"A plant...that is sentient? What, you mean it talks or something?" Now that Darben had definitely never heard of before. Something he thought was only in dreams. Then again, he had not been to many places across the galaxy. "I guess?" He wasn't sure what else to say about a conscious tree.
He and [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] arrived to his store finally, and he took off his jacket to hang it up before heading further in. Shelves stacked, boxes unpacked. Renla and his bodyguard had been busy. "Renla, I'm back!" He received no answer, and pulled out his commlink. "Uh, you can go looking around if you like. We have gem jewelry, or maybe you could get a bottle of Commenori Brandy. I gotta make a call."
He went behind the counter where he tried to call his bodyguard, who answered quickly. "Where are you?" There was a momentary pause before an answer came. "I took Renla shopping." Darben sighed out of relief. So they couldn't have been that far. "Next time, let me know, please." He heard a groan, and pictured her rolling her eyes. "Sure thing, Darben Uptight." He was about to get up her for calling him uptight, but she ended the call. "I'm not uptight."