Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaked Resignation


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Almost right on cue, as Kay was finishing up in her office on Commenor, she heard her name on the holo-news, causing her to look up at it.

"Senator Kay Larr has left the Senate. Our sources got a copy of the draft of a resignation letter which partly reads, and I quote: -Due to my bungling of the peace talks with the Mandalorians, I feel as though I am no longer fit to service the Republic in any constructive manner.-"

The news anchor smirked. "Bungled indeed. Word is that Supreme Chancellor [member="Jack Sparrow"] has accepted her resignation and that she's already out of the Capital. Perhaps the new Supreme Chancellor is just cleaning house? Only time will tell."

Kay shut it off. She had enough of hearing of her bungled efforts recently that overshadowed all of the good that she had done. And at least her secrets were still being kept...well, secret. Would she find the time to contact [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] and apologize? Maybe. Time was all that she had in abundance. Right now she had so little left in her office before her replacement would come. At least she didn't have an apartment to pack. Everything that she had was in two bags, her more elaborate clothings, jewelry and gifts were sold with the proceeds gone to the Mandalorians as promised. But she kept her tea. She could never give those up.

With one last look, she stepped out of her office and closed the door on it forever. She was homeless now, unemployed and her pride didn't allow her to ask for help just yet. The last thing that she wanted was to be indebted to anyone. The climate on Commenor was temperate, so she didn't have to worry about freezing outside. She had enough rations to last her for a week. With one foot in front of the other and with each bag over her shoulders, she started on her way out of the city.
Faith was the holo from her apartment on Chazwa.

She shook her head, talking out loud, "It wasn't the peace talks that did it, course it was the peace talks that damaged one of the few friendships I had. Funding." Faith lifted her glass, "May fortune favor the foolish"

She downed another drink, lay back and wondered. Should she offer Kay a job some where, couldn't have her homeless, but then again she did know a bunch of folks she certainly wouldn't be homeless or jobless long right.


So why was it nagging at her?

Faith groaned, "I'm not calling...I'm not"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Beeps and whistles squealed behind her. Kay looked over her shoulder to see her K1 series droid rolling up towards her. The gold plated accents on the light blue body glimmered in the sun. One of it's appendages was out, waving frantically as if to say, "Wait up! Wait for me!"

She stopped and waited. How could she have forgotten her droid? Quite simply she wasn't used to having one and it was getting washed after an unfortunate accident with some tea. Her mind was also pretty occupied with other things.

Kay waited for the droid to reach her and then gave it a bit of a hug. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Nesbitt. I didn't mean to leave you behind. James would never forgive me if I did. Don't worry about the office. That's not our home anymore. We have to find some place else. So let's go to the mountains. We'll be safe there for a while. And it's free." She took hold of one of the droids appendages as if it was a hand and walked along side of her faithful companion. It was probably funny to look at.


Towards the end of the day, they were at the foot of the mountains. She found an enclave for them to rest in. It wasn't quite as closed off as a cave, but it did provide some shelter while giving them a good view of the valley. That was more for her droid's scannings while Kay slept than anything else.

After a fire was built and burning well, warming up her tea kettle, she looked to her droid. "Mrs. Nesbitt, I'd like you to relay an audio recorded message to Senator Organa for me, but wait until the morning until you send it. Okay?" The droid beeped and set its recording program to capture her voice. "Senator Organa, it's Kay. I'm sure that you've heard that I've had to leave and know the reasons why. So far my secret is still kept safe and I'd like to keep it that way, if at all possible. Though if it's let out, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Please let the Mandalorians know that all of the credits for their funeral costs have been forwarded. My shell company has been disbanded and the ship and equipment sold. So you needn't worry about my activities leaving an even larger black mark on the Republic. I'm sorry for my failures in the negotiations, but most importantly for unintentionally hurting you. I didn't mean to sound so harsh and snooty and would have explained if you had stayed. I would have followed you, but I couldn't leave the negotiations either. Hopefully others can clean up the messes that I have left behind. Take care and watch your back. I have a bad feeling about Alderaan being surrounded. I've seen what Draco can do to peaceful worlds like my birth planet. Please be careful...."

She nodded to her droid, indicating that she was finished. Her tea was ready, so she poured herself a cup and drank it as she leaned back against a rock, her eyes drawn to the sky. One of those sparkling lights was going to be her new home. It was all a matter of time before she chose which one.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Another day had gone by at Kay's makeshift camp in the mountains. She didn't leave her spot much, didn't venture out to explore. Instead she just remained close by to where she slept in the rock enclave. No one came by or sent her messages, which was a good thing, for her face was mostly soppy wet with tears. She needed a day like that, to get it all out without the risk of anyone seeing it. Her only company was Mrs. Nesbitt, the little droid doing whatever it could to console her. But she had hardly any appetite throughout the day and didn't drink much by the way of tea either.

Now at the end of the day, Kay and Mrs. Nesbitt sat near the fire, watching the stars and ships passing by in the far distance, many of them jumping into or coming out of hyperspace. She had Mrs. Nesbitt play some music for her as she found it to be soothing. The little droid went through it's memory banks and picked out a song that it thought could inspire her to get out of mood and become productive again. Yet the song did more to lull her to sleep by the end of it. Mrs. Nesbitt hoped that at the very least, she would have good dreams.

~Black clouds are behind me, I now can see ahead
Often I wonder why I try hoping for an end
Sorrow weighs my shoulders down
And trouble haunts my mind
But I know the present will not last
And tomorrow will be kinder

Tomorrow will be kinder
It's true, I've seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder

Today I've cried a many tear
And pain is in my heart
Around me lies a somber scene
I don't know where to start
But I feel warmth on my skin
The stars have all aligned
The wind has blown, but now I know
That tomorrow will be kinder

Tomorrow will be kinder
I know, I've seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder

A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder....~

[member="James Justice"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]
"When the bloody hell were ye gonna tell me this?!?" James roared in anger as he turned his desk on its side.

A waterfall of papers cascaded from the top onto the ground, splattering the poor Duro in front of him with some of the papers. The alien had been hired as a slicer to keep an eye on Kay, especially since things seemed to be getting worse. He had put out an endless number of gossips, lies, and malicious rumors before today about the man's incredibly stellar "sister." But today he had made a grave error when the lady had left the senate and now--James was finding out in a less-than-favorable manner.

"When were ye going to tell me she were there?" James roared.


"Where is shes?" he screamed, "tell me or ye are going to the Pitt."

"I--She is still on Commenor," the man finally manged to say.

James stormed off. He had a sister to rescue. He had a mind to do it.


The Forgotten King swept through the air in a beautiful arc, coming into atmosphere. The ship was his second favorite, and ordinarily he would have gladly taken the Angel but he didn't know if the Republic would have taken the kindest to him, so he was on the low-down right now. After all, Roche had been a lost battle.

His ship landed in a nearby port, and James left in his usual gear, trusting in his instincts, detective skills, and latent Force abilities to find Kay.

[member="Lady Kay"]
It had been with a heavy heart that Ultimatum had found the information about [member="Lady Kay"]'s resignation from the Senate. It had not been a surprise, the talk the two had had not too long ago had almost made her leaving a certainty in his mind. That did not make it any more enjoyable to hear. It was an unfortunate loss for the Republic and their foolish beliefs. The droid understood their want for freedom, he believed in many of the same rights.

But then again, what was he working towards, but the almost complete removal of the ability to do what one wants? He was working to build a system in which all was controlled by droids. But he was doing it for them. He was doing it to help them have peace and joy. Did that justify what he was doing? Was he right? This plan was so that organics could enjoy the contentedness they seemed to always be searching for while maintaining a peace that they could never accomplish. The only way he saw that happening was by building a control into their very society, or structuring the society around the control. It was too late for the former, thus he had gone for the latter. It was a longer game, but one that would hopefully end in the peace of organics as a species.

This line of thought was creating a contradiction that he feared. He had never spoken to any about it, assuming that the organics would not agree with his conclusions and would turn against him, perhaps ruining his plan. It weighed heavy on him that he had to keep secrets from the very beings that he was working to help, but he accepted it as an oxen accepted its burden. He knew one day it would be replaced by a different burden, but until that day he would have to deal with this more contradicting one.

He turned his attention back to helping Kay, he could probably buffer and edit those media that most attacked her. At least save some of what she had stood for. The HoloNet was good that way, because information was meant to be passed around as quickly as possible on this system the ability to actually secure it was difficult. Thus he could access information and make adjustments without too much difficulty and more importantly while remaining anonymous. That work would begin as soon as the media began putting out comments on the news.

He decided to not go right now. Commenor was not a world on which he wanted to go right now. He would want to help, but he was willing to bet that there were others who were going to help her, perhaps he could use that as cover to go himself. But it would take time before he could get his ships up and going. He would probably take the Forerunner, it was a small ship and was probably not going to be taken notice of.

[member="James Justice"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]
How long had he been there? Most of the night. He felt.... despair.... depression.... and a need.... A need for a friend, a calling through the cosmos. He recognized the voice through the Force. Of course, he himself had no knowledge of whether or not his dear friend Kay was or was not sensitive to the Force, but that did not matter in regards to his own sensitivity to the plight of those he cared for.

As her emotional pain and despair grew, the strength of his own need to be there for her grew. Screaming through hyperspace, as his kind were loathe to do, he arrived at a world he was sincerely unfamiliar with. Commenor. He hailed, receiving permission to land in a city nearest where he felt she was likely to be. He relied solely on the Force to get him this far.

Once out of the city limits though, in the wilds, as it were, he disrobed in hiding, and shifted, taking on his significantly more deadly, more intimidating, and more capable form. Capable of tracking scents that is. Carefully getting a strap of his pack, now containing his gear, trio of short swords lashed to it, hooked over one of his large spikes along his back, he set off, using the combined effects of his sense of smell, and his Force Sense, to seek out his friend.

It was long after nightfall when he had arrived. He had met Kay's astromech before, and made sure the droid was able to read his biosignature as he approached. The droid hesitated for a moment, before cautiously allowing the large feline passage into the cavern. The dear droid kept an wary eye on the large predator, as he silently approached Kay. The cavern was cool, not quite as cold as outside, but still far too cold for his liking for Kay to be here alone. He took the opportunity of her unconscious state to shift forms, just long enough to lay his cloak across her as an additional blanket, before shifting back once more. He then carefully lay down near her, his massive form generating copious amounts of heat, as well as providing a massive deterrent for any would-be villains seeking to harm the dear slumbering woman.

Oh so carefully he lowered his massive head to rest on her lap, being ever so cautious as to not wake her. He also was certain to lay cheek-down, with his ears towards her body, as it would be horribly saddening for her to wake and impale herself upon his massive saber-like fanks. Those, instead, aimed harmlessly away from her body, instead directed along with her legs, pointed towards the far wall.

In this manner, he remained, resting lightly, allowing his proximity and his warmth, to help improve the quality of Kay's on slumber, and meanwhile hoping his presence there would improve her general disposition the following morning.

[member="Ultimatum"] | [member="James Justice"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]​
Faith the next day knew that the media, the private sector, and anyone within the Senate would hear of Kay's resignation, though the reasons for it were not known to anyone except three people, Kay, Jack and herself.

There were some that would of have taken the opportunity to make a headline, but Faith had seen n value in such actions. Thankfully neither had Jack.

Faith sat in her offices on Aldera here there was so much going on as word reached them of the opening of Alpha Mae's borders to any and all.

Ana came in with the morning messages taken from her inbox.

"there's one from Senator Kay, I mean, Lady Kay" Faith looked up, "oh...well let's play that one first then." Faith sat back and waited.

Senator Organa, it's Kay. I'm sure that you've heard that I've had to leave and know the reasons why. So far my secret is still kept safe and I'd like to keep it that way, if at all possible. Though if it's let out, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Please let the Mandalorians know that all of the credits for their funeral costs have been forwarded. My shell company has been disbanded and the ship and equipment sold. So you needn't worry about my activities leaving an even larger black mark on the Republic. I'm sorry for my failures in the negotiations, but most importantly for unintentionally hurting you. I didn't mean to sound so harsh and snooty and would have explained if you had stayed. I would have followed you, but I couldn't leave the negotiations either. Hopefully others can clean up the messes that I have left behind. Take care and watch your back. I have a bad feeling about Alderaan being surrounded. I've seen what Draco can do to peaceful worlds like my birth planet. Please be careful...."

Faith listened to the message she could hear the regret in Kay's voice. Kay had been as close to a friend that Faith had ever had with someone outside of the family. Faith looked at Ana.

Ana turned the recording off, "She doesn't know that your mother named you as heir on Aldera does she?" Faith shook her head no, "she's concerned about Alderaan, is there reason to be concerned?"

Faith looked up, "No. Draco is there to act as a buffer to keep the Republic out, that is what Alyesa wanted." Faith had questioned a hundred times was it what she wanted? She understood too well...but something inside her kept nagging at the decision. Faith would keep Aldera and part of that meant keeping it secret.

"Find out where she is, contact the Secretary General see if she can find Kay. Can't have her wandering the streets" So one of the stipulations was that Kay surrender her company, negotiations must have got real interesting after she left. She needed to see the outline of the offered terms for peace.

[member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was quite surprised when she woke up, as one might expect. Firstly that she had a cloak on her and then secondly, that she wasn't alone. It scared her at first, until she came to recognize the creature that was using her lap as a pillow. She sat herself up and gently stroked his cheek to waken him. "Ryn?....What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

The broadcast must have reached him, quite possibly to others as well. She could think of a few that would worry about her. Kay had a lot of explaining to do. Those kinds of circumstances tended to get people angry and she didn't want her closest friends, her adopted family, to get mad at her too.

Mrs. Nesbitt was glad to see her awake and already began preparing the fire and some tea. Kay just mouthed the words 'Thank you' to her little companion.

[member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
James nodded to the secretary, "Alright, and did she leave any notice as to where she was going or anything?"

"No, sir, she just left, I am so sorry, I didn't know she had a brother. She never mentioned it," the gracious twe'lik said with a bow of her head.

James nodded and sighed, "It be alright. She tires to keep business and personal life apart, as ye know. Me sis is always been that way."

"Oh, yes, very much so," the secretary gave him a smile, "When you find her, if you'd like, you can give me a call Saturday night and we could--celebrate maybe?"

James instantly thought of Anara. Nope. Not in hell would he risk giving that up for someone like this. Even if she wouldn't find out, James could never live with himself if he did that. He smiled and shook his head with a hint of regret, "Sorry, miss. Saturday I be busy."

The spacer didn't stick around for the awkward conclusion. He had other work to do. The spacer had a different idea. One that he was sure would pay off, his ace in the hole. Mrs Nesbitt was never just a K1 unit. She was never just a simple droid. And it was no coincidence that he had made the droid line after Kay had been captured.

Ask a woman to carry a tracker around, she would never agree--especially a woman like Kay. You give her a droid in her likeness who could easily be her best friend and she would carry it with her to the ends of the galaxy--even if it had a hidden tracking device in the motherboard. He had included quite a few special secrets in that droid; who knows she might even have a pink hat inside with a flower on it and a frilly apron.

The spacer pressed a few buttons on his WC-2 wrist comm and datapad. A moment later a local map, brought up by the local satellite appeared overhead, with a red dot marking the location of Mrs. Nesbitt. James smiled, if she wasn't there, he was back at square one. Heavens forbid that.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
The Secretary General set about finding [member="Lady Kay"] how hard would it be to find the woman. A compliment of guards began to search operating off the instruction she couldn't have gone very far, and she'd be traveling slow. AFterall she was not running from anything she was just out of a job.

But why did the Senator from Alderaan want the former Senator of Commenor, wasn't Commenor now under the influence of the Sith? Faith knew this it did raise a question or two but one that Faith would be asking.

All she was doing right now was ensuring that Lady Kay didn't sleep under anymore bridges for the night.

[member="James Justice"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Ultimatum"]
The large beast stirred slightly when she pet his cheek. The feline-equivalent of a smile parting his maw just slightly. He'd carefully sit up, making sure to keep those deadly fangs clear of his friend. Those large, molten golden eyes would be at eye level with Kay, as he had lowered his head down slightly with her still seated. "You were.... Sad.... Distress.... Sorrow.... Unha.... un.... Not.... Happy...." He did have such great difficulty speaking in this form. He instead lowered his head slightly, and abruptly, yet incredibly softly, brought his forehead to 'bump' her's, a feline demonstration of affection and acceptance. And a little bit of subtle, unnoticeable, territorial marking. Scent-glands you know? Thankfully she was human, and unable to detect such scents! But, this was his Kay. He would protect his Kay.

He then moved off, grabbing his pack with that dexterous, prehensile tail of his, and skulk out of sight for a few moments, only to return clothed, in his humanoid form. Black tunic, slacks, and boots. His tail swayed freely behind him, as he ambled over to take a new seat near Kay and her fire, which he took the liberty of stoking and tending to, getting a little more warmth radiating from it. "I felt your turmoil, through the Force. I don't know why you are upset. Only that you are. And I knew you were in some state of distress, so..... I did what I knew you would do, and have done, for me. I came to find you. To help you. To save you, if I can."

Looking up from the fire, he offered a warm smile to Kay, his ears cocked at odd angles, giving his face a rather adorable expression. "So, here I am, so now do not despair. I am certain, if you sent word to any of the others. James, Ultimatum, and many of your other friends in the galaxy, they'd be here post-haste as well!"

His right ear flicked hard, snapping against his scalp for a moment before perking up, both ears now pivoting as if seeking a sound he wasn't hearing, but feeling through the Force. "Speaking of the devil.... I think James is here.... He is..... searching...." The young Knight looked mildly perplexed. "Why..... why are you hiding here, Kay?" Ryn asked, confusion slowly clouding over the feline features.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] | [member="James Justice"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Ultimatum"]​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay closed her eyes as their foreheads connected. Normally she touched his nose to be sure that he was real, but this was just as good. As he disappeared to change his form, she just stared at the fire. He felt her pain from wherever he was. He hadn't seen the broadcast. Now she felt bad for feeling the way that she did that led him to come here. But it just couldn't be helped. She needed to release it and let it go so that she could think with a clearer mind. As words in the song that Mrs. Nesbitt played for her when she went to sleep had expressed, tomorrow would be kinder. And indeed it was.

She listened to [member="Ryn'Dhal"] as he spoke, a little worried now that she was told that [member="James Justice"] was coming. Sure she loved her brother and would have sent word herself, but she knew that he'd be angry. Maybe not so much at herself than at the Republic. As far as [member="Ultimatum"] was concerned, she knew that her android friend was on top of things already with the holo-news and holo-net, doing what he could to keep her secrets safe. They spoke about it not long ago while she was setting up contracts between his company and the Republic.

When Ryn asked her why she was hiding, she let her guard down, allowing her Force signature to grow to it's rightful size. She wasn't the most powerful by any means, more so somewhere in the middle. But a small light radiated from briefly her once it was no longer suppressed.

"I lost my job, Ryn. I'm no longer a Senator, can no longer work for the government. The new Supreme Chancellor forbade it. He wants me to spy for them, but I will not receive any payment for it....I lost everything to help ensure that the peace treaty between the Mandalorians and the Republic has a chance. I sold almost everything that I had to pay them off, which isn't a lot, but it was enough to cover the funeral costs that they had demanded. I'm here, trying to figure out where to go and how to get there. I'm sorry that I didn't reach out, but....I'm ashamed of the mess I've made. I'm sorry Ryn."

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Walking, walking walking. So much walking. The spacer knew how easy it was to forget how big a planet was from a space ship. You could fly by it, making it a blur, or in Hyperspace the entire star was nothing more than a blip. But travelling overland, on foot, a being could be reminded how big an entire planet was.

As James was led out of the city into the wild he could feel himself getting worried. Perhaps she was attacked. Maybe she had been trying to get out and gotten waylaid. Or maybe they dumped the droid and Kay had been taken captive--again. James spat out a curse and drew his blaster pistol. He could feel his heat pounding in his chest as he started running towards the beacon. A quick double blink of his eyes brought his HUD contacts to life, illuminating the area with a digital read out. Colorful outlines indicated potential dangers, a red blip indicated the location of Mrs. Nesbitt, and a series of numbers and illustrated the distance and vector. He could see a small map in the corner of his eye fed in from an overhead satellite indicating the local area with dots indicating the movement of space ships in the area. James was never to careful on places like this.

He came at last to the cave she had decided to stay in, panting slightly. The spacer stepped in, and when he saw Ryn and Kay, felt a flood of relief. He holstered his weapon and surged toward them both.

"Thank the gods yer safe," he muttered as he gave Kay a bear-hug. He pulled back enough to look for injuries. She was fine. That was good, it looked like she hadn't been mugged. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at her with loving reproach, "Why ye gotta do this to me? Don't ye know I were worried sick about ye?"

He looked to Ryn and gave him an equally bear-like hug.

"Thank ye for keeping her safe, mate."

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Ultimatum had taken the time to set up a program that would recognize the name of [member="Lady Kay"], or names that the media may have used in reference to her and work its way into the system altering things here and there. Anyone trying to reveal history or possibly reputation damaging secrets would find their information changed or removed entirely. Such was the wonder of advanced computer systems and open communications networks. The job at one point would have taken Ultimatum weeks of non-stop policing of the HoloNet in order to keep everything at bay, however with the spreading of his Archivists, he had more control over the HoloNet and a greater computing capacity than ever before. He had been able to make an entirely automated program that would do his work for him in that regard. It would also notify him of every change, certainly a large number would likely occur, but he could handle the simple notifications.

Now it was time to actually ensure that Kay was alright, even if the others had already done so it was important for him to make certain himself. It was part of his duty to the organics who so well defended other organics. It was a selfless act on their part, to put their own luxuries to the side in order to help others who they may or may not know personally. It was an honor to know even a few of these organics and in a way it was humbling. He was only a droid following the most basic of rules, to help organics. He was doing so in perhaps the most roundabout fashion possible, but the fact that he was working towards it was for their benefit in the long run. However, the organics doing the same things were doing so not because they had to, but because they were called to or wanted to. That was more than could be said for himself.

The Forerunner was ready to go and he left the system within an hour. Commenor was his first place to go to, the most likely location for her to go to soon after the resignation. He would have to try and find her from there, no doubt she had already moved away from any official office and it would take time to locate her. In the mean time he was forced to contemplate his own motives. Kay had done more than he had for no reward, there was no physical reason for her to have done what she did, yet she had done it anyway. Was he selfish in his purpose? It was almost too much for him to handle.

Yet he fought through the immediate insecurity to force himself to face the questions. He was doing everything for the organics, he would leave behind those that he enjoyed the company of for them. He would leave everything behind just so that the organics had a chance. They would perhaps never understand, they might hate him for it, but he would take it all and accept his fate. This was a destiny he had chosen for himself, one that he had decided would be his no matter what came in his path. He just hoped that his closest of friends would understand, but he feared telling them. They knew him, and he knew them. He did not want to disappoint them and feared that his plan would appear evil in their eyes.

He saw no evil within it, but organics were such strange creatures that he could not tell if they would agree. It was not the plan itself that worried him, it was the facts that put his plan into motion. He wanted to tell them, it was everything he could do not to tell them. The droid had never been made to work through such emotions, it was damaging him quite literally to hold it in. Yet, this too he suffered in the hopes that his plans would come to fruition and that all organics may enjoy the fruits of this labor. What saddened him more was that it was unlikely that these organics would be there to see it, a new paradise.

He hoped that the flight would be short, this thought process was really wearing him out.

[member="James Justice"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was surprised to see [member="James Justice"] so quickly. Him and [member="Ryn'Dhal"] must have been in contact with eachother in order for that to happen. She returned his hug, though not as tightly and when he narrowed his eyes, she clenched her jaw and stared at the fire. She didn't want to cry again, having figured that she did enough already.

"I'm sorry James...I was fired and sold nearly everything to pay off the Mandalorians. I needed time to think and come up with something for myself. But it's a hard thing to lose everything...again. I just....I feel like I'm being exiled, forced out of the very government that I worked tirelessly for. But I also lied to them and broke the rules. So .....I can't blame them. I'm sorry to have caused you to worry. I was going to reach out, really, once I was back on my feet again..."

[member="Ultimatum"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

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