Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let See What Happens (Alexandra Cinthra)

Alderaan, Location Unspecific

This was the second time Krest found himself on Alderaan, but this time he wasn't lost. He went right to the waterfall from before, right to where he knew @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] lived. He wanted to see her, see how far she got with her own training, see how she was doing. He stepped up to the waters edge, running his hand through the waterfall like before, a small smile on his face. Hopefully she would come greet him.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Well youre a welcome sight after my more recent past." Her feet brought her out of the shadow of the trees and into the light of the day, a scar visble along her left cheek that hadn't fully disappeared, her steps were slow and careful, limping even at times. She wore a kind and soft smile though, her eyes not dimmed in the least bit as she walked to the edge of the water and tilted her head slightly as she looked closely at @[member="Krest"]. "So how have you been well Krest, it has been a while since the last time and i must say that i am highly surprised that youre here, unless i acquired a bounty on my head that i missed and youre here to collect which i must say would be very convenient.
Krest turned to @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"], blinking. Watching her limp, the scar on her cheek, it all caused a frown to form on his face. He set his hand on the side of his neck, rubbing gently. "I'm fine, yeah. And I doubt there is a bounty. Though, what happened to you? You alright?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"A Duel or two, and a bomb, blaster, grenade, and so on. Dont look so worried its not like i lost a limb, plus you only met me on two occasions, what use is there to get worried about someone whom you barely know about dont you agree?" She sat down on one of the stones, their place back as they should be, a perfect circle with a center stone doting the circle like a target, she moved slow but her face never betrayed a hint of pain as that was something she had come to deal with all too easy. @[member="Krest"]
Krest shrugged his shoulders, following her. Both hands slid behind his head as he looked around. "Perhaps it's just something I picked up. A duel is how a bond is formed, perhaps that's just me though." The Zabrak grew up on shedding blood, and there was a special symbolism between two warriors who dueled. At least that's how he felt. He glanced to the circle, smirking. "You're nit picky about these things aren't you?"

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"More of an obsession, my mind works in such a way that i remember every detail to a point where seeing the stones not as they were actually forced me to fix such. Its weird i know but i found it to actulally be a calming eexperience in which i was able to focus my abilities, strengthening my connection to the force while also meditating on such things... im rambling on now so i think that ill stop." She waved her hand to a stone adjacent from her as she saw him looking on the circle with a simple curiosity. "Have a seat, after all you are a guest." @[member="Krest"]
Krest plops down without any refusal, nodding his head. "Very well, I guess." He watched @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] closely. It really had been a while sense they last talked, and he could feel the difference. "What have you been up to? Other then the duels and such."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Not much, mostly just looking up on my own actions, there hasnt been much that ive done other than improve my abilities, not that there isnt much to do past that anyways. How about you, what have you gotten yourself into lately Krest?" Her chin rested in her hand and her eyes remained on the other, smiling upon noting his own studying of her, though remaining silent instead of speaking. @[member="Krest"]
"This and that really. Getting stronger, training others in the Templars, the like." His blue gaze fixed onto @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]'s, searching. The Zabrak had no idea where to go with this next, and he opted for silence, thinking on his next move. He came here for a reason, to talk to her, try and convince her to join the Templars. But there was no way for him to start up the subject. Instead he fell to the awkward quiet, waiting.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She nodded before speaking, her voice and question direct and to the point as she watched the Zabrak with a careful stare, one that shifted little as she did. "Why are you here krest, no one comes to visit people out of sheer wish to, they are either to meet someone because they need help or when they want to contront someone about something. Im sorry if this sounds accusing but thats always been true in the past with me so until proven otherwise i think that itll remain at the forefront of my mind and my thought process." @[member="Krest"]
Blue eyes shifted away, glancing back to the waterfall. Krest was silent for a moment or two, then finally spoke. "Curious to see if I can change your mind about not being a Templar. We need everyone we can get, and you would be a better fit then most in our order." His voice was calm, and his gaze slowly drifted up to meet @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]'s once more. He didn't want her out here alone, not when there were plenty of people who could help train her, be her friends.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She smiled still, but her expression changed slightly as the question registered in her mind, her hand subconsciously moving and shifting with the other hand, unable to remain still. "I thank you for the offer Krest, but its not something that fits me, im not a normal person and theres nothing that an order can do to improve me, my strength has to come from within and my power must be improved from my own actions... and i am not ready to rejoin the galaxy on a whole." She continued to shift her hands, unable to keep them still. @[member="Krest"]
Krest continued to watch @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] for a moment, then sighed, shaking his head. "The longer you stay alone the harder it will be to join back into the regular population. Give the Templars a chance. Just a month. You don't have to stay if you don't want to, and we won't hunt you down should you choose to leave." He wanted Alexandra there. To give this a chance. If this offer didn't work though, he wouldn't press the matter farther.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She glanced at the woods and thought again, she had started a new life, had spent what she made hunting bounties on a small home and her trips to ruins and places of history, to acquire a vast reserve of knowledge on her own. "I cant just pick up and leave, not after the time i spent creating a home and gathering what i could and spending every bit of credits i had left over on my life here... And i cant trust the people of your order i have not met, you are the only Templar i have met and i have met more Jedi and yet i dont trust them in the least. I mean..." Her hands stopped moving for a moment before she brought it up and rubbed her neck while leaning forward. @[member="Krest"]
Krest nodded his head once in response. He wasn't going to force it on her, so be opted to change the subject. "Bounties eh? What have you collected recently?" He was actually curious. She was a friend to him, even if they had only met twice. His blue gaze kept on @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]'s figure, not wanting to push her.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Mostly ones involving hits on criminals, those involving the simple end involving them retiring to the void rather than a prison. Murderers, slavers, pirates, and the sort." Her smile returned and her hands remained still now with the conversation away from returning to an order. She would not return yet, she couldnt, it worried her that if she returned that someone would find her again, like that man that had beaten her and left her in a ditch, or the other that had nearly killed her not a few days ago... she was confident, but scared too, and she was not ready to put herself out in the open. @[member="Krest"]
"Pirates huh? Those are usually the hardest to get. Tell me about it." He was never fond of pirates, and @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] was willing to go after them. this warranted a story, one he certainly wanted to hear. A small smile played on his lips as he went to listen.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Well i mean no one of note, just small bands i help take out with the help of IED's, temporary droid support, that sort of deal. Feinting a ship looking for help works too, pirates are quite gullible at times and when they find a saber wielding, armored warrior inside they soil themselves fast and i get a nice ship for the trouble." She smiled and was calm and collected now, her mind completely off the topic of leaving. @[member="Krest"]
Krest nodded slow. The plan made sense, and it clearly worked. He grinned a bit, leaning back in his seat. "Smart, though what kind of pirate is afraid of an armored foe? Sounds like they were new to the game of piracy." He winked at @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"], grinning.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Probably soiled themselves with the face they wore, absolute terror mixed with a realization of how stupid they are that they fell for such a normal plan... plus after i knocked the first one down without even touching him they started running, no one said they had to die so i gave them bout a five minute head start." @[member="Krest"]

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