Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let's shed some of this baggage.

[member="Ryan"] I'm not playing the victim card. I was seriously simply asking questions and brought up things that you didn't like so you went on a tirade. Asking questions and bringing things up isn't trolling. If I wanted to troll I would've gone along the lines of Graf simply troll and have made that obvious. The fact you took it as me trolling and proceeded to attack means that I think there is more truth in what I said than you want to admit.
[member="Argis Volmir"] and that is how you want to remember it, by all means. The staff though saw it as trolling and if i remember clearly asked to to stop. What happened after that?
[member="Ryan"] No admins did not ask me to stop. In fact there were emoji's of brooms from other members of the faction that didn't have to do with staff. So then when I joked asking and I quote "Are those the brooms I got whooped with as a kid? Damn those hurt back then." Is when I was told to stop because they took it as me joking about child abuse instead of joking about a moment from my childhood.


Disney's Princess
Tefka said:
When you opt to go Major - which nobody forced you to do - you accepted you were transitioning from a PvE server to a PvP server. I cannot and will not ask others to stop playing the game so you can play solitaire in a multiplayer environment.
Not only that.

But this comes with a strange realization that you as a Major Faction aren't really in control of your own future. Dozens of writers outside your "feel good-happy friends" circle are going to write 50% of the stuff that affects your faction IC'ly. Other writers are going to write 50% of your invasions. Other writers are going to write 50% of your faction members private threads. Other writers are going to submit tech you'll use, stories you'll join, npcs you'll fight, planets you'll visit, and even offer the site, (and your members,) better alternatives to what you're already doing as a faction. Yep. Indeed. Other writers are going to be in your "Ally Slots" and other writers are even your "future newest member." Because it's everybody outside your faction's membership that's contributing half of everything you do.

So. I can relate how easy it is to wonder sometimes as a Faction Admin. "Hey? Why is it that I feel 100% loyal to this Major Faction's future yet, my members are only contributing 50% to what happens to us!" Well. Because surprise. Nobody told you that the other half of your job as Faction Leadership was letting 50% of your faction's future fall into the hands of everybody else on the board. Lulz.

When you go Major. You're not in control anymore. It's about 50/50 homie. :D :p

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
What did you do to cause ‘damage’, be toxic? Why?
Instead of taking a legitimate issue with legitimate proof directly to Admins I let it sit and fester. While I didn't spread any rumors (anything I said was backed up with screen shots) I supremely tarnished a group's reputation but imo the way said group handled it was faress than acceptable. Because: previous experience with similar issues irl told me that nothing would be done and the offending user would go on his merry way. I was (half) wrong.
Was it funny, did it make you feel better? It was easier than feeling disappointed in the staff and community I had been a part of so long. But now that said user has been reprimanded and proven that his appologies were incinsere time and time again I have no qualms telling people if they ask.
Isn’t that just exhausting? It sounds extremely exhausting.
It IS exhausting. Or was rather. It's something I deal with enough irl that I really didn't want to have to deal with it here. But as is the theme here: We're in an environment that isn't necessarily an option. We deal with the punches that are thrown out way. Not only are we in a PvP environment, but we're ROLE-PLAYING. We are here to PLAY the ROLES we've chosen. When you CHOOSE to go major you CHOOSE to roll with the punches.
[member="Veiere Arenais"] IC disrespect, of course, must be handled IC, I apologize if my initial post didn't make that clear! >.< As for the rest, I'll be trying to keep my thoughts short and to the point, and provide clarification if needed.

As far as I'm concerned, for me personally, the invasions in and of themselves are not the problem, especially since they all stem from an IC meeting. The timing and pace of them is, however, what I find issue with. UCM writers, of course, write Mandalorians. Can't write Mandalorians without PvP every once in a while! The pacing of the invasions, OOC, is tiring, and the stories have suffered for it. Invasions should be about the story, not tiring out the writers of the other faction.

Take the would-be Roche invasion, for example. IC history, that would finally be brought to a close, that the UCM wanted to give all of it's love and attention to. When the CIS and CIC dropped their invasion announcements, we agonized for days over how to handle it, before concluding that stretching ourselves thin would make the stories of these invasions suffer. Yes, before it's mentioned by someone, I know the CIS had that invasion announcement planned months in advance. Unfortunately, despite the UCM doing it's best with the hand we got dealt, the invasions suffered. Such is life, and the past can not be changed, only learned from, yes?

As to Umbara... The fact that no IC threads were done, is, quite frankly on the heads of both our factions I suppose. But, this is an easy fix, isn't it, now that it's been brought up? IC, Taozi and Veiere are trying to work together to clear the air between the UCM and SJO. So, now we can start investigations to clear the UCMs name, make our apologies, and become better people.

I'll get reports of any OOC misconduct from my members, and get back to you either on the site or on discord. Give me a few days, however, as I like to be very thorough <3 EDIT: If I don't get any reports for the SJO specifically, I'll let you know as well.
The Last Son
Salt will be on Chaos forever. Salt will be on any and EVERY RP board across the interwebs. In fact, Chaos as a site was made because the founders didn't agree with how some people were running a different site. There was Salt on the other site. I have seen it. So saying that salt needs to be removed is a fools errand.

The claim made of people being innocent of this is very much real. There are many Minor factions who play in their own little corner of the Galaxy attempting to stay away from everyone else because they want to limit whatever "taint" that comes from the map game. In fact, The Je'daii Order a couple years ago did everything it could to stay away from other people because it was a Story based faction that was just a bunch of friends who wanted to write together. After it dissolved, many tried to bring it up again, but failed to do so. Other Minor factions have also come up with the same ideas. Wanting to play in their own little world.

They are "Innocent" to the map game because they do not take part of such things. While there are exceptions to this, the statement is true.

As for Faction V Faction bullying or whatever. I have seen quite a bit of it. Recently, I was within the UCM chat. Asking questions of how the title of Mandalore was going to be passed down and what changes were done. As soon as I asked, I was hit with members telling me to stop asking such questions. And was hit with the "Broom Emoji" I was then told by members of the faction, Not staff, that I needed to quite literally, shut up. And that because I was not an active member within the recent months, that my questions should be silenced. I was even asked why I was even within the Faction discord, and then tagged multiple times as a form of bullying. And some members even told me. "Go back to the factory where you belong."

I was rather cordial about it. In Ernest was only asking questions because I was confused of the situation, as well as wanting to understand. However, I was then kicked from the Faction Discord, and all of my questions, and any mention of my face on the general chat, were then deleted as though I had never asked them.

I have not had any problems with the staff of the UCM up until that point. I had no problems with any of the members of the UCM for the longest time. While this was happening directly after the announcement of the various invasions, and yes, maybe it could have just been tensions were high, it has been made clear to me that I am not the only one who has been treated in such fashion by various members of the UCM. To me, I see quite a lot of people saying or trying to portray themselves as being open for change, and willing to answer questions, but on the flip side, treat others like myself as though we cannot ask such questions.

More over with the idea of Admin Staff needing to be brought in. No. It is not there job, nor should it ever be their job to mediate stuff such as this. They are here to run a site, and in fact, they are not allowed to be staff of factions to prevent biased judging or rulings. So saying that staff need to step up their game with being pro-active, is not what should happen. Admins are only there as a last resort and have other duties to attend to. Not playing a babysitter for the site.

With my own instance and the UCM, I accepted the banning, and even talked with two of the staff members within the UCM. I am unsure if they are still there or not as I am no longer in their faction, but I apologized for whatever behavior that may have been construed as rude, or worthy of banning. As stated before, I have no problems with the UCM other than this one instance where I was treated very poorly much akin to others on this site.

Site Admins should not have to be the people that have to stand in between arguing people when it could easily be solved by those who are in the argument in the first place.
[member="Auberon"] agree to disagree on that point of Site admins needing to be proactive. Sure, adults should be adults and fix their own problems. But that doesn't happen. Hell doesn't even happen in the real world. Mediation is needed or like what was said before. Folks start tarnishing entire factions of fellow writers for the actions of a individual or a few. And then that continues on for a few months more festering like a infected wound that would not heal. So yeah, i strongly disagree that Chaos Staff should be hands off.

Now for your incident in their chat. I personally was not involved or even there but i do know that the topic of "The Mantle" is very touchy subject. Always has been. But i am certain that you were not banned from Mando Chat for that reason alone and goes with the Two sides to a story i guess. I recently got broomed but that was because i was not dropping a subject when told to drop it by staff. The broom emoji is just a way to give a visual warning.
The Last Son
[member="Ryan"], I had not spoken in the General chat for about a month before that because I was on an LOA, and only came back the week before. That was the very first instance of ever getting "the broom" for me. And I was banned because I asked such questions. While after I had been told by non-staff members that it was the way it was and that I shouldn't question it, Staff asked me to stop. I did attempt to stop, and hence various comments of me needing to go back into the factory, as well as using the tagging system to blow up my discord notification system.

I was banned for that and that alone. I did not receive any other notice, nor did I receive any kind of "Strike" While yes, I know you were not a part of it, and I have no Ill will towards the UCM as a majority, its is a few that I find myself shaking my head at with the actions they took. I was banned AFTER I had spoken to the two staff members, where one stated to me that I was acting "Childish" by asking about the set up. AFTER I had stated an apology to them for how the situation had devolved.
[member="Taozi Fuyuan"]

Don't stress, your post was completely fine!

I used quotes to try and keep my own post on track, as I'm not at home now and surrounded by a few people so it's easy for me to go off track Lol.

With regards to our thread, the objective was for your retention of Taanab. But if you're wanting to start some sort of diplomacy thread between our factions, we will need to talk to our fellow Faction Admin. I'm more than happy to do so, even if it's purely a collaborative discussion between our two Characters, but I'm also aware of some discussions being had at the moment between our factions and the Confederacy with regards to where to go from here.

And take your time with the reports. I'm only a message away, and we've still got our current PM's from this Taanab thread so my door's already open, so to speak ;)
[member="Veiere Arenais"] I'm always up for a diplomacy thread, I just need a time, place, and other admin permission! Although, we should probably take this particular subject back to the DM discussion LOL

I have been involved with giving input in regards to the discussions you speak of, as well, so no worries!


Disney's Princess
[member="Ryan"] - Proactive Admins is fine. Especially since this website *technically* caters to all ages. PG-13 rating and all that. So, given the fact that just *anybody*, (age 13+,) can be Faction Leadership.

I myself wouldn't just toss a bunch of teenagers my car keys and say "Hey, I'm hands off now. Ya'll be responsible adults and handle all your problems better than your parents do. I'm trusting ya'll not to do anything crazy enough with my car that I would have to intervene. Okay. Okay!"

Anyway. It's probably not on point for this thread atm, but. I'm sure the Admins wouldn't mind hearing a few good tips on how being "Proactive" can really help keep the teenagers in line around here. Lulz. Just, probably in another thread, specific to the idea.

2 cents.
If you’re asking someone to hit you up, please rethink that request. Maybe it’s on them, maybe it’s on you. But I implore everyone airing issues, find those one or two you’re thinking of and speak to them man to man, woman to woman. Remember, someone has to budge. This is all hot air otherwise.

Solutions don’t care about how they’re brought into existence.
The Last Son
In my situation, it has been almost a month or more ago. I came to terms with what happened and understand my own side, as well as the other. It may have just not been the place for me with how they were handling with what my questions entailed. However, everyone deserves a chance to become better from their actions, and to learn together. Whoever these people were, they know who they are, and I want to say that I don't have any ill will. It was in the past, and I want to move on.

However, as the topic of this thread was about bringing to light some situations that have been pushed to the way side, or things that may or may not need to be addressed, I felt like I needed to put my own voice into the mix. The problem I had was mostly solved, and I just want to continue writing. If that means later on I team up with UCM, then great. I will look forward to it. If it doesn't then I wish them the best of luck.

For others, their situation may not be, or some of the parties involved may not feel like it was solved. So this thread is for them. I will go ahead and not post any further unless I am brought up. Either way, I feel this is mostly a thread where people can go to post grevences with someone, and try and get it solved once and for all.
[member="Alkor Centaris"] 110% agree Communication is key. If that be PMs, DMs,

........or even posting on the site with suggestions. Though Some folks thinks such is crying.
There is a fine line between approaching someone with genuine interest in their intention, and coming at them to cast blame. Negativity is almost always met with negativity, and that too is a type of communication.

It's just the wrong type of communication.

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