Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Layover on Commenor

☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
She put the chit back in her wallet, and fit the pieces securely in an internal pocket on it, and slipped the whole thing back into her messenger bag. Then she looked back up at [member="Darben Skirae"]. She nodded. "Yes, I think so. But, I...uh, was thinking," she stumbled. "You livened up my day too. Do you have a HoloNet address? I'd like to keep in contact--if you'd like."
He was quite surprised by that. He did, but he ever rarely used it. "Uh, y-yeah sure." He brought it up on his datapad, then put it on the counter, pushing it across towards [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]. "It's right one's ever asked me before." He had had friends to keep in contact with, like Kay or Veiere but that was mainly business based. "Oh, and you are welcome...for livening up your day."
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
She grabbed her own datapad to jot down the address, then smiled warmly up at [member="Darben Skirae"]. "You're welcome too. Goodbye, Mister Skirae." And with that, the doctor headed towards the door, pulling her leather trenchcoat back on in preparation for her journey back to the spaceport, and then back to First Imperial Medical Station Mountbatten.

There would be plenty of work to do when she returned; she had glanced a holomail notification from her assistant when getting down Darben's address, which indicated she had been gone for too long.

It would not be until her transport began its takeoff sequence that she got to read it in its abbreviated entirety:

[Terrani --
Get back ASAP.
Something arrived this morning, your eyes only. It looks important. A deathtrooper brought it by. I thought Carlon was going to have a heart condition.
-- Lauderslaug
Hope you had fun on Arkania.]
Darben waved goodbye as he left his store. Then he just, kind of stood there. He wasn't sure how long he had been standing there, but by the time he regained himself, Mia and Renla had gotten back. "Well, it's about time you finished u-" Renla stalked by, and up to her room. That's when he realized, he forgot to message his own daughter.

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