Uh, so... well. Very difficult to take in, this suggestion is.
I understand where the staff is coming on this matter and what the 'yes' voters say, but I am going to say let's not abolish the rules, please.
I am not going to say this because of envy for how I have had to level up my people for three years now, because I think it would be very awesome if I could just make Masters and be
happy about it. No, actually, I wouldn't be happy about it.
Look, there is one thing in the universe and that is sense of accomplishment, which some people have already brought up. This sense is crucial to quality work. Coming from communities where there was no such rank system in place, things turned bland, storyless and just generally not enjoyable. That is because there was no accomplishment. You could be whoever you were and nobody would bat an eye.
But this one feeling gives us good quality story. Have you ever earned something without having to work for it? You will have some fun at first, but then it gets bland. It's in human nature to not stop. You want more and you want more and you want more. There is no sense of accomplishment or feelings of success when you can get what you want rightaway. And that leaves most people unhappy.
If you look at people who do a lot of work to get to where they want to be, they enjoy it a lot more. They have seen both the process and the end result while the 'lucky people' have only seen the result (which isn't even a result, because they didn't have to work for it). These people who have to work understand the value of this thing, they know how to handle it, how to act. There is a reason why we have the rich spoilt child stereotype floating around in the world. That is because they haven't had to work for the money they have. They just have it, simple as that. And they will never forget what it's worth.
If you take away the need for people to go through the process and work for the rank, there will be chaos. Mainly because people suddenly realise there is no point in making a Padawan. Mainly because no matter how good writers we are, temptations are typically stronger. We have worked in Chaos long for ensuring that people stop godmoding and we are one step closer to the goal thanks to our rank system. If we remove it, we are taking a step back.
Orcus made a very good point as well. We would start seeing a lot more problems in Chaos (dominions, invasions, rebellions especially) and even though we can report these things, they actually bring our mood down. But that is not what I am going to talk about. I'm going to talk about preventing these problems from taking place in the first place. We should work to fight against any problems arising at all. And even though that is an unachievable idea, we still have to move towards it. Because we can never reach the limit, but we can get really close to it.
Tef, please. Don't make this happen just yet.
I am not really a conservative person -- I love change, I love new frontiers and I love awesomeness. However, I fear this would cause too much unwanted drama and I know you just want to undermine staff's power. There are other ways to do it.
What I would not be against would be testing this out before we make a final judgement. If there were a way to test it out for a while and see how people reacted and how things would go, we could have a better insight. I am not sure if it is possible, but if it is, then I am 100% up for that.
EDIT: If we're at it, why not go full wild? Let's abolish all restricted material, banned material and banned species, as well as Codex and Factory too, because they restrict our creativity. I don't want to change my celestial character with thirty death stars and an army of dragons to fit into Chaos. If I godmode it, then just report me, right?