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Libby's Sig Shop

[member="Judas Wayne"]

It's alright, I just threw a blank version of it into my "Free Signature" thread.

How's this?


Hopefully the creepy deer doesn't count!
[member="Kalyn Shif"]

Like to label the different sections in your character bio such as "General Info" or "Appearance" or "Biography"

But if you don't do those then I can just use post breakers instead!
[member="Kalyn Shif"]

Hello There!

I would like to display your art work, so here's my request:

Background: Something dark and sinister, with perhaps a wicked witch theme. I leave it to your imagination.

Quote: "Terror Made Me Cruel"

Thank you. :)
[member="Judas Wayne"]

I don't, but you could always post a request in the Art board for some to be made.

[member="Xiang Vang"]

I'm not sure what you'll make of this, but I found the artwork and thought it very fitting.

If you would like something different, please let me know! This was entirely on a whim.


Baros Sal-Soren

Interested in taking on something outside the box? Baros runs Glitterstim an (originally) Corellian high fashion studio. Models. Excess. Money. That is his thing. However he is slowly becoming obsessed with the Force (not a Force user). Matt Bomer is still the man.

What does Star Wars fashion look like in character? UP TO YOU! His styles tend towards minimalism, hedonism and Human orientated.

Your services would be greatly appreciated.

[member="Kalyn Shif"]
[member="Kalyn Shif"]

Might I please request one of your wonderful signatures? The quote: Truth Is Found Within A Word. The background: whilst I don't have an exact picture in mind, perhaps something in line with a Star Wars-like city? Or, lines of code?
Could I also ask for a line breaker, please? This colour (6B8E23, if that helps) with the emblem being the silhouette of this image? Would that be fine?


[ Message Received ]
[member="Kalyn Shif"]

Hello! I'd like to request a signature from you if you have the time to make one, with the words, "Money is Loyalty." As for the background, I have no preferences whatsoever, so knock yourself out! :)


Well-Known Member
How about something for me? I'm using rocket racoon either the version from guardians of the galaxy film or the artwork.

As for a quote maybe ""I live for the simple things... like how much this is gonna hurt."

Or something funny. I'm not picky. He's a criminal type so along that theme would be cool.

[member="Kalyn Shif"]
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.
You are really good at making these sigs so I'd love if you did one for me.

Quote: "Soon, I will be consumed"
Background: Up to your imagination. It reads with heavy self-deprecation so maybe something dark? I'm trusting your judgement

Rick Kaloo

[member="Kalyn Shif"]

I'd like a backround of the interior of a shipyard, or an interior of any factory if a shipyard isn't possible. And preferably with products being built in the shipyard/facility, though i'm fine without.
The quote would be Society is built upon work

I don't need it super soon, take your time.

[member="Kalyn Shif"]

Before I make a request, I want to say that your signatures are amazing, honestly wish I could do stuff like this. Now I see that you have a lot of requests so if you can't get round to this I understand :)

Background: Ideally a shot of space with ships on the outskirts, but really anything with ships would be great.
Quote: Defeat is in the details

Again, great job, and I look forward to seeing what you can do for me :)

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