Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Last Known Owners of Canon Items


Well-Known Member
Lord Ergast's Holocron can be added to that list [member="Ashin Varanin"].

Still in the works, but currently at roughly 11-12k word count. Optimistically, after giving the whole thing a great deal of thought, i want it to get 20k if I can.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Having just updated the list, a reminder to all and sundry.

When you collect like five major canon artifacts in a week, especially with the same character, it starts looking tacky.


Well-Known Member
So then was the saber obtained from [member="Darth Odium"]'s auction found to not be Kalligs real saber? [member="Ashin Varanin"]

Darth Odium


It's a red bladed laser sword from space that does the exact same thing as every other laser sword from space.

[member="Ashin Varanin"] please put D-Man down as having the laser sword of Kellog or whatever it was called. Thank you as always.


Well-Known Member
Wow man, my bad. It never was intended to come off that way. If you have an issue, I can easily remove all mention of having any of the items taken.

Seriously, I hadnt intended to have that be alt padding.

[member="Darth Odium"]

Darth Odium


Please keep in mind that my statement is because I would honestly like to see you enjoy your RP experience. It can reflect poorly on ones reputation if the wrong people take issue with things. In all honesty I have no real issue with you having the saber but I would rather not see people who may be less pleasant than I try to be give you trouble.

I hope the laser sword adds to your fun and we'll have to duel sometime.
Ashin Varanin said:
Having just updated the list, a reminder to all and sundry.

When you collect like five major canon artifacts in a week, especially with the same character, it starts looking tacky.
Ok, this has to apply to some people.

It's like a bunch of greedy kids collecting Pokemon Cards. Don't worry though, you will be sought out. Don't surrender something that belongs to the Jedi? I got a solution for that too!

Think you can be saved or hide them? Nope, people will turn you in for the sake of turning you in. ^_~

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