Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Legacy of Krayt (Ossus OneSith/SithBrotherhood.v.Jedi PvP)

Location: Main Hall
Objective: Survive.

She heard [member="Miles Varden"] shout at whoever was picking her up. She couldn't tell as she aparently slumped back to the floor. Back injury...

Her eyes slowly began to open as something was slipped onto her back. she could make out the hazy from of her rescuer, and barely managed to glimpse [member="Ki'an Karr"] as he moved on. She tried to speak, but couldn't. As she did, she could feel the darkness crowding her vision. She had to fight it. Keep it back....

It hurt. She didn't know how much more she could take of this...
Location: Archives
Allies: [member='Ki'an Karr'] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
Enemies: [member="Sciath"]

The fighting around the archives had gotten rather intense, bolts of energy fired here and there, while sabers clashed. Though, it seemed like two individuals had begun discussing something. Turning on the spot, a wide grin would spread across the brown haired boy's face, as he spotted his Keldor friend, Ki'an. The padawan who had been Tugoro's ally for long currently wielded a blaster, lifting it in order to aim at a Sith. A Sith, who was currently battling his own master. Raising his arm, the young human padawan would wave towards Ki'an, smirking as he watched the stun blasts zoom forward at the Sith. Taking a few steps forward, Tugoro would lower his arm, having it point straight forward, at the Sith's location. Closing his eyes only briefly, the boy would begin to focus, concentrating on all of the force energy around him. Some was light, some was dark. His mind would work to harness the force power, gathering it towards a single area in order to utilize the force pull technique. Cocking his arm back quickly, Tugoro would control the force energy around Sciath, attempting to nudge him in the direction of his master's knives, and Ki'an's blasts.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Vornskr"]'s tendrils of Force Drain latched onto Boolon, and his breath caught, eyes going wide. He could hold for the moment, using secret Ithorian arts to oppose the wound that Vornskr attempted to make in the Force -- Ithorian Priests were strong in such things -- but only for the moment. And Vornskr would overpower him, sooner rather than later.

He felt, as if from afar, his right knee strike the archive floor. Between keeping up the pressure on the Dark Lord's biological processes, and resisting the Force Drain, he had not the slightest bit of attention left to spare for a telekinetic distraction or even his immediate surroundings.
[member="Boolon Murr"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]

Hawke was recovering from being knocked over by an earlier attack meant for someone else. New friends and foes were joining the fight. One tall dark armored man was one assaulting a Jedi with The Force. A whole lot of it too. She couldn't let him die such a horrific death. Action was needed. Hawke stuffed one of her guns back in its holster as she regained solid footing. The brute was faced away from her, impressive armor draining away the light. No was she though that a normal bullet could pierce it, she needed to be on him. Hawke dashed forward, running up a half broken table just off Vornskr's side. A leap of faith and an outreached hand to grab hold the back of his armor. And a downwards thrusting pistol to wedge between his helmet and back. Nothing to stop a bullet hitting his spine or something else vital back there. Even if she could shoot him he's be distracted dealing with her.
Location: Archives
Objective: Get this monkey off my back!
Primary Foes: [member="Boolon Murr"], [member="Hawke Katamirth"]
Music: Perverse Suffering - Cannibal Corpse

Vornskr started to smirk wickedly as Boolon began to buckle under the Sith Lord's assault, but Vornskr's fixation on the Ithorian Jedi allowed a Republic officer to get the jump on him. This was mostly attributed to the fact that Vornskr was looking out for any attack at him from behind by force users, rather than a normal officer with no force sensitivity. However; there was a twinge in Vornskr's precognitive senses shortly before Hawke's feet left the broken table she used as a ramp to lung at the imposingly tall Epicanthix. He began to divert attention away from his relentless assault on Boolon to deal with this new threat, his body twisting to face Hawke right as she jumped down on his back. Vornskr shifted his body suddenly right as she landed, so that the trajectory of her discharged bullet would miss the vital areas between his neck and shoulders, but would still tear through the outer layers of skin and flesh before the bullet came to a stop at the inside of the durasteel ringmail shirt he wore underneath his armor.


With a roar that was mostly annoyance rather than pain, Vornskr would reach over his shoulder with his arm and attempt to pluck the upstart from his back, but if he could not reach her he would instead just attempt to throw her off with a powerful telekinetic shove. However; his attention was diverted away from Boolon and now affixed on the officer on his back, but he was still keenly aware of Boolon's presence nearby.
Location: Archives
Allies: [member="Boolon Murr"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Music: Boss Battle Theme FF-VI

His howl was magnificent. The bullet found a mark and did some damage, but he wasn't falling. Nothing vital was it for a killing blow. Hawke cursed but stopped the stream of perversions shortly, realizing she recognized his voice. "Wait, Kaine? Emperor Kaine is that you"? Hawke nudged her head back to avoid being grappled. Hair pulling was the last thing this whole fight needed. "I thought the Jedi killed you on Dac"? Clearly misinformation was fed to her. Not that it mattered now. She was angry, remembering what he did to the citizens of The Empire. The next shot wasn't going to miss. Hawke started readjusting her gun arm for the killing blow. How funny would it be for the one the greatest evils living to be felled by a naval officer. Hawke was an arm chair warrior, wrecking ships was her game. She was far out of her league, but dammed well motivated to play!
Location: Archives
Objective: Get this monkey off my back!
Primary Foes: [member="Boolon Murr"], [member="Hawke Katamirth"]
Music: Demented Aggression - Cannibal Corpse

Vornskr snarled as the Republic officer moved just beyond his reach, and was getting rather pissed off at the persistence of someone as lowly as her. "The Jedi could not afford to kill me, and that was their undoing. You will follow them into the void!" With his arm still stretched over his shoulder he unleashed a powerful, and concentrated, cone of telekinetic energy directly at Hawke to knock her off of his back and onto the floor behind him. In a fit of rage he then unleashed vast torrents of Sith Lightning in all directions, further culminating into a large shockwave that would crack the floor of the archive and possible knock over nearby objects not bolted down to the floors or walls. Vornskr would be at the explosive epicenter, standing in a shallow crater born from his aggression given physical form, and from that pit he would arise to charge at Hawke with murderous intent.

She would be met with a flurry of crimson as the former Sith Emperor of the Old Empire barreled down on her with barely restrained fury.
Objective: Save [member="Anarya Drast"]
Allies: Jedi/Havoc
Enemies: Sith

Miles set his jet pack to the lowest setting and as she rose, he lifted her feet to level her spine out. He then began to push her outside, looking for a safe place to Exfil. He synced her vitals to his HUD and radioed for evac.

"Hang in there. Stay awake. I know it hurts but you're going to be alright. I'm not letting you die here. Not today." He said to the Jedi.

"Havoc this is Eagle One, I've got you for exfil, give me a safe LZ and I'll be there."
Location: Wherever the Hell [member="Sciath"] Is.
Enemy: Tugoro Taidarious
Objective: Kill Him Of Course.

Romeo was quiet as he walked about the temple, seemed all of the fighting had moved into the archives.
-How lovely.-
He had spotted what appeared to be a Jedi using a blaster. This angered him, sending him in a pit of rage that would only grow, later in this fight, and would make him go in a frenzy.
Without any warning, without any mercy, Darth Inferno snapped his fingers, feeling the darkness surround him, and his anger fuel him through the force. Fire was produced from this snap, and he shot multiple four fire balls at the man, using the dark side to guide them.
One went for his face, the second his chest, the third his abdomen, and the fourth targeted his legs. Each wore open hand large, each shot meant to burn this man alive.
Location: Inside the Archives in a small meditation chamber.
Allies: Jedi and Republic
Enemies: One Sith
Objective: Battle Meditating all Jedi near the archives to feel a boost of morale and strength.

A'dele, as always one to focus on the archives and spends an ungodly amount of time down there, would stay behind whilst the fight continued on to do what she did best.

Confined to the depths of the archives, the young Iridonian would sit seiza style and start to deeply focus in the Force. She would immerse herself into the familiar embrace, pushing past the emotions into a center of peace.


Here she would start to extend her mental sphere of influence towards those Jedi near the archives. In this she would start to fan their morale, imbuing them with the Force that they had the strength to push back invaders. She would fill them with serenity. Hope. And courage to forge ahead.
Location: Archives
Objective: Aide Boolon
Primary Foes: One Sith.
Allies: Boolon Murr, Hawke Katamirth

Ensuring the safety of the younglings and the padawans in the Ossus Academy had taken time. Time which had taken the High Councilor Jedi Master away from the brunt of the fight.

No longer.

The bloody trail to the archives lead the Shi'ido Hybrid straight to the fray. There, she would see the Ithorian Jedi Master [member="Boolon Murr"] on a knee. A gentle hand would encourage the healer to his feet, while Hawke provided the distraction to break the Force Drain. They would need a healer of his skllset to aid what was to come.

The Force would pour through the Shi'ido into Boolon as Erinyes used every bit of concentration to utilize Force Valor upon the Ithorian, granting him strength, speed, and his resolve.

Small steps at a time. Perhaps, with a meld, the two morichio specialists could work together to put the vast majority of those sith around them to sleep.
Kiyron said:
Location: Jungles of Ossus
Enemy: [member="Countess of Báthory"]
Objective: Write a good story and not die

Kiyron bit back more curses as he saw the entourage change direction to head his way, led by those Vornskrs They were nuisances for sure. Too close and too many for the sniper rifle. Too big for the PDW. It'd have to be the Ambassador revolver, which was unfortunate. There'd be no stealth after those shots, and they'd have to be very close to take down a vornskr. Bottom of his tree close. There wasn't much choice though. He noiselessly slid it from his holster and deactivated the safety, settling down to wait for them to arrive at his tree.

Tension sang through his nerves, and the butterflies came back again, fluttering a mad, drunken dance inside his gut. He hated this part. Waiting. He preferred sniping because of this. Usually while waiting, he was pretty far out of their enemy range. Now, it was reversed and he was in their range but they weren't yet in his.

Location: Jungles of Ossus
Enemy: @Kiyron
Objective: Find the prey!

The vornskyrs would lead the party towards their objective. A single dark shadow darting overhead, coming to a pause as those bright crimson eyes peered down at the Republic soldier. Soon, Nox would join the fray, his sinewy black body coming to stand alongside Cerebrus, this sharp pointed tail flicking to and fro.

Suddenly, Cyrena would follow and in that instant Cerebrus went shooting down the hill towards the solider. Nox followed pursuit.

"Flank him." came Cyrena's command to her soldiers, her gloved hand motioning over towards him.

"Well well well... look what we have here now..." her voice would coo over the man as she began to make her way towards him with a slow and steady pace.

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Graxin slowly backed away toward the holocron. He tilted his head in a half nod toward [member="Daella Apparine"]. if they could halt the conflict with a compromise, then Graxin was willing to work with her.

He stared at the triangular surface. It ebbed of powerful energies that would corrupt most men. Graxin had lived with these things, been born into them--for him, it was nothing. His leatherbound fingers wrapped around the surface; a cool chill swept through his body. The other hand clicked the stasis field's power setting off. The holocron fell into his hand.

"I have the holocron. All of you, stay your blades or I will destroy it!"

The holocron was slipped into the recesses of his robes. His lightsabers were clipped to his belt, and his gaze fell purposefully upon Daella. "Call off the one you have attacking Bishop. Call off all the Sith, and the Jedi will stop, I assure you."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Archives
Objective: Sneak past the Witch King and the Super Jedi fighting force...
Primary Foes:[member="Erinyes Draclau"], [member="Boolon Murr"], [member="Hawke Katamirth"]
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"]...

Alexandra whistled as the sound got louder and she rounded the corner to enter the archives, only to see the one thing she loved best. A Sith and Jedi fighting. She watched the fighting carefully and timed her entrance, aiming to bolt past them if possible as she push as much force energy into her legs to rocket her forward. It was unlikely to work, but that is why she had her hands on her sabers wasn't it? Otherwise she would be running right into a saber for the most part as she breathed into the mask that obscured her face, it would take her only a few seconds to get past them and she hoped Vornskr had that much of a brain to keep them occupied. She didn't know how deep Lagacy was in the Archives, but if she could get to a place with the greater part of the Sith Artifacts, she had a good feeling that she would find it there.
LOCATION: Archives
ENEMIES: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Daella Apparine"]
ALLIES: [member="Boolon Murr"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

The wall exploded, chunks of rubble flying through the air to pelt Ryan's face even as he attacked the short, female Sith. He got a glimpse of dark armor and the scent of oil filled the air. Then a presence full of peace entered and Korr's concern fled as shadow before dawn's break. His focus returned to the fight, yet the brief startling cost him.

A second blade sprang to life on the Sith's lightsaber, as blood-red as the first. Korr's blade smashed into the parry even as the blade from below hummed toward his leg. Doubly surprised, Ryan could not retract his foot. The crimson saber slashed directly into the durasteel protecting Korr's shins. The same durasteel which, like every exterior piece of the armor he wore, was woven with cortosis. The contact produced an immediate reaction, overloading the dimetris circuits on that end of the saberstaff and causing the lower blade to flicker out of existence.

Ryan was not left unharmed. Though the saber had been shorted out, the brief contact was enough to gouge a deep furrow into the face of the durasteel that did more than just leave a scar in the armor. It heated the metal up to such a degree that the flesh of Ryan's shin began to burn. Gritting his teeth, Korr continued on with the kick that - without her second blade to block it and with his own blade still locked against the first - would now surely impact the knee. He followed up, speed enhanced with the Force, by pushing his right foot entirely through and pivoting on it, bringing his left leg around in a swift, partially airborne roundhouse kick aimed at her face.

If she moved her lightsaber to counter the blow, Ryan's own blade would be left free to strike.
Destroying the holocron will mean the deaths of billions on Coruscant," responded Daella to [member="Graxin Rade"] with a calm, yet firm, tone.

"Follow,” commanded Daella of [member="Graxin Rade"] as she turned to a yet undisturbed Stack.

The Sith will not stop until our goals are certainly accomplished,” she continued as she made her way to the Stack of holotapes.

Just at the Stack, Daella turned back to still see Jedi attacking Sith in the Archives.

And your comrades will not heed your words, either,” she added.

Then, Daella reached into her light brown robes and pulled out a little comm-link with her left hand. Then, she pulled a holotape, titled Treatise of the Effect of Eating Ropo Meat, from the Stack with her right hand and tossed it aside. She reached into the hole with her right arm. After just a second, there was a click from the Stack.

Just beside Daella, a metal wall slid down to reveal a secret passageway. Daella had built the Ossus Academy during her time as a Jedi and made an effort to have many secret pathways she could use. She avoided using the one going directly into the Archives while disguised as a meek Jedi Padawan in order to avoid suspicion. Now, she was going to use it to escape.

Gesturing to the dimly light passageway while holding the comm-link, Daella ordered Graxin, “In. I'll contact the Voices to retreat after that.


Location: Jungles of Ossus
Enemy: [member="Countess of Báthory"]
Objective: Monkey around the jungles

Kiyron glared at the vornskr that was up in the treetops with him. Of course they could climb. Just his luck. Even worse was the Sith forces he could hear thrashing around the jungle to flank him. Even more helpful. It could be used to his advantage though, if he could figure out how to use it. The potential for friendly fire was relatively high in this situation. Then the next vornskr joined the first. Great. He reached down and slowly loosened he sword in its sheath. He could grab it fairly quickly now if necessary.

Then the woman appeared down below and called up to him. The leader? Sounded like it. Walked like it. Probably Sith. He upped his bet with himself before calling back down.

"You might want to stay clear of the area. This marks the boundary of an active battleground. We're just waiting for a mine-clearing crew to get here and clean it up."

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Graxin was taking a terrible chance with this. While [member="Daella Apparine"] seemed to be reasonable and looking to help, it could easily be a lie. A lie that Graxin would pay dearly for were he to make the wrong move. Still, he was confident in his abilities. He could defend himself if she brought a blade to him--whether he would survive or not didn't matter. If she attacked, it proved that they had darker intentions for the holocron, and he would destroy it. He took comfort in that self assurance.

"I'm trusting you, Sith. Keep proving to me that your people aren't the animals the Republic would paint them out to be." He murmured. His head tilted partway to the right, and he stared down the tunnel. How exactly had she known about this? "When we're clear of the temple, I'll select the other two Jedi...thank you for having an open mind."

And then, the former Sith took the plunge. He pushed his way down into the passage; back turned slightly so that [member="Daella Apparine"] was always in sight.

Anyone in the archives could see clear as day that the holocron was no longer in the room.
Once [member="Graxin Rade"] entered the passageway, Daella quickly followed. Turning to the door, Daella reached out with her right hand to a console on the inner side of the passageway. She quickly pressed a few buttons. The wall slammed shut - closing off the Archives from the secret passageway. The only means to open it, if anyone noticed Graxin and Daella departing the Archives with the holocrons, would be to either use the same manner as Daella did to open the passageway or cut their way through.

Turning back to Graxin, who was ahead of her, Daella picked up her pace in order to match his. There were many corners in the tight corridors - and Daella guided Graxin down the path to the outside of the Ossus Academy. It would take them to the heart of Sith forces.

In transit, Daella used the comm-link to contact [member="Darth Vornskr"] and [member="Darth Veles"], and tell them, “Objective acquired. Time to leave. Meet me at the rendezvous point.

Then, Daella pocketed the comm-link in her robe.

The walk would take several minutes. As the journey continued, Daella calmly asked Graxin, “Your name?

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Graxin fought back the urge to breath a sigh of relief. The temple was likely damaged terribly from the attack, and he had no desire to think about his fellow defenders that would not rise the next day. He carefully readjusted his second lightsaber, a shorter and more maneuverable weapon, into the inner folds of his robe. The emitter made contact with the holocron, and pressed against its dark surface. His thumb drifted over the ignition. If a move was made, he would destroy the artifact without a second thought.

"Graxin Rade. I've recently joined the Order. I was one of your kind from birth up until a year ago, give or take." He murmured quietly. A hand ran through his short black hair, and his gaze settled on [member="Daella Apparine"]. There wasn't much else to look at in here.

"And you? The Darth title is fine, but I'm a bit fond of real names."

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