Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let Slip the Dogs of War [Protectorate Invasion of Druckenwell]

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
Capital City
Allies: CIS
Enemies: [member="Eyrecae Alzari"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The familiar sense came to her and Tricia took to the air to search. That feeling as she remained in the iron skin suit with her glistaweb silks underneath brought a small smile to Tricia's face. She wasn't sure what was going to happen but seeing all the stuff coming... then there were items being flung about. Amusement played across her face... she was interested in seeing what was happening now as flying up wearing the duster the feeling of wind, chaos and everything else had Tricia reaching out with her mind. Trying for one good assault before the fighting possibly escalated to something worse. What are you doing here? Siobhan...
Position: Stalking [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Objective: Keep her from harming the Train Station.
Bonus mission: Give Eldoc the keys to the car.

Vorhi tapped his holocomm and hailed [member="Eldoc Quasat"]. he'd have to be quick. An aura that potent meant one of the largest focre-users was heading to Eldoc's position. He'd need back-up, and he couldn't change direction at the moment.

"Hangar 7. My hangar. Activate protocol 3, the password is "fun house," as two words. All my robot sparring partners will wake up and respond to your commands. Buy some time or try to make an opening with them, that's all I can offer right now. Alestrani out."

Vorhi sighed as he continued moving, finally spying the shuttle his senses were leading him. He unraveled one of his long silk scarves, grappling on to the shuttle for dear life like a maniac as it flew through low through the city, avoiding the anti-air fire. The force user on board that ship was going to have to dance with this vagabond--or shake him off, something like that.

He grinned almost maniacally. It wasn't the dark side meditation or the light side that was guiding him. Nope. Those were boring, predictable. The force, its energy, his own conscience, these were guiding him. He'd go far, like a true maniac. He was actually quite good at this fighting thing--it was his best skill, and the one he used least often outside of training others to fight. So be it. He'd fight--and win--on his terms, today.

Edited because I keep calling Aaralyn Ember.
Aboard the Xenophon
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

The Emperor's Shield's re-entry into the fray could hardly go unnoticed; it was a gargantuan vessel, a world slayer in its own right, and its guns could reap a fearsome tally on the Confederate fleet if it were left unmolested. Yet it had a weakness, a weakness that another behemoth of a starship had once shared. A weakness that had resulted in the destruction of the indestructible. It was designed to serve as part of a fleet. To be supported, defended while it did its bloody work. And there was one thing that it truly needed defending against; Starfighters, much like those who had slain the Executor.

From his meditative trance aboard the Xenophon, the Butcher reached out, touching the mortal minds of whole squadrons of organic starfighter pilots, touching the controllers of the inorganic. Within mere moments, dozens of fighters, bombers and gunships were sweeping around in patterns as beautiful as they were chaotic, before hurtling across the cold eternities to rain pinpricks of molten fury upon the colossus.

Soon, the vessel would die the death of a thousand stings, its mighty guns incapable of locking on to the deadly insects which swarmed around it.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
LOCATION: Aboard the Siege Tower
OBJECTIVE: Provide Anti-Fighter Support Via Capital Ships and Interceptors and Fighters
ALLIES: Naval Forces [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"], [member="Hecate"]
ENEMIES: Confederacy [member="Kal Strife"]

Abregado-Rae Support Fleet
The Dancing Queen- Supercarrier Star Destroyer
The Siege Tower- Nebulon B7 Frigate
Beep and Boop- 2x Protectorate Blockade Runners
Frank and Cuddlyantisocial- 2x Myriad-Class Corvettes

Stahlmann and Cater were not the only ones with escort craft.

Good think HK has agreed to lend aid to Siobhan and her landing parties, he was about to answer to her when the droid noticed the sudden movement as the Enemy Stealthship revealed themselves.
He knew what to do, almost at an instant on the HUDs of Interceptor pilots coordinates showed up with a simple order.

And so,
Two squadrons of the agile advanced Protectorate OS-I2 Scouts came tumbling in into the fray behind the stealth ships, quickly catching up to the slower vessels they opened the turrets of anti-starship blaster fire, letting it burn into the Confederate stealth vessels. If CIS was so willing to attack transports, then they could burn in atmosphere doing so.

And as to the Emperor's Shield, it was indeed a part of a greater fleet, fleet that did provide anti-starfighter support.

Aboard the Siege Tower HK has noticed the large movement of fighters and bombers heading towards the behemoth of the grand flagship,
"There are convoys of fighters and bombers heading towards the Emperor's shield, engage."
He has called out to his weapon's officer who responded with,
Similar orders were transmitted to the four corvettes in HK's support fleet as well as other fighter and interceptors he had at his disposal from the super-carrier the Dancing Queen he brought with himself.

Because when he has said earlier

HK-36 said:
HK slightly turned to his Yeoman as he gave her orders, the Second-In-Command relaying his commands to the rest of the smaller Abregado fleet. "Set our guns into overwatch mode, any Enemy ships come near us I want them gone before they can fire at our transports." Machine added to Yeoman's list of to-do things,
It was exactly this kind of thing he was referring to. So when the grand envoy of the bombers and fighters would start to close in on the Emperor's Shield, they would find themselves in the volleys and rain of anti-fighter fire that would quickly begin to thin down their numbers before the Protectorate pilots got to them.


No matter how loud things were, in space, all was silent. When the Confederacy opened up on the Protectorate's ships, silence. The Emperor's Shield unleashed hell in the form of plasma on the Confederacy, silence. Galaar's sword caught between the twin arms of Calico's weapon, silence.

The lights of the galaxy reflected off the two blades. Magnificent greens flashed across the crimson of Calico's sword; whilst the azure light of the more powerful cannons reflected across Galaar's silver. The two swords twisted and writhed as they tried to break free of one another, but to no avail. The combatants thrashed against one another, limbs flew about, a fist met with Calico's helmet and made his vision spin.

Finally, the tools of death broke from one another, and Calico kicked off his adversary back toward the station. The jump cable retracted with him. Is this really what you wanted, Galaar?" Calico asked off the cuff. The words were sharp, hinting at the pain the CIS general had caused deep in Calico's very soul. "To oust me for power? Is that the point? We aren't like these people, ner'vod. We aren't them, and we don't belong with them."
SPACE: Forming position at centre of the Protectorate fleet
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] @Hecate [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
Enemies: [member="Kal Strife"]

Knight continued to look at the battle as it was going and she moved repositioning as needed with their ships. There were several masters on the CIS side it felt trying to sway and battle and Knight focused on the cord from the Lord protector, her eyes getting more focused while she gave a frown. "Form up and keep the Leviathan within range, all Wasp fighters move to join the iminica's and prepare runs against those Lucrehulks, I want the Belsars focusing on enemy ships and the sentinels working on their systems." Knight kept moving and walked along the length of the bridge. "Target the life support of that lead ship and send the message they have some chance before we fire all salvo's and target their life support. Their cold corpses can continue to defend this world."


Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.

(Yeah, I stole that)

"I want to defend the Dread Guard in the CIS! I want to defend the soldiers, to keep their homes being torn from their grasp like by the hands of dictators! Uniting the Clan under my banner is a step towards that, Calico!" Galaar shouted into the comms as the melee lock broke apart and as he drifted toward the station. His blue T-shaped visor glowed in the darkness of space like a beacon. A beacon of a bygone age, a beacon of the pains of the past that now pit these brothers against each other in a deadly dance of victory and defeat.

Upon impact with the station, Galaar stood and awaited his adversary to join him upon the metal walk ways and labyrinth that formed the shipyard. With blade in one hand, he drew his DC-15 side arm into the other, in a duel such as this, any weapon was allowed. He aimed the weapon at Calico as he flew towards the metal rigging behind him. Three taps to the trigger spelt three blue beams of energy rushing towards the armored figure.

[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]
ALLIES: OP - [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] [member="Knight"] [member="HK-36"] etc.
ENEMIES: CIS - [member="Kal Strife"]

The twelve cruisers remained in the shadow of the Emperor's Shield, but the starfighter and gunship screen that met Strife's offensive represented wings upon wings, the full defensive framework of the dreadnought and of its escorts. The Protectorate fleet adjacent to Jorus' flotilla provided flanking fire as Strife's attack craft offensive met first a serious fighter screen, and then the Shield itself. The fighter screen comprised over nine hundred fightercraft, plus dozens upon dozens of gunships. Comparisons to the Executor would be reasonable, as no Confederate force -- no force anywhere -- had met this ship in its current configuration. Those comparisons would not, however, be accurate. The Executor had mounted a staggering five hundred point-defense emplacements, excellent against warheads, especially capital ship warheads, but poor against attack craft. The Shield had a mere two hundred eighty point-defense emplacements...and two hundred military-grade quad lasers. Against a strike like this, the Shield was better balanced than its historical counterpart. Arguably, when faced with waves of attack craft, it was even better-armed in that department, objectively. To say nothing of defensive guns per square metre of hull.

The Shield's escorts were anti-capital in nature, and also there to boost the already-ridiculous starfighter screen. The Shield, in its current configuration, was its own anti-fighter escort. And if and when that fell short, it was still in formation with the rest of the Protectorate forces.

What got through hit planetary-grade shields with predictable results.

Behind the Shield waited the twelve heavy cruisers, Incus-class escort carriers on defense with a total of a hundred and sixty flak guns, eighty point-defense emplacements, and three hundred twenty quad lasers. They stayed on point should enough of Strife's attack craft survive to attempt curling around the Shield to hit the anti-capital escorts.

Numbers did not win battles; Jorus knew this. But every now and again, someone charged a strongpoint and faced close to five hundred guns plus a defensive screen of a thousand ships, and then things started adding up.
ENEMY: [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

"The way of the galaxy is war Galaar, and we are its children!" Calico's boots shook as he slammed down on the metal bulkheads. He charged with sword raised. The General hadn't expected ranged weaponry, and each of the three bolts impacted against his armor. The force of the blows made him topple forward and threatened to throw him off into space. His vitals screamed to be checked, and a small red warning on the bottom of his HUD flashed about some sort of leakage.

His chest hurt, terribly so. Calico heaved, and a dribble of blood fell onto the lower half of his visor. The Chieftain blinked in surprise, and forced himself up to his feet. "The only way...we can secure that by siding with the Protectorate." He wheezed. The current chieftain of Tal'verda reached under his kama, and produced the twin DC-15s that he had been famous for within the Confederacy. The powerful sidearms vibrated as each expelled numerous azure bolts until the weapons overheated. "Lay down you weapon...and surrender!"
Location: Capital City
Official Objective: Secure the Capital. True Objective: Wreck things, what else?
Allies: OP forces, [member="Eyrecae Alzari"], [member="HK-36"]
Enemies: [member="Tricia"]

Everywhere there was carnage and devastation, billowing clouds of smoke rising up into the air so that it was difficult to see. The ground was littered with dead bodies along with the debris of dropships. The city had presumably already been damaged by massive tectonic shifts that would have taken place to erect mountain-like fortifications, now it was being even more badly mauled. Blaster and bolter resounded across the streets along with the detonation of explosives. Amidst the chaos Siobhan sensed what she believed to be a familiar presence. Her powers of perception could use a certain degree of refinement, but it was unmistakeable and the familiar sense came to her.

The last time Siobhan had encountered Tricia the woman had been in service of the Fringe and the attacker when they invaded Atrisia. Apparently she was with the Confederates. Or here as a Fringe mercenary. Whatever. Truth be told Siobhan did not care either way. It meant that now she had someone concrete to fight. Presumably this time battle would not be interrupted by Lucrehulks plummeting down towards the planet's surface.

She felt an influence creeping up into her mind, then a voice resonated inside it, words being spoken. Siobhan had absolutely zero aptitude for telepathy and so unfortunately she would be unable to return the call and start talking in Tricia's head. Annoyance paired with anger flared up inside her at the unwanted mental intrusion that sought entrance into her mind. Wrecking things. Now get out of my head! She did not try to shield herself against any mental intrusion, rather she let the Force guide her, her urge for destruction being amplified as she stretched out, the woman in a duster coming into view, and exerted her telekinetic will.

In an attempt to wrap a gigantic telekinetic hand around Tricia, holding her in an iron, crushing grip, the one that had tossed Sith Lords and crushed bridge towers of battleships, as if a gigantic, bone-crushing anaconda was suddenly wrapping itself around her, invisible chains that would tighten every moment as she poured strength into them. Invisible walls that were supposed to close in on her target and press against her until she was smashed. She sought to grip Tricia tight and then smash her into the ground from on high at tremendous velocity.

Repeatedly. With the force of a speeder collision. Dual boltguns leapt into her hands.
Onboard the Ashira's Justice
Allies: Protectorate Forces and friends Friedrich Stahlmann Siobhan Kerrigan Ayden Cater Eyrecae Alzari [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: Confederate Forces and friends [member="Kal Strife"]

Well apparently the CIS would be kicking off the battle. Hecate frowned at the viewscreen as dropships found themselves under assault, and even more so as fighter swarms all apparently converged upon the Omega Protectorate's behemoth. That wouldn't do, she couldn't stand for such a pathetic swarm to possibly take down the gargantuan vessel. "Divert 25% of our squadrons to assist the Emperor's Shield, keep the rest and our corvettes in formation. In the meantime move up the Illyria Frigates to hunt down and obliterate those corvettes. Expensive little nuisances, it was foolish to deploy them so far ahead of their own forces when they're only real advantage in combat is stealth."

Her ships cannons thunder, the Echani watched as her fleet began to move into action and rearrange. Her larger Kerrigan and Antilles Destroyers with their corvette and Nebula B7 escorts reforming a more defensive formation as a fourth of her Firemane Adril Starfighters and variety of Omega Fighters including Paladins, OS-12 Inuisitors, and OS-G2 Knights sped through the empty space and began firing their weapons at the scores of fighters blindly focusing on the Emperor's shields, coming in from another angle to decimate the enemy where they stuck in joint with the Emperor's own defense screen. Missiles and Torpedo salvos locked on and were fired in waves by her Illyria Frigates as they came close to the Scion corvettes, ensuring they had more accurate lines of fire to prevent the corvettes from pulling such tricks as using the dropships as cover. Not that they would anyway because what sort of dropship pilot who was cleared for military duty would get themselves killed by flying into the corvettes path anywhere, safe to assume that after the initial attack Omega Protectorate's pilots would move around the corvettes as their forces moved in to tidy up the stealth vessels no longer holding to their title.

2 Antilles Star Defenders [1600] (3200)
Location: Obsidian Order Garrison
Objective: Secure the Obsidian Order Garrison (OP)
Allies: [member="Jared Ovmar"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Tobias Cross"] | Anyone else in the Garrison

The two Blackwings would not be the only ships to land by the Garrison. The thick mist that would swirl around the area would make it difficult to see, but that would work out in Aeron's favor for cover.

With a full armor , Aeron Kreelan, Prex of Omega Pyre, she lit up her HUD unit and used it to find her way by thermal sight. Now it was just a matter of seeing who would come to play.

With her BTI-CES dubbed the Retaliator in her hands, she made her way towards the garrison, flanked by Omega Pyre spec Ops ground teams and a mix of Mark II and Mark III HBD 300 Droid Series droids.


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Location: Shipyards
Allies: CIS
Enemies: OP
Objective: Get planet side

"Let's move! Let's move!" Running down the rumbling hallways of the shipyards oddball and his four man squad ran at almost a dead sprint to the drop pods the protectorate fleet had passed over the shipyards and began to hit the planet. They had to move as fast as possible if they wanted to make a difference down bellow. Dread Guard weren't meant to stand around and provide support they were meant to be the first boots on the ground and oddball was late to the party. Running faster and faster oddball looked out of the window to see the massive fleet that was there to end them, and he was only a man. One man against impossible odds. Once the men had reached the drop pods at the station they quickly entered one and prepared to drop into hell. "We're set let's go!" Reaching above head Oddball pulled a handle and the pod detached from its station.

It was slow a first, falling. Staring out the window the red and green streaks of fire burned past window. Then things got faster and faster and hotter as well. Falling back to the planet oddball clenched and gritted his teeth the small pod burning fiercely around him and his squad. All around bombs and explosions were going off splashing metal against the light hull of the pod. At terminal velocity they broke through the atmosphere and could see it all. The protectorate coming to fight under the flag of "peace" they were awfully good at that. But politics didn't matter anymore, it was time to get to the grit of it and start fighting.

Deploying it's shoot the pod slowed slightly but still crashed at high speeds rocking the crew inside. Creating a small crater the team coughed and sat back as the red light inside flickered off. "Ugh! Everyone good!" Oddball said to his crew, as the count came in all four men were good and it was time to get started. "Lock and load boys!" Kicking the hatch down oddball jumped out and immediately began to engage a group of protectorate marines killing four men off the draw of his blaster rifle. "SUPPRESSIVE FIRE!" Bringing up the Z6 the other men in his squad took up positions in the streets of the capital city. By the looks of things they had landed near a OP command outpost fashioned out of a small office building they had erected most likely one of dozens but they had to take it down. They were commandos on a mission and they would stop at nothing to get it done.

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
The battlefield in the capital. WAAAAR is begun!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | @HK36 | [member="Tricia"]

Whilst Siobhan was having her fun with Tricia, Eyrecae could finally get to grips with the enemy. Charging the enemy made her a target, naturally, and soon blaster bolts were flying liberally. Some come close by, some deflected from her armour, some even knocked her from her stride.
But then she was among the droids. Her hammer proved extremely adept at cutting down droids, as one massive blow could crush power supplies or CPUs like a boot on an ant. Sometimes she just punched the enemy with her gauntlets, and others she physically threw battledroids to the ground and crushed them.

Protectorate troops were following up, gunning down distracted droids, and after a couple of minutes Eyrecae has accounted for a dozen and one battle droids.

“A baker’s dozen, Kerrigan!” she cried triumphantly, scanning for the next enemy. She wanted a flesh and blood enemy to crush, not just droids!

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Location: Space... Space walk?
Objective: Liiiiiive!
Enemy: [member="Calico Tal'Verda"]

Galaar watched as identical blue blots whizzed back towards him from Calico's own side arm. It was ironic, they were identical themselves, the way they fought was identical, and even the weapons and ammunition they carried was identical, all remnants of the Clone Wars.

Two bolts smacked into Galaar... He could feel they're heat leak into his armor and eat at his plates. His HUD, like Calico's screamed to life as his oxygen supply began to diminish at twice the normal rate. While he had suffered minimal damage to his body, the integrity of his suit was compromised. That would not slow the pace of battle, however. Galaar threw the pistol into the weightless abyss, allowing it to drift away as he grabbed the sword of his with both hands once more. Behind him, his jumppack flared to life as he leaped yards and bounds toward his foe with a diagonal swing.

"NO! We are the Sons of Mandalore and by that can decide our own fates and destinies! We can get the factions to lower their weapons! But only together!"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
LOCATION: Aboard the Siege Tower
OBJECTIVE: Provide Tactical Orbital Bombardment Support
ALLIES: Brawlers [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and [member="Eyrecae Alzari"]
ENEMIES: Confederate Hypervelocity Cannon Emplacements

With his capital ships, interceptors, and fighters engaging the enemy movements HK was finally able to focus on the real goal.
Finally using his recently developed High Orbital Kinetic Bombardment systems,

"Roger that, Sio, I am holding my landing forces for now, at least until the storm calm a bit, let me know when you will come across any more fortifications you want gone."
So far the droid had enough, with the coordinates sent by Siobhan targeting the Confederate emplacements would be much easier, and he knew just what to target first. Their anti-aircraft weapons, starting with the biggest ones, the Hypervelocity Cannons.

And so, the droid sent to one of the Inimica gunships he has installed these new HOKB-1 systems on a message,
Fire when ready, coordinates as follow.

The beauty of these guns was that they could be fired from a distance that would be out of the range of small-caliber planetary defenses that worked better against a smaller craft like a gunship.

"To all Protectorate forces, warning, tactical orbital strike incoming at the north-east Hyper-velocity cannon, clear the area."
The droid sent out a warning just in case there were Protectorate troops around that specific cannon for some reason.

The pilot finally found his mark, zooming and whooshing through the battlefield in high-orbit, past even the shipyard ring, and he pulled the trigger, to make this hit it took a combined effort of HK preparing these gunships and sending them, Siobhan feeding coordinates to the droid, and now HK finally giving he order to pull the trigger. Multiple posts.

There was no sudden booms of the guns fired, there was no flashes of light or explosions, two special two-meter spikes were sent from the gun-pods attached to the gunship, fired at speeds many times over the speed of sound, perhaps even over ten-fold, they only picked up more on speed as they gained acceleration due to gravity, their special structure ensuring the twin projectiles didn't burn through the atmosphere. They were too small and moved too fast for anyone to realize what happened.

And then.

The ground shook as if with an earthquake and one of the hyper-velocity guns collapsed, imploding on itself with the impact, the ground beneath it collapsing in a deep crater, few explosions rocking the immediate area as its ammunition busted. The damage was intense, but also localized, the weapon did not level entire cities, just obliterated the small specific area. One hyper-velocity gun down.

High Orbital Bombardment Gunships move into positions.

HK has sent out orders to other vessels equipped in similar manner of weaponry, the one that just fired hitting pedal to the metal and whooshing off in evasive actions before Confederacy would realize what the Protectorate were firing and from what.

"How was that?"
HK transmitted to Kerrigan, hoping she saw the fire-works show.
ENEMY: [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

"You chose this, not I!" Calico roared. Blood and spittle sprayed across his visor; obscuring his vision. He didn't need it. He knew where Galaar was. He held his ground as the other clone sped toward him, brought his blade up, and caught it on Galaar's at a shattering speed.

The force stopped Galaar right where he was and sent Calico tumbling. He felt something crack, and blinked in despair as his cortosis sword flew off into the void of space. The blade had shattered in two, and Calico desperately thrust the remaining edges into the side of a nearby window. The glass shattered, and sucked Calico, along with his brother, back into the atrium. Shards of glass fell around him as Calico rolled across the white floor. Men turned to stare, but made no move to stop him. Slowly, Calico stood up.

His DC-15s hung useless on his belt; the barrels melted together. They would have to be repaired later. He breathed a deep breath, and yanked his helmet off as soon as the blast doors closed. The helmet tumbled across the floor. Calico's expression was one of pent up outrage. Blood dribbled out of his mouth and stained his chin and short beard, but otherwise, he looked ready. "Let's end it then, traitor."
Objective: Defeat the Cursed Cannibal Confederates!
Noble Allies: [member="Knight"] | [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Hecate"]
Foul Enemy: [member="Kal Strife"]

The CIS had played their hand, and the stealth ships had caused considerable damage on the rearguard of the landing ships. Still, they’d played their card, and now it was time to strike back.
As the Emperor’s Shield begun its advanced the enemy threw massed fighters and bombers at it.

Stahlmann still had a quarter of his fighters deployed, a quarter refuelling and half prepared.
With this in mind, he committed the quarter of his fighters and interceptors deployed whilst launching the half of his total still in the hangers.

Combined with Knight, Hecate and the other allies, the CIS attack craft would be pinned in place and suffer a most severe onslaught.

Then the big ships would clash.


Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Location: Shipyard Atrium
Enemies: [member="Calico Tal'Verda"]

Galaar felt the cruel grip of gravity once more as he was sucked back into the accursed shipyard. He hit the ground with a sick thud, his head being jarred within his own helmet as his blade went skidding down the hallway out of reach. He too, slowly stood and as he did so, pain filled his left leg and it shook violently.

His helmeted gaze fell upon Calico once more. A large collective of cracks now ran through the iconic T-shape and blood drooled languidly from the spider web of abrasions. Galaar reached up and removed the malfunctioning helmet with a snap hiss and threw it to the side. The left side of his face was riddled with cuts and he quite literally spit out a tooth.

"Aye, lets end this ner'vod." He raised a fist and balled it up, upon command his wrist-blade slid free with a hiss and he began to circle.
ENEMY: [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

There was nothing for Calico to say. All that could be said, had already been spoken. Galaar knew of the betrayal Calico felt at his very core. It had always been them against the galaxy. An army of two against the ungodly legions of brigands, cultists, and murderers. Yet now, at what very well may be their end, they served those very puppeteers. The thought passed through his mind, and Calico found his eyes growing wet.

Galaar had turned on everything Calico held dear. No other could truly understand the Chieftain the way Galaar could, but in truth, Calico's time in this galaxy had been numbered the day they crashed on Coruscant. It was only Galaar that had given him the will not to take his own life, and it was only fitting that if he were to meet an end in combat, his keeper would end it just as he had extended it. That had to be the way of things.

Calico had the advantage. Even shattered, his blade was still deadly, and twice the length of the vibroblade. The glass crunched under his feet as he charged; roaring at the top of his lungs. All the pain, frustration, and despair of the past few years filled his voice as he brought the sword into a slice horizontal across the midriff.

There was nothing more to say.

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