Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let See What Happens (Alexandra Cinthra)

Krest watched as [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] cut the next branch he was leaping for. He floated in midair, time seeming to slow down on him. He landed on the branch, already bracing to jump when it suddenly fell from beneath him. He dropped with it, letting out a slight yelp on his way down. Thankfully, he was still on the branch, even as it fell, and used it as a spring board, pushing off of it to leap up to the next branch. He landed not so gracefully, his metallic hand gripping into the tree beside him for leverage. His gaze leveled on the girl, a playful, yet dark, grin forming.

"So that's how it's gonna be?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra stopped a few branches ahead and glanced back at him. "What, cant you handle a little bit of a challenge that doesnt involve a saber skill?" She let her smile remain as she turned and kept running, randomly cutting through a branch every now and then, or even feinting some strikes to trip him up if he tried to compensate. [member="Krest"]
Krest dropped back down to the forest floor, a large grin on his face before he faded away. If [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] was going to cut the spots he was going to leap on, why not simply avoid them? He ran below her, focused on her signature. It was when she was about to land on a branch that he raised a hand up, gripping the tree limb itself through the Force and ripping it down. She wanted to play rough, the Zabrak would too.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra watched as the branch broke infront of her, leaving her mid air heading for something that is no longer there. "Son of a queen..." Her feet fell from out of her and she pushed all she could under her to keep from breaking a leg in the fall, rolling as she hit the ground and glancing at him. "Well, then footrace it is." She sent a wave of energy at his feet to knock him face first into the ground before running along the path once more, only half through it. [member="Krest"]
Krest blinked for a moment, first watching [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] run off, then watching the ground as it rushed up to meet him. He hit the floor with a resounding thud, groaning as he laid there. Cruel girl, picking on the poor defenseless Zabrak. He grinned wide as his own sarcastic mind, already pushing himself off the ground. Now it was a race, no longer a friendly run. And Force was included. Yeah, this was going to be good.

He'd reach out beside him with the Force, picking up the branch he had removing on Alexandra and started this whole footrace. With a swing of his arm he sent it flying, intent on knocking the girls legs out from under her as he would dash by, taking the lead.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Her head shot back the moment before the branch came at her, a sense of danger coming over her and as it took out her legs from under her and he passed, she landed softly and stared forward. Her legs pushed on the ground from under her and moved to bring her over the ground, but she knew this path better than Krest did, and she knew even more so the short cuts of the paths, to which she used.

The short cut brought her out right behind Krest whom Alexandra smiled as she moved beside. "My turn, have fun." She smiled and sent a degree of force energy into her muscles, helping them push with a bit more speed and force before her feet before she stopped and brought a kick right at his chest while he was still running. [member="Krest"]
Krest blinked slow as [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] came up beside him. He brought up both of his forearms as she kicked, catching the kick itself. He stopped running and even slid back slightly, a frown slowly forming on his face. So she knew shortcuts huh? Why was it he was always stuck fighting on her territory? He frowned deeply before reaching a hand out to grip Alex herself. The purpose was to pull her back to him, and right for his extended fist.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She blinked as she was pulled forward, but still had enough control in her body to send a slight of energy at his fist, attempting to turn it to the side which would then cause her to either knock into him or just plain land without being hit. OF course he could strike immediately while she was down but that would be her own fault, and she knew full well she stood no chance in unarmed combat without the force so a bit of cheating might take place... [member="Krest"]
His fist went right beside her head, missing it by a hairs breath. The Zabrak let out a grin though as he brought up a knee, going right for her gut. Cheating or not, he was just going to use his brute strength to win this race at this point. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] wasn't going to win if Krest had any say about it.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra saw the knee but knew moving out of the way would do nothing, so instead, she took it full force and crumpled over on the ground. "You win..." She could have continued this, could have sealed away the pain, but to tell the truth she was tired, and the knee had knocked what air had been left in her out and away. [member="Krest"]
Krest blinked for a moment, both hands still up as he was prepared to continue the fight. Instead, [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] had surrendered. He dropped his fists slowly, blinking even more so. "Already..? Well, how long has it been again?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Sorry, just a bit sore and all, my studies have been draining me as it is and that knee knocked the wind out of me... and lay down, i dont want to have to look up to talk." Her voice held no hint of kidding on that last part, more commanding than anything as she had told him to lay on the earthen ground so that she wouldnt have to look at him standing over her. [member="Krest"]
He smirked slightly at her command, but he wasn't about to deny [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] without a good reason. He plopped down beside her, yawning. "Shouldn't of started a fight then. A simple run would of sufficed right?" The words were light, playful to the point of teasing, but they had good intentions. Playful banter always helped people to relax, right?

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She laughed at the words and nodded to him. "Perhaps, but which is more fun, kneeing a woman in the gut, or running her down and having her pass out from shortness of breath." She grinned as she glanced at him, perhaps it was true, maybe it wasnt. It wasn't like [member="Krest"] would find out any time soon seeing as their little contest had ended with him winning.
"Can't really answer that now can I? I mean, I punched you out once, if that counts. Haven't watched you pass out from a run though." He smirks, shaking his head. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] was as crazy as he remembered, and it was nice to talk to her, someone he could get along with.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You arent the only one, hell i took a lightsaber to the gut purposely just to get away and turn my coat when i was a Sith, that hurt." She grinned and looked at him for a moment as she continued. "Plus, you only knocked the wind out of me, you got to try alot harder to hurt this person." [member="Krest"]
​"Once a Sith huh? That's a new one. Who'd of thought I already met a Sith who wasn't trying to kill me?" He laughs, shaking his head slow. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] was a Sith? Well, that only meant no one was above redemption, right? He stayed down on his back, sighing. "Whats the plan now?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"To be honest, i hadnt thought of a plan yet, i mean, ive been updating my home with all the credits ive made from my recent ventures and jobs as a Mercenary. Maybe ill look for a few students or something, create a bunch of students i can trust, and then screw with the Jedi and Sith by just helping out people without an ulterior motive." [member="Krest"]
"Helping people without an ulterior motive eh?" He quoted her softly, thinking on it. A concept the Zabrak could get behind, that much was for sure. But could [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] lead it, even with help? There was doubt in Krest's mind, but it was quickly diminished. Alex was strong, and the Knight himself started to firmly believe she could do this on her own. But now, she wouldn't have to.

"I could help you with this you know."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She had been thinking about it, truly thinking about it, creating a place where they were not attached to any government, held by any laws but their own. It was enticing and then [member="Krest"] spoke, his words piercing her as she turned her head to him immediately. "Really? Why do you want to help me, what about your own people, the concord ones?" Her hands shifted as she had had them crossed behind her head, he was offering to help her do something she had only been contemplating until this moment.

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