☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
851 ABY - Commenor Spaceport
[member="Darben Skirae"]
Aeso'na sighed. She had had the time of her life on Arkania--she had to make sure to send Mariya a Holo-message to thank her for taking her as a plus-one--but she now had the long journey back to Order space before her. To the Dosuun sector to be exact. She most certainly was not looking forward to it, especially if, as she suspected, it was going to be so intermittent.
Somehow, she had gotten very lucky with her journey out being more-or-less continuous aboard the same vessel, only stopping to refuel periodically. But she had not been able to find such a ship going back again; she must have missed the return journey.
Her first layover was on Commenor. She had been here for about a standard hour, and she had at least two more to go. The doctor tried not to let it get her down, but rather use the time to catch up on the reports that she had brought along for such an unfortunate occasion.
She wandered around the spaceport, finding a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. It seemed quiet enough. After ordering a cup of caffe, a burger with some sort of native meat, and a side of salamander sticks, she took a seat in a booth way in the venue's back to, with any luck, effectively kill time working on her holopad and munching on a late lunch.
She had changed into her casual attire, and had crimped her hair only to pull it back into a tight ponytail. Her silver dress and heels she had worn to the party were stowed in her black carry-on luggage. She had also left off her First Order shield choker. She was unsure if the Order was well-known so far out of its holdings, but she was not about to risk it. Un-like-minded people tended to jump to conclusions about her from just one look at the necklace.
[member="Darben Skirae"]

Aeso'na sighed. She had had the time of her life on Arkania--she had to make sure to send Mariya a Holo-message to thank her for taking her as a plus-one--but she now had the long journey back to Order space before her. To the Dosuun sector to be exact. She most certainly was not looking forward to it, especially if, as she suspected, it was going to be so intermittent.
Somehow, she had gotten very lucky with her journey out being more-or-less continuous aboard the same vessel, only stopping to refuel periodically. But she had not been able to find such a ship going back again; she must have missed the return journey.
Her first layover was on Commenor. She had been here for about a standard hour, and she had at least two more to go. The doctor tried not to let it get her down, but rather use the time to catch up on the reports that she had brought along for such an unfortunate occasion.
She wandered around the spaceport, finding a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. It seemed quiet enough. After ordering a cup of caffe, a burger with some sort of native meat, and a side of salamander sticks, she took a seat in a booth way in the venue's back to, with any luck, effectively kill time working on her holopad and munching on a late lunch.
She had changed into her casual attire, and had crimped her hair only to pull it back into a tight ponytail. Her silver dress and heels she had worn to the party were stowed in her black carry-on luggage. She had also left off her First Order shield choker. She was unsure if the Order was well-known so far out of its holdings, but she was not about to risk it. Un-like-minded people tended to jump to conclusions about her from just one look at the necklace.