L Admin
As the title says, as my open letter says, I believe development threads to be huge, unnecessary time sinks.
It is my belief that you should be able to submit a submission to the Factory or the Codex and have it judged off merit alone, freeing your time to do other things. Whether it be join in other role-plays, join in ideas with your friends to create new Major Factions or join existing ones, or to do the laundry/dishes like your mom asked you to.
I understand development threads provide some benefit. I understand some of you may have even had some great times in development threads. But did you really need it to be required for that to happen?
Do you really need Staff to provide you with X amount of posts to write so you can have X amount of AT-AT's in your dropship?
I'm wagering, by beginning this assault on our "civilized rules", that the majority of us yearn for some return to the Wild West. That each of us controls, with minimal Staff input, the freedom to control where we go next with both our character's future and our time spent here on this website. That's my wager.
What's yours?
Let's discuss the potential disestablishment of Development Threads. Overnight. Gone. Poof.
It is my belief that you should be able to submit a submission to the Factory or the Codex and have it judged off merit alone, freeing your time to do other things. Whether it be join in other role-plays, join in ideas with your friends to create new Major Factions or join existing ones, or to do the laundry/dishes like your mom asked you to.
I understand development threads provide some benefit. I understand some of you may have even had some great times in development threads. But did you really need it to be required for that to happen?
Do you really need Staff to provide you with X amount of posts to write so you can have X amount of AT-AT's in your dropship?
I'm wagering, by beginning this assault on our "civilized rules", that the majority of us yearn for some return to the Wild West. That each of us controls, with minimal Staff input, the freedom to control where we go next with both our character's future and our time spent here on this website. That's my wager.
What's yours?
Let's discuss the potential disestablishment of Development Threads. Overnight. Gone. Poof.