[member="Veiere Arenais"] IC disrespect, of course, must be handled IC, I apologize if my initial post didn't make that clear! >.< As for the rest, I'll be trying to keep my thoughts short and to the point, and provide clarification if needed.
As far as I'm concerned, for me personally, the invasions in and of themselves are not the problem, especially since they all stem from an IC meeting. The timing and pace of them is, however, what I find issue with. UCM writers, of course, write Mandalorians. Can't write Mandalorians without PvP every once in a while! The pacing of the invasions, OOC, is tiring, and the stories have suffered for it. Invasions should be about the story, not tiring out the writers of the other faction.
Take the would-be Roche invasion, for example. IC history, that would finally be brought to a close, that the UCM wanted to give all of it's love and attention to. When the CIS and CIC dropped their invasion announcements, we agonized for days over how to handle it, before concluding that stretching ourselves thin would make the stories of these invasions suffer. Yes, before it's mentioned by someone, I know the CIS had that invasion announcement planned months in advance. Unfortunately, despite the UCM doing it's best with the hand we got dealt, the invasions suffered. Such is life, and the past can not be changed, only learned from, yes?
As to Umbara... The fact that no IC threads were done, is, quite frankly on the heads of both our factions I suppose. But, this is an easy fix, isn't it, now that it's been brought up? IC, Taozi and Veiere are trying to work together to clear the air between the UCM and SJO. So, now we can start investigations to clear the UCMs name, make our apologies, and become better people.
I'll get reports of any OOC misconduct from my members, and get back to you either on the site or on discord. Give me a few days, however, as I like to be very thorough <3 EDIT: If I don't get any reports for the SJO specifically, I'll let you know as well.