Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Layover on Commenor

☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona stepped up into the speeder and took a seat. She smiled and nodded at [member="Darben Skirae"]. "An unfortunate side effect of being consumed by work," she agreed. "I know every corner of my hospital, and the path back to my apartment." She frowned slightly. "It's a little sad, but--well, I'd rather save lives than explore, I guess."
He had to admit, that he admired that in [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"], the willingness to save other's lives. He couldn't do so if he tried, he was not a fighter. Or a doctor. Just a simple merchant. "Well, saving lives must bring good things" he said. "I don't think it's sad at all. Every day I spend in my store because I...well, let's just say there was an incident that keeps me inside a lot" he said. He looked out the window of the speeder and saw that they were approaching the bay, much more quickly than expected.

"That was faster than I thought it would be..." he muttered to himself. The speeder came for a landing, and out he went when the taxi driver opened the door for him. "You know, I have never actually been here." He shifted his gaze toward the lighthouse, he did not ever see that there. Then again, whenever he did pass by the bay, he never took much notice.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona, herself, stepped out of the speeder. "Beautiful," she commented. There was something she loved about the sea; if anyone who knew wanted to give her a hard time, they could surely call her out on her hypocrisy. After all, the sea was in some qualities similar to space: unknown, untamed, and potentially dangerous.

As [member="Darben Skirae"] pointed out the lighthouse, she look to it as well. She knit her brows in slight confusion. "Whatever is that for?" she asked. Some sort of artillery, maybe? No. If it was, it was not designed well at all.

Neither Byblos nor Varunda IX had any structures like it, as she could remember.
He followed her gaze to the lighthouse, and shrugged. "I don't know, I've never-"

"It's a lighthouse!" the taxi driver answered, as they were getting ready to leave. Darben turned from them and back to the 'lighthouse', as it was called. "A lighthouse...Guess I'll have to ask Kay about that sometime" he said aloud. He turned back to [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"], and then asked, "So, where to now? Would you like to see my store? Maybe find something you'd like to take back with you as a souvenir?"
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
She still looked more than a little confused as too this house of light--was not every house with lights?--but she turned back to [member="Darben Skirae"]. "Oh, yes, please" she answered. "Is it close, or--?"
"Not too far" he answered to [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]'s question. "In fact, we could walk there...Unless you would like to hire another taxi to get us there?" It was only a few blocks away from their current location. He couldn't wait to get back if he were to be honest, as he was already starting to miss Renla. Plus, he wanted to check up on her and see how she was handling the store while he was gone. "It's just this way" he said, pointing in the direction of where it was.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona shook her head. "Let's walk," she agreed. She was going to make a comment about deep vein thrombosis, but she had a feeling she might as well have started spewing gibberish, and thought better of it. "Lead the way."

[member="Darben Skirae"]
Darben shrugged, if she was okay with walking, then so was he. So he started the long walk. As it would still be some time to get there, he started to get more conversation going. "So, what else do you do? Besides being director of a medical institution" he asked, turning his head slightly to see [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] as he talked.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Shaking her head gently, Aes'ona answered, "Nothing much. I don't have a lot of free time. Though I do like a good game of pazaak, and I might garden if work wasn't so busy. I keep a bafforr tree."

[member="Darben Skirae"]
"Pazaak, huh?" He too had played it from time to time. But for no doubt very different reasons, as Darben Skirae sometimes went into gambling. Something he never spoke of to anyone at all. And he planned not ever to, even if one day things went wrong while gambling.

"I do pay sometimes as well, as well as some other game" he added. "What is this 'bafforr tree', that you speak of, may I ask?" He had not heard of such a tree, in fact he didn't really think much of names to trees. He looked up ahead, and saw a familiar street. Just one more street crossed, and they would be there. "We're almost there" he said to [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"].
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
"They're a semi-sentient tree species native to Ithor," she explained. "Bark smoother than glass and aqua like pure ice crystals. I keep it potted in my apartment." She paused, the sudden thought of if Paige had been trimming and water it consuming her mind momentarily. "I'm thinking about getting it a friend to talk to." It was an odd concept, the doctor was well-aware, a plant species that could form a limited collective conscious.

[member="Darben Skirae"]
"A plant...that is sentient? What, you mean it talks or something?" Now that Darben had definitely never heard of before. Something he thought was only in dreams. Then again, he had not been to many places across the galaxy. "I guess?" He wasn't sure what else to say about a conscious tree.

He and [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] arrived to his store finally, and he took off his jacket to hang it up before heading further in. Shelves stacked, boxes unpacked. Renla and his bodyguard had been busy. "Renla, I'm back!" He received no answer, and pulled out his commlink. "Uh, you can go looking around if you like. We have gem jewelry, or maybe you could get a bottle of Commenori Brandy. I gotta make a call."

He went behind the counter where he tried to call his bodyguard, who answered quickly. "Where are you?" There was a momentary pause before an answer came. "I took Renla shopping." Darben sighed out of relief. So they couldn't have been that far. "Next time, let me know, please." He heard a groan, and pictured her rolling her eyes. "Sure thing, Darben Uptight." He was about to get up her for calling him uptight, but she ended the call. "I'm not uptight."
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Likewise, Aes'ona had untied the sash around her midsection, taken off her trenchcoat, and slung it over her arm as she went over to go look at whatever display was closest. She tried not to pay attention to the call, which she obviously overheard at least some of, but it was none of her business.

If a better excuse to buy her family some apology gifts had ever been presented to her, she had not taken it for what it was. Father's not one for gifts​, she thought as she moseyed through [member="Darben Skirae"]'s collections. But I'm sure Nileeta and Rache would love some jewelry, though. She nodded to herself decidedly. And she would find time to visit and hand-deliver them; her father would be grateful for her presence alone, that she knew. Still, it would require some deceitful planning to find out when he would be on leave next without tipping anyone off to her plans...
As he put the commlink down, he looked over to [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] as she browsed. "You need any help?" he asked over to her, stepping around the counter. Darben came over to stand beside her, picking up a necklace with a yellow chrysopaz gem. "This is a chrysopaz gem. They aren't just for looks, they can power some things too." He held it in his hands for a moment, brushing a thumb over the gem before setting it back where it was.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
Aes'ona looked up at the necklace [member="Darben Skirae"] was showing. "They're very beautiful," she complimented. "I'm just looking for little somethings for my godmother and godsister." She looked away, maybe a little dejected. "I don't get to see them often enough." She huffed a self-deprecating laugh. "Always someone to save, right?

"Anyway, maybe something like a charm for my sister," she thought aloud. "And how much is that necklace?"
Darben listened to [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"], and he thought about it. He had a few of these. And what he had in mind, took a bit to think about it. For, he had never really done it before, unless for a poor child on the streets. "How about, this on the house?" he asked, holding the necklace again. "And you buy the charm with it. That sound good?" he said, with a friendly smile through his bushy beard. "I was having a bad day, and you managed to liven it up. That a good deal?"
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
That certainly took Aes'ona aback. "Uh..." When she had pulled herself back together, she amended herself, "I have the money, but if you're sure...then it is."

[member="Darben Skirae"]
Darben nodded, he was quite the deal maker. One reason he did so was because she seemed kind enough, and saving people he felt should be something to be well rewarded. Plus, he always knew how to sweeten the deal. "All right then. Choose whichever charm you think might suit your sister, I'll be behind the counter." He left [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"]'s side to go behind the counter, where he waited, having brought the necklace with him. "If you want, you can get something for yourself as well."
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
It took her a few more minutes of browsing, but she settled on a flower-like charm for her sister and a pair of round, silver-set earring studs for herself. Yellow would go well enough with her medical uniform, she thought. It was white and black, after all. What didn't go with those colors? Plus, it had been ages since she had properly treated herself.

As she walked up to [member="Darben Skirae"], and set her items on the counter, she pulled out her wallet and the intergalactic credit chit she had applied for before she departed for Arkania. She had some credits, but probably not enough for her purchases. Beginning to hand over the card, she said, "Let me pay for both these," but would not hand it over until he agreed.
Darben didn't see what she was buying, as he received a message from Renla about her own shopping. He had to admit, he actually smiled a little when she began asking him about clothes. He sent a message back, asking if he could answer in a minute, then set the datapad down as [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] approached the counter.

He nodded, "Of course. I may be generous, but I am still a merchant" he said, giving a little laugh as if it was a little joke. He carefully took the chit and then made to pay for the purchases. He spied that she nearly had enough. But, he took a chance and made a quick change so that she had at least a little left on there, by changing the prices. "There you go" he said, handing the chit back. "All done, will that be all?" he asked, leaning on the counter.

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