Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Liberty's Gate | GA Invasion of BOTM Held Adrathorpe


Objective: Boarding the Predator
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Link!
Post: #1
With narrowed orange eyes, Valery watched as Tren Chaar Tren Chaar 's B-wing squadron struck the Brotherhood Star Destroyer that had been blocking the path to her target - the flagship of the Maw fleet. As the cascading explosion began to expand along the entire length of the vessel in a single chain reaction, a smirk found its way to Valery's face.
A massive reactor explosion followed but Valery was already accelerating towards the scene, her quad-engines fired up to the max while another ship followed in tight formation. It was remarkable how quickly her Padawan Iris Arani Iris Arani had picked up on her piloting lessons, and now the young girl was ready to fly into battle already. With their bond as Master and Padawan, and the natural talent this Keshian pair had for flying, the two were incredibly coordinated and this was exactly why they were the ones maneuvring through the chaotic battle.
"Stay close, Iris. We're going in."
Valery had chosen to bring her modified Stealth X-wing, which wasn't the most capable for long space battles, but it was perfect to get through the battle unnoticed. With the swarms of ships entering combat around them, her ship would never stand out and as long as Iris remained close, she knew they'd get to their target.
But as they pierced through the fire and debris of the Star Destroyer, the path to the flagship wasn't entirely clear. Up ahead, several enemy fighters appeared on an intercepting vector. Valery sighed and activated her quad-cannons. With a mighty barrage from the heavily turned weapons, two enemy ships were quickly blown to bits while the others made their pass and turned to get on Valery's tail.
"Got two on my six," Valery said, but she had no doubt that Iris was already on them.
So hardly worried, the Jedi Master continued her trajectory for the enemy flagship. She had spotted a smaller hangar already that she planned to land in, and began to fly in a zig-zag pattern towards it, hoping to avoid getting shot by the two enemy fighters on her tail.
But some of their fire did strike her shields.
"Shield power down to 70%," Valery reported as the path for the Predator continued.
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Operation: FINAL DAWN

The storm spun violently throughout the vacuum of space, violence made manifest, the emergence spat out fireballs and all manner of space debris, trapping both sides of the conflict together.

Csilla. The long dead and broken homeworld of the remarkable Chiss species, it had been cracked open like an egg and scattered fourth across the cosmos alongside the surviving remnants of the Mawite engineered superweapon Mercy. Pieces, chunks, debris of all sorts were launched into hyperspace by the disaster, thrown through time and space until emerging through violent storms of spatial matter.


These spatial anomalies, these emergences. They had plagued the galaxy in the past, and even most recently in various corners of the galaxy. These devastating events were wonders to behold and true terror to be caught within. The Brotherhood of the Maw had suffered a sound defeat over Jedha and now their strategic withdrawal was being hounded by the Galactic Alliance Navy, if not for this sudden emergence they may have not made it home. Yet this was a double edged sword, while both forces were trapped and at the mercy of the hyperspace anomaly no force would dare enter to reinforce their number.

To do so would bring certain death. To be trapped alongside the others whom they had wished to relieve. No living man or woman would risk their life nor order his forces to enter the storm at their own peril, no living man or woman.

The Crucifix II Destroyer “Doombringer” pierced the veil as it closed in on the naval engagement, behind it the complement of small vessels under the command of the recently ‘returned’ Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick . His dead eyes stared out into the blackness, his cold veins boldly outlined in his pale parlor. His dry lips parted and muttered his command to his number two onboard, Xuan Vo.

“Bring us in.”



Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Halketh Halketh | @Others?


She'd never realized just how much she loved flying until she'd been given the controls. The memory flashed in her mind. The first time Valery had handed her the controls to their shuttle so Iris could pilot. It unlocked a whole new world to her. The galaxy, truly. Freedom in it's truest sense. She never felt more free than when she flew through the colors that only she could see.

Well, her and her master. It came as a surprise, but some of the colors she saw was just infrared and ultraviolet. Colors normal humans couldn't see, but the Keshian could. Another thing she'd learned recently. She was Keshian! And getting distracted. Iris's lips thinned as she glanced out of the transparisteel windshield at the growing battle just close by. War. She'd never seen war. The harshest colors of red, greys, and lights burst like wet paint dripping on the black background of space. They were all fighting.

They were all killing.

Had she not seen the Sith she had. Had she not seen the aftermath of Coruscant. The monsters that lingered in the dark, left behind by the Sith. The slavers that had captured her. There was a darkness in this galaxy that needed to be stopped. That need to be fought. Her grip on the controls tightened before she pulled up, falling in beside her Master. They had their mission. If it could save even one innocent life, that was enough for the Padawan. She had to believe this was the right thing to do.


"I see them." They were in the thick of it now. The debris of a star destroyer. People had been on it. No, focus. Her eyes stayed ahead. There was no time to look back or doubt. Especially now that Master Noble was being targeted. Iris didn't hesitate to veer off into the debris field around them. She weaved through the broken bits of the larger ship at seemingly random. For her, she was just following the flow of color. Letting the Force, her instincts, all of it guide her.

The colors flashed, and she fired.

"One down. The other took off. I think they're circling around."

Location: The Bunghole, Shield Generator
Allies: The Maw, the Sith
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance, Traden Avarice Traden Avarice
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostle's Vestments

The Void. A Blanket of darkness that colored the fathomless depths of space, lit only by the stars dotting it like pinholes. In the Darkness there was chill that reached out, clutching at you like a skeletal hand. It promised eventuality, finality but more so it offered a sense of reassurance. The Dark Side beckoned to the soul, a ravenous maw calling to be fed and the only way to sate it was to feed it the galaxy.

Amidst the myriad of corridors and rooms that made up the interior of the Bunghole there existed an area repurposed as a Sanctum, a Chapel of the Dark Side where the Dark Apostle and several Acolytes remained in contemplative worship. In that Sanctum was an altar where Kol stood, head bowed and hand outstretched and placed upon it while others knelt in the background.

The Dark Side spoke to him and he meditated on the message it gave him. Even in the midst of battle neither he nor the Acolytes with him had risen. It wasn't until the tingling sensation of realization filled his mind that Kol would lift his head. He felt a presence, bound for this ship and destined to cross paths with him. Opening his eyes a thin smile touched the corners of his mouth and he would turn away from the altar and begin to move from the sanctum, behind him the Acolytes rose and followed.

He felt the presence grow stronger as he left the Sanctum. When the Bunghole came out of hyperspace it was almost as though he could touch it. The Dark Side spoke to Kol and he listened, he knew this figure was here now. Not in the physical sense but in the metaphysical. If they lived in the ethereal they might have been able to reach out and touch one another.

"Welcome our guest."

...his words were sibilant but reverbirated with power and two of the Acolytes would move away, down one of the corridors. If they could locate an airlock they'd have ventured outside to challenge the Jedi that Kol had felt. Their deaths were almost assured but the fervor in the spirits would make a suitible sacrifice to the Void, they would meet death welcoming the chill that gripped their hearts.

As for Kol he wouldn't make the trip out onto the hull of the Bunghole preferring to meet his opponent on his own terms. Indeed, the Dark Jedi Master actually ventured deeper into the Captial Ship. All the corridors he took would eventually lead Kol to the Shield Generator of the Bunghole amongst which were various catwalks, walkways and narrow ledges.

Kol would wait there. Seated, cross-legged on the floor in communion with the Void as he let his mind reach out. Even here, sensing his foe he could search for him and let their psyches touch.​

Mylo Thorne




REVENANT SQUADRON: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Leon Gallo Leon Gallo Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
OTHER ALLIES: Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo Elena Lowe Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard
ENEMIES: Electra-12 Electra-12 Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Mylo sliced through the explosion and made haste to get away, a shimmering going all across his frontal shields as he eventually was greeted once more by the vast blackness of space. However this was no void, a myriad of starfighters, both friendly and non friendly flew an endless amount of sorties as they weaved not only to avoid enemy starfighter, but large asteroid-chunks of what might've been the planet of Csilla, after a vicious attack by the Brotherhood. Tons of these had come out of hyperspace in what was termed an Emergence, providing extra obstacles for pilots of both sides.

"Bring it up on screen El-Five."

His screen-like holographic terminal interface floated from the frontal dash. On screen it showed a flash of brilliant light quckly accompanied by a supernova-like explosion expanding away. Never could he have imagined that he would ever destroy a star destroyer. The Humbariner looked out into the distance, the B-Wings of One Flight had left first while the other fighters had joined them soon enough. Still slightly giddy from the adrenaline rush, he composed himself, just as his sensors went off.

A Brotherhood TIE or eyeballs as they were known among pilots, seemingly come to exact revenge came on the offensive, head on. Mylo pushed the slider on his display, shunting more juice to his frontal shields. He decided he had no other choice but to confront him. Throttling up steadily, the two drew closer and closer, two klicks, one click, zero point five.. The fighter attempted a snapshot which dissipated on his shield as they made a quick pass, close enough for him to catch a glimpse of the black-clad pilot.

Mylo continued on for about a click or so to get some distance between the two before pulling up hard ninety degrees into a roll, leveling out at point one, to get up on the eyeball. It took the eyeball longer on the turn which gave him ample opportunity to pursue, probably having an idea that they were on the backfoot, the eyeball acclerated as he throttled up still to eighty-one percent, but kept his speed steady as to not overshoot, pitching down slightly to be better on the approach.

The TIE tried to scissor away but he let off a red bolt to keep them, a break came just as he had suspected to try and make him overshoot, but he accelerated slightly pulling under the pockmarcked hull and decelerated to let the TIE shoot ahead. He would need to time his acceleration to pull towards the fighter and get a clear shot. He took a long exhale. Three...Steady...Two..One! He pulled back on the stick to a half roll only around two metres or so behind.

His targeting display bleeped and the crosshairs went green as he let off the trigger. A multitude of shots hit the fighter, slicing through the wing which broke off and sent the TIE into a deadly spinout, he drifted left, sent a single blast which exploded the fighter.
"Third confirmed kill!" He exclaimed into his cockpit, hoping his com wasn't active.

"You'll be an ace in no time Mr. Thorne." the voice of his droid brain came.

"Here's to hoping." His com went suddenly as the voice of Tren Chaar, the intrepid Umbaran squadron leader filled the cockpit.

“Revenant, Leader. New tasking - seek and destroy enemy Splinters in sector 31-Mern.”

Mylo switched to the secure channel Tac-One. "Acknowledged Leader, setting approach vector now." He replied, breaking off and stepping on the right rudder pedal to yaw towards the cross-shaped B-Wings which lurked not too far ahead. He dropped speed to get a proper vector on sector 31-Mern, he turned off, climbing slightly for about two klicks to form up with the rest of Revenant.
ALLIES: Galactic Alliance | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Open
ENEMIES: Maw | Open
ENGAGING: Dimitri Voltura
GEAR: In bio​

This was not at all the type of mission Yenna was expecting when she decided to exchange over to the NJO for a while. She was under the impression that she would simply be working as a healer, archeologist, the more relaxed aspects of being a Jedi. Just like she did in the SJC.

This was not relaxed at all.

Standing beside the aging Togruta, Yenna studied the Jedi Master’s actions as well as those of the woman’s companions. She seemed to be an interesting specimen. They hadn’t had much time to actually get to know each other beyond their names and ranks, but Yenna really wanted to sit and have a chat with her over where she came from. What kind of person she was.

Her golden gaze met the eyes of Osarla as the soldier spoke to her. ”Not much of a soldier, I am. Luckily… to this, I’m no stranger.” She admitted gently with a smile as she turned to look at the troopers leaving to take up their positions.

The ship was enormous. A Super Star Destroyer. It was going to take a while for the soldiers to get to their positions in the massive ship. It was going to take even longer for her with her rather short stature. At least her lift was standing right beside her.

With a graceful jump, Yenna somersaulted into the air and gently touched down on Osarla’s shoulders with barely any weight to her. She made sure not to grab hold of her lekku or montrals, rather using her tried and tested method of wobbling and standing with rather excellent balance on the woman’s shoulders. ”Hopefully, too bad, this doesn’t get… then again, for their subtlety, the Maw isn’t known.” She commented as she looked out over the hangar bay of the dreadnought. This was at least not the first time she encountered the Maw.

Hopefully Dimitri would come along. He was rather pleasant last time they met, at least until she left a rather nasty red spot on his cheek with a powerful slap. She didn’t blame him for losing his cool with her after that.

Taking a long sip of her flask, she made herself ready for the fight that was about to come. ”A sip, would you like? Tevraki whiskey, it is.” She offered kindly as she held the flask out beside Osarla’s head.

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Lieutenant Cynthia "The Pixie" Alucard
Hard Six
Actions: Join into the Starfighter Dogfight


A familiar set of alarms filled the hallway as Cyn headed into the hanger, her eyes narrowed but her body relaxed a tad. It was almost like returning back home for her, a space battle was imminent and pilots were quickly jumping into their starfighters. Perhaps if she wasn’t about to jump into the cold void of space in a relatively tiny box of metal, Cyn might have enjoyed the nostalgia. Instead I got pulled from my retirement and shoved into a new squadron of pilots.

Despite the craziness of the galaxy she had yet to find faith in any sort of religion, but perhaps it was a form of karma that she had been thrown yet into another war of total destruction. And speaking of karma. Cyn rushed up to her starfighter craft, the hanger continued to buzz loudly of battle and with a quick fluid motion she hopped into her cockpit and began her pre-flight prep.

Another thud was felt behind her, the back gunner dropped in and offered up their thumbs up in return. Returning the gesture back to her gunner, Cyn flipped the last few switches and her ship rose, ready to fly out of the hangar.

“Talon One One moving towards rendezvous, reminder to double check your sensors.” Cyn spoke as she pushed her fighter out of the hangar and into the cold black void of space.

Her eyes focused on perhaps another insanity of the galaxy, large pieces of a planetary body had broken through hyperspace and entered back into real space in their battlefield. She had some inkling that this was not a coincidence, not with Sith and Jedi and their equally as insane abilities at work.

An alarm snapped Cyn back to the matter hand, the Brotherhood of the Maw had launched even more enemy spacecraft. Even more nostalgia flooded into her mind as Cyn glanced at the readings of several TIE fighters screaming into the void. Forget the greater powers, here I have my own powers to wield. Her smile was like a jagged glass that ran across her lips, she no longer held any sympathy for Imperials or their sympathizers, fools the lot of them. She had been a part of so many Imperial Governments that have fallen.

“Talons, pair up. Prepare for enemy engagement to clear out our sector. Be prepared to offer assistance to friendly squadrons.” Cyn voiced through the comms, concise and with little fanfare.

Formation flying was always a contended subject in any flight academy, how many in any given formation and such. Personally for Cyn after flying as a TIE Pilot, the greatest advantage the Alliance ships had was their ability to function perfectly in single pairs. Flexibility to adjust and provide support in any way possible was the optimal path, But I still have to hear about how important it is for seven or twelve fighters to all fly together. . .

“Talon One Two, provide cover for my engagement.” Cyn spoke, she assumed that these pilots knew enough to cover her six. And if not, we’ll find out with this attack run. This was a new squadron and perhaps unfortunately for Cyn and the rest it would be a rough learning experience.

“Engaging hostile enemy forces.” Cyn spoke, her voice betraying her clear eagerness to finally blow apart enemy fighters in front of her.
I guess it’s not all that bad to leave retirement and get to do this.

Revenant Squadron: || Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Mylo Thorne ||
Talon Squadron: || Elena Lowe ||
Saber Squadron: || Zaka Zaka ||
Enemies: || Electra-12 Electra-12 | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Rebirth Rebirth ||


Issue #11 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

aboard The Predator

"Get up, scum!"


Those were the last words Dagon Kaze, Jedi Knight, Watchman of Denon, Silent Guardian, heard before his eyes struggled to open again as his knees pitifully dragged across the cold, durasteel deck. For all the informal honorifics above that had never been mentioned aloud, Dag sure looked nothing like it. The iconic leather jacket was all but ripped apart, old bandages hanging from his chest and older wounds open anew by the gruesome torture of the last two weeks. A pathetic sight to witness. A badly-wrapped gift to be presented to Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis himself. An effigy of the Sith's triumph.

How'd he get here?

He'd gone to Teta. Chasing a lead, an alleged big shot who was running a business for the Maw on the low from the frontier to the very Core. Slaves, stims, weapons. The usual. Ever since Lord Letifer Lord Letifer 's identity was exposed, the Sith had buried his head low, leaving Kaze to run circles around those left behind to fill the elusive agent's boots. So he underestimated the goons, got blindsided, and bagged.

Two weeks under intense torture and not a word out.

Was time to talk to the big man? Or was it time to face the grim reality that an executioner's sword awaited him? Made his guts twist in a knot. He would've failed Jem for the last time. Wish he could say this was one of his intricate plans and plots again; wish that there was a trump card up his sleeve.

But there wasn't.

The doors to the bridge slid open.

"Sularen..." who else? Call the man everything but he was a survivor. Hell, every politician seemed to be. Just take a look at Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe 's autobiography bestseller.

"...figured it was you. Brig looks as bad as Byss when you ran it." he uttered through a bloodied grin before the escort socked him for disrespect. Or pleasure. These cultists freaks, Imperial or not, were a sadistic bunch by nature. Azrael patients by birth.​
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The Bunghole, Command Bridge
Adrathorpe System
The Mongrel The Mongrel

The mechanical hiss of the Mongrel's speech made Ignatius personally, quite queasy. "The Final Dawn's Terror Squadron has already engaged the enemy." The Mongrel at the best of times was a terrifying fusion of man and machine. But the abomination which had come forth since reminded him of his dearly departed uncle, Carlyle. And the horrific robotic form he had summoned on Dosuun. Only, unlike Robogeber Robogeber who was blasted into infinitum with sabotage, the Mongrel was steadily becoming a machine. "As has the Brotherhood warfleet. But they have become trapped in an emergence of hyperspace debris, forcing a close-quarters confrontation with the Alliance." It was this information which also played on Ignatius trepidation. If this was a space battle, and there being no neccessity for planetary based reinforcements, then the only foreseeable means to inflict attrition on the battle was a boarding action.

"The Alliance flagship, the Momentous Triumph, leads their attack," As the Mongrel presented the holographic display, Ignatius starred right through it. This was madness. Absolute madness. And even the look on Kerri's face betrayed some angst. Although knowing the weequay as well as he did, he would never make these feelings certain to the cybernetic monstrosity. "Crippling the Triumph would be a tremendous blow to their morale, and likely swing the tide of battle in our favor, allowing us to break their fleet while it cannot withdraw and secure an advantage in the coming campaign." Kerri nodded, and Ignatius stilled himself. "My most trusted agent is already aboard," Mongrel explained. And that was confirmation. Ignatius' stomach dropped like a sack of stale protein roots. "She will guide us in locating key targets to sabotage."

"Reverting to real space now!" The pilot barked from his console, as the Bunghole ripped out of hyperspace to the avoid of Adrathrope. The battle outside was already risible. Titans from both sides clashed. The fleet was, larger than anything Ignatius had seen in the past. Even the victory parades on Dosuun after their momentous victory from the then Galactic Alliance were eclipsed by the fracas taking place before them.

"Move it!" Kerri barked, "Engage stealth drive, and move us from this position!" Kerri commanded with a venomous glower, "Don't want any of these wankah's tracking the mag sig, y'hear?!" The Weequay stormed across the bridge, moving to berate and inspect the console work of the Auxiliary crew. Haphazardly the Bunghole began to dip around and make movements away from its position. The vessel shimmering into invisibility, and slowly beginning to stalk the perimeter. Ignatius listened as the Mongrel communed with presumably this agent. As the Mongrel commanded, Ignatius puffed up his chest. This was madness. Absolute madness. And he had to try to put a stop to it.

"Sir-milord," Ignatius bowed his head to the Mongrel, before raising it, "I feel the neccessity of us, boarding a vessel. Well not just a vessel, but a Super Star Destroyer, is a fruitless, sort of, endeavour...?" He seemed to offer it as a question, as Kerri finished his rounds. The Bunghole now slowly steering toward the Momentous Triumph. "Surely the Final Dawn, Sularen and his compatriots have the situation in hand." Surely. They'd managed to fare far worse. Coruscant. Rhand. The surprise attack over Nirauan. The strategic ability and capacity for the Final Dawn to launch offensives was impressive. Surely a navy which could devastate Coruscant one week, and sack planets another didn't need the Auxiliary, a ragtag outfit at the best of itmes "I don't think there's much we can do, in any case. They'll be on high alert. Combat readiness at maximum. They'll kill us all before we get half a chance to get close to the shields."

"Not, if they're too busy avengin' their precious Jedi." Kerri moved toward Rausgeber and raised a brow, "Tryin' to talk ya way out another mission eh Igg?" Kerri glowered, raising a brow, before looking at the Mongrel. "He's justta a welp sir. But I reckon we can do it." Kerri leered at Ignatius, "Not every bastard on board's gonna be searchin' for us. They're gonna be busy. Making sure 'em guns keep firin'. Cyclin' shields. Repairing kit." The broad shouldered weequay shrugged. "Thought you woulda known, given your Uncle, was it?" Ignatius rolled his eyes, "Wasn't he some Admiral, or somefink?"

"Yes. He was," Ignatius growled, incredulous at this being brought up once more. "But as I've told you a thousand times, just because I had relations in the navy doesn't mean I'm Intune with the intimacies and intricacies of military doctrine and procedure aboard an active combat vessel." The Auxiliary drawled with a frustrated sigh. "But you're the missing the point Kerri. We board. Likely get shot down. But if we succeed, well what then?" Ignatius threw up his arms, "Say we manage to sabotage this thing, we'll be blown up." Ignatius shot back, with surprising vigour, "We both, actually," He took in the Mongrel and his hideous form, "We all know that Final Dawn, doesn't care about us. And they will use this opportunity as a power play."

"So we sabotage it, and can get out, do you think Sularen and his sycophants will even let us escape?" Rausgeber added, "We shouldn't be blind to his ambition, and indifference to our lives. He is going to use this, kill you," He gestured to the Mongrel, or more accurately what was left, "And then, he'll sidle up to the leadership further." Ignatius' eyes then went to Kerri, "Come on Kerri, don't tell me you forget Rhand. How they slagged the earth. Left us for dead. Killed many of us when he torched the planet." He looked exasperated at both men. Well, could the Mongrel even be considered a man in this present state? Clearly his pitch for logistics was failing, "Even then, what weapons do we have? We've packed over a hundred Auxiliaries into this cramped space, we haven't brought much other than small arms?" His cadence becoming increasingly frantic, "How are we meant to blow this thing up with no demolitions equipment?"

Kerri looked at both the Mongrel, and then Ignatius, "We still have some thundah caps don't we?" Ignatius' heart sank. They did. The Thundahvelins. There was still some aboard. Stickless. Without the javelin part. But there was still plenty of the damned things. "We just stuff 'em in places. Maybe fire off a shot, and watch sparks fly." Kerri then paused, and put an arm on Ignatius shoulder. He cupped the emaciated man's cheek with his rough, greasy and calloused digits. "I think ya thinkin' a lil too much into this." Kerri mused gruffly, looking to the Mongrel. The weequay knew that there was no changing minds. "If you don't mind me lads, I'm gonna make sure we close in on this thing all decent like." Kerri moved to the piloting console, and began to leer over the pilots working their magic.

Ignatius sighed, there would be no change. The Mongrel's love of politics would not nearly have been as powerful as his love for martial prowess. Ignatius swallowed, and looked to the machine. He knew there would be nothing but a berating from the cyborg. "Before, you decide to lash me." Ignatius began, "I think, this, dying in the void. On some foreign starship, is the worst way to go." The Auxiliary proclaimed.

"My uncle. The best man I knew. Who, well the lovely Kerri just referred to," Ignatius' eyes fell to his boots, "He died up there. Alone. In space. Vessel blowing up around him. In fact," He sort of, softly chortled, "He left his I suppose, girlfriend...And she sort of, well she said he stuck behind. To I don't know? Send a warning of some sort. He stayed behind. Went down with the ship, and it-it made no sense." Another question, "It was strange," He conceded, "But, he did something incredibly out of character for himself, while up there in his last moments." Ignatius explained, "He was like you. Perhaps the most egotistical gloryhound I've ever known. A man determined to still seize and forge a legacy for himself. To command the stars."

Ignatius softly mused, a small smile pursing his lips as he remembered his beloved Uncle. "And yet, he died up there. He didn't need to die up there, he could have come with her. Stayed alive." Teeth sank into his lower lip, as his gaze reached that bulbous brain in a jar, "I don't want to die for the Maw." That was plain enough, "I hate you. I hate this. I hate everyone. But I'm afraid, if we get to that moment. That moment where I am in a life or death situation, I might just do something stupid like that."

Kerri looked back at the two of them. "Milord, we're getting close." As Ignatius confided in the Marauder, it was clear that the Bunghole had managed to reach ever closer to its destination. The gargantuan form of the Momentous Triumph eclipsing most of the viewport. "I reckon now's the time we choose a target sir. Big ship. We're gonna wanna latch ourselves on, close as possible." Kerri mused, licking his lips, "We got us something of a scan going. Lotta proton torpedoes. Concussion missiles." Kerri established. "Means a lotta possibility for a sabotage run on 'em. Light it up, and watch 'em boom."

Ignatius looked puzzled, "Why would we want that?" Rausgeber conceded, "Surely the shields are the best option if we want to survive." The junior soldier protested, "Surely that'll be enough to allow Terror Squadron to blow a hole in the vessel, while we tacitly, and tactically depart." Surely that was. "Or the engines. Hyperdrive. There are a half dozen systems aboard we can sabotage. A magazine," He looked to the Mongrel, "Far too dangerous with the potential to destroy our escape route." But Kerri's laughable expression made it clear that was not the case. Or at the very least what he thought at all.

"Nah, nah. Shields will be protected. It's what young'uns like you Iggy, try to blow up all the time." He turned to the Mongrel, "I say we hook us into one of 'em magazines. It won't be as well protected." Kerri added, "There's gonna be droids, crew, fellas havin' to move those missiles and crap from storage to the guns. We hit one, maybe two of 'em compartments. We cripple the badboy. Guaranteed." Kerri mused, "Give you guv, the kills the Avatars crave."

And so they stood at a crossroads. Conventional sabotage with Ignatius, disabling the means of shielding the vessel from the Final Dawn and Brotherhood's guns. With sub-objectives of disabling the means of propulsion and retreat. Or Kerri's bombastic plan to land a clinching blow, and tear the Momentous Triumph a new proverbial bunghole.

Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Rannan Kol Rannan Kol | NSO | BOTM
Enyo Typhos Enyo Typhos | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Traden Avarice Traden Avarice | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Iris Arani Iris Arani | GA | NJO
ENGAGING: Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Yenna Yenna (Soonᵀᴹ)
GEAR: In Bio.

They had come.

But to put a cherry on top, the Dragon had sensed the coming of one he had faced before. One who had brought back memories of centuries past. Of another that had come before. One that was both calm and storm at once.

Granted, Master Yoda didn't rely on drink as much as this little one that was on approach now.

Dimitri was in his own private shuttle. The Sith Lord was always loathe to travel along with the warmongers of the Brotherhood - a remnant of nigh on a century of solitude. With nothing but his demons to keep him company. Not that those demons plagued him that much anymore. But the habit of solitude remained.

Not that the debris made it easy to navigate.

But before long, that what the Force had whispered at, became evident - the great hulk of the Momentous Triumph along with her Fighter contingent deploying already.

Yet, he knew his next gauntlet would not be in a Fighter.

"Gun it. I want us in that hangar before it seals." he told the pilot.
"My lord?"
"You would rather sit as bait out here?" the Dragon asked.
"No, my lord." the pilot said quickly before pushing down on the throttle. The midnight shuttle sped past those already engaged in the endless dogfight of space, stray turbo bolts blitzing across the shields.

Dimitri didn't know whether it was skill or fear of him that caused the pilot to scrape by and make such a successful crashlanding, but he made it. The shuttle screeched across the durasteel floor before it skidded to a halt.
"Good landing, Captain. Now, get her ready to fly again should the need arise." the Sith Lord said before turning to leave the ship.

As he stepped onto the gangway, the Force spread its wings around him, yet his hands were empty. The saber remained untouched on his belt and so did the Sith blade. The one he was prepared for, didn't bow to conventional methods. But the other Presence he sensed with the little green blob, was a different matter. The predator didn't need to feel it through the Force. He could sense the energy. Whoever it was, had extensive strength.

Interesting. Perhaps it would not be a boring trip after all.

Dimitri stepped into the hangar proper, raising his hands. He was well aware of the bodies all around - he could feel the Life Force pulsing from them.
"I have come to visit a friend. Where can I find Yenna?" he asked calmly but loud enough for his voice to echo, yet his predatory senses were working overtime. He was fairly certain he could smell the whiskey. Same as he did on Jakku.

Definitely not Yoda.


Final Dawn Central Command


L I B E R T Y's_G A T E


Commander : Admiral Kaine Hamilton

A Duo of Concord-Class Star Defenders began approaching Task Force Starkiller , the Second largest of the Four Groups of Wraith Squadron which had split up as result of the sudden emergence and the chaos that had followed. The Task Force was spearheaded by the Purifier which had managed to destroy half a dozen Alliance Vessels as the Task Force had been steadily advancing towards Task Force Lumiya which had found itself under heavy fire from the forces of the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line which had managed to destroy the lead ship of the Task Force bringing it on the verge of collapse. However the Two Concord-Class Star Defenders had sought to prevent this as they began to converge on the Task Force backed by a few support ships to help them in routing the Task Force.

Upon entering in range of the Vanguard of Task Force Starkiller , the Concords opened fire on the closest ship , an Ascendant-Class Pocket Star Destroyer, their combined firepower soon overwhelming the ship which was shortly destroyed afterwards. However by then the Purifier and the remaining vessels in Task Force Starkiller themselves were in range of the Small GADF Task Force and they returned fire with greater intensity , destroying numerous support ships within minutes with the Purifier unleashing a deadly Alpha Strike towards the bow of one of the Concords causing a chain reaction as the Purifier’s Main Batteries punched through the shields of the Concord in a matter of minutes with a few of their shots penetrating the hull and hitting Concord’s Magazine causing a chain reaction which effectively destroyed the Vessel. Soon enough the entire group of Alliance Warships had been destroyed by Task Force Starkiller , at the cost of a destroyed Ascendant-Class Pocket Star Destroyer and two other Ships suffering considerable damage , but nevertheless Task Force Starkiller’s course remained unaffected as it continued to head towards the Location of Task Force Lumiya and the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet engaging it.

Commander : Commodore Sander Drommel

Commodore , they’ve just destroyed the Thunderbolt!

Commodore Drommel watched as the FDS Thunderbolt succumbed the the combined Firepower of the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier. Task Force Lumiya had been engaging the Alliance Carrier Line for a while now and so far this little battle between both Groups had not gone in their favor. With their Starfighter Squadrons taking heavy losses and their Shields unable to keep up with the overwhelming firepower of the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line , Task Force Lumiya was starting to fall apart with only 4 Vessels Left the largest of which was the FDS Exactor , supported by 2 Ascendant-Class Pocket Star Destroyers 1 Nebulon-A Escort Frigate . Nevertheless the destruction of the ANV Armistice gave Sander Drommel enough confidence to push forwards against the 3rd Expeditionary Force. If Task Force Lumiya was going to get annihilated, it was best that they took as many Alliance Warships with them as possible.

Target the nearest Enemy Ship with our Orbital Autocannons and prepare for an all-out-attack.” the Commodore ordered. “Sir , but it’s suicide. ” one of the officers said in protest. "We can't possibly-" The Commodore then took out his blaster and shot the Officer dead on the spot before addressing the rest of his crew. “We have no tolerance for cowards.” The Commodore said as the Stormtroopers within the Bridge raised their blasters towards the Bridge Crew. “We are the Final Dawn , and we do not back down regardless of the odds. Either we defeat our enemies or die trying. No retreat , No surrender. Those who reject our doctrine will be executed on the spot." Drommel said , reminding his crew of the severity of the battle."So , are there any more objections?” The Commodore asked. The Bridge Crew remained silent unwilling to further provoke their Commanding Officer. “That's what i thought. Now , target the nearest enemy ship with our Autocannons and have the rest of the Task Force prepare for an All-out-Attack. Those are your orders and you will comply with them regardless of your personal opinions.

Soon enough , the FDS Exactor began to turn around to aim it’s Autocanons at the Closet Vessel within the 3rd Expiditonary Carrier Line and fired four shots at it with the intent to obliterate the vessel and pave the way for an immediate attack on the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line. As soon as the Shots were fired , the Exactor and it’s Ascendants and Nebulon-A began accelerating towards the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet firing everything they had left upon the Alliance Naval Task Force with the intent to give them a taste of their own medicine and inflict heavy damage upon the 3rd Expeditionary. Either they would die while dealing considerable damage to the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line or survive the confrontation while destroying the entire Carrier Line entirely , but nevertheless Commodore Drommel would have his way as the 3rd Expeditionary would suffer greatly regardless of the outcome of this confrontation.

Commander : Captain Wilhelm Vonreg [Inside TIE/fdH]

The Crimson Linings. The Underdogs of the Final Dawn Starfighter Corps. This Squadron of 24 Fighters had once served the previous iteration of the Galactic Alliance fighting against the One Sith and the First Order. They were one of the best Starfighter Squadrons within the Galactic Alliance with a reputation comparable to that of Revenant Squadron. However after they committed war crimes against the First Order they were dishonorably discharged and imprisoned via carbonate freezing as a punishment for their service to the Alliance. When the 24 Pilots of the Crimson Linings were woken up years later by the Politorate (Before their integration into the Final Dawn) , they only had one goal , to destroy this new version of the Galactic Alliance and get revenge for the betrayal they had suffered at the hands of its spiritual predecessors.

Now the Crimson Linings served the Final Dawn under the overall Command of Marlon Sularen and they had served greatly under the Grand Overseer with some of their best exploits including the destruction of the Flagship of the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line at the Battle Kril'dor where they also partook in the destruction of two other vessels. They were considered some of the Final Dawn's Finest Starfighter Squadrons , comparable to other Squadrons such as Nacheria Squadron and Revenant Squadron.

As the Battle progressed and the Crimson Linings claimed their 3rd Starfighter Squadron , the voice of Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen suddenly echoed within the cockpit of Captain Whilem Vonreg , the long-time leader of the Crimson Linings. "Captain Vonreg , Task Force Lumiya is in dire need of assistance. I'm redirecting the Crimson Linings to support them against Alliance Forces currently engaging them. Your Primary Target will be their Support Ships. I've already redirected three Squadrons of TIE Interceptors and Fighters to assist you in this operation." The Grand Overseer ordered. "Orders Acknowledged Grand Overseer , moving forth to reinforce Task Force Lumiya." Captain Vonreg said in response before addressing the rest of his squadron. "Crimson Linings , we've just received new orders. Reinforce Task Force Lumiya and destroy enemy warships engaging it." Vonreg then threw his controls to the left, moving forth to head towards the location of the ongoing engagement between the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet and Task Force Lumiya followed by his entire squadron. The Crimson Linings had already dealt a devastating blow to that fleet in the past and they were ready to do it again. It was about time the Alliance was reminded of how dangerous the Crimson Linings truly were.

  • Task Force Starkiller under Kaine Hamilton punches through a Line of GA Vessels attempting to stall their advance and begin accelerating towards the positions of Task Force Lumiya and the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line
  • The Exactor fires four shots from it's Orbital Autocannons at the closest Vessel of the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line before launching an all-out-attack against the 3rd Expeditionary along with the rest of Task Force Lumiya
  • The Crimson Linings finish off a Squadron of GADF Starfighters before being ordered to rienforce Task Force Lumiya and support them against the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line (Round 2 : Electric Boogaloo)



// OUTRIDER // Battlegroup Kenobi - Assualt Detachment Vindicator
// LOCATION // Bride; ANV "Defiance"
// OBJECTIVE // Strategic Command
// PREPARING TO ENGAGE // Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Xuan Vo

Even the most advanced shields couldn't last forever.

The shockwave from the Liberty's destruction was felt throughout the fleet. Fighters who couldn't escape in time were incinerated, and no starship near the burning hull escaped undamaged. Such was the price of war.

Admiral Myneto's gaze drew from the burning carcass of the Liberty and back to the battle at hand, trying desperately to put those three thousand lives on the backseat, focusing on the bigger picture. What was supposed to be a decisive victory against the Brotherhood had quickly turned into a desperate battle for survival. Elements of Battlegroup's Kenobi and Andor had been deployed under his command to reinforce the beleaguered Sixth Sector Fleet. That was hours ago. The situation had drastically changed since then.

Assembled his direct command, Assault Detachment Vindicator had been composed of the most powerful and advanced ships the Galactic Alliance Defense Force had to offer. They'd even been reinforced by one of the Five Blades of Corellia, ever the favorite son, Myneto had to pull his full weight as a honorary General to make that happen. But the Tristan of Corellia could only hold on for so long. It desperately needed to be pulled from the frontlines.

But that wasn't happening. There was no way out.

"Redeploy Axe Squadron to cover the Tristan's tale" A sigh escaped the Admiral's lips as the holotable changed once more, the icon of the X-Wing Squadron - one of dozens deployed - went to assist the Blade. "Order our escort ships to regroup, cycle the shields and prepare to bring the Interdiction Drives online"

The lighting of the bridge changed from pale blue, to black. By Alliance standards, the Predator Interdiction Drive was experimental technology. Never before had they been incorporated into an Alliance starship. But then again, never before had a Path Engine either.

"Prepare to engage enemy combatants in this sector" He pointed. Myneto was an experienced navy man, and could've sworn he felt the ship lurch forward. But it was impossible, the gravity plating was still operating.

It was the weirdest feeling.

Fleet to Posted Once Engaged




Allies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Rebirth Rebirth Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Xuan Vo Electra-12 Electra-12 Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Enemies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Elena Lowe Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo

Fleet: Utriusque Restituo-class Factory Command Battlecarrier with full Starfighter Compliments, no Support Craft, 3x PCL 27Cs with Full Starfighter Compliments, no Support Craft
Starfighter Totals: 480x TIE/VA, 216x TIE/PI, 108x TIE/AR

There was a rumble as some of the shields started to falter on the aft of the starship Utriusque. This was a rather bumpy ride to get to the exfiltration zone, this would not be very easy. The Utriusque was just finished with minor adjustments when the alarm went off over an incident on subspace channels with the Brotherhood of the Maw being trapped. It was considered insane to go help them, but he was convinced otherwise quite...badly by several old friends. Their new stations was in deep space and being outvoted by an amount unheard of from his own crews, Haon was personally going through the field while trying to avoid as much damage as possible with all the PCL 27Cs following in suit. They were fast regardless and while the PCL 27Cs were aging, they still did their jobs for transporting but these were the last ones, after this, they were extinct and no more. Turning on communications, Haon spoke while constantly adjusting their course in these strange anomalies that occurred during the destruction of Csillia.

"All hands on those PCLs, we are minute and counting. Get them on auto-pilot. There ain't no returning home with those after this!"

There was only so much time to load and those were already pre-loaded with things that were considered ancient but deadly. They had what was considered, the last batches of an old era, an old generation far gone. Each person on there was getting themselves in a starfighter of some kind, there was not a single support craft in the hanger bay, nor could it been converted. Each pilot, each person knew this was possibly a one way trip, but they all volunteered to do this. Even those on the Utriusque packed themselves in, almost to a horrible joke as each station was manned double, many engineers were focused on getting the best results with the factories inside ready for repair work. This was indeed, possibly a one way trip, something Haon Hafey did not want to do.

But They Did.

The whine of the hyperspace alarm went off as he started to pull out of hyperspace as it arrived rather dangerously on the edge of a known anomaly pocket, sirens went off as he took manual control, steering the large, burdening starship towards safety as it almost clipped through part of Wraiths Squadron known as the FDS Pursuiter, tractor beams going off quickly as it grabbed nearby enemy starfighters and point defense lasers destroying them. All the while, the hanger bay section started to open up with the PCLs finally arriving through hyperspace and going through their opening process as they sped forward, communications open towards Wraith Squadron and all channels in Brotherhood of the Maw.

"Metal Lord Haon Hafey, here to assist. However not really on my revelation, that is to my crew to Sularen!"

Then it happened, enormous swarms of starfighters and bombers erupted from their carriers. Starfighters that had not seen the light of day in almost half a decade, the last of their kind. Tie Vanguards, Pillagers and Arsonists screeched forward as the Pillagers took charge, zipping by extremely fast past Task Force Lumiya. These were leftovers from the events of the Zweihander Unions downfall, the last ones he ever made before Marlons infamous destruction of his plants over Ord Mandtell. Communications were open towards the Predator as massive amounts of laser cannon fire filled the devoid of space between the capital ships with the Vanguards finally arriving, attempting to drive off the Galactic Alliance starfighters with overwhelming laser cannon fire.

"Grand Moff Sularen, this is Sargent Mithak, Galactic Alliance never suited with me and awaiting orders!"
"Former Cadet Polinsky of the Directorate! I have not forgotten our fights!"
"Corporal Shall Tide, Formerly of the 292nd Squadron of the NIO, my loyalty is yours to command."

These kind of reports came in extensively to the point it was unbelievable. It may only lasted half a minute, but it finally finished with Haons voice coming through the channels as he tried to put his old lumbering starship in the middle of the playing field, ever so slowly to draw fire. The Pillagers even got past the Predator as they flew by the hull with speeds unmatched by even convential standards.

"Like I said, I was outvoted! Command what they call themselves, Bad Company 72nd! Factory is ready to run as well!"


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Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto (?)
LATE ARRIVALS | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash Bashir Bashir
DEBRIS BAIT | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha CETCOM CETCOM Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
JUST STAY AWAY FROM THE BRIDGE | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr The Mongrel The Mongrel Jax Thio Jax Thio Enyo Typhos Enyo Typhos Traden Avarice Traden Avarice Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor Yenna Yenna Dimitri Voltura Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber

Galactic Alliance 6th Sector Fleet
On Approach to Final Dawn Fleet

"Incoming transmission from Rear Admiral Oliva."

“--This is Rear Admiral Oliva. My flotilla has arrived in the sector, we are moving into position to hold open the gap.”

"Great timing, he can wipe my ass by the time we're done with the Maw. What the hell took them so long?" A few other vessels and smaller groups arrived as well, some getting caught near the emergence stream that had sectioned the battlefield so devastatingly.

There was too much noise. This emergence, debris, hyper-asteroids -- why here? Some past battle, some dead world had no right to drive into the middle into his warzone. The chaos was too much. The ship seemed to be rocking, and he felt unsteady.

"We're being boarded."

"Close the doors, then open the airlocks on their positions," he snarled, "I want them off my ship."

"Give the units we've engaged ample warning first, so they can activate their mag-boots- ah, particularly the Jedi we have aboard, as their equipment isn't as standardized."

Jacken shot a look at the Elomin, but he wasn't looking. The alien's glassy eyes wandered across the holodeck, searching for... something. He was too calm for this. Barely a hint of disorder on Jedha and the guy had been falling over. Now, surrounded by Csilla's final sh!t, facing the Final Dawn in a tight corridor, the Elomin was deadly calm. Jacken was almost afraid.

"If I may," he said, without waiting for the you may, "we should tighten up our units, bring them closer to the center to hold the exit -- our back's to the only jump out on the
Lehon Zigzag, and if we're patient, the Final Dawn will throw themselves at us. We should pull the 3rd Expeditionary back and the Rear Admiral's lines in to reinforce. We're too close as it is, and we don't have nearly enough room to make the turn to leave."

"Leave or sit, those are your options?"

"Ah- well, pushing forward would be incredibly reckless-"

"Wrong. It's the only option. They're lined up for us, we just gotta knock 'em down."

The Elomin's eyes widened in fear. "Sir, there's enough chaos on the field already, we shouldn't-"

"Shouldn't what? Take the initiative? We've lost quite enough, it's time to take hold. It's not like we haven't already been boarded. The worst thing that could happen is we get our broadsides in faster, rather than waiting for them to come to us."

He knew that wasn't the worst thing that could happen. They'd suffered enough losses from the emergence tearing through their spread-out positions early in the battle, and while they might have a slight advantage in close quarters, they were still going up against the heavy brawlers that were the Final Dawn's Star Destroyers. The boarders, too, could do critical damage to the Triumph, if the Jedi and marines didn't do their jobs.

"Bring up our cruisers, start pushing towards their center. We'll lead, the Integrity and Prince on our flank, the Scythes following, and every frigate and corvette we have left. If there's a single starfighter still in its hangar I will personally kick the ass of the carrier's commanding officer. Every single one should be shooting down TIEs as we go in. Our Starhawks-" he paused from his barking, studying the tacmap a moment longer. The great, boring hole in each battlecruiser's front caught his eye, and a devilish grin crossed his face. "Tell our Starhawks to start grabbing the nearest destroyers, and push them into the emergence field."

He couldn't tell if the Elomin paled at all, but Jacken hoped he did.

"And the other fleets?"

"Don't care. Oliva can come in, pick up the slack and take care of our carriers. Kathause -- well, she's doing what she does best, let's hope she doesn't run out of missiles. Mineeto-"

"Myneto," he said, wincing.

"Myneto can take care of himself, I'm sure. And the rest of those captains, whatnot, tell them to get firing."

The orders went out. The Momentous Triumph, though wounded, hummed with a deep fury. The 6th began its advance, and the Starhawk IIIs searched for their first victims.

This was the chaos he wanted. The noise seemed less now, and he waited for some far-off silence.
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Elena Lowe




Cadet Elena Lowe | Talon Squadron
Allies: @Tren Chaar| @Cordé Kovacs| Cynthia Alucard | Mylo Thorne | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Zaka Zaka
Enemies: Electra-12 Electra-12 | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | CETCOM CETCOM | Rebirth Rebirth


The path to meet up with the rest of Talon squad necessarily led them into harm’s way. First, they navigated away from their home ship, the Fermata, diving deep into the asteroid field that was all that remained of Csilla. As they weaved through, Elena watched as they crossed the invisible line of the Alliance’s front positions. They would certainly face Maw vessels from then on.

In fact, Elena spotted her first ship only moments later, a glimpse of a lone TIE that first appeared as a blip on her radar, then as a glint of quadanium in the distance. A small red square on her HUD indicated the ship as the targeting system highlighted the enemy fighter.

Elena opened her mouth to speak, but the pilot got in before she could say anything.

“See if you can scare him off, cadet.”

“Yes sir.” she replied, peering through her gun’s sights as the TIE circled around, evidently coming in for a run at their ship. Seeing it was committed to its course, she squeezed the trigger, sending an arc of laser fire in the ship's direction. The TIE responded in kind, shooting a retaliatory blast of laser fire that caused the shields to bloom to life around the R-Wing. Elena continued her fire, and the TIE peeled away, disappearing behind a neighbouring asteroid.

“They know they can’t take us alone. Just watch for groups and make sure that they don’t get close enough to hit us with a missile.”

“Got it.” Elena replied with a grin. This was actually kind of fun.

They continued toward the rendezvous point. Since the confrontation with the TIE she had seen other ships on her radar. Larger squads of TIEs headed towards the Alliance fleet, transports, corvettes, and the distant lines of Maw capital ships were now all around them. Distant, but present. The sense of danger settled onto her like a fine mist. When she had fought off the fighter it had felt like a game, but this was combat, it was war, and she was completely unaccustomed to it.

A faraway chain of explosions caught her eye and she saw a cruiser up ahead disintegrate. The fleets were engaging, and after a short time her fighter joined up with the rest of Talon and swooped in to assist. Elena peered through her sights, watching for hostile craft as she keenly listened to the radio traffic. They were joining up with Talon 1-1, who was another R-wing according to her transponder.

<: “Talon 1-2, I’ll follow your lead.” :>

Elena gripped the gun and fought the urge to peer over her shoulder as they dove into an attack run, her pilot smoothly following off the port side of 1-1. She heard the thrum of the laser cannons firing and a resultant whoop from up front. Guess that meant they scored a hit.

All of a sudden, Elena heard a warning blare and felt the ship jolt, the shields flaring up around the fighter and dispersing with a rumble. Elena looked around frantically, searching for whatever had knocked out their shielding.

“Debris.” said the pilot, again before Elena could speak. “I’m just gonna get into cover and slow us dow-”


A huge impact rocked the cabin, causing Elena to bounce in her seat and smack her head hard on the roof of the cockpit. Air rushed past her face and she shook her head dazedly and quickly keyed the comm.

“What was that?” Her voice crackled over the comms, but she heard no answer from up front. A moment later, the lights in the cabin went out, her HUD disappearing and leaving only the blank viewport in front of her.

“Everything alright?” Elena called out, once again receiving no reply. Craning her head to get a glimpse of the pilot’s seat. She saw the silhouette of the pilot, still in his seat, but the control panel appeared to be offline. Come to think of it, the engines were out too. Elena frowned and checked her vitals. Sure enough, her suit had switched to its internal oxygen supply.

Her heart beating in her throat, Elena struggled with her harness, pulling it off and twisting around in her seat to get a proper look at the front seat.

The pilot was slumped forward in his seat, clearly dead, and a wide, ragged hole had been torn through the roof of the cockpit, leaving it exposed to the void.

“Oh chit…”

  • Elena joins up with Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard in Talon 1-1, and assist them with an attack run against enemy fighters.
  • Moments after assisting Talon 1-1, the Elena’s fighter collides with debris from the Csillian Emergence, knocking the ship out of action and killing the pilot.

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Considering the fact that I have no idea how long it will take for the Warlord ship to arrive and when they will land on this ship, so I immediately got to work. For safety’s sake, I quickly looked around the room to see where the cameras were. I wanted to avoid their field of vision, although I didn’t really think anyone would be watching this right in the middle of a boarding party nearby. Although, I can never be careful enough. I wanted a quick and clean job, not one where I even had to fight others. That would have slowed down our work.

At this place, unfortunately, I couldn’t claim that my armour didn’t look like the armour of average Maw warriors. Because unfortunately not for GA's armour either. I doubted there would be so many or any mercenaries on their flagship. Personally, I would only let aboard the most reliable ones. But it was me, and it was their ship. I didn't want to risk it. It’s better for me to remain just a shadow, an invisible person whose presence is known only to those who need it. And this is some of my people and the Warlord. Then he decides how much I need to reveal myself.

Two cameras that covered the whole place; regrettable. I had to look for another place where I could watch the datapad. However, I took one off the table as quickly as possible, then turned around and went back down the hall. The cameras must have recorded that I took it, I mean someone under a cloaking device, but they won't find me anymore. I’ve looked at places I could get into before I wasn’t on my way, or a cleaning room. So I knew where I could go. I selected one of the wider service tunnels for this purpose.

As soon as I was there, I settled down and then started looking at the datapad. I didn’t want a secret map or one with secrets, hidden things; I would be happy with a simple map that shows where I can find the different rooms and places. Fortunately, I found something like this. It had the names of the corridors, the names of the places, the names of the decks, everything that one needed to find, and no one to go to where they shouldn’t be. Hangars, flats, officers' quarters, warehouses, canteens, armoury. Jackpot!

Security rooms, monitoring stations, "bridges", rooms where sensors and radars were available. Last but not least, there were elevators, vents and even engineering rooms. That is all we needed. I have also downloaded these for myself and have already instructed MANIAC to make the right routes to see which place can be reached as quickly as possible, that is, by the shortest route. In such a place, speed was also a major consideration.

<< Warlord, this is Mercy. I have the maps, I will send them for you, my AI has already marked the routes and possible targets on them. Based on a quick analysis, the engines at the stern and their associated generators are the best targets if the goal remains to destroy or paralyze the ship. To do this, I suggest you come to one of the back hangars, warlord. From there, it is the fastest and easiest way to reach your… our destinations. >> I suggested it to the man and even sent him the maps.





Issue #3 - Liberty's Gate

TAGS - Rebirth Rebirth

Massive ships whipped by him as he raced towards the breach in the Brotherhood's formation. A fighting retreat was just a nice way of saying 'we are losing.' Formations broke, separate battlegroups were not acting in concert with each other, and thus, capable of being taken advantage of. Fighters, like the ones belonging to Saber Squadron were an excellent way to take advantage of isolated ships. Though, in Zaka's mind, it was less because of pilot mastery, and more because of the technology within the craft.

Stealth. The sort of thing that allowed them to maneuver around a big ship's weapons, without its upsized armament erasing them from existence consistently. It was why he liked this new fighter, far more than his own StealthX that he had ruined beyond repair, back in the Epoch Uprising.

Then, he had cut swathes through the Final Dawn with an archaic ship with modernized systems. Thanks to his own innovations.

Here and now, he'd put the Saber X-02 to the test.

The rock in the chaotic currents of the Force, his senses bloomed outwards, reaching into the Force to feel the turbulence of emotions that awaited him. The anger and deranged enjoyment of the Maw, the fear, and the bravery of the Alliance and their Jedi. He took them in, accepted them, and in the void of space, rode them on his path into the battle. They were all part of the Force, cutting himself off from any of it, was a disadvantage.


His hands worked off of honed battle instinct, bred into him from a young age, and countless hours spent in a fighter's cockpit. Beams of energy shot overhead, their fluorescent lights close enough to make the fighter's shields react, suddenly visible to ward away the assault. The blast skipped over his shields, and he punched the acceleration. In the corner of his eye, his readouts began spitting information on the identified ship, but he had no time to read it!

Yolks worked, he cut down the speed, and in an attempt to snap upwards underneath the hostile pilot firing on him, Zaka employed the Saber's maneuverability - even if the inertial compensators could barely keep up - to his benefit. Digits sliding over the firing stud, quad-firing prongs spat out emerald bolts of coruscating light at Telemachus' fighter.
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
aboard The Predator

Two weeks.

Two weeks of missed meets.

Two weeks without knowing.

Two weeks of searching, silence and what ifs.

Dagon was missing. Jem wasn't sleeping. Yula was worse for wear. She had never seen the woman overcome with such singular focus, but they had done it. They had found a lead. Jem hadn't waited around long enough to alert the woman, just a sticky note and coordinates left behind.

Jem wasn't risking it. She could feel in her core that his time was running out. The pressure built behind her temples as she crept around the shipping crate she had used to get inside.

Jem clutched her saber in her hand, the hilt unlit as stepped out of the shadows with a frown.

"Where are you, Master."
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Location: Adrathorpe System, the Bunghole
Allies: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr
Foes: Syndulla Command Syndulla Command

  • The Mongrel gets philosophical with Iggy
  • He receives Mercy's maps, but chooses not to target the engines
    • He wants to force the Triumph out of the way of the hyperspace exit, not get it stuck there
  • He decides to target the missile storage / magazines
    • This will give his party the glory, since the destruction will clearly come from inside

The Mongrel could read the faces of the auxiliaries through his ring of optical sensors, easily detecting the trepidation there. They feared this assignment he had just given them, this task of attacking the enemy where they were strongest, with no easy line of retreat amid the Alliance flagship's tight corridors. Their fear was understandable, perhaps... but unworthy of a Mawite. Couldn't they see the gift he was offering them? This was a chance to die gloriously, proving themselves worthy to pass into paradise. A chance he had often been denied.

But his feelings remained unreadable, for he had no face.

They dropped out of hyperspace, reverting to the Adrathorpe System... and utter chaos. The space battle was in full swing, interrupted only by the storm of emergent debris that whipped through the emptiness, spreading random destruction. And in the middle of it all, crouching in front of the only safe hyperspace corridor out of the system like the guard dog of the underworld, was the Momentous Triumph. If the vessel kept that key position, the plug that kept water from escaping the bathtub, then the Brotherhood warfleet would be destroyed.

That could not be allowed to happen. There was too much left to burn.

The first message from Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr came in a moment later, confirming that she was aboard the Triumph and beginning her mission. The Mongrel did not respond; he had complete faith in her, and knew that she would secure what he had requested before long. There was no need to micromanage his most trusted agent. Instead the warlord kept his attention on the anxious auxiliaries, little "Iggy" already trying to poke holes in his plan. No, his decree, because it would be obeyed, no matter what. He would brook no objection in this matter.

Fighting the strongest foe would give him another shot at paradise.

The Bunghole engaged its stealth systems, silently slipping toward their target as its crew bickered. The Mongrel thought for a moment that he would have to step in, to make it known that his will was not up for debate... but as usual, ever-faithful Kerri did the job for him. So the warlord was silent as the two went back and forth, acting as little more than a tall, looming, eyeless presence who casually observed the argument. Sometimes his aura of menace alone was enough to impose control over the situation, fear weakening the wills of men.

He did not entirely disagree with Iggy, of course. It was entirely possible that Sularen would blow them all apart, taking the opportunity their sabotage provided to both destroy his enemies and rid himself of a rival. The alliance between the Final Dawn and the marauder tribes was an uneasy one, for they had little in common save their shared obedience to the Dark Voice. Their goals were the same for now, breaking the great powers of the galaxy and sweeping across known space, but their visions for the future were utterly incompatible.

There would be a reckoning someday. Perhaps someday soon.

Kerri won the argument, before moving off to aid in piloting the vessel. And to The Mongrel's surprise, Iggy just kept talking, the words flowing out of him in a torrent, like water spraying from a half-blocked hose. He told the warlord of his uncle, of his fears, of his hatred... and The Mongrel just listened. When the auxiliary had finished speaking, The Mongrel held up one durasteel hand, strong enough to crush Iggy's skull just by latching on and squeezing - and not even squeezing hard. But he didn't do that. He just flexed his fingers.

It was becoming a habit, watching those metal digits move.

"I remember what it was like," he said, his harsh metal voice more a grating whisper than booming thunder in that moment, "to fear death. But I remember it only distantly. For all that you think you have suffered, 'Iggy', you still see worth in this galaxy... in this life. Live long enough, see enough of yourself stripped away, and that will change. Two things will happen. First, you will realize that life is a long, slow spiral into darkness. Second, you will realize there are causes, great causes, more worthy than life."

Whether or not Ignatius would ever embrace the Mawite faith, whether he would come to understand the truth that this galaxy was irreparably broken and not worth living in, was of little consequence. He would serve the Maw, advancing the grand designs of the Avatars, because he would be left with no other choice. "Your existence, your every waking moment, is already devoted to the Maw. You live for something greater than yourself. The question you have just begun to ask, and to fear within your soul, is merely this:"

"Will you also die for something greater, as your uncle did?"

Mercy's transmission interrupted him; she had the tactical maps he'd requested, just as he'd known she would. He poured over them while Iggy and Kerri debated targets, the accompanying advice percolating through his brain. "Negative," The Mongrel transmitted back, taking the whole battle into account. "Ordinarily the engines would be the perfect target, but the Momentous Triumph is blocking the only escape route from the debris storm. We must force it out of the way, not cripple it in place, blocking our withdrawal."

"We will target their missile storage,"
the warlord decreed, ensuring that his voice was audible to both Mercy and the auxiliaries... and thus putting an end to their debate. "We must wreak such devastation on this ship that it is forced to withdraw, clearing the way for our own vessels to fall back." His transparent orange faceplate turned to face Iggy once more, its blank "gaze" somehow boring into him despite its lack of eyes. "It's just as you said, 'Iggy'. Why take down the shields and let Sularen steal credit for the kill?"

The Mongrel pointed out the hangars Mercy had indicated to Kerri; although they were the closest hangars to the engines, which was why his agent had shown them to him, they were also quite close to the magazines that Kerri had detected with his scans. They would serve adequately as entry points... unless the auxiliary intended to latch on with fission cutters and make their own entryway. Either served the plan fine in the warlord's figurative eyes. He would let his subordinate figure out the particulars of this one.

"Begin your sabotage, Mercy. We will join you shortly."

Location: Adrathorpe System
Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | CETCOM CETCOM | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Foes: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash | Bashir Bashir | Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command

  • Tu'teggacha attempts to flee the battle
  • Approached by the City of Ashes, the Fatalis fires on it with all side-facing weapons


In the chaos of battle, with laserfire and asteroids all around, the boarders never came.

As the Fatalis sped toward the clear hyperspace corridor, its vast engines straining to speed the titanic ship through the void, the Taskmaster began to laugh. It was a wet, ugly sound, like a snake with over-productive salivary glands choking on some mammal it'd tried to swallow whole. For whatever reason, Sularen's Predator seemed to have drawn the attention of all the little Jedi 'heroes' intent on leaping aboard a Mawite ship. Had the Ebruchi known about the prisoners held aboard the vessel, it would have made more sense to him... but as it was, he knew better than to look a gift fathier in the mouth. This was his chance.

So he paid little attention as the likes of the resurrected Admiral Garrick and the defector Haon Hafey leapt into the fray, though each brought reinforcements that might well turn the tide of this desperate, close-quarters battle. Let them deal with this mess. Let the Final Dawn swoop in to scrap with the Galactic Alliance, continuing the blood vendettas than ran deep between them. Tu'teggacha was going to save his own hide, and he had the perfect excuse to do it; he would lead the battered Mawite Warfleet, in desperate need of time to repair and rearm after the defeat at Jedha, in a fighting retreat out of the system.

It would be pure coincidence, of course, that he would therefore be leading the pack that headed to safety. The Taskmaster did not consider himself a coward, but he had no desire to face down death unnecessarily. He was the Brotherhood's master of logistics, and he knew the difficulty of replacing each warrior and starship lost. The battle around Adrathorpe had begun as an ambush, and had turned into something even more dangerous when he emergence had cut off all routes of easy retreat. It was his responsibility to preserve as many of the Maw's limited assets as he could under such dangerous circumstances...

... and he himself was one of the Brotherhood's most important assets.

But just as he prepared the Fatalis to muscle its way through to the hyperspace corridor entrance, leaving this wretched mudball to those foolish enough to scrap over it, disaster struck. The Alliance Sixth Fleet surged forward, blocking the route, which was bad enough. But then another foe emerged, suddenly and messily reverting to realspace in the midst of the debris storm: Bashir Bashir and the vessels of Battlegroup Andor. "New sensor contacts," one of the bridge officers reported - they died often enough that Tu'teggacha never bothered learning their names. "Their lead battleship is charging its tractor beams."

It was easy to guess which vessel they'd like to prevent from escaping. The Taskmaster cursed. Although the City of Ashes, at a mere third the length of the Fatalis, couldn't exactly reel in the vastly larger dreadnought, it could certainly slow it down... and leave it exposed to the full fury of the multitude of Alliance battle groups hunting Mawites across the system. And with the City coming in from an unexpected angle, it couldn't easily be struck with the Fatalis's largest guns; the MegaCaliber turbolasers were forward-facing, and the Orbital Autocannons were belly-mounted. Turning to fire them would further delay the escape.

Well, they would just have to scrape off this stellar barnacle with smaller weapons.

"Get me a firing solution on that ship," Tu'teggacha blubbered, his facial tendrils writhing about in agitation. "Ion cannons, turbolasers, concussion missiles; hit it with every weapon that can target it." Perhaps a show of force would be enough to get the City and its evidently ambitious commander to back off, recognizing that his battleship was clearly outmatched. But perhaps not. So many Alliance officers seemed to have a particularly vexing hero complex, genuinely believing in the high ideals their government espoused, despite its obvious corruption. They might well give chase, forcing the Ebruchi to make a decision.

To turn and swat this pest, or to just hope it couldn't cripple his escape.

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