Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Last Watch - The Mandalorian Dominion of Agamar Hex [Cathar and Ord Cestus]

Location: Near Government Buildings
Allies: [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Brent Warnel"]
Enemies: [member="Saverok"]
Objective: One
Post Count: [4/25]

A new monomolecular bolt was reloaded in his crossbow and was just about ready to leave his cover as his integrated personal shield recharged to its maximum capacity. He was more than ready to take on the gigantic brute which was still alive even after the wrist rocket he sent at him and his snipers. After two powerful attacks the Field Marshal knew that this creature couldn't be killed, yet that didn't mean it couldn't go in an unconscious state.

The Warrior took a glance at the giant from the broken window which he damaged and saw its attention was on something else. Perhaps it was focused on his brethren which sought to take down the beast. This was his opportunity to strike the Death Watch Mando which he was obviously going to take because more hostiles were coming at his general area which he could see via HUD due to all the commotion happening from both sides.

Vilaz jumped out from the building and activated his jetpack via voice command. The Redneck would fly towards Saverok and then shot out another bolt from his crossbow, at three miles per second, at the exposed center mass of the Gen'dai. If this monster could take on a wrist rocket and survive, then he can take on a whole platoon without a sweat which was why it needed to be knocked out as quickly as possible before it unleashed more carnage than what Vilaz and his comrades could afford.
Location: Government Complex
Allies: [member="Brent Warnel"] [member="Davon Karr"]
Enemies: [member="Saverok"]
Objective: 2
Post Count: [3/25]

Marcus took one final look down at his body armor and wiped away the blood without a sound. It had been a struggle, and he could hardly believe that the man who had the drop on him should fail so miserably. Perhaps it was just not his day?

He hardly had time to dwell on the thought, for soon he noticed [member="Brent Warnel"] and his squad moving upwards towards the rooftop. He gave a nod to the vod as he pressed on, undoubtedly to the aid of the advance forces that had run into some sort of monstrosity on the upper levels. Through the comm links the screams had been heard, apparently the beast of a man was using some sort of heavy cannon that spewed magma, not a happy thought in the least but it would fit his character. Marcus quickly had his men regroup and they were right behind squad that had ascended just a few moments before. Upon emerging from the well, he was greeted by a much larger warrior and [member="Brent Warnel"] moving up the stairwell in a hurry. It did not take long for the idea to catch on, and soon he had assembled his squad at the next level.

"This is Marcus for [member="Davon Karr"] , we'll cover you from the opposite buildings!"

After the line of communication had finished, he and five others made for the windows. Almost immediately he leveled his rifle with the glass panes and opened fire until they shattered into sparkling shards. His men followed in turn, and soon they were ready for the next phase of the advance. In unison, the small force jumped from the windows and Marcus felt his breathing increase to brisk gasps as the ground levels approached. Just before they passed the bottom of the second floor of the office building, he activated his rocket pack and soon they were on their way back up, this time to the opposite complex of buildings. The laser fire in the air was intense as ever, and one of his comrades fell out of the sky in a burning heap as his pack was struck by a stray bolt.

"Keep formation! They're waiting for us on this roof!"

The party soon tumbled forth onto the duracrete platform which made up the roof of the next complex. Several bodies already littered the deck, and it was quite apparent that some sort of explosive device had gone off a few minutes before their arrival. Now they simply had to press on.
[member="Vilaz Munin"]
[member="Marcus Lok"]
Location: Near Government Buildings
Allies: Davon Karr, Brent Warnel , Vilaz Munin
Enemies: Saverok
Objective: assist Vilaz
Post Count: 1/25

Activating his comm the Keskian spoke to Vilaz " Sucuy Vod , I can see youve got yourself a situation ! Move out of the way so I can shoot this traitorous Dikuta! Theres too much movement between the two of you!" , as a member of his race , he can see in the ultra violent spectrum, and infrared spectrums easily , giving him the advantage , he already was an elite sniper, but with this ability to see his prey , he really could open fire, and be accurate even if the target was in a building. He may be an initiate , but Bryanjar would earn his right to wear armor soon. His postion overlooked the two combatants leaping and fighting , the sniper's position was north of them about one mile away , using his scope , the mandalorian was ready to open fire , and seriously damage the bastard.
Objective: 5
Location: Outside the city of Calna Muun
Post: 1/25

Ruins. Both of buildings and sentient life. Pain, suffering, death. It permeated the landscape. A cloying scent of rot. Tents and ransacked buildings used as clinics, hospitals, quarters, and mess halls littered his view. The moans and cries of the dying intermingled with the hoarse wails of those who had lost loved ones. Men and women stood and sat, their faces an open book to their loss. It was sickening, more so then the dead.

Children though, they ran from debris pile to rubble mound playing their games. War games. Of a time when they would fight war and battle with blaster and sword, tooth and nail. This was the spirit of the mando'ade. The spirit that refused to be cowed, refused to be broken, refused to be defeated.

The man chuckled first the first time in ages. The sound startled him from his silent reverie and he eased from the shadows of the decimated hovel he had been standing in. A dark hood cast darkness upon his face. But the two glowing orbs, neon blue, burned from the depth like miniature whirlwinds of azure fire.

His steps crushed the ground mercilessly under armored boots as he walked among the refugees. Those who noticed the man shied away, casting their gaze away from the man who's presence could be felt like the stuff of nightmares. A cold grin crossed his bearded face.

Like a wraith he walked among the survivors, a man who once lived, but had all but died.
Objective 4/5
Location: High Orbit
Allies: United Clans; [member="Ember Rekali"]; [member="Sabine Kurtass"]
Enemies: Death Watch and allies | [member="Ebon"]
Post: 4


Slowly, new contacts began to appear on the sensor plot. They too bore the strobing yellow halo around the ships of unknown vessels. The first thing she noticed was the vessel which appeared and took up a position alongside the Alor, which Anija found interesting. She was just about to say something when the ship's IFF stabilized. Her eyes narrowed. And then she received her next surprise as a message was sent over the general comm frequency. Her mouth thinned into a line at what she heard. The name attached to the voice wasn't one she was overly familiar with. And if she was being honest, she wasn't totally comfortable receiving help from a ship broadcasting an OS IFF signal.

But for now, she didn't really have much in the way of options. She wasn't about to turn down help when it was offered, Especially in light of the other ships who were suddenly appearing on the sensor plot. These definitely weren't expected. For now, they all still bore the strobing yellow halo of unknowns. As she watched, the small swarm of dots blossomed and spread out, disgorging scores of smaller dots. Fighter vessels of some kind. She knew Ember had already done so himself. From the count of the main vessels, it looked like the might be outmatched, but she knew that the Alor was the latest, and one of the most powerful vessels to ever come off the production lines of the Mandalorian war machine.

The Skira class which Ember brought to a support position was appreciated.. and well. The Immortal... She was still shaking her head over that one. With a ship of that size... and from the amount of fighter craft all ships in the task force had put out - including his, it looked liked it was a pretty even match. The addition of Sabine's ship appeared to tip the odds just slightly in their favor. But she knew only time would tell. As she took all this in, she watched the as yet unidentified ships draw ever closer. "Kurtas, focus your fire on the ship you are now. Send some of your fighters to help those of the Like Hell. We need to get that main ship out of the fight, and keep their forces divided..." She continued to watch the tactical plot as the range on the new ships ticked steadily downwards.

And when the ships began to draw to a stop, she swore softly. The design of the ships was familiar somehow. And it took her a few moments to place it. Muunilinst.. Wayland. Her blood chilled for a mere instant before she felt an anger rise inside her, One born from the losses they had suffered at Wayland at the hands of the very people whose ships these were. Finally, the range was such that the tactical computer itself was able to match preliminary scans with images stored in the Alor's databanks. Primeval.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Objective: One
Location: Rooftops
Allies: [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: [member="Saverok"]


Flames roared to life, propelling Kade Kelborn's armored body through a window. Glass shattered into a thousand spinning fragments and then he was flying through open air, headed straight for the rooftop with the aru'e. Kade's kama flowed out behind him in the wind, preventing the wash of his jetpack from searing into his legs.

He raised a wrist and pointed it in the direction of the aruetti. A voice command sent an explosive micro missile shrieking through the air and straight for the Gen'dai's left leg. Kelborn landed on the rooftop, jets cutting off, knees bending to absorb the shock of impact. He reached back over one shoulder and drew his beskad, while a half-dome of energy snapped to life on his left arm.

"Death calls, ogir'olar, the Destroyer will witness."

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
Objective 3
Location: Outside the city of Calna Muun - Medical/Refugee camp
Allies: United Clans; [member="Arrbi Betna"]; [member="Rhan Komo"]; [member="Muad Dib"]
Enemies: Death Watch and allies, potentially [member="Saverok the Unleashed"]
Post: 5

As Mirshko continued her rounds, she noticed a slight change in the noise level outside the medical tent. The medical tent itself was quite large, and was located to one side of the encampment, allowing quick access as necessary, but also keeping it out of the way of traffic. She turned towards the entrance to the tent, as she noticed something else entering the tent along with the reduction of the noise level. A rather pleasant aroma reached her. She'd removed her helmet several hours ago, as it was not really helping ease the distress of some of the injured. She'd guessed correctly that they were more likely to relax if they could see the face of their caretakers instead of a rather faceless helmet.

She turned to look at the rows of beds lined up inside the tent. As she did so, she noticed the man [ [member="Rhan Komo"] ] who was wearing a dark mask that had paused near one of the injured. She didn't feel a sense of danger from him. But she could smell the same scent which had entered the tent moments before. Probably because it lingered on his clothes. The scent was mouthwatering. It smelled of meat, spices, and various vegetables... though none which she could immediately place. As he stepped back outside into the rain, Mirshko found herself drawn to follow him. And a few seconds later, her stomach announced it's agreement as she pushed the flap on the tent's exit aside.

The rain struck her exposed face and ran down her armor in small rivulets. The camp was still bustling in spite of the weather, and she could see smoke from the cooking tents off to her left. It was this way that the man wearing the mask had headed, and she followed him. More out of curiosity, and a growling stomach than anything. Along the way, she watched the children running through the camp - ducking under tables, through tents, and around the adults as they played a game of tag. That was something she missed. The carefree days of her younger years.

As she continued her progress towards the cooking tents, she found herself drawn to a halt as she sensed a presence she hadn't in years. Could it be? Her gaze tracked over the crowd for a few moments as she tried to locate it. There.... Her searching gaze stopped on the form of a man shrouded in a dark cloak - [member="Muad Dib"]. But in spite of that, she felt a pang of the familiar. She held her gaze on him for a few moments, but continued on when she realized that to look too long might be construed as rude.
Location: Rooftops - Streets
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Brent Warnel"]
Objective: Start trying...Maybe​
Things were getting fun now! So much going on and so many enemies closing in! He could feel them all at once. " Oh I love it all! What is this?! Five vs one? Six? Seven?! Come on is that all you got?" He shouted backing out of the stair way and tossing the Clanmens body off to the side. This was a warzone. There was everything you could think of. Men and women were falling within seconds, bodies could be seen flying from shock waves and fear gripped at the newest of recruits. This was all childs play to Saverok, but could get to a serious level if he let it.

Like a bull he took in a breath some how and spouted it out. Crimson red eyes shined behind the visage of his mask and with a growl he shook his body slightly as if a chill ran down his spine. Dreadful was the dark sensation that oozed from his body, it was the darkside. Though he did use his force abilities outward with force, his focus was on feeding off the conflict around him to recharge and store up energy. With a smirk Saverok eyed the two mandos charging up the stairs toward him with melee weapons ([member="Davon Karr"] & [member="Brent Warnel"]l) Brave but very mistaken. The Gen'dai had no time for petty unorganized strikes.

Taking a step away from them Saverok retreated to the edge of the building and glanced to his right slightly, his eyes specifically spotted [member="Vilaz Munin"] and that annoying weapon of his. The Gen'dais brow twitched when he felt the trigger pulled and a instantly another wound was caused from the petty arrows. If it wasn't for his advanced healing factor he would not even feel the pain in his chest, the regrowth of nerves was more painful then the projectile he just revived.

" Do you ever learn?!" Saverok shouted with a growl of a groan. Taking up aim with his Magma Cannon the giant double tapped the trigger sending two molten slugs his way. It was now time to draw this Mando clansmen further in. With a leap off the building the large figure descended several meters till his feet touched the ground with a smash. Even with his constant moving he was still being attacked one at a time. In this case was a Micro missile curving down toward him ([member="Kade Kelborn"]). Grabbing a speeder nearby Saverok heaved it over his head using it as a shield. Flames engulfed him once more and from the smoke the remains of a speeder was throw out in the distance.

" This getting old... I thought Mandos could work together?" He muttered in his breath watching his chest heal from a burn.

Vilaz Munin
Marcus Lok
Location: Near Government Buildings, rooftop overlooking the situation
Allies: mandalorians
Enemies: Saverok
Objective: take out saverok
Post Count: 2/25

This was enough, the sniper breathed lightly, the aim sights slowly zooming for the middle of the upper back of this scum. Overlooking the attack two brave vod would be charging , he would help them as a large blast was fired to hit this area, it would hurt, a lot. Looking in infrared was what the sniper chose to do, in order to see the battlefield in a much better way. If the shot hit the stationary target it would be a double whammy, enemies like these needed to kept being hit , until they could be overwhelmed . He was not in a farm overlooking mos eisly anymore, he was a fully fledged keshian, mandalorian sniper. His aim would be spot on, hopefully this force being wouldn't magically put up a cowards barrier to protect himself. Bryanjar whistled to himself , as he readied another well aimed shot. This was a warzone , and as a sniper , he took out the most threatening targets to his allit, and Saverok was more then threatening, he could change the battle , to the united clans suffering another defeat , something unacceptable. ussually targets of significance would just be one shot one kill, but this one could heal itself, they needed to gang up on this one quickly .
Objective: 3
Location: Outside the city of Calna Muun
Allies: Mandalore and Allies, [Member="Mirshko Betna"] [Member="Muad Dib"]
Enemies: Death Watch and Allies
Post: 2/25

The rain softened its downpour, enough for Rhan's small pleasure, as his dislike of rain extended quite a ways deep. His eyes darted around him, several refugees gave him quizzical looks, and few from the food lines gestured their thanks as the four 'cooks' explained who made them their meals and pointed towards Rhan. He nodded as an elderly woman smiled and offered her thanks, as he quickly maneuvered himself out of the crowded area of refugees.

Rhan gazed around the tents and noticed, rather felt, a strange feeling as he observed several refugees shirk away. Silently and evidently running for their lives but such reaction gave Rhan some concern. His eyes targeted the source of the sudden fear, a cloaked figure, that nearly matched Rhan's own taste for dark clothing. Raising an eyebrow at the stranger Rhan took a step forward but suddenly stopped as a pair of large eyes and small hands tugged at his pant legs.

"Yes?" Rhan asked, kneeling down to the muddy ground, arms crossed over his chest.

The boy, somehow, widened his eyes even more. His face grew red as he turned his gaze away from Rhan's but his courage returned a moment later as he spoke up, "Um, they say you make the food, c-can you get me plate?" He asked, "They wouldn't give me two plates and I need both of them for my brother and sister, they're too weak and tired to get here on their own, and the rain doesn't help" He added.

Rhan was about to simply escort him over to the kitchen line and just persuade the 'cooks' to give him two more plates but another idea came to his mind. Looking back down at the boy, "Sure, just wait here, I'll grab you something special," Rhan explained, patting the boy's head as he moved towards the Cook's tent.

Moving inside he noted a strange sight, Rippana was readying several pans as she started to cut vegetables on the cutting board. She looked at Rhan and each of them held their stare for several moments before Rhan broke it off by walking towards the ovens and looking over what was being made. Lowering his mask a bit to let his nose take a good sniff of the spices mixed in with the potatoes slices getting fried. Rippana materialized next to him as she started to flip and make sure her potatoes slices weren't going to get burned.

Taking the chance Rhan took his gloves off and quickly walked over to the rinsing vegetables and defrosting nerf to clean his own hands. "The rice and beans in the pot correct?" Rhan asked walking over to the oven.

"Yes, no spices yet, only finished boiling and mixing," Rippana articulated quickly, concentrating on her own work, "How many servings?" She asked.

"Make it seven," Rhan said, wanting to cover all his bases. He walked over to the spices readied for him next to the pot, and he glanced over to Rippana who was making more than seven serving of her potato scallops and sauteed vegetables. Rhan kept that in mind as he stirred into the pot the spices, as he needed to make sure the balance between the potatoes and the side of rice and beans are correct. Overbearing entree or overcompensating sides would never be served in any high class restaurant.

The bowls near him were quickly filled with the base of rice and beans, the spices and diced roots for some crunch laid ready for Rippana's potato slices and vegetables. The tray with three bowls, held expertly with a single hand from Rhan, perfect balance as he began to walk out of the tent.

"I'll be get the Nerf cut and prepped for tomorrow," Rippana said, and with that Rhan exited the tent with a quickly reply, "Thank you."

The boy himself waited at the same spot where Rhan had told the boy to wait, but quickly moved closer to Rhan upon seeing the chef. Rhan knelt back down and brought the tray at the boy's chest. "The rice and potatoes are very filling and should warm you guys up quite well," He explained, "The beans themselves are from a planet with good-" But Rhan paused himself when he noticed that the boy hardly paid any attention to his words but only stared at the food in front of him. The rain thankfully had slowed tremendously, to which Rhan was thankful.

The smell alone must have been enough for the boy to greedily grab the tray from Rhan. Though a quick realization hit as the boy remembered his manners and gave Rhan a large smile, matching the large eyes, "Thank you! Ah, I don't know what else to say sir, just thank you!" The boy quickly said, Rhan in turn nodded and gestured for him to take the food to his siblings.
Location: Outside of Calna Muun
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Deathwatch
Objective: 3
Post: 2

He was quite enjoying himself at the moment. Even in the darkness of his own soul he could still find enjoyment in the moment. The children were playing a game of kickball now and he croutched watching the reverie the kids were enraptured in, having fun. The adults were busy putting as much distance between himself and them as possible. But that didn't bother the man. He enjoyed that as well. His senses told him he was being watched by two sets of eyes that did not share the other refugees fear. One he recognized in the force. A familiar presence from his past. Glancing down the road he saw the young lady who was staring at him for several moments longer then what would be considered polite. He chuckled at the thought that he would take offense at the inpolite. She turned away but he knew her at first sensing her. His view of her confirmed it.

[member="Mirshko Betna"].

She had grown from the last time he had seen her. But years would do that to a person. She was heading toward the second set of eyes who had curiously watched him, a man named [member="Rhan Komo"] whom the Mad Knight had not met. As of yet. However he was soon to rectify that. Slowly he made his way to what certainly had to be a mess hall of sorts from the appetizing smells floating upon the light breeze. He watched the back of Mirshko picking up traces of her parents in her build and demeanor. She resembled her mother but the walk was all Arrbi, her sire. She walked with a sure fottedness and a strong gait. She knew what she wanted and where so her pace was stong and steady.

He chuckled as he neared the edge of the tent and raised his hands to sweep the hood from his face and ducked down to enter. His eyes took in the interior a habit of searching out his surroundings looking for enemies as well as threats all the while memorizing the layout. For you never knew when he the most minute detail would come in handy. Glancing between the two who held his interest with glowing blue eyes he grinned.

"Something smells good mate. And hello Mirshko, you've grown."
Location: Rooftops - Streets
[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Brent Warnel"] [member="Saverok"]

Davon wasn't a fool. A mandalorian didn't survive as many brutal decades of war as he'd been through by making rash decisions. Sometimes he was aggressive, sometimes he took calculated risks. Yet Davon Karr was no fool. Which was why he felt a brief tremor of fear as the beast shrugged off the attacks.

He wasn't certain if it was a war droid, or some other monstrosity, but he knew it could derail his plans.

"Go!" he waved his men onwards as he slid his beskad back into its sheath. They rushed past to the far corner of the roof and immediately started firing on the next set of death watch positions. When the sun came up the United Clans needed to have this sector under their control.

Davon couldn't jump down after the beast without breaking his limbs, but he had no interest in doing so. His concussion rifle came up in one smooth motion, held stock still with the aid of his power armour. Dropping to one knee to keep most of his body in cover, he fired a concussion shot right at the thing as it returned fire and cried out its challenge. The few individuals fighting it would have to bring it down, or die trying, to buy their brothers enough time to take the district.
[member="Davon Karr"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Saverok"]

This wasn't going as planned. Well, they never really had any plans in the first place, but if they did this big monstrosity would not have been in it. Whatever the thing was, it challenged them and taunted them, and then jumped over the side of the roof and fell to the street below. Brent risked a glance at Davon who was probably thinking the same thing as him, what could survive a fall like that and take the amount of damage it had been taking?

They needed to end this, before it got out of control. He couldn't follow the beast down to the street level, his body would crumple on the pavement below, but he didn't have to get close to engage it though. He pulled out his rifle and aimed down the sights and started shooting rounds down at the beast as it roared up at them and returned fire.

Beside him Davon did the same thing, as well as a few troopers that were still left alive. More Mando's were in other parts of adjacent buildings pouring fire on the thing that had jumped from the roof. If they wanted to secure this part of the government buildings, they needed to take this thing down, or drive it off if they could. Either option Brent would take because whatever was on the receiving end of his rifle was shrugging off damage that would have put down a dozen men, and it looked like it hadn't even begun to fight back yet.
Location: Government Complex Rooftops
Allies: [member="Brent Warnel"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: [member="Saverok"]
Objective: 2
Post Count: [4/25]

Marcus frowned as he watched the beast endure hit after hit. Sparks and flashes from a variety of weapon impacts upon its form had been the only indicator of the monstrosity even taking any damage. The situation had largely grown into a sort of disorganized chase across the building tops and he found his weapon raised in the creature's direction more than once along a path of changing cover. With a motion of his hand downward into the building he sent his squad on to secure this area of the complex before he himself raced on to keep up with the barreling creature.

From the alternate rooftops just across the way, he could see the forms of [member="Brent Warnel"] , whom had taken up a very active role in dowsing the creature in flurries of energy bolts, and [member="Davon Karr"] who had just let forth a burst from his Concussion rifle.

Gotta stop it... Blaster fire sure isn't doing the trick...

With a determined swiftness, the young hacker began to run towards the next roof, that would follow the beast's predicted path. His boots pounded against the hard tarmac of the rooftops harder and harder, in an effort to get a view of the beast's back in his advance. Perhaps if he could stop it if it began to run again, or perhaps to have a possibly advantageous position behind the creature for effective fire on any weak points... For some reason, he felt that being out of the direct view of that magma cannon's barrel would be favorable.

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
Objective 3
Location: Outside the city of Calna Muun - Medical/Refugee camp
Allies: United Clans; [member="Arrbi Betna"]; [member="Rhan Komo"]; [member="Muad Dib"]
Enemies: Death Watch and allies, potentially [member="Saverok the Unleashed"]
Post: 6
Mirshko turned her attention back to the man in the mask - just in time to see him present a tray of food to a small boy. She couldn't hear what was said, but she didn't need to. The boy's amazement rippled through the Force nonetheless. She smiled slightly. At least there were still some with good hearts in the midst of al this. Perhaps there was hope for the rest yet. That thought was a bit encouraging to her, and she resumed her progress towards the cooking tents.

Even as she turned away, she could now feel his gaze on her. She hoped her initial assumption had been right. It at least felt like the same person, if a little different. But then, she had changed as well. Many had over the years. Both from their own personal struggles and the more recent ones which seemed to engulf the whole of the Mandalorian people. She was no stranger to conflict. But, she'd been robbed of a great deal of her youth by various means.

A sigh fell from her lips, and she made her way slowly inside the cooking tents. As she did so, she was met with a veritable wall of aromas which left her mouth watering. In response, her stomach growled rather loudly. She stifled a rather nervous giggle and automatically stepped aside as she felt someone enter just behind her. She had to blink a few times for her eyes to adjust to the relative dimness. But, when she turned around she found her mouth dropping open in surprise. "Muad?" Her tone was hesitant at first, and she found herself searching his face for a long moment as she also reached out in the Force. Not to be invasive, but to get a better sense of him now that they were in close proximity.

Her armor was smudged with dirt and grime, and even a few smears of dried blood. None of which was hers, thankfully. On her right arm, she wore an armband marked with the emblem of the Mandalorian Medic corps. Though she wasn't primarily a Medic, she knew enough that she'd volunteered her skills when the call had gone out for Agamar. And so, here she was. She took a step back for a moment as she tried to let her eyes adjust in the dimness. In response to his statement, she nodded, an ever so faint smile touching her lips. "I have. In more ways than some might think..." she imparted quietly. "Shall I tell you about it over a meal?" she asked, gesturing towards Rhan. "Two bowls, gedet'ye."
Location: outside of Calna Muun, the erected camps
Objective: 3
Allies: the Clans, [member="Mirshko Betna"] , [member="Rhan Komo"]
Enemies: Deathwatch and their allies

The blue eyes blazed at the blood in her armor. Opening to the force be felt her own presence reaching out and testing his own aura. Immediately he clamped onto the darker emotions always boiling just under the surface. Not to hide it but to protect her. A Jedi Knight had once tried to 'sense' Muad to better understand him. The choice failed brilliantly and drive the Jedi Knight mad, in turn turning evil and becoming a sith. That escapade was one of the free times the Mad Knight had worked side by side with Jedi to track down the newly minted Darth Reachan, which ended with the fallen Jedi's death at Muad's hand. Not out of animosity but to free the fallen Jedi of who he had become.

Shaking his head lightly to free himself of the reverie he focused on the child before him. But as both his eyes and his senses told him, gone was the child who he had known. Sorrow and pain emanated from her and a hint could be seen in her dark eyes. Things seen, horrors experienced, things one could not forget and stained the soul. These things the Mad Knight of Manda'yaim understood.

Glancing at the man who offered the two bowls Muad nodded his thanks and tilted his head in an offer for the man to join them if he wished before heading to a table where to men sat. As they saw then approaching they quickly grabbed their plates and left the tent. He chuckled at their reaction. Easing onto the bench he set his bowl down while sliding the other across the table.

"It has been some time. And yet you have grown faster then what time typically allows. Gone is the child I once knew. Who is the young woman before me?"

His question seemed pointed and to some perhaps rude. But the man was ever straight to the point. He was curious about the young woman and what had affected the change in her. Both physically and mentally.
Objective: 3
Location: Outside the city of Calna Muun
Allies: Mandalore and Allies, [member="Mirshko Betna"] [member="Muad Dib"]
Enemies: Death Watch and Allies
Post: 3/25

Careful movements, he maneuvered his way back into the tent but another person approached him and asked of him a serving of food. His eyes flashed over the two, the same man Rhan had saw earlier and another woman armored as well as a medic. The two began to converse to which he took that moment to leave and bring forth their order. Gedet'ye, huh, Rhan mused silently as he entered his kitchen once again. "Gedet'ye," Rhan slowly muttered the word.

"Please what?" Rippana asked, her hands holding a knife as she expertly began to cut the nerf meat.

"Is that what that words means?" Rhan asked, slightly embarrassed, as he moved to grab the order.

"I'm surprised, I thought I would be left behind in studying Mandalorian, or rather Mando'ade I believe it the proper word," Rippana replied, sounding a bit happy about the turn of events. Rhan was always her senior in everything; from combat to cooking, even in studies and learning, as Rhan made it clear that both of them should learn more of the cultures that abides in this galaxy.

"After you put the nerf away you can take the rest of the day to yourself," Rhan said as he left the kitchen. He did not want to see her lopsided grin of her small victory over him.

His hand easily carried the tray of the two bowls for both the man and woman, easily placing them in front of the two. Though giving a slight raised eyebrow at the sudden disappearance of the other men at the tale, Rhan refocused his attention of his two new guests. Obvious enough they weren't refugees but combatants of Mandalore. My comrades, or rather what's the word? Vode? Rhan shook his thoughts to bring his attention back to the now.

Rhan kept himself silent, standing between the two sitting and conversing, silently waiting to interlude for a moment. Grasping the moment, "The rice and beans are spiced with mild salt and diced garlic, complemented with a dash of Cayenne Pepper to add a sweetened heat, the potatoes scallops on the other hand are spiced with cloves and with thyme to give it more of an all around woodsy flavor, pardon the vague description," He explained before introducing what else was on the tray.

Two loaves of five blossom bread, sliced and accompanied with a small dipping cup of a slightly red yellow sauce. "The five blossom bread, accompanied with a special dipping sauce to complement your overall meal, with two main ingredients of saffron and sage, a more flora and honey quality with a healthy amount of melted butter," Rhan explained. Giving a slight bow to the both, "If there is anything you wish for me to explain of your meals, feel free to ask," He added.
Location: Streets
Objective: Guerrilla Warfare
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Brent Warnel"] [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"]

The glorious pain of combat! The whole concept of enduring was a interesting one and though Saverok could take a serious amount of punishment, it was wise to give a new set of commands before anything too interesting could occur. " This is Mr. Malice! Engage operation Flytrap! Do not let up!" he shouted into his comm and jerked back feeling a new projectile make contact with his armored shoulder. Felt like a sniper round of sorts and though it packed a punch it was nothing compared to the pain caused by the Concussion Round that found its mark on Saveroks hip area. The Armor weave on his power armor were being torn to shreds and the only thing protecting him was the plating now.

Stumbling back groaning the Gen'dai shook his head and retreated around a corner. " Enough!" He snapped at [member="Davon Karr"] & [member="Brent Warnel"]. Quickly a large hand drew a rather heavy caliber pistol. Taking aim at their chests the behemoth fired off two shots at the two men atop the building before falling back behind a street corner and heading down the street into cover, fighting full on was something in his ability but he saw no use of such methods yet. Besides even Gen'dai needed some time to rest. The idea was to draw away the United clans as Death Watch did their job reinforcing their positions. That was Operation Flytrap. A game of cat a mouse. If they clans could not stop Saverok then he would slowly and surely tear them down with his tactics.
[member="Rhan Komo"]

[member="Marcus Lok"]

[member="Brent Warnel"]

[member="Davon Karr"]

[member="Kade Kelborn"]

[member="Vilaz Munin"]

Location: Near Government Buildings, rooftop overlooking the situation
Allies: mandalorians
Enemies: Saverok
Objective: take out saverok
Post Count: 3/25

"Alright , im in a position overlooking you karks , so listen up . The death wath are reinforcing there positions, if you pusue that karken monster blindly you dikutas will walk into an a,bush. Lets beat the shabs out of them , instead off blindly pursuing him.We are warriors of the mandode, not the stupid skirmishers that die as canon fodder. We need to take out the deathwatch commandos reinforcing their positions , the bastard is retreeting to the streets I suggest half of us attack the deathwatch while the rest of us pursue him. " , he spoke in his comm . The keshian sniper knew exactly where the beast was going, thanks to his racial ability of being able to see in the ultraviolet spectrums, and infrared spectrums, while also being able to see in the more normal spectrums the rest could see. This helped him as a sniper plan his next shot on the creature. He waited until , the enemy fired his pistol at the others , as the enemy exposed himself , he breathed , having his sights aim center mass , a shot at that magnitude would certainly punish the gut , he pulled the trigger , the plasma projectile flew out of his blaster sniper rifle , it was unlikely that the shot would miss such a massive body, if it would not hit center mass, it certianly would hit the lateral side of his body.
Allies: [member="Bryanjar Aulfmaor"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Enemies: [member="Saverok"]

Brent could hear the beast roaring in the street and most likely getting its troops together to make some type of counter attack. With the soldiers the United Clans had they could probably hold off the Death Watch in this part of the city. But if this monster got loose and started taking command of its troops again and organizing them then the Clans would be in for a tough fight. It would be block by block and inch by inch, paying for the territory they gained with the blood of his brothers. Brent didn't want that to happen, if the few commandos here could take this thing out, then the Clans could push forward into the city without the Death Watch having a major commander in the field.

He kept firing down below and saw one of his rounds hit the creature square in the back. But his blasters damage was nothing compared to what Davon's concussion round would do. It hit the creatures thigh and even from this distance Brent could see the splatter of tissue and muscle explode onto the street pavement. Any regular human would have been out of the fight then and there with the amount of damage this thing had recieved, but it stayed on its feet. And whats more it returned fire with near pinpoint accuracy.

Brent barely had time to register the words the creature yelled up at him and Davon before the edge of the building he was using as cover blew apart in front of him and a high projectile round, slowed from the impact with the building, collided with the upper portion of his chest plate near his right pectoral muscle. The kinetic energy from the round spun Brent around and lifted him off his feet to crash down among the debris of the rooftop. He landed facedown and pain lanced through his body as he tried to figure out how bad the damage was.

He gasped for air and checked the readings in his suit as he rolled over onto his back and tried to reorient himself. Broken ribs and torn muscles in his upper body, but nothing detrimental. The round had hit the portion where his chestplate connects to his collarbone, which wasn't very armored. His armor would need some work, and he would need some medical aid, but not right now. Right now he needed to get back up and get his rifle back on target and help his brothers out.

"I'm hit, but I'm alright," Brent said as he staggered back onto his feet and looked for his rifle among the wreckage around him. Seeing it laying not to far away from him, he stumbled towards it with pain shooting through his body and grabbed it up and prepared to get back into the fight.

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