hands. Rangers from several different divisions that had been selected for this particular mission went back and forth, checking one anothers’ kits and assessing their equipment for the coming operation.[/SIZE]

“Simple op, right sir?” Lieutenant Harris spoke up, leading Valkren to look over his shoulder and up at the NCO he had previously trusted so much on the platoon-level leadership level. The man was already in full-suit, ready to follow his commanding officer wherever he was needed.

Yeah, easy op.” The colonel stated, before slipping the helmet over his head, his HUD initializing as the now armored operator stood up, letting Harris check his kit.

Security was an easy op, but it still called for his men to be ready. The colonel walked over to a panel on the wall, tapping a command and speaking into an outgoing comms' system.

"Rangers ready to pull security, Ma'am."
Objective: Humantarian Aid/Major Faction Contract
Post: 5

"Wow, Heartbeat House has really expanded hasn't it?" Alize smiled. "Although I'm not up to date on your company, I admire the hardwork you've put into it," she spoke, happy for her friend.

"Once you are done assisting the Togorians, let's make an attempt at holding a dance. I'm sure it will be a welcome distraction for the Togorians," the Epicanthix-hybrid smiled. "In the mean time, I'll have some of my staff who are free gather up and craft what decorations they can in the event the dance should happen." she said and waved over one of the makeup artists who was finished with a makeover.

"Tell Elle to have anyone free to prepare some decorations, some finger food, and drinks," Alize instructed the young woman.

"What?" the makeup artist looked puzzled.

"We might be holding a dance later," the Epicanthix-hybrid gestured to Joza, further perplexing her employee.

"Ah, ok," the woman replied simply. Sometimes it was better not to ask questions and just do as you are told.

Sorry, I've had a bad case of the flu earlier this month and as a result I've really fallen behind in replying to threads ;A;

[member="Joza Perl"]

Rozalyne Kurganova

Objective: Togoria

From her office on Voss, the new SSC Deputy Director would begin receiving invoices from various companies now working on restoration efforts on Togoria. Auditors, assisted by tailored neural networks, had already poured through each item line by line to check for fraudulent reporting, so she only needed to sign off on compensation. Still, the frugal executive did her own quick check to make sure everything was in order before doing so. Having overseen several infrastructure projects in her home system and beyond, she was well versed in the games that contractors liked to play with grossly inflated estimates.

The process for transfers would begin upon completion of her own audits, and an automated message would be issued to the
offices of each participating company.


On behalf of the Silver Service Corps, I would like to thank your organization for helping us in reconstruction efforts, training, and providing other humanitarian aid to Togoria. It is only with your assistance that
Togoria may finally see a full recovery after years of strife.

Your invoices have all been successfully processed and wires are now being made to the account(s) listed in our records. Please allow 3-7 business days for deposits to be made, all dependent upon the protocols of your chosen financial institution. If there are any issues with deposits or discrepancies in compensation, then, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Email responses and/or return calls should be made within a day of receiving all inquiries.

The SSC and the Silver Jedi look forward to continuing to work with you on Togoria, and hopefully beyond. There are many systems that are still in great need of assistance.

Good day, and may the Force be with you.

Rozalyne Kurganova

Deputy Director, SSC


OOC Note: Please use this post as confirmation of contract or sponsorship, or participation in a major project. Even when this dominion is officially completed, feel free to continue to post to meet requirements for any of the above options.

[member="Krayzen Dratos"] 5/12 posts - Contract Granted
[member="Joza Perl"] 12/12 posts - Sponsorship Granted
[member="Veryiana Greivex"] 5/12 posts - Contract Granted
[member="Alize Rosenheim"] 5/12 posts - Contract Granted
[member="Ugohr Poof"] 5/12 posts - Contract Granted
[member="Amelia Morvos"] 5/12 posts - Contract Granted

[member="Judah Dashiell"] 3/12 posts - Contract Pending
A mysterious woman watched from afar as members of various companies assisted the Togorians by providing them with various forms of humanitarian aid. "Mi-" a voice on the comlink buzzed, prompting her to swiftly turn the device off.

What a pain, the woman thought with a furrowed brow as she continued to observe the company personnel wishing she could participate in assisting the Torgorians.

No. She shook her head. She had done what she could to help with what little she was able to provide. And while her efforts paled in comparison to others, she did help - that was all that mattered. You've done what you can, she reassured herself and smiled sadly.
[SIZE=18pt]The Great Walk[/SIZE]​
I hear the Breath speak, a gentle whisper that is sung. It guides me, it nurtures me. I tend to its celestial gardens. This symbiosis with The Living Force, it is a binding contract, one that I so freely give. This trust I give, it is unrestrained, an unconditional act of love and respect.
The Great Walk, a Kashi Pilgrimage. It is a long quest, a crusade to aid the Living Force. One may journey this path for atonement. Another may just walk this path to seek to reconnect. Any Kashi may take the walk. To do so, it takes unconditional faith and the price of memories.-Theodosius Organa
Location: Kashyyk
Objective: Laid to Rest
Allies: Silver Jedi, Jessica Med-Beq, [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Valkren Calderon"] , [member="Jerit Kolomor"], [member="Cambria Zadira"] , [member="Valae Kitra"]
Posts: 2/37

“One more time you say”, he asked while his left hand still upon [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] , the hand that still glowing green as he continued use the application of revitalize.

‘Did she say omnidirectional application?’ Here some of the many thoughts transpiring in Theo’s mind. ‘Are we in some science laboratory?’ ‘Sure let’s play along while helping!’

“Sure let’s see if we can increase your signal”, Theo raised his staff into the air. His staff started to glow with the same green color.

Then something special started to happen. Life flowed effervescently within the very air. These little bubbling sparkles of drifted downward. They descend very similar to little snowflakes. It was an ongoing marvel. As they came closer these tiny sparkles of energy swirled around and flowed into Theo’s staff. There was energy all around them.

This was a different application of another Force Skill. In this case it was not aggressive.

“You’re plugged in”, Theo continued with the fun word play. Starting feeling the borrowed energy, it formed in the presence of tinny pin pricks in his knuckles. It was the beginning of the side effect he knew as coming. Soon the pain would start to steadily increase. It would increase in pain and then eventually case damage to him. There was another risk. If Jessica pulled more energy than Theo could safely channel, it could increase the amount of damage Theo could take.
“Just a fair warning”, Theo started to say, “I am sitting here like a fuse connecting two circuits. If you pull to much energy, too quickly, you could burn me!”
Location: Kashyyyk
Objective: Laid to rest
Allies: Silver Jedi [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Theodosius Organa"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Valae Kitra"]
Post: 21/37

"Don't worry about me: I'm in control of my own use of Force-energy"

I'm plugged in? Of course, I have to be careful not pulling too much energy from him, she thought, while also realizing that she can control how much power going into - what's safe, given what he could provide for, would be more akin to a longer-duration LED lightbulb but at a lower intensity than the first three attempts at using Force-light to cleanse the Force-nexus. Even though she was using a lot of computational power, part of that was used to control precisely how much Force-energy to draw from [member="Theodosius Organa"] without burning him. Yet she knew she was used to high computational power expenditures for prolonged periods: she just had to keep glowing like a LED lightbulb and her nerves (and brain) will still glow for hours after the skin has ceased glowing a golden hue. But here the LED mode allowed the light-sided energy to radiate in every direction, which was a necessity since the pockets of darkness were all over the beach. Also, the pockets of darkness were being shattered as she continued glowing, thanks to the steady effusion of Force-light, forced by the safety requirements of the power supply... and once all the darkness pockets were shattered, she reported back to Theodosius, pulling the plug on the proverbial Force-fuse, with her skin no longer glowing a golden hue.

"It worked! There is no more darkness left on the beach!"
[SIZE=18pt]The Great Walk[/SIZE]
I hear the Breath speak, a gentle whisper that is sung. It guides me, it nurtures me. I tend to its celestial gardens. This symbiosis with The Living Force, it is a binding contract, one that I so freely give. This trust I give, it is unrestrained, an unconditional act of love and respect.
The Great Walk, a Kashi Pilgrimage. It is a long quest, a crusade to aid the Living Force. One may journey this path for atonement. Another may just walk this path to seek to reconnect. Any Kashi may take the walk. To do so, it takes unconditional faith and the price of memories.-Theodosius Organa
Location: Kashyyk
Objective: Laid to Rest
Allies: Silver Jedi, Jessica Med-Beq, [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Valae Kitra"]
Posts: 3/37

Being the fuse!

They say nothing happens without conscience. That nothing comes without a price. This way everything remains in balance.

What Theo did took great risk. The Kashi rite he used was normally done with more than one Kashi. Why, to control the flow the energy. Life all around them was more than willing to loan the energy. How does one person control the flow of a planet’s energy? They don’t without conscience.

It started with the small pain. Tinny pin pricks in his knuckles. His knuckles were the location where he was absorbing the energy from. The pain grew to numbness. The pain did not subside. He could feel the pain slowly spreading down his arm. Then the numbness spread as well.

It was beginning to become difficult to keep his concentration.

As it took longer, the pain increased. The tinny pin pricks spread out. He could feel that pain all through his arm. From the tips of his fingers to his shoulder, he could feel it through his flesh and bone.

Theo’s breathing became heavy. It was difficult to even breathe. His faith held though.

His faith even held as the stabbing pain turned to a burning pain. Through this faith in the Living Force he found comfort. Through this comfort he managed to keep his concentration.

“It worked”, he heard [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] say. Theo was very pleased to hear that the darkness was gone.

Quickly he disconnected the connection to the vast pool of life energy all around them. He dropped the staff from the injured hand and arm. Catching the staff with his left hand he was able to start to assess the damage he had taken.

Looking at his right hand, the flesh looked scorched. Blackened, blistered. Without looking he knew his entire arm was this way. Despite the pain he felt, Theo smiled. The damage was extensive but it would heal. That and the darkness were gone.

For now Theo just closed his fist and lightly ticked it close to his body. Later he would be able to heal himself. That or what always he says could happen. The Living Force provides to those who listen!

“Indeed it has”, Theo answered the fair-haired lady.

“I just have one question though”, Theo asked taking a better look around.

“What planet are we on”, he always dislike asking this. Oddly everyone looked at him like he was crazy. Maybe he was.

Sadly he could not remember his past to even be able to tell you if he was.
Location: Kashyyyk
Objective: Laid to rest
Allies: Silver Jedi [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Theodosius Organa"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Valae Kitra"]
Post: 22/37

"Kashyyyk" she told [member="Theodosius Organa"] after he asked where he was, with some fatigue in her voice. "We are on the Wookiee homeworld and we are in the planet's capital, Kachirho"

And now the Wookiees rush forth, realizing that the whole operation of cleansing the nexus made the western beach safe again, with the Wookiees howling with joy all over the place by now, no longer looking at Theodosius like he was a crazy off-worlder. Also, after seeing the two exhausted Jedi, several Wookiees prepared to carry them on stretchers so that they could be nursed back to health among the tree houses. To the Wookiee medical personnel tending to her, Jessica's nervous system glowing yellow (and her forehead, too, because of her brain glowing that way) could be a manifestation of her having absorbed too much dark-sided energy (as if it was the same mechanism that give dark-siders amber eyes) while, in fact, she is laying in bed with phosphorescent nerves because there is remanent light-sided energy stocked in her neurons. But she did not have the strength to use her computational power any longer, so she was just sleeping there, with the people tending to the two Jedi thinking that she is a phosphorescent freak that has to be turned back to normal.

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