In Umbris Potestas Est
She stopped at the doorway, turning to look back at the Force-born woman as she said her piece. "I'd love to start slow. We'll get the basics out of the way and move on to more complicated gene testing later. At the moment, I merely want to see how much DNA you share with each parent, and how many midichlorians you have per cell. As for bodily functions... It's the volume of blood we'll need for testing that's the issue. Considering your... fragile physiology, let's say, taking the amount of blood we'd need for testing would impact you negatively, temporarily of course. Later during some of the other tests, we may need tissue samples, but that's quite a ways away."
Circe was telling the truth. What she said she intended to do were the limits of the tests she planned to perform.
Circe was telling the truth. What she said she intended to do were the limits of the tests she planned to perform.