Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Legacy of Krayt (Ossus OneSith/SithBrotherhood.v.Jedi PvP)

My Master summons me, my Master calls for me, I am my Master's shield – my Master shall not fail.

The fog concealed them along with a dark hood that covered the boy's face. He had disappeared from the galaxy, it had changed and so had he. Any form or figure of emotion left his heart as she was gone there was no reason to have one. Twin lightsabers clung to his thighs, his eyes focused on his Master as she decided to drop the cover of being a padawan. The woman was something and he felt a bit of admiration for her, but as quickly as it came – the admiration was gone and his focus locked in on the Jedi Knight who was with them now.

Stained dark yellow eyes peered towards Daella. His voice deeper than before, thick and strained as he spoke with a growl. “Give me my order.” Before [member="Daella Apparine"] could issue an order to her shield, Sopher moved with leap cutting off the Jedi, as he moved the Force countered the falling shelves and launched them back towards the Jedi Knight [member="Zaren Bouqi"]. Feet touched down cutting the man off and Sopher grinned through the shadow of his cloak.

Location: Main Hall
Objective: Survive
Secondary Objective: Try not to pass out

Anarya could barely hear [member="Miles Varden"]. Slowly, carefully, she began to reach down for the hilt of the training saber. Her hand began to wrap around it, and she had it as she felt someone's arm slid under her's. She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. The pain was too...

"GAH!" her back exploded in pain as she was moved. It hurt. Too much. She couldn't keep her eyes open. Couldn't keep her head clear. So much pain. It hurt to breathe. She could feel herself slipping away as her muscles clenched.
[member="Jora Vao"]
Two shadows. Two targets. One moving to a Stack, the other remaining where Daella had been. [member="Zaren Bouqi"] opted for the moving one that was extremely low to the ground and moving to the Stack. Despite several Stacks of precious Jedi knowledge tumbling down, they were thrown back at Zaren by the dashing shadow - which leaped forward and revealed himself to be Darth [member="Sciath "].

The shadow that remained where Daella had slowly turned toward Zaren and Sciath. Two fiery orange eyes pierced through the mist as they glared at Zaren.

Upon being asked to give an order, the shadow responded with Daella’s natural voice.


In contrast with the unconfident, insecure “Diana,” Daella spoke with a crisp, steady voice with power behind it.

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Graxin's participation in the conflict was very little. He had been caught unawares when the Sith began their attack. His time had been spent learning the arts of healing; that seemed to be his calling within the Order. The transition into the Jedi way of life was rough, and had left him rather unobservant. The rush from his most recent patient's quarters had made him lag far behind, and it was the call of [member="Zaren Bouqi"] that pulled him. The man was as close to a teacher that Graxin had ever worked with, and his danger was one that demanded the Knight's attention the most.

He made his way into the archives without drawing much attention. A heavy hood was drawn over his head; only the faint amber of his eyes shone from the source of anonymity. Light combat armor protruded from under his raven robes, and his twin blades hung from his belt, ready to be used at a moment's notice.

Two leather bound hands thrust up into the air as the bookcase sailed. The dark side pervaded everything, and nulled Graxin's senses, but the force still called to him. Its endless river had dried up in places, but could still be sailed upon.

With a momentous effort and a moment of vulnerability, the bookcase was caught mid-air. It spun in place once, twice, then three times before being hurled toward [member="Darth Hauntruss"]. She seemed to be the biggest threat to Graxin's perceptions. This, of course, left him vulnerable to both [member="Daella Apparine"] and [member="Sciath"] as the effort required full concentration. His entire defense relied on [member="Zaren Bouqi"].

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Nephthys"]
[member="Ryan Korr"]

As the massive figure in blackened spike-armor paced the perimeter of the archives, he might have bumped into an even larger figure, an Ithorian in the white, belted tunic of a Priest of the Mother Jungle, who was just emerging from a side passage.

"Apologies, friend," said the Ithorian, taking a long step back. His hammerhead tilted slightly, and his side-gills flared at the smell of...oil? The air was redolent with it. His stomach growled faintly, blasphemously disrespectful of the Epicanthix blessed oils with which Kaine's body had been rubbed before he put the armor on.

Boolon's eyes flicked across the archives to Nephthys, just for a moment.

Zion Krayt

The bookcase being thrown at him instead of falling atop of [member="Daella Apparine"] had surprised him, but he hadn't stopped when he flipped, he had to get there. So when the bookcase was instead redirected again and he felt the presence of a familiar Jedi, he knew that 'reinforcements' had come to help him. When he turned to look at the hooded form of 'Diana,' he instead saw the obstacle ahead of him.

He had no idea who it was, he had never seen them before, but the purple lightsaber was still held in his hand when he asked for his orders. That's when the false Jedi Padawan's eyes had clearly shown as the regular colour that belonged to the Sith, and he confirmed it for himself.

The Sith Lord's simple order was 'Eliminate' and the first thing that came to his mind was, don't mind if I do. And then his left leg slid behind him and rotated to provide a solid balancing point, whilst his right hand remained in front of him and his lightsaber above his head in a horizontal manner, pointing in their direction. He had soon come to the conclusion that [member="Graxin Rade"] was behind him somewhere, but was able to have a clear enough sight to have redirected the bookshelf.

Now I've got to protect him too.

His orders were given and the Jedi was more focused on bothering Daella. Stepping forward he looked towards the precious knowledge on the shelves of the archives. If this knight decided to defile it like a heretic he can do the same. Reaching out with the force he pulled the books and datacrons, they didn't linger long and shot towards [member="Zaren Bouqi"]. Another entered the scene, but his focus remained on the Jedi threatening his Master.
Location: Dem Archives, son
Objective: Overestimate Boolon
Allies: [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Enemies: [member="Boolon Murr"], [member="Ryan Korr"]
Music: Raid - A Memoria Brooded

Vornskr's head swiveled to look up at the towering Ithorian that he had just bumped into, but he was somewhat surprised at the Jedi's response. He had expected the Ithorian to lash out him and attack him with his lightsaber or the Force, as many Jedi would do when they happened to bump into a Lord of the Sith dressed in imposing spiked plate-mail. Then again, Ithorians were not very prone to violence naturally, but he had seen many Jedi forsake such pacifist ways for militancy. Vornskr took several steps back to create suitable distance between himself and the Ithorian, and brandished his crimson lightsaber towards him.

"You will find no friend here, Jedi."

He was, of course, referring to his person rather than the immediate area, and for clarification he gestured to himself with his free hand while his other continued to firmly grasp his lightsaber. The tip of the blade now angled down to point directly towards the towering Ithorian, but the Sith Lord did not yet make a move. He wanted to bait this creature into striking first, and then he would unleash all of his reserved fury in a gushing torrent of violence.

Then again, Kaine did not know that Boolon Murr was one of the worst duelists in the Jedi Order.

The Stack flew by Daella as it zipped toward [member="Darth Hauntruss"]. Daella’s eyes locked onto the [member="Graxin Rade"] - the Jedi that had thrown it. As Darth [member="Sciath"] attempted to pound [member="Zaren Bouqi"] with datacrons and books in the Archives, Daella leaned forward and began to run toward the group.

Yet instead of actually running to Sciath, Zaren, and Graxin, Daella simple took a couple steps to her right. This gave her a clear line of fire between herself and Graxin. She continued to keep her eyes glued to him as she planted her right foot into the ground.

Upon doing so, Daella threw out her left arm and pointed her fingers at Graxin. Instantly, arcs of pink lighting sprung from her fingertips. The light bounced off her face to reveal that she had tied back her hair into a ponytail and had her scar covered in a bandage. The Force Lightning zipped toward Graxin.

Simultaneously, a thunderous boom echoed throughout the Archives. It was a combination of the lightning crackling through the air and Daella also calling upon the Force to telekinetically strike Graxin - as if a Force Push that originated just before the Jedi’s body. Darth Malgus used such a technique of combining Force Lightning and Force Push long ago - in the days of the First Republic.

Now, Daella had used both abilities on Graxin as her first attack against a Jedi that day.

Zion Krayt

Before the Datacrons could hit him he formed a force barrier in front of him. It was a way for him to protect himself from the environment without breaking them entirely, but when they hit the floor they probably faced some damage. He didn't know how delicate datacrons were anyway.

Then he started to move towards [member="Sciath"] despite the datacrons coming at him and when the last few of them were sent at him he dropped the barrier so that they could just glance off of his armour and he slashed to the Sith Knight's left kneecap with his speed. He attacked with the ferocity of someone who needed to protect their young.

That young being [member="Graxin Rade"] who was being attacked by [member="Daella Apparine"] in the other aisle and then he paid attention to his own opponent again.

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The irony of Graxin's situation only occurred to him in the single millisecond between sight and impact. Once, he had tamed force lightning and spat it at his foes with little thought. Now, any kind of defense he may have against it seemed nonexistent--purely because he had none. Perhaps he could have raised some kind of barrier, or drew his lightsabers to bolt the bolt; if only he had more time.

The former Sith fell back with a thud against the floor. The force of it sent seething flames of anguish through his very veins, and the arcing pink bolts connected with ease. He writhed under the assault; mouth open in a silent scream. He was defenseless. After successfully defeating Vulcanus, to falter under something like was unacceptable.

The cold embrace of unconsciousness reached up at the edge of his eyes. The pain grew so great, that he ceased to feel it. There, as defeat loomed so early and so easily, did Graxin retaliate. Two hands were thrust forward in desperation; an invisible wall of telekinetic energy rippled through the air toward [member="Daella Apparine"]. Perhaps it would land, perhaps not. Graxin prayed for the former.
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

"Peace is a dangerous thing at times, the last time the jedi achieved peace they were forced to allow atrocities from the sith. A noble goal but a dangerous gambit. We shall have to try and work on this and have council but..." Sarianna moved, there was a small thing about fighting it was attacking without aggression or being reckless that mattered. With the right mindset you could fight and her saberstaff twirled while she moved bringing the blades around to go after his hands and find the flaws in his technique. He wasn't a saber wielder and only focused on that. He wasn't using battlemind to push himself and empower his strikes.
Location - Near the Temple
Allies - @All Jedi Forces
Enemies - @All Sith Forces

It was an important day in the history of the Republic, of the Jedi Order. Maria, only a Padawan of the Order, had decided to fly to the planet of Ossus as fast as possible to aid at stopping the raid of Sith. The woman had been on the planet of Umbara before the attack, but when the news came to her, she had ordered her ship to be readied for a flight. She herself had enjoyed some peaceful moments in a nice warm bath, but it looked like the recent times were not to be underestimated. Sith could attack Umbara one day, too.

As the ship was readied, Maria put her maroon Jedi robe on and checked her lightsaber. She really hoped she wouldn't have to use it in battle. Not only because of the fact that she didn't know how to use it, but also because of its colour. Though it would have been quite interesting if a Sith stood against her and then found out of what colour is her weapon.

On the road to her ship, the woman set her hair in a comfortable style, one which wouldn't distract her too much at a battle. And that's how she flew to the planet of Ossus.
When she finally got to the planet, she was in such hurry that she forgot carefulness. As she moved towards the temples of the planet, she moved with such speeds that she couldn't even control her ship. That is why her ship crashed in a nearby are, but still quite far away from the temple.

She had failed at even travelling to the place. She was not great at being a Jedi.
Objective: Stop the dumb Jedi from killing the girl Jedi

Allies: [member="Anarya Drast"] [member="Jora Vao"]

Enemies: paraplegicness

Miles yelled at the Jedi who attempted to pick up the wounded woman.

"Put her down, she has taken a hit to the spine. We need to immobilize her. I can take care of her. You fight the bloody Sith. Leave the grunt work to me."

Looking down at the woman, "Stay with me, keep your eyes open." He plunged a Bacta stim into her leg and hopes that would help while he pulled off his jet pack and strapped her to it.

Miles didn't care if the other Jedi argued or tried to fight with him about it. He wasn't about to let him accidentally kill an ally from ignorance and stupidity.
Ki'an's attack had missed [member="Darth Hauntruss"] and as he came up to strike again, he suddenly found himself in the force choke, raised up off hs feet. For an instant he panicked, feeling the closure of his windpipe. But Ki'an was a Jedi, and falling back on his training, Ki'an calmed himself. He saw the Sith Lord's arm jerk and he felt himself flung toward the ground. Deactivating his lightsaber, Ki'an threw his hands in front of him and pushed against the ground with the force. It didn't stop the impact, but when he hit, it hurt but didn't knock him unconscious. Then he was flying through the air like a discarded piece of trash.

Ki'an managed to use the force to spin himself about and lesson the impact once more, but he felt pain well up in his right knee as he struck the stone floor. He found himself only a few paces from [member="Anarya Drast"], and his eyes lingered on her in fear and worry. She didn't look in good shape. Seeing that she was being tended to by a soldier though, Ki'an rose, unsteadily to his feet. Ki'an surveyed the field and saw that many of the Sith had fled the area. [member="Darth Banshee"] was fighting [member="Lupe Baracka"] and another soldier he didn't know.

Turning toward [member="Jora Vao"], Ki'an called out.

"The Archives." Ki'an said, taking a calming breath and centering himself. He put weight on his right knee and found that while it hurt, he could still use his leg. "We must reach the archives." Ki'an didn't wait for his friends reply, but darted off from the main hall toward the archives and whatever it was the Sith were after.

[member="Maria Natalja"], [member="Graxin Rade"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"], [member="Daella Apparine"], [member="Sciath"]
Waiting was useless, therefore the Mon Calamari Sith Master moved towards the Temple, his strides long and powerful as his body swiftly began closing the distance to the main battle. Thanks to his abilities, he slipped through the fighting unnoticed, the invisibility and hidden Force presence making it appear as if he never existed. Both sides, Jedi and Sith alike, continued to rip each other into pieces as if they had not valued their own lives in the slightest. Were the Jedi truly so fanatical they rather fought to death instead of surrendering? Most likely a result of the last line in their Code, "There is no death, only the Force", which made them believe in their own immortality.

The amphibious Sith picked the way that led towards the rear of the building, following the same way [member="Darth Banshee"] had picked. Veles realized the two of them worked together rather well; with him being her teacher and her being his student, both of them knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, plus their friendship allowed them to connect to the Dark Side more effectively and draw power from it. Losing Lady Banshee, currently his most successful student, was not an option. Not for him, at least. Just the thought gave him determination to ensure Sabrina survived the battle, he could not lose another one close to his heart...

Once he finally entered the Temple, completely ignoring the battle going on and refusing to join the fray for now, Veles' eyes darted from one skirmish to another, searching for his friend. It was a messy battle, combatants fighting several opponents in the chaos, but he ultimately caught a glimpse of Sabrina in the corner of his right eye. He did not like the sight. As usually, Lady Banshee appeared injured, although Veles hoped it was just the wound from the invasion of Teta making itself known. What he disliked was one [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] attacking his favorite student, attempting to stab her. As a true gentlebeing, Veles had to avenge his lady by repaying the man in kind. Swiftly moving towards the man, bending all sound produced by the blades of his twin lightsabers and footsteps, the amphibian moved behind the enemy and thrust both of his hands forward to deliver two deep stabs in the middle of the soldier's back, using the energy of both blades in an attempt to drive those through the man and pierce his armor, flesh and intestines alike with burning hot plasma.
Location: Coming In With The Hazard Beauty
Objective: Meet Up With Vahl Members

[member="Darth Isolda"] @Darth Nephyths

"Sin, we are heading in hot into Ossus."
The AI spoke To the crazed, and newly formed Darth Inferno.
"Give me a direct connection to the Sith, and all coms they possess."
"Right away." She replied to him.
A few minutes later he had a connection to all Sith coms.
"Behold!! I come swiftly with Holy Cleansing Fire!!! BEHOLD!!! I COME WITH DEATH!!!" He roared into the intercom. They, the AI, and Romeo, broke through the atmosphere of Ossus, guns blazing down on the random buildings in view, destroying them, and any citizens caught in the blasts.
The more he destroyed the more excited he got, and the more his rage built on.
"My Beauty! Find us a place to which we may set down!" He commanded his newly gained Scion-classed Stealth Corvette with more than a few upgrades. The Sith Poison like venom courses through his veins, making his eyes glow a deep blood red.
"Let us destroy the Jedi heretics!! Let us destroy those who seek to use us Beauty!!"
"Yes Darth Inferno!!" He was beginning to excite the AI along with him. The guns continued to blast away at the random buildings as it zoomed over them, like a flying bird of fire.
Due to [member="Graxin Rade"]’s use of the Force, Daella was thrown back into the air. Her hood flew off her head. Just a second afterward, Daella turned in the air. She recovered by flipping over. When her feet managed to touch the ground again, she slid back several feet as she maintained a three point stance with her right hand on the ground.

Upon coming to a stop, Daella looked up while in her stance. She glared at Graxin once more. Stepping forward just once, Daella stood straight up. She again threw out her left arm at Graxin.

In that moment, Daella’s fiery orange eyes grew slightly brighter - or might have seen that way. She influenced the Force to wrap an invisible noose around Graxin’s throat. Force Choke. Daella bent her fingers with her left hand as if grasping a throat. She continued to take steps toward Graxin - slowly reclosing the gap between them - as she threatened to squeeze the air out of the Jedi.
Location: Archives
Enemies: Zaren Bouqi Hatake Mutashi
Allies: Darth Nephthys, Daella Apparine

He came at her quickly, and the whispers of the Goddess would spurn her on as she reacted in turn, working along with his attack to conduct the following. Seeing the movement of his body in his anticipation made her grip on her saber change, both hands now upon the middle.

A thumb pressed the second activation switch and a second blade against the elongated saber hilt came to life. The dual saber would twirl in her hand to parry the hit, the leg with the knee he intended to kick in taking a step back as her body angled towards him -- ying and yang - and she continued the sweep of her now dual blade, using his momentum to bring his leg closer for the second blade to attempt to cut it off as he would naturally draw closer.

OOC: I've been spammed with notifications, if i missed anyone I'm sorry!

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Primary opponent: [member="Darth Vornskr"]

The Dark Lord waited for Boolon's assault. Boolon, for his part, used that bit of time not for attack, but for an attempt at a nonviolent solution. "Peace, friend," he said, and his healer's touch lanced out intangibly across the distance between them, a matter of perhaps two metres.

His intention was simple, its execution complex, a product of an inventive mind and a very, very long medical career. He sought to drive Kaine into mental and physical lassitude, drain the energies of his body and his anger, numb his hands, steal his dexterity. The aura of a Dark Lord made it significantly more difficult than, say, putting a crowd or a patient to sleep, and success was in no degree guaranteed. True to form, Boolon accompanied and focused the technique with a gentle patting motion of his empty left hand. His long sabre hilt remained unlit in his right.

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