Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Last Watch - The Mandalorian Dominion of Agamar Hex [Cathar and Ord Cestus]

Allies: [member="Attrion Harnol"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Davon Karr"]
Objective: 1
Post count: [1/25]

Blaster fire ripped through the streets of Agamar as Brent and the other Mandalorian commandos surged on towards the government buildings. The city was a warzone, Death Watch had reinforced their positions and were too well dug in. Heavy blaster fire covered sectors that made advancing towards the government buildings improbable. Detonators, mines and all sorts of explosive devices were tearing through the city streets, laying low both ally and foe. Fire blossomed in the streets and glass rained down from on high as the buildings of the city took the brunt of the devastation.

Brent had opted to leave his slugthrower behind and regretted that decision now as Death Watch forces rained fire from high above his position. He could have put slugs through any number of enemy combatants at the range he was at now, but his blaster wasn't as reliable, even with his sensors in his armor. That didn't stop him from laying down fire as the teams of Mando's pushed forth.

He moved as quickly as he could from cover to cover with the rest of the team he was attached too, alternately covering fire for his comrades as they moved and running for cover as they laid down fire for him. It was during one of these cover runs when the snipers started firing, several Mando's went down injured as the accurate fire pinned down his team. He glanced out at the Death Watch troopers high up laying down suppresive fire around him. He brought his rifle to bear and fired off several rounds from cover before moving forward at the order of [member="Davon Karr"]

He sprinted toward the building that housed the snipers as blaster fire peppered the ground around him. Bits of rock and rubble bounced off his armor as he moved towards the building. He made it to the wall of the building next to a set of double doors and waited for the other vod to stack up before they breached.

Three others formed up next to him ready to breach. He was the lead man, the second man covered his back while the third watched outwards towards the other buildings for sniper fire. The fourth man was the door breacher, ready to go at the command.

Brent held up a fist and pumped it once, signalling the breach. The fourth man moved forward and kicked the door in and as soon as he was clear Brent and the rest of his team piled through.
Objective: 4 (a dev a drestroyer)
Allies: [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Adi Rost"]
Enemies: Deathwatch fleet
Post: 1
She got word of the invasion being planned, whilst relaxing on Serenno. she had new ship ready, a thousand meter destroyer and she called her capital ship, The Banshee.
She got her crew aboard as quickly as possible, and began to make ready for hyperspace.
All crew members do your checks, this shakedown tour is going to be live fire testing.


It took of slowly from outside the old city she now called home, as it did she looked out one of portside view ports.
She saw children waving at it, no doubt they were some of dockworks children from nearby school.
She gave a wave back at them and smiled, she always liked seeing happy children.

As ship began to leave atmosphere, the blue skies began to turn black as night.
Then the ship turned to it's heading and made tracks to help the mandalorains, soon she she could see the lines from portside view port.
She then headed to her room, she would be there soon enough.
Objective One
Location: High level of government building, within range of Death Watch Snipers
[member="Attrion Harnol"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Brent Warnel"]
[member="Saverok"] the Unleashed

Vilaz was in the air, providing a welcome distraction for the Death Watch Snipers. Marcus and Brent and their groups were now pushing on, making their way into buildings across the street. As Davon walked through the building he left a damp trail. The rain hammered down against the glass windows. The whole sector was all glass buildings, it positively gleamed in the day. Probably distracted from all the politicians, he mused, with sunlight shining from their arses.

"You're welcome Attrion, I'm Davon Karr. We've got several more Death Watch on the upper floors, and snipers across the way. Can't give you much more than that. Fighting is brutal at the moment, we'll only know when the dust settles."

The situation was grim, in reality. They had expected to be done by now. A quick surgical strike to take the government sector whilst the ground forces of the Clans took the barracks and spaceport. Those two movements would have turned the tables. After they were done they could work out who had leaked information. For now there was nothing to do but fight on. He slowly approached the stairs, lever-action scattergun held up. They were up there alright, but they weren't coming out to play on the stairwell by the look of things.
Location: Rooftops, Top of government building.
Objective One

"Sir! they're Moving in on our position! Squad down stairs in gone.." one of the Death Watch troopers said as he took cover from incoming fire. " Good, let them come." he said as he chuckled some. " Their tactics are childish and already known..." Saverok paused taking out a Thermal Detonator from his bandolier he slowly talked to the stair way. With a beep he held the Explosive cooking it for one second and let it roll down the stairs toward the incoming squad ([member="Davon Karr"]).

" There... One incomi- ." he suddenly paused as a sharp pain came from his arm. His wound was healing but the armorweave had been pierced through by some type of arrow type projectile? Saverok looked around some at the ground but could find nothing. Pointing a finger at the Mando in the air [member="Vilaz Munin"], Saverok growled some to himself.

" Snipers take him down!" he commanded as he stood by watching.

Objective: 4 (a dev a drestroyer)
Allies: [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Adi Rost"]
Enemies: Deathwatch fleet
Post: 2

As ship made lines through hyperspace, she sat in her room and was waiting on Adi to give her data report. She was after anything on hull stress, also she could give her back massage while she read it. As she waited she took a sip of water, and wonder what ships they enemy Deathwatch used, also who supplied them. This was question she need an answer to, but it would wait till she has destroyed some of them.

The ship was a kilometer long, and had room for four squadrons of smaller ships in the hangar bay. To day it was equiped with her favorite Eagle interceptors. She liked them due to proximity torpedos, which gave the an edge in dog fighting.

As she waited for the report, she put on her favorite holo show Keeping up with the clans. Each week it had special feature on each clan's, what world they stomping on. How there beskar armour was best ever, and who marrying who. It was great to watch and most addictive pieces of holo tv there was.

This week was about clan Betna
Location: Near government buildings
Allies: [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Brent Warnel"]
Enemies: [member="Saverok"]
Objective: 1
Post Count: [3/25]

The feeling of satisfaction was upon the Warrior as he saw the bolt penetrate the Death Watch's armorweave and went through its arm due to the amazing velocity of it. He thought that would leave the traitor's arm out of commission, but he would think wrong from what he was about to see. To his amazement he saw the bulky figure regenerating its wound at a fast rate. Trandoshan? Gen'dai? Vilaz didn't know, but the only thing he could was to keep on giving as much damage as possibly could and he knew the perfect thing for that.

As he was tried to avoid the blaster sniper fire from the hostiles he noticed his shields draining from the hits the Paragon shield was eating. He needed to find cover to have the shield recharge to its maximum capacity.

The Field Marshal would extend his left arm and launch the anti-personnel rocket from his wrist at the area of [member="Saverok"] and his unit of snipers. The Redneck would then crash through the glass of some building adjacent to the one of the government and use the walls as cover while in a crouch position. He would use this time to reload his crossbow and recharge his armor's personal shield. "Little wusses don't know how to give a proper fight, and they call themselves Mandos. Damn shame I spent months with them."
Location: Government Complex
Allies: [member="Brent Warnel"] [member="Attrion Harnol"] True Mandalorians
Enemies: Death Watch
Objective: 2
Post Count: [2/25]

Upon taking up a position near [member="Brent Warnel"] 's squad, Marcus had indicated to several other seemingly unassigned men to follow behind him. The firefight on the street had grown increasingly fruitless as snipers began to let loose arcs of blaster fire on the advancing warriors below, many falling in the process. One soldier in particular, a noticeable novice, stood to take aim at the upper levels of one of the government buildings only to receive a single bolt to his thigh, and then a complimentary one to his dome. Just as the man had fallen, Marcus turned to see men pouring into the threshold. Certainly there was no sense in waiting on the street any longer...

With a brisk hand gesture to his own men, Marcus held his rifle at a ready position and poured inside the building behind the other advancing squad. The initial sight was unimpressive, a single reception desk dominated the entrance room, which presumably had been some sort of office building for the ordinary administrative tasks of government, though papers had been strewn about everywhere. Pages upon pages of land statements, petitions, and tax reports lay about the floor as if there had been a celebration not moments before. Though he hardly had time to notice them as their current task demanded focus. With the lower floor already being cleared by multiple members of Brent's detatchment, he made his own men busy moving up the stairwell to the second floor.

The clapping of a dozen metallic heels sounded against the hard duracrete stairs in near boastful power, and it would be clear to anyone waiting above that a fight was about to begin. Peaking his helmeted head just above the floor of the next level, he examined what appeared to be yet another layer of office desks to complement the ones that waited below. He pressed on, keeping his rifle well raised to meet any foe that dare to stand in his way. Though only silence greeted him, perhaps they had abandoned the building during the assault..? Unlikely but possible. Soon, the rest of his squad had pressed up the stairwell and began kicking over the flimsy dividing walls of the little office cells that had housed many workers before the arrival of their assault, yet the floor remained otherwise quiet. That was until a man's form suddenly wrapped around his shoulder guards and threw him to the floor. The man must have been concealed below a fallen ceiling tile, surpassing the initial scan that his men had done of the area, and had appropriately attacked the nearest form to him. That was not all. During the ensuing struggle on the floor, he could also see the man was holding a dagger. Marcus reached for his own, and gripped the leather handle with a sense of panic. They continued to role over balance sheets and cardboard, folders and ceiling tiles, before he finally felt his opponent attempt to retreat. The young rally master caught him first in the leg, feeling the blade sink deep and true. A simultaneous roar of pain accompanied the next strike which was delivered to the watchman's stomach as he fell to the floor in agony. He continued to stab, almost savagely, until the man ceased to grasp at him.

His blade and his hands were now coated in blood, and he exhaled in relief. He had been victorious, at least in that fight, and for that he was thankful. Replacing the blade, he stood to rejoin his men.
[member="Saverok"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Attrion Harnol"]

The beep was a give away. Davon’s suit had a complex acoustic detection system. It filtered through all the sounds of the battlefield and attempted to process and present direction and threat. The beep was raised above the sound of the rain hammering against the windows. Not a good day for snipers really.

“Grenade!” he shouted, turning and jumping away. Even through his suit he felt the heat of that flash. Red warning lights flashed across his HUD. Davon rolled onto his back, bringing his scattergun up in case something followed the explosive. Nothing did. Half of the staircase had vanished in the thermal detonation. A piece of debris had compromised his suit’s seal, but beyond some minor burns he was mostly intact.

Yet as Davon stood up wisps of smoke were rising from his suit. He pulled free his 73B rifle. The old girl was tougher than she looked. Three careful steps forwards and he locked the range finder onto the roof of the exit onto the roof. He added one metre for good measure. The range was instantly programmed into the smart grenade in the chamber. Davon fired. The smart grenade was fired up at a great speed, only to detonate mid-air as it left the stair way and shot out onto the roof.

“Go!” he called to those around him as he carried on providing cover.
Objective: 4 (a dev a drestroyer)
Allies: [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Adi Rost"]
Enemies: Deathwatch fleet
Post: 3

She was due to come out of hyperspace soon, as such she turned of the holo tv and moved to bridge. As she she came out she saw the immortal class dreadnaught, it was something she help build back in her days in the one sith. This was not something she was not going to be advertising, then she shouted her orders to her crew men. Launch all Eagles, aim the hypervelocity cannons at it now! The ship's armaments where a cross between Brachypelma artillery cruiser, and a Tarantula tactical cruiser. This gave it long range fire power, with short range sting. It was being to aim at dreadnaught, as it did she hailed other mandalorian forces in the area, This Sabine Kurtass I am in command of destroyer named The Banshee. She did this so other would not attack her, and mistake her new ship as One Sith ship, as it was not mandalorian design. She waited for confirmation of this, as her openign salvo struck the dreadnaught........
Location: Government Complex
Allies: [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] True Mandalorians
Enemies: Death Watch
Objective: 2
Post Count: [2/25]

Brent breached the building with the rest of his squad and began to clear the bottom floor of the complex. [member="Marcus Lok"] and his team bypassed him and went to the second story of the building to engage the enemy should they be there. Brent focused on clearing the bottom floor as his team went through the different rooms and offices of the building. At one point they split up and he was with one other Mando as they went to a smaller office and pushed through the open door into the room.

Two things happened as soon as they crossed the threshold, the Mando in front of him went down due to a blaster bolt to the chest as a Death Watch trooper rushed him from the side of the door where he had been hiding. The trooper knocked Brent's blaster out of his hands and tackled him into the door in a bull rush. The door broke off the hinges due to the combined wait of the two and they slid with it as it collapsed to the ground. The other Mando was no match for Brent in sheer mass and power and it showed clearly when Brent wrestled his way out of the others grip and picked him up and threw him across the room. The other man slid across a desk and onto the ground in a heap of papers and equipment.

He slid is AKraB dagger out of its sheath and advanced on the other Mando as he struggled to his feet. The Death Watch trooper quickly got into a defensive stance and with no visible weapon in hand met Brent's advance with his own.

Brent had his dagger in his right hand in a reverse grip with the blade pointing back towards his own wrist and as his opponent threw a fast right hook he turned into the punch and captured the others arm with his own and locked it in towards his body. Quicker than thought he slashed his blade across the section of the Death Watch troopers armor where the elbow was, the softer material couldn't stop an AKraB dagger and the Mando's arm split open like a ripe watermelon. He accepted a blow to his right side as he reversed his momentum and stabbed the blade deep into the right side of his combatant. He kicked out hard against the others chestplate at the same time letting go of the mans arm and the trooper crashed against some desks and collapsed to the ground.

Brent slid out both of his pistols at the same time the other Mando struggled to get to his feet. The IR-5 was a rapid fire blaster and he was able to put nearly a dozen bolts into the man as he struggled to rise. With the Death Watch trooper's armor smoking, Brent holstered his pistols and went and recovered his dagger. Putting that away he checked on the Mando that had breached the room with him, but the other was already gone. He vowed to see him honored as he grabbed his rifle and advanced back out to the common area of the complex and towards the stairs where he heard intense fighting on the levels above him. Maybe the others had advanced onto the roof and engaged the snipers there, regardless he made his way up cautiously and checked his rifle to make sure it was ready for further combat.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Location: Cloaked Above Agamar
Objective: 1/2
Allies: The Mandalorians
Enemies: Death Watch

Several Hours Ago:
The unforgiving black of space loomed before him, its icy maw nipping even through his body glove. What was taking so long? His hands were beginning to go numb. All communication with the Shev'la Kal had been cut for complete invisibility and so they were forced to rely on time stamps for the operation. In the right hand corner of his HUD a green light flashed and the magnetic locks disengaged as he launched from the small hangar of the ship. Below him the first wave was already close enough to the atmosphere to see the red light coming off of their Bes'uliik. It wasn't long before the mind numbing cold was replaced with intense heat as his metal beast fell through the atmosphere. His grip tightened and he looked to his left and gave a thumbs up to the other Mandalorian riding near him. All was going well.

And then the young Mandalorian to his left erupted into a fiery ball of shrapnel and molten metal. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening.

"Evasive maneuvers, we've been compromised!" He pulled hard to the right, sending his bes'uliik into a spiral, narrowly escaping a huge projectile. He looked up at the incoming drop pods and cursed as one by one they erupted into scrap. His Bes'uliik roared as its head was clipped by an incoming projectile, sending its systems into shock and deactivating the droid, turning it into a flying paper weight. His helmet erupted with warnings as they broke through the cloud barrier. He cursed and let go of the controls, disengaging his magnetic boot locks and was flung into the air. A piece of shrapnel was lodged into his repulsor pack, sending him tumbling into the ground where he blacked out.
Location: Rooftops

The large figure watched as the snipers began to fire at [member="Vilaz Munin"], but his equipment was saving him for the time being. The brave longe mando was not the only target. The squad coming up the stairs had survived the small explosive and we proceeding up to the roof. They would be here soon, Saverok could feel it and sense it. He did not need the force to know it, his body told him many things.

" Get ready to move I sense-" Saverok cut himself off when his body instinctively jerked in reaction to [member="Davon Karr"]. The Gen'dais reaction time was acute to the projectile coming out of the stairway. His eyes tracking the small explosive as it traveled. He trusted his armor could take the impact but theyre was not enough time to warn the men and Saverok had no intention to do so anyway. Raising a single arm up to shield some of the incoming blast. *Boom* Death Watch troopers in the area fell over with a grunt. Lowering his arm Saverok was fine, alittle scratched up but fine..

A breeze view making the roof top clear clear once more. Saveroks eyes widened slightly as he catch a new projectile coming directly at him. A small anti-tank missile. He had seen the design before and what came next he never enjoyed.


His entire squad of troops wiped out in a single blast. Their bodies flew off the rooftop like a rag doll. If the blast did not kill them then the fall would. On his back groaning in pain Saverok rolled over on his stomach getting up on to his feet.

[member="Vilaz Munin"] was to blame.

" Aaaarrrragggghhh." he screamed as he examined his armor. Majority of the torso was destroyed leaving his Gen'dai body exposed and unleashed. Half of his face was showing as well revealing a single red glowing eye. Picking up his Magma Cannon Saverok quickly stepped to the stair way catching an unfortunate united clans trooper by surprise. With a quick grab the Gen'dai grabbed him and threw against a wall to be crushed by his own hand. Aiming the HAVOC magma Cannon toward [member="Davon Karr"] and his squad Saverok gave no warning. Pulling the trigger the molten slugs flew in their direction.
Objective 4/5
Location: High Orbit
Allies: United Clans; [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Sabine Kurtass"]
Enemies: Death Watch and allies
Post: 3

A slight grin spread across Anija's face as she heard Ember's voice over the comm. Two new contacts blossom's on the tactical repeater - the aforementioned Gethzerion. That she'd expected. What she hadn't was the second contact. From the initial scan alone, Anija felt her jaw drop open. The vessel was absolutely massive. After her initial surprise, Anija shook herself slightly as she watched the cloud of fighters separate from the Immortal class. The stats alone were impressive. And it;'s mere presence told her that Ember was taking the events at Agamar just as serious as she was.

"Hunting, Warmaster...?" she responded with a note of humor in her voice, even over the comm channel. "I'd thought you'd never ask..." With that said, she sent over what sensor data she had so far. It wasn't all that much, but it was certainly better than nothing at all. As of right now, the Alor's sensors had pinpointed a couple cruisers skulking along in a low orbit... relatively close to the main concentration of the fighting. Her eyes narrowed. She knew that had to be intentional. It would help explain how the Kyr'tsad had been covering the city so quickly. At least if they were equipped as most Mandalorians tended to be. She turned then and issued some quick orders to her crew before turning back to the comm. "Let's find these chakaare."
Objective: 4
Location: Edge of the System
Allies: Primeval Ships
Enemies: Mandalorian Scum │ [member="Anija Betna"] │ [member="Sabine Kurtass"] │
Post: 1

The Black Fleet exited hyperspace on the edge of the Agamar system, each of it’s massive ships prepped and ready for carnage. One of the few roaming fleets of the Primeval, it continued it’s path of destruction through the wild space, but under a new command than it was before;

Under the Dantoonie Warlord known as Ebon.

His black cloaked body stood at the helm of the newly christened flagship, Turmoil, a Sovereign Class Battlecruiser. The fleet was nearly seven thousand meters in length, a conglomerate of rampage brought under the singular flag of a man few knew, or the destruction done under his command. Together, this would be just another victory under his command, and a desperate strike back at the Mandolorians for their crimes against the gods he worshiped.

Balagoth demanded mandalorian blood, and mandalorian blood he would receive.



At the rear of the fleet, stood Turmoil, a thousand meters in it’s own right, flanked closely by the two Hood Class Fire Support Cruisers, Cacophony and Flock, each armed and ready with massive Hellbore energy torpedo arrays, a long range artillery style weapon. Next came the Wasp B Heavy Cruiser, Patriarch, flanked each side by two Time Rift-Class Superior E.W. Assault Destroyers, each nearly a thousand meters in length, named Pride & Joy respectively.

Each of these massive weapon orientated ships were supported by numerous smaller ships, namely Hive, the Partisan-Class Technological Warfare Cruiser, Dantoonie’s Hand, a Spewer Class Assault Ship, and four Gulandi-Class Escort Frigates, each named after a forgotten primeval warrior.

Leading the pack, was the Bastion-Class Gunboat, Excellency. A quick vessel, it spun out ahead of the approaching fleet to scan for enemy targets, disappearing into the distance of the black skies. The rest of the fleet offered a small churn of excitement as it followed suit in a slow formation, careful to place the support guns in the rear. Ebon’s finger tapped against the durasteel railing above his bridge’s crew, his amber eye’s purveying through the massive porthole infront of him. Nothing may have been there yet, but in due time he would be enveloped in a massive battle against multiple sides.

Ebon knew of the Death Watch and their fall from power, along with these ‘true mandos’ that have risen in their ashes. All of it disgusted him, and he would see it shut down at the forefront of their attention. He’d make this battle a crushing defeat, a destructive and demeaning experience against the warlike empire that once was a proud and mighty show of presence.

Balagoth demanded not just blood, but a message to the galaxy that the Primeval were not so easily ridden of.

Suprise! More Primeval!

After a quick read of the thread, I thought a little more violence might help everyone, and got permission from [member="Davon Karr"] to join the dominion with a massive fleet to rival the Mandalorians own. I don't mean to win, or anything of the like, but helping out the thread would be a great way to meet new writers so here I am! Good luck to everyone :)

Objective: 3
Location: Outside the city of Calna Muun
Allies: Mandalore and Allies, [Member="Mirshko Betna"]
Enemies: Death Watch and Allies
Post: 1/25

Eyes pierced through the smells and steam that the pot in front him was emitting, his fingers sprinkled a bit of salt as his free hand stirred the contents inside. Spices to bring a strong smell, but nothing too strong, as Rhan knew he needed to make food not only in large quantity but also filling and of course delicious. The red gourd ,he had previously ordered his four helpers diced earlier, began to look ready for serving, but with a quick glance to his left he gestured for his helper to come over. Rippanna moved quickly, her own matching dark garments of Rhan minus the face mask, appeared next to him as he poured her a small portion.

"Tell me if the gourd is good enough," Rhan ordered as he quickly moved to his pans, each filled with several sliced nerf meat to add to the soup later. Rhan moved to the next set of pots, his next batch of red gourd soup and noted the temperature before quickly lowering the flames. His fingers sprinkled a bit more salt as he again stirred with his free hand, Rhan looked over to Rippanna for a confirmation.

"You're going to serve with our shipment of five blossom bread and add the nerf slices right?" She asked, the empty bowl giving Rhan enough evidence to know it was ready to serve.

"Of course, now quickly turn off the flames for the pans with the nerf and help me add them into the pots," Rhan ordered in response as he grabbed the nearest pan and slowly poured the nerf meat slices into the pots of soup. Rhan whistled as he finished the five batches of red gourd soup, with added nerf meat slices and complimented with five blossom bread and gestured with his hand with the cooks behind him. Supposedly they were 'cooks' but Rhan felt them lacking and quickly assigned them to cleaning and dicing the vegetables and now currently moving the large pots of soup to the tables set up for the refugees to line up and grab their much needed sustenance.

Rhan noted that his four 'cooks' were nearly salivating as they were carrying the pots, the lid did nothing to conceal the smell, and he merely smiled beneath his mask. None could notice such phenomenon, a rare occurrence but Rippanna noted the tight mask shifted with movement as his face muscles made a smile. She moved closer, her own rather dull expression, commentated quickly, "I'll be heading towards our ship and check on our supplies," and quickly moved to leave before turning her head towards him, "Though a little too much salt for my taste," she quipped before quickly making her back to their ship.

Rhan raised a single eyebrow, as he sighed and walked over the stoves and assured himself everything was off before leaving the makeshift kitchen tent. His eyes tracked the line forming up, and more of the refugees of the war moved to grab their meal. The gourd and the potatoes mixed in would grant them good carbs and calories, along with the bread and meat to keep the pangs of hunger away for good amount of time. Who knows when their next home meal will be? Rhan thought reluctantly, true enough as a chef he would know when but displaced and forced to flee their homes would make any meal bitter and distasteful.

He gazed at his hands, putting on his black gloves as the winds brought a biting cold. Rhan continued to move along the throngs of people eating his soup, nodding of how people were giving appreciative nods and gestures of their meals. Drops of rain began to fall and this forced Rhan to look up at the darkened sky, filled with angry clouds, perhaps Rhan mused, that the gods were upset with their war. Cry us a flood I guess Rhan wearily thought, and as if taunting him the rains began to pour heavier almost instantly. His feet moved quickly through the rain as he entered into the Medic to get away from the rain.

Sickly and injured people laid in several cots, Rhan himself moved carefully inside but stopped when a raspy voice grabbed his attention, "Are you the Reaper to take me once and for all?", Rhan noticed it came from an aged man laying on a cot. His arms had a few IV lines and a small machine monitoring his condition.

Despite his best effort, Rhan did not know what to exactly say to such accusation, he was in fact garbed nearly all black clothing. But what threw him off was the actual comment of being called a reaper. Moving closer to the old man, Rhan drew his face closer so his words could be heard without much difficulty, "You yet draw life with each breath, keep doing so and you will find more in this life before it is your time," and with that said Rhan placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before quickly leaving his side. The old man was probably delusional so it mattered not if Rhan told him he was in fact not the reaper coming for his life.

Moving away from the old man, Rhan made his way towards another exit, away from any possible 'Reaper' accusers to look and see if the rains have at least slowed. Rhan knew he may not be able to fight for Mandalore exactly, but at least he knew how to cook and feed them for the moment. In a war, the soldier with better food and support would not doubt fight that much harder, so he could at least survive and eat one more of my meals hopefully.

Somewhere near their ship, Rippanna turned her head to face the general direction of Rhan, wondering if her comrade's ego had grown another size larger.
[member="Saverok"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Davon Karr was an old mandalorian. Whilst that meant he wasn’t as sprightly as he had been in his youth, nearly a hundred years under his belt ensured he was very good at not being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When the monstrous Gen’dai took one of his men and crushed him against the wall, the old veteran was already moving for cover, shouldering through a door to leave the stairwell.

Solid rounds that burned bright as they cut through the air filled the stairwell. Several were cut down, their durasteel and beskar plates only of so much use against the searing heat. Davon winced as hot chucks of masonry showered over him.

“Suppressing fire!” he called. Without putting himself in the line of fire he pushed his concussion rifle back into the stairwell and fire three shorts. The concussion rifle was slow, the shots a steady rhythm. Thrum…thrum…thrum…

The stairwell was well defended, but they had to press on. As Davon stepped back into cover, noting the new smouldering gouges in his armour plates, he shouldered his rifle. Personal shield and beskad might be the order of the day next.
Post: 4
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Ember Rekali"]
Enemy: [member="Ebon"]

Sabine destroyer salvo struck the enemy ship, and saw the shields glimmer as a result. Then another enemy fleet arrived, she decide the to keep her barrage up on the enemy ship. She then sent a message to other mandalorian ships. This is Sabine Kurtass of The Banshee, please give me orders. As she spoke her fighter launched, and her ship rocked as a volley of fire hit her ship. She wished she brought a bigger fleet with her, this was supposed to be a cakewalk, not a all knife edge battle. As she waited for her reply, she almost fell over as the ship got struck again. She saw a small fire started, it was possibly due an electrical fault. Her crew quickly got out co2 extinguishes put it out before it had time to spread. Sabine was getting nervous, and wanted more ships to be here.
Allies: [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | UCM
Enemies: [member="Saverok"] | [member="Ebon"]
Objective: 2
Post: 3

Brent advanced up the stairs and heard as well as felt the amount of fire that had been unleashed on the door to the roof. He saw Mandalorian corpses come tumbling down the stairs, some with huge holes and burn marks on their armor. What could have done that, he had no idea, but he heard renewed fighting near the top of the stair well so he advanced up with what was left of his small squad and prepared to engage or help whoever was left up there.

He was advancing up the stairs when he heard urgent comms coming through his headset, it seemed someone else had joined the battle in space, and it sounded like it was about to get really interesting up there. He hoped the fleet that was in orbit could take on whatever had just jumped into the system. If it couldn't, this battle was about to get a whole lot more interesting.

His battle was here and now though, on solid ground, and he turned his attention back to that as he moved back up the stairs towards the roof of the complex. He passed the floor where [member="Marcus Lok"] was looking at the blood that covered his armor, probably blaming the Death Watch trooper for bleeding on him instead of the floor.

Brent pushed farther up the last flight of stairs and saw [member="Davon Karr"] firing bursts from his blaster. "Friendlies coming up," Brent said on his comms to Davon as he and his men took up position and made ready to advance, "What's the situation, where do you need us?"
[member="Brent Warnel"]

"Big bastard, heavy cannon with thermal rounds. Just crushed a vod with its bare hands!" Davon called. The were faintly glowing spots spattered across the walls and floor were testament to the powerful rounds. As was the mandalorian backed into a crevice, clutching a smoking wound in his midriff. Getting pinned down tend to put Davon in an ornery mood. Many things did.

"Let's go cut it down at the knees," Davon called. Fingers slowly wrapped around the hilt of his beskad, which left its sheath with a noise that suggested business was about to happen. Bringing up his left forearm, Davon activated his shield. The iridescent field covered his upper torso. Blade held back and to one side, Davon charged up the stairs.
Ally:[member="Davon Karr"] [member="Marcus Lok"]


Bare hands? Brent thought, this was going to be a fight that would go down in his history no doubt, if he survived. He looked over at Davon and saw the older Mando's armor was smoking in some spots and he sounded a bit gruff on the comm. No doubt mad that he had been hit and cornered by whatever was on the roof with that had crushed another soldier into a wall.

"Let's go cut it down at the knees," Davon called, and Brent responded with an enthusiastic, "I'm right behind you!"

He slung his rifle and pulled out his AKraB dagger in his right hand and a vibro-knuckler in his left. Good weapons for close quarters that could cut through nearly anything, but against a monster that killed another man already with his bare hands, Brent didn't know how they would stand up. He watched Davon activate his energy shield and charge up the stairs and Brent followed directly on his heels with two more Mando's behind him, ready to fight Death Watch and show them what true Mandalorians were capable of.

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