NPC Storyteller
Location: Adrathorpe System
Tren Chaar
| Elena Lowe | Mylo Thorne |
Cynthia Alucard
The enemy pilot reacted quickly to Telemachus's attack. No sooner had his shields begun to glow, leaping out to defend against the ravages of the dual beam cannons, when the Jedi Ace took evasive action. He cut his speed, pulling his craft into a turn so tight he nearly doubled back on himself, the maneuver so swift and elegant that it made the starfighter seem inertialess. What ought to have been an easy kill for the Divine Eagle was suddenly turned against the Mawite craft, a pair of emerald bolts slapping against its armor right when Telemachus had been expecting to fly through the X-Wing's smoldering wreckage.
The turnabout made three things abundantly clear to the Knyght. The first was that this was no ordinary X-Wing. Its shields and weapons were clearly at least as potent as an ordinary craft of its type, but its speed and maneuverability were vastly improved; this was the kind of ship that could fly literal circles around his own slow-moving starfighter, despite having weaponry at least as powerful. The second was that a craft this powerful, piloted by a Force Adept, must be a rare and special thing. This was a true enemy champion, the kind whose destruction would earn him glory in this life and worthy passage into the next.
The third was that he would never bring it down without his one advantage: numbers.
A Divine Eagle squadron consisted of twelve of the craft, and even the best of enemy aces surely wouldn't like those odds. They might be slower and less maneuverable than this souped-up X-Wing, but that wouldn't matter if they could catch it in a proper attack pattern, closing off its avenues of retreat. So as Telemachus and the Jedi Ace screamed past each other in the debris-strewn void, fresh carbon scoring and molten marks blazed into the Divine Eagle's armor, the Knyght squadron leader reached out to the rest of his command. "This is a true champion of the heretics," he told them. "Surround him!"
They fell back into a well-honed attack pattern, one that they called the "bomb cube". Two of the Divine Eagles broke off to pursue Zaka, Telemachus among them, trying to catch him and rake him with their beam cannons. The other ten also broke into groups of two, forming the edges of the "cube". Two moved to cut him off from the front, two from above, two from below, two from the left, and two from the right. And since they could not actually catch the swift X-Wing, they went for area denial. Each of the craft employed its proton bombs, launching them out across the X-Wing's potential paths, trying to block them.
Could Zaka escape the bomb cube? It was a lot of explosions in a tight space...



- Telemachus's craft takes minor damage to its armor
- Sacrior Squadron attempts to box Zaka in with a "cube" of proton bombs

The turnabout made three things abundantly clear to the Knyght. The first was that this was no ordinary X-Wing. Its shields and weapons were clearly at least as potent as an ordinary craft of its type, but its speed and maneuverability were vastly improved; this was the kind of ship that could fly literal circles around his own slow-moving starfighter, despite having weaponry at least as powerful. The second was that a craft this powerful, piloted by a Force Adept, must be a rare and special thing. This was a true enemy champion, the kind whose destruction would earn him glory in this life and worthy passage into the next.
The third was that he would never bring it down without his one advantage: numbers.
A Divine Eagle squadron consisted of twelve of the craft, and even the best of enemy aces surely wouldn't like those odds. They might be slower and less maneuverable than this souped-up X-Wing, but that wouldn't matter if they could catch it in a proper attack pattern, closing off its avenues of retreat. So as Telemachus and the Jedi Ace screamed past each other in the debris-strewn void, fresh carbon scoring and molten marks blazed into the Divine Eagle's armor, the Knyght squadron leader reached out to the rest of his command. "This is a true champion of the heretics," he told them. "Surround him!"
They fell back into a well-honed attack pattern, one that they called the "bomb cube". Two of the Divine Eagles broke off to pursue Zaka, Telemachus among them, trying to catch him and rake him with their beam cannons. The other ten also broke into groups of two, forming the edges of the "cube". Two moved to cut him off from the front, two from above, two from below, two from the left, and two from the right. And since they could not actually catch the swift X-Wing, they went for area denial. Each of the craft employed its proton bombs, launching them out across the X-Wing's potential paths, trying to block them.
Could Zaka escape the bomb cube? It was a lot of explosions in a tight space...