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Legacy of Krayt (Ossus OneSith/SithBrotherhood.v.Jedi PvP)

Outside Jedi Temple Grounds

Ossus. A planet that summarized the eternal struggle between the Sith and the Jedi. Once a Jedi Temple world, destroyed by the old One Sith led by Darth Krayt. Fitting that now centuries later, the Sith Brotherhood and the One Sith Reborn would return to regain the ancient knowledge stored in the holocron of the ancient founder of the One Sith. Descending below the clouds of the planet, a unaffiliated white transport dipped into the lower atmosphere and hovered over to a part of the planet that held a long field that parted the forests of Ossus in a path that led up to the Jedi Temple. Along with her two apprentices [member="Malphas"] and [member="Varis Stalwart"], seated inside the ship, was the Dark Mother of the Sith Brotherhood- Darth Hauntruss or Val'Ryss Zankarr by others. With her fingers clasped together and leaned back in her commander's chair, she watched as the ship's computer handled the landing.

Darth Hauntruss came to the planet after finding out the location of the Darth Krayt holocron. She had tortured countless Jedi captured from the annexation of Coruscant to discover the location of an artefact the One Sith and her Brotherhood would find essential in rebuilding the body of knowledge they once possessed. She had arrived ahead of the party of Sith to follow. The plan that she had relayed to her Brotherood and the One Sith was simple. She herself would land first. Draw as much attention to herself while the second wave of One Sith gathered at the opposite end of the Temple grounds. Together they would pincer into the heart of the Temple and retrieve the holocron from the temple sanctuary located beneath the temple. Hauntruss smiled as she recalled the helpful poor soul that spat out everything for her. While seated she began to meditate, she summoned as much dark side energy as the ether around her could allow. She was gathering the darkside so that she could concentrate it in condensed pools of power in her fingertips. This would attract the attention of those more sensitive in the force to her. All the better, the most sensitive were always the easiest to ensnare in her Sith Curses.

"nu visita sh'jatau tave kia selien ant tave irus" Hauntruss hissed under her breathe. The ancient tongue of the Sith slithered from her black lips and filled the bridge of her ship in eerie echoes. She called upon the powers of the Sith, commanding them to gather in her being. Her curse was boiling in venomous ambition. "ardyti tave irus ir tave jidai" the curse recoiled as her words came forth in sinister incantations once more.

The ship landed. Commanding her apprentices to wait until her signal she departed from the ship's metal bowels, reeking of darkside and malevolence, Darth Hauntruss stepped out onto the fields of Ossus Temple. She could feel the light recoil at her presence. She hissed in glee, "Soon. They will come soon." Stepping forward, her black cloak danced in the winds of the planet. Like a dark ghost she drifted into the temple grounds. Ahead of her a group of young Jedi, with what seemed an adolescent Knight guiding them through the grounds. The adolescent boy was first to sense her foul presence. He froze only to turn his head to the Darth. Hauntruss watched him with her fiery red eyes, perhaps the boy had never come across something so dark before. Hauntruss smiled. Raised her hand and clenched her teeth. When her eyes widened into a pale gaze the darkside burst from her fingers in a black mist. The SIth Curse, an ancient mind warping technique, spewed out and enveloped the group of youngling jedi. It was a energy draining technique, but it was necessary to start with something so obscene to properly attract the attention of the Jedi's inside the temple.

The sith cursed mist crackled in sparks and poured into the mouth's, ears and eyes of the younglings eating at their minds and replacing it with the curse's commander's thoughts. The boy was tossed back by the curse. On the ground he watched in supreme horror. Like a mother would her children. Huantruss bent her knee and lowered herself, calling the younglings to her. "Come my children, your Dark Mother calls you." Hunched over and shrieking in rapid nonsense the little monsters came to Hauntruss and curled at her feat like beasts. Petting them with love and affection she whispered to them. "My children what does mother wish for?" The youngling monsters shouted in reply, "CHAOS! DARKNESS! DESTRUCTION!" Hauntruss chuckled nodding, "Yes my dear ones. Now go." she said looking to the boy. "Eat the light." Three of the youngling monsters leapt with unreal force onto the boy and began to rip and bite at his flesh. His screams flooded the grounds. The others galloped away like beasts to attack others. Huantruss smiled once more this time an evil grin extended all across her lips, it was a repeat of what she did on Coruscant back under the tutelage of Dark Lord of the Sith Emperor Moridin. The Jedi would have to compromise their weak morales and kill their own younglings, their minds would break and her plan would succeed with vile precision.

Turning to her apprentices she called for them. "Come my apprentices. It is time we took what is ours."

NOTE: Ok guys, there are a lot of you in this one. I want a nice clean fight, PvP. Feel free to switch up opponents or move around etc. Just PLEASE COMMUNICATE to your opponent and faction what ideas you have use the OOC thread! And finally have fun!~~~

One SIth/Sith Brotherhood
[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Abric Korne"][member="Arturious Engel"] [member="Daella Apparine"] [member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Qun Vell"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Tracyn Seren"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Kiyron "][member="Fadeyka"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Hawke Katamirth"] [member="Anarya Drast"] [member="Marcello Matteo"] @Ki'an Karr [member="Jora Vao"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Darth Banshee ship dragons breath, was also on route to ossus. [member="Darth Hauntruss"] new her well enough, not to do act of darkside in front of her. Her ship was to landed at the rear of the temple to out flank them. She had troops, but she would not use them unless necessary. As soon as raid was known about, troops would be on their way. Her company could hold them off, while they got their hands on krayt holocron.

She ran out of her ship in full battle gear, while her men set up a defensive position. Soon she would be in the temple ready to fight, her hated enemy the Jedi. No republic to help them, this time............
[member="Kiyron "] [member="Fadeyka"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] Zaren [member="Commander Sharky"]

A quick baring of teeth and Willa jumped up kicking the bag. Her hands raised for combat and circling with her feet while the droid holding the punching bag followed suit. Her lighter frame moving fast as she punched it and stopped. The Republic had a grouping here, the outer rim worlds a dangerous place and they did what they could. No main goal just yet while the squad built up that level of trust.... Then she paused looking out. "Rohn!" Willa's eyes flicked around, she didn't know what was there but she knew the feeling of the darkside. She knew the feeling of evil coming and something as old as Val'ryss that created her body from the energies of a genocide... well she was going to make a presence few could ignore.

"Fade, Kid. Move and be on alert." She didn't like it, hell she didn't like being on this planet as it was and if the jedi could handdle such a being let it be but darksiders usually didn't come alone. Her hand tingled for a moment as she snapped and fire lit to it. Her head turnign to look at the Mun'Beviin Anti Material Rifle against the wall with her High Velocity Kinetic Firearm- Semiautomatic Pistol-1 and AEL/Mohc Extractives 'Dauntless' Combat Blade. She moved grabbing the equipment and securing it checking the shatter pistol was loaded and had additional ammo. on her armor as she spoke into the comlink. "Rohn be ready, the darkside is here and it isn't hiding." The last thing she needed to check was her braids while moving and reaching out with her senses to keep track.

"I'm heading up to the roof."
Two Nights Ago
The Jedi Temple

The looming tower of the temple stretched out above the lone child as she looked up. Dark clouds were forming, growing darker and darker as time went by. She spun around, searching for anything to tell her what was going on. It continued to grow darker until she couldn't see. And then she saw it. A single red blade activating, revealing Talli standing there. He smiled and raised his weapon to strike her. The darkness enveloped her, and it was gone.

Anarya awoke with a start. Searching her room in the temple with fear, she couldn't stop her racing heart. It was just a dream... Or was it? She knew that Ashla gave her glimpses of the future, but was this one? Or just another nightmare? She didn't know as she lay back down. Nodding back off, her eyes started drifting shut.


The Jedi Temple

Sensing the burst of darkness outside the temple gates, Anarya grabbed her training saber, her comlink, and a Medkit for what good it would do. Tapping the comm to call her friend, she said one thing. "Ki'an? They're here."

She had been a fool. She should have seen this coming. Slowly walking to the main hall, she faced the door. They would have to come here. and so, she would hide, her small form ducking behind a pillar. She would be here when they did. Or when the others arrived.
[member="Ki'an Karr"] @Sith Apprentices
Sarianna turned her head, the force swirling around as at first she sifted searching then it was there. Her eyes going wide when it became clear with an attack. Her hands gathering the two staves on the floor acting as batons and she rushed to the window. She wasn't a seer she fought, she couldn't see this coming while the clicking of her staves to her belt sounded in the silent room. She opened the window and felt one of the padawans now but didn't speak. This wasn't the place for it yet until they knew what to do. "This is Sarianna, we have a darksider coming to the courtyard @Tracyn Seran." Her head flicked around letting the short hair cover her sash before securing her robe over the light leather armor.

She moved out the windowfrom the second floor and crouched pushing forward with a front roll to soften the impact while coming up in a ready stance. Her hands out and ready to make circular motions and get around whoever was coming. A panic might be created from an alert but others needed to know. "This is Sarianna, make sure the padawans are indoors and all knights be ready." She wasn't in the mood for squabbles or attacks, she had heard the reports from Tython when the sith attacked and Val'ryss had been there, an evil so great you could see her from across the galaxy. That was what she was looking at through the force while the jedi knight moved forward letting the sigil under her robes glow to protect her somewhat.

[member="Bendak Ginn"] [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] [member="Riley Stryker"]
Once he had disembarked from the ship he took up a position a few steps behind his Master, he had his shotosaber in his hand and a disruptor pistol underneath his cloak in the small of his back and he watched as the Jedi exited from their Temple. They were going to have to survive for quite some time if the plan was to succeed. The other members of the One Sith were going to have to land en mass eventually and take the Jedi defenders unaware as the trio distracted them.

He knew they could only last for so long, but with [member="Darth Hauntruss"] with him and the One Sith on the way, he knew they'd be able to last long enough. "Where do we start?" He questioned when he looked upon the large infrastructure that was the Jedi Temple. It was magnificent in some aspects, but it wasn't as large as the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, or any Sith Citadel that he had seen.

[member="Varis Stalwart"]
After the fall of Corusant, Hatake found himself a new home on the Jedi temple of Ossus. There was some adaption in there but it was fairly easy because it wasn't like moving into a new neighborhood and not knowing who your neighbors. In a room of the temple he was sparing with another Padawan using the lightsaber form Djem So. It was a form he admired and mostly used in his duels, while Makashi was second to it.

As he was sparing he felt something foul within the Force. It stopped the duel and Hatake felt the DarkSide of the Force nearby. He wasn't the only one who noticed this. Every Jedi close to or in the Temple felt the presence of the DarkSide. Without thinking he exited out of the sparing room and began running to Temple's grounds. He was at the Temple Gates and saw the Sith. They wouldn't take Ossus like they did to Corusant. Not over his dead body that is.

"Very well, then," he finally said taking out his rectangular lightsaber hilt, "if its a battle they want, then its a battle they will get," and finally activated the saber and came out a white rectangular beam.
[member="Jora Vao"]

Ki'an Karr's yellow lightsaber came around in a diagonal slash, cutting through the air with a low hum. He was standing in the center of one of the nearby courtyards going through a series of slow motioned Shien maneuvers. He was just starting to break into a comfortable sweat when he felt a disturbance through the force. He wasn't sure what it was, but he didn't like the feel of it. Lower his lightsaber, Ki'an walked toward his cloak and his pack. As he bent to retrieve both, his comm-link went off. It was his friend [member="Anarya Drast"]. "They're here" she had said, and it brought a sickening feeling to his stomach.

Ki'an trusted Anarya's abilities. If she said trouble was here, he believed her. Throwing his cloak on, Ki'an began to run towards the main hall.

"Where are you Anarya?" Ki'an asked over his comm-link as he ran. As he broke through the brush he stopped dead in his tracks. Before him was a youngling, but there was something horribly wrong with the little human girl. Her hands were covered in grim and dirt, as if she'd been crawling around like an animal, and worse then this, there was blood around her mouth.

"Are you alright?" Ki'an asked, cautiously. When her eyes met his, Ki'an knew she wasn't. With a speed Ki'an didn't think possible, she dove at him, arms flailing and clawing at him. Ki'an dove to the side, just barely avoiding getting hit by the girl.

"You have to get control of yourself...." Ki'an said, but the girl didn't seem to hear him.

"DARKNESS! DESTRUCTION!!" The girl yelled and then leapt at Ki'an again, this time growling. Ki'an rose his blade into the air. He only had a split second to make a decision. At the last possible moment, Ki'an deactivated his lightsaber and sidestepped the attack. Raising his arm, he threw the girl with the force directly into the nearest tree. She shrieked and her body made a sickening crack when it struck the wood. Rushing to her, Ki'an saw the girl beginning to rise. Her arm was bent at an unusual angle. Ki'an brought his saber down, cracking her across the head with the hilt of his lightsaber. It wasn't a blow strong enough to kill, but it was strong enough to knock the girl unconscious.

Ki'an wasn't sure how long the girl would stay out. Reaching into his pack, Ki'an brought out a length of cable and quickly tied her hands and feet behind her back. The girl would have a splitting headache, but he wasn't about to kill a youngling.

"Anarya," Ki'an said into his comm-link, "something is wrong with the careful..." Ki'an said but his comm-link chimed back with static. Ki'an hoped the message had gotten through.
"Thank you for the ride, Lady Banshee," a calm voice behind [member="Darth Banshee"] said politely as the greatest Mon Calamari Sith who ever lived walked out of her ship, his steps not making any sound even though he was fullly dressed in Imperial armor, including the helmet. Unlike the last time; he still remembered being gassed by the treacherous Mandalorians and definitely did not want to take any chances during this battle. Slowly pacing behind the young woman, Veles searched the surroundings with his cybernetic eye, which also did notmake any noise as it swiveled around in its eye socket.

The mastery over bending light and sound allowed him much more than silencing his footsteps though! Before his favorite student could stop him, the Mon Calamari disappeared as if he never existed. Stealth was fun, especially if you controlled certain Force powers. With Force cloak and Force stealth, Veles did not have to worry about being discovered anytime soon. Obviously, he had to stay on a solid material; his movements would have been seen in the grass. Luckily for him, he did not even need to walk. Simply by massing the Force in his legs, the Mon Cal assassin was more than capable of jumping from one object to another. Just as his booted feet touched a conveniently placed rock, he took off into the air again, flying through the sky before settling on another large stone.

One last jump over the area and the amphibious Sith Master landed on a tall tree with little to no leaves, comfortably setting himself on one of the strongest branches. His large domed head turned towards the Temple and did not move further, as both eyes could swivel independently. Using this ability, the Mon Calamari quickly surveyed the area again, occasionally taking a picture with the prosthetic orb while waiting for a suitable target to come near. That person would receive a nasty surprise... Taking the curved lightsabers from his belt, Veles pressed the ignition button and ignited them both.

No typical lightsaber noise could be heard, nothing could be seen thanks to him bending all light and sound. Like an invisible predator, he waited for his moment... silently, patiently, ready to strike. He felt no excitement, no adrenaline rush; Veles had learned how to perfectly control his feelings, and successfully used that more often than not. His heart held no hate towards the individual Jedi anyway, at least the majority of them. The organization as a whole, that he hated with passion. Ironically, his feelings towards the Sith were the exact opposite.
Anarya could see the younglings rushing into the temple. She even knew some of them. "Main Hall. Please hurry." was the only reply she gave [member="Ki'an Karr"]. As if on que, the pack of younglings turned towards her, running up and starting to lunge for her. The yellow blade in her hands sprung to life, but she hesitated. These were Jedi. The future of the order. And they were attacking her.

As one lunged, she blocked. The blade connected with his hand. he lurched back, with not even a cut. Training saber. Set to stun. The thought ran through her mind as she now blocked another attack. A single strike to one's head dropped him, without so much as a cut. She blocked the next blow, and the next. the swarm was a bit much for her, but she held. Her blade managed to just barely block the attacks, managing to keep them at range long enough to knock them out one by one. She hoped someone got here soon. She didn't know how long she could hold out.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra had to take a much less showy way towards the temple, trudging through ten miles of forest... with nothing but an AI to keep her company the entire time. "Eve, remind me while we are even helping the Sith, because im really getting annoyed at the constant need to be all secretive..." The only force she brought with her were two squads of ten Krath War Droids, rebuilt by her for shock strikes against those that she needed eliminated or removed from the view of others. The AI she spoke too, Eve, appeared as a life size hologram and started walking next to Alexandra as she spoke. "Mom, you know why..." Her voice changed of a recording spoken by Alexandra a few weeks back. "... 'to protect my family and those i offered a chance to attain un hindered knowledge'..." All that came after was a smile from the AI that reminded Alexandra far too much of herself.

She wore her armor this time, sabers held at its side and helmet also at her side while she let her hair rest on her shoulders and down her back, her silver eyes free from being obscured as she sighed, "God this sucks..."

[member="Anarya Drast"] [member="Darth Veles"] @Ki'an Karr [member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] @Malphas @Willa Isard [member="Darth Hauntruss"]
Luckily for the One Sith, they had decided to strike before Darth Vulcanus' attack. The Ossus Jedi temple was still completely intact, standing tall over the other structures nearby. Waking up to a sudden chill, Tugoro would leap to his feet, scanning his room quickly for the training saber he had been given by his master. If only he had set it to lethal. Slamming his fist against the door's console, the young brown haired padawan would leap from his room, dressed in his padawan tunic. Unbeknownst to others however, was a large beskgar plating underneath the boy's clothing, one he had scored after murdering a Mandalorian in cold blood. It would be his little secret, as he dashed down the corridors, listening to the blaster bolts that were being exchanged in the distance.

A dark presence loomed over the academy, a sure signal that the Sith were present. Of course they were, who else would be bloodthirsty enough to attack the Republic world? The boy paused, figuring that the Mandalorians would probably do the same. Shaking the thoughts from his head, Tugoro would continue on his path through the corridors, stopping as he reached a rather open area. It was the main hall. Peering ahead, he could see [member="Anarya Drast"], a rather familiar face. Clenching his robitic hand into a tight fist, the padawan would begin to advance on the crazy younglings, a confused look drawing itself on the boy's face as they approached him. The group that had been attacked Anarya would split, half heading for the teenage human who simply watched in awe. Their forms were extremely hostile, only the dark side could be sensed from them. Tugoro had no fucking clue what was going on, either way he would defend himself. Igniting his blue lightsaber, the padawan's arm would extend, countering the other training saber's that hoped to burn his skin. As soon as their sabers connected with his own, Tugoro would begin to lash out with his metallic fist, slamming it straight into the faces of the younger children.

With one hit, they would begin to fall to the floor, probably with broken noses and busted lips. Keeping his senses alert, Tugoro would slowly head towards Anarya, looking around for any other familiar faces, like [member='Ki'an Karr']. "Yo.."
Ki'an was moving silently but fast as he ran down the corridors toward the main hall. He wasn't sure what was happening there, but [member="Anarya Drast"] sounded in trouble. Ki'an entered the main hall and he couldn't believe his eyes. More younglings were attacking Anarya. She was hitting them with her lightsaber, but judging from the lack of injury, Ki'an realized it was a training saber.

"Anarya!" Ki'an yelled and rushed toward her to help. It looked as though she was doing pretty well on her own, but Ki'an wasn't about to leave his friend behind. As Ki'an approached, he saw that Anarya had disabled all but one youngling, but the youngling was clutching at his injured hand and that [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] had joined her to help. Before he could attack, Ki'an came up behind him and pulled his arms behind his back. Wrapping the younglings arms with the last of his cable.

"Are you both alright?" Ki'an asked, relieved to see his friend was ok, "do you have anything to bind the others?" Ki'an asked, still unsure if the possessed younglings would recover quickly. As he held on to the youngling, the boy continued to try struggle. He turned his head back and snapped his teeth at Ki'an trying desperately to get at his flesh. Ki'an wasn't sure what this was. He had heard, after Empress Teta, of the One Sith having powerful telepathic abilities and darkside attacks that clouded or altered the minds of Jedi. Perhaps this was one of those attacks.

"I'm going to try something." Ki'an said and closed his eyes. As a Kel Dor, Ki'an's strongest force abilities were those tied to telepathy and he hoped that he would be able to reach the younglings unconsciousness. At first, Ki'an met only resistance, and he was forced to struggle harder against the youngling's consciousness. Ki'an didn't like this. He didn't like force his way into an innocence unconscious, but he needed to try something. When he finally broke through, he found it hard to enter, as if pushing through a thick molasses.

~It is going to be ok.~ Ki'an said into the youngling's mind. He felt nothing but fear and hatred burning in the boy. The darkside was eating away at his insides, and Ki'an's head began to swim. Pushing further into the boys brain, he felt something stir deep within the boy. ~Help me!~ The youngling's mind screamed at him. But Ki'an couldn't. This sort of thing was beyond him. Instead, Ki'an placed in the boys mind a deep, exhaustive need for sleep and when he withdrew from the boys mind, he felt the youngling go limp and slump down to the ground. Ki'an swayed with the effort of it and it took him a moment to get his bearing.

"We need to bind them. There will be no breaking this spell until we get a master here." Ki'an said regretfully. "I am glad you are both safe.... even if it just for now." Ki'an said.
Blessed are the peacemakers
There was deep rumbling in Tracyn's inner senses, as he meditated atop what remained of the Ossus temple grounds, from the years of wear and tear. He took a deep breath, inhaling inwards the smell. And then, the usage of the force brought his eyes open. He sensed it, far away. Like a ripple in the force, a sharp pain brought about a swift and brutal end to an innocent life. Tracyn grabbed his Dashi outer robings, and threw them to the ground. Durasteel covered his powerful chest, and crushgaunts adorned his hands. He was lighter than ever, and faster on his feet than he had ever been. Anyone who had to fight him, would practically be fighting a blur. Tracyn cleared his mind, and put away thoughts of rage and the thrill of battle. He did not like to fight. Placing two fingers on the ground, he did a technique that his Master Kresh had taught him long ago- balance yourself for a fight, to balance yourself during it. With his fingers on the ground, he pressed them inward, and used his powerful core muscles to lift himself upwards. He shot his legs straight in the air, and then spread out his fingers to balance himself. He stood, above the temple grounds.

Zen. Clarity. Peace.

He closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and lowered himself down, rolling his hips upwards slowly. He opened his eyes slowly, embracing the area. He had a clear view of what did and didn't belong, and the Sith did not belong on the peaceful world. Tracyn made his way downward, but didn't empower his body with the force yet. He would let his presence alone carry the weight of his threat.

Darth Vornskr Darth Mierin Darth Veles Darth Nephthys Abric KorneArturious Engel Daella Apparine Romeo Sin
Seras had come to the planet earlier, it was sometimes better to not be a huge force user and wait until the ones doing the job arrived. Treking through the area she let the silence be broken with her breathing and looked at the temple in the distance. She didn't need heavy force powers to make an impression and the Garhoon placed a hand along a tree feeling the one who had organized and planned this begin. Her dark power acting like a beacon and forming a grin while she sat down. No rush, no impatience she was looking for... fun.
Miles was in the training room, pounding on a bag when [member="Willa Isard"] bugged out and grabbed her gear. Miles ran to his room and made his way to the roof with his armor strapped and loaded, ready to go for anything. Sheathing his vibroaxe behind his back, Miles looked to Willa through his visor.

What's up Willa? What do you sense? Miles knew she was Force sensitive and they could do things no other could. Some of Havoc was already here and geared up. Miles unslung his AXT5 and racked the chamber. His grenade bandolier was stocked to the brim, and his ammo was stored in his belt.

This is Varden, to all Havoc, we got something. Gear up and meet on the roof. Willa is picking up on something.

@Kiyron @Fadeyka @Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn @Zaren @Commander Sharky

Zion Krayt

The Jedi Knight walked out of the Jedi Temple and headed towards the area where he sensed his Apprentice. He sent both of his Padawans actually, [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] was able to handle himself if he stayed with other Padawans, but at the moment he was heading for [member="Hatake Mutashi"] and then he stopped right beside him as soon as he had ignited his white lightsaber. "You're going to need to relax, Hatake." He said calmly as he watched tentatively.

His hands were simply hanging at his side as he waited for the rest of the Sith forces. "Do you think only one Sith is going to be here? This One Sith threat strength comes from it's numbers." He said, remembering what had occurred about Empress Teta when he fought at the Library and he and the Grandmaster had been outnumbered for a large portion of the battle.

It was up to the One Sith now to show themselves.
| [member="Darth Hauntruss"] |

It was time for an old Jedi Padawan to return to her roots and claim her place among the Knights of the Jedi Order. Ella Nova had been on Ossus for a day now. Traveling across the plains by foot, she had left the transport that had brought her to the birth place of the Jedi Order, which had subsequently left the planet moments later to continue it's travels across the galaxy. She had thanked the Captain and had paid him with what little credits she had before departing.

She wore traditional Jedi robes. The cowl of the brown garment was lifted over her head. She had not worn it since she had departed the Jedi Order back in 835 ABY. But she had discovered much in her journey and would return to the Jedi as a Knight. That was, at least, the plan. Stood on a hill, she saw the looming structure of the Jedi Academy constucted by [member="Daella Apparine"] and under the guidance of it's Headmaster, [member="Talon Vosra"]. She had been there when Daella had oversaw the construction of the building, but did not know Talon yet.

Her senses alerted her to the dark side of the Force. Ella lowered the satchel that had carried her belongs to the ground beside her, before lifting her body back up to look around. Screaming. Shouting and a dark presence. She saw the fighting now.

The Academy was under attack.

Allowing her Jedi robe to fall off her shoulder, Ella Nova entered a Force Speed to the vicinity of the battle. Her attention was met with a child in Jedi robes attacking other children; and he was winning. She lifted a hand to Force Pull the crazed child away from he's would be victims.
While the others would go off into the hunt, Darth Nephthys would remain by [member="Darth Hauntruss"] like a silent loyal follower. She was a Shield, in this she would ensure the protection of the Sith Priestess. Come what may, she would ensure that the safety of the Darth would not be questioned. Bright orbs of large crimson eyes would stare off into the abyss of the Ossus jungle.

The part of her tied to a Miraluka heritage could sense the shifting of auras, Force Sight upon her. Soon, the Jedi would near. In this she would be ready to defend and protect if needed.
He sensed his Master by his side and nodded at his words. "You mean they have reinforcements, Master?" The Padawan asked to his Master. His saber was still out and activated. "What is your plan, Master? Wait?" He once again asked another question. He didn't know what to do. He then said, "Why don't we go inside, Master? I think we'll have a better position than being outside."

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

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