Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Liberty's Gate | GA Invasion of BOTM Held Adrathorpe

NPC Storyteller
Location: Adrathorpe System
Allies: Electra-12 Electra-12
Foes: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Elena Lowe | Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne | Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard
Engaging: Zaka Zaka

  • Telemachus's craft takes minor damage to its armor
  • Sacrior Squadron attempts to box Zaka in with a "cube" of proton bombs


The enemy pilot reacted quickly to Telemachus's attack. No sooner had his shields begun to glow, leaping out to defend against the ravages of the dual beam cannons, when the Jedi Ace took evasive action. He cut his speed, pulling his craft into a turn so tight he nearly doubled back on himself, the maneuver so swift and elegant that it made the starfighter seem inertialess. What ought to have been an easy kill for the Divine Eagle was suddenly turned against the Mawite craft, a pair of emerald bolts slapping against its armor right when Telemachus had been expecting to fly through the X-Wing's smoldering wreckage.

The turnabout made three things abundantly clear to the Knyght. The first was that this was no ordinary X-Wing. Its shields and weapons were clearly at least as potent as an ordinary craft of its type, but its speed and maneuverability were vastly improved; this was the kind of ship that could fly literal circles around his own slow-moving starfighter, despite having weaponry at least as powerful. The second was that a craft this powerful, piloted by a Force Adept, must be a rare and special thing. This was a true enemy champion, the kind whose destruction would earn him glory in this life and worthy passage into the next.

The third was that he would never bring it down without his one advantage: numbers.

A Divine Eagle squadron consisted of twelve of the craft, and even the best of enemy aces surely wouldn't like those odds. They might be slower and less maneuverable than this souped-up X-Wing, but that wouldn't matter if they could catch it in a proper attack pattern, closing off its avenues of retreat. So as Telemachus and the Jedi Ace screamed past each other in the debris-strewn void, fresh carbon scoring and molten marks blazed into the Divine Eagle's armor, the Knyght squadron leader reached out to the rest of his command. "This is a true champion of the heretics," he told them. "Surround him!"

They fell back into a well-honed attack pattern, one that they called the "bomb cube". Two of the Divine Eagles broke off to pursue Zaka, Telemachus among them, trying to catch him and rake him with their beam cannons. The other ten also broke into groups of two, forming the edges of the "cube". Two moved to cut him off from the front, two from above, two from below, two from the left, and two from the right. And since they could not actually catch the swift X-Wing, they went for area denial. Each of the craft employed its proton bombs, launching them out across the X-Wing's potential paths, trying to block them.

Could Zaka escape the bomb cube? It was a lot of explosions in a tight space...


Location: Aboard GA SSD- Engineering section
Allies: BOTM, Crimson Hands
Enemies: GA Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

The torches burned, the sizzling of metal largely heard while the troopers started to cut into a docking clamp connected to the boarding craft they were on. The docking clamp itself leading to one of the lower levels of the Alliance Star Destroyer. Kyrel just stood within the dark while one of the grunts had spent almost an hour subtlety cutting through the bulk head. For all the battles that were being waged he didn’t expect the Alliance to be so bold. None ventured so close to the heart of the Maw and yet the enemy had proved to be a little surprising when it came to launching these type of desperate strategies. He could at least commend them for trying to bring such a force to strike as it meant he could finally unleash his newest weapons on them.

“Is it done?” Kyrel impatiently asked within the darkness. The grunt cutting through replied back. “Yes, milord… Made an opening just big enough to slip into the engineering section. At your command we could start moving out.” He said as Kyrel gripped his saber. “Good, proceed from here and wipe out any crew member in your path. From then on we will try to move to the higher levels… I suspect there will be more than just Alliance soldiers on board.” He said as then a snap hiss of his saber had come to life. The crimson blade being the only light within the darkness.

Slowly the cannibal stormtroopers emerged from the opening, wielding blasters but most of all sharpened blades of swords, axes and spears. The armor they wore covered in different animal skins while the stormtroopers themselves were nothing more than beasts beneath the masks. Kyrel emerged from behind, the red blade the only thing beneath the cover of darkness of the lower decks. What any unsuspecting crew member that tried to investigate were dispatched with ease.

The Master of Ren already letting out waves of darkness through the Force. If any Jedi was on board, they would know that something akin to an savage animal on board. Lurking around ready to strike upon what does would unsuspectingly cross his path. The Stromtroopers walked like men, some so deranged they crawled on all fours in a manner similar to goblins. As they proceeded to go from the lowest levels to the main habitable decks. Kyrel stopped for a moment, as if he felt something on board, someone he had met before but had not had the chance to kill. Still bearing some scar tissue from the last encounter, his memory dawned upon him and he gritted his teeth in anger. “She is here…. Move quickly, we now have a new target.” He said to the band of cannibal


//: GA SSD Hanger -> Engineering //:
//: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren //:

"She ready?" A hand caressed the hull of the jet black X-Wing, "Aye, Lucky - it's been awhile since I've seen this bird on the lot" The old mechanic laughed, tipping his small hat upward as he looked at the X-Wing. "Been with me since the Rogues - but she's not as old as you, Phil." Allyson looked over her shoulder, wearing the old flight suit that bore the stripes of the Alliance's original Rogue Squadron. It fit like a glove, and Allyson felt the nostalgia of her roots as a hand thumbed at the Corellian stripes at her side. Phil laughed again and slapped the girl on her back.

He had been one of the mechanics the Rogues had back in the day, and while retirement was on the horizon - he couldn't help himself. To work on a Rogue's fighter was something he took great pride in. "Your parents would have been proud, kid." He nodded; the old Corellian had known Allyson's father - having fought together at one point. "Here." Allyson looked at Phil, who handed her a small piece of fabric. "What is it?" She asked as she took the cloth, seeing the names that were stitched into it. "The old crew, let 'em be the wind in your wings, kid." Phil nodded with a grunt, keeping his words short so that he didn't have to explain why tears welled in his eyes. Each name on that sheet, all of them he had seen through flight school and fought for the original Alliance.

Allyson ran her fingers over each name, remembering their pasts. A smile crept across her face as she traced Loske's name and Choli's, "We were pretty young back then." She nodded, and Phill pulled his hat down to cover any sentiment he was feeling. "Get in there before they leave you." He stepped back and did the last check. Allyson situated herself into the cockpit, hands running along the panels, feeling the life hum in the machine. It was like being home again; everything felt familiar and comforting. But as the hatch began to lower, Allyson held her hand up to stop it. A wave of the dark side flowed through the Force, hitting the Corellian like a shuttle. "Phil." She started, standing and pulling off the fighter helmet. "Something's not right - "

The mechanic raised a brow, watching the Jedi move from the X-Wing and towards the center of the hanger. "What is it?" He asked, fearing what the answer would be. "Something's here," Allyson closed her eyes, feeling through the Force for whatever quaked through it. "Gonna need that light sword of yers?" Phil joked half-heartedly, trying to mask whatever fear he had.

Hazel eyes opened quickly, then narrowed as she grinned, "Nah, gonna need a shotgun for this one." She knew exactly who was roaming the decks below. Allyson knew that some dead couldn't stay buried, and it was time for her to finish the fight they had started. "Phil, get everyone out of here, and when I leave, lock up the hanger - no one in or out - we have company." The mechanic nodded, knowing what this meant. Grabbing her gear, Allyson began to descend towards Kyrel's location.
The Bunghole, Command Bridge
Closing on the Momentous Triumph
The Mongrel The Mongrel

"I remember what it was like," Ignatius raised his gaze to meet the Mongrel's. It was almost a childlike expression to the man. For some comfort. Knowledge. Even the need for friendship in the darkness of the Maw. "to fear death. But I remember it only distantly. For all that you think you have suffered, 'Iggy', you still see worth in this galaxy... in this life. Live long enough, see enough of yourself stripped away, and that will change." Ignatius felt for a moment like throwing a pithy retort. Some sort of angry reply. He had been happy working for the Chiss. He had been proud of being something better. And it was the Maw who had thrust him into this miserable present existence, not him. "Two things will happen. First, you will realize that life is a long, slow spiral into darkness. Second, you will realize there are causes, great causes, more worthy than life."

"Your existence, your every waking moment, is already devoted to the Maw." The mechanical non-chalance of his statement made Rausgeber's blood boil. He could feel his breathes becoming deeper and deeper as he tried to calm himself. "You live for something greater than yourself. The question you have just begun to ask, and to fear within your soul, is merely this:" Surely, that was it. There was nothing too much to add. And then he hit with the gutpunch. "Will you also die for something greater, as your uncle did?" Ignatius' look darkened dramatically. And although there were no words it communicated something to the Mongrel. Keep my Uncle's name out of your mouth. You stupid, brain-in-a-jar having knob.

"Negative," The Mongrel's mechanical voice cut through the two bickering Auxiliaries like a knife through the flesh of a tender babe. Both Kerri and Ignatius stood to attention. "Ordinarily the engines would be the perfect target, but the Momentous Triumph is blocking the only escape route from the debris storm. We must force it out of the way, not cripple it in place, blocking our withdrawal." The Mongrel adjudicated. Kerri could not quite help with his glee. "We will target their missile storage. We must wreak such devastation on this ship that it is forced to withdraw, clearing the way for our own vessels to fall back." Ignatius felt a little underwhelmed. He was by no means surprised in the Mongrel and his decision making. But he had hoped the invoking of Uncle Carlyle would be enough to sway the man. . "It's just as you said, 'Iggy'. Why take down the shields and let Sularen steal credit for the kill?" The Mongrel seemed to believe that was a worthy enough consolation. "Begin your sabotage, Mercy. We will join you shortly."

Kerri however was the first to speak up, "All due respect milord," Kerri began, "The Hangar, not a great joint to try and pry in, y'hear?" Kerri mused, "Whatcha gonna want, is to hit somewhere else." Kerri informed, "Get the boots tramplin' elsewhere, ways from the hangar. Cos while the hangar'll be empty from ships, roight, it'll have alarms. We'll be surrounded as soon as we start parallel parkin'." Kerri turned around, the Momentous Triumph was a leering presence. Almost right in their craw. The details, viewports and the like, were right in view. One could even make out the distant shapes of technicians running. "What we'll want, is one of these," He moved to the viewport, and gestured, a vent. "We pry that off, and slip into one of the heat sinks. It'll be a wee bit toasty. But in my experience," As a former spacer, turned pirate, turned privateer and now Mawite, "These things're only rigged to maintainence checks. Which they won't be doin' in battle. All the droids, Alliance greasethumbs'll be too busy figuring if there's a hole elsewhere than to check this."

"We pry a hole open, slip in. 'ave the Bung'ole waiting when we climb out through the hangar." Kerri smirked at his own strategic craftsmanship, "Brilliant, innit?" With the Mongrel's slow nod, Kerri cackled, "Right-o boss!" The gregarious Weequay smirked, before moving to the pilots, "Right, slow the engines. Shut'own engines three, and four. Lower power to five, Increase propulsion to six." The Bunghole now slowed, and began to effectively drift toward the large Alliance capital ship. "Iggy, send word, to the lads out back. Have 'em tool up, and get a crew with some cutters ready." Ignatius followed the directive. Storming out.

"Right, right. Extend the isolated ramp." Kerri commanded, "The forward one." he corrected, "Unseal outer airlock, and flush the ante-chamber with some spare, air will ya?" The soldier commanded viciously. The Bunghole moved close and closer into reach. "Right. Shut all engines." Kerri commanded, "Keep some lift a running, with the manouvere thrusters, and push us into place." Kerri snapped, before turning back to the Mongrel, "It's uh, my first time doin' this in a ship, the other fella can't see. Did it once with an asteroid and a coupla speeder bikes. Story for another one." Kerri offered that cheeky grin. "Alright, now, slowly turn. Let the Alliance pull us in. This bloody thing's so big, got it's own pull." Which wasn't exactly wrong.

There was a load groaning, and creaking. "Engage the uh, landing struts." A whirring was heard through the craft. And then a clunking. Landfall. Kerri turned to the Mongrel, triumphant look. "Right, reckon it's time for us to kit up eh?" Kerri mused, before looking to the pilots, "When I give the word, you bugger off. Keep close to the hangar, and play it careful you wankers!" Kerri then lead the Mongrel through the warren of Auxiliaries, now full armed and kitted with their roughshod weapons and bloodlust.

From the boarding airlock, through a grease stained slit, the engineers working on smashing the vent worked. Hunched over in ad-hoc, improvised space walk kit. Working, until one of them stood, and raised a thumb. The vent fell in. There was their in. "Pump us full of air lads, take a deep breathe, and get ready to charge you pillocks!"


L I B E R T Y's_G A T E


Commanding Officer : Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Grand Overseer , we have an incoming transmission from Haon Hafey's Task Force
"Metal Lord Haon Hafey, here to assist. However not really on my revelation, that is to my crew to Sularen!"
"Grand Moff Sularen, this is Sargent Mithak, Galactic Alliance never suited with me and awaiting orders!"
"Former Cadet Polinsky of the Directorate! I have not forgotten our fights!"
"Corporal Shall Tide, Formerly of the 292nd Squadron of the NIO, my loyalty is yours to command."
Now that was unexpected. While Haon Hafey had begun to associate himself with the Maw providing them with Military Equipment to further fuel it’s War Industry , Sularen did not expect him to join the Battle in person leading his own Personal Forces alongside Sularen’s own Forces against a common enemy. Nevertheless the arrival of Hafey was exactly what Sularen needed to launch his Counter-attack against the GA Fleet before regrouping with the rest of Wraith Squadron and charging at the Escape Vector. However as Haon Hafey and his Forces joined the fray , an old Adversary decided to make their move.

As Sularen was about to send a response to Haon Hafey , another Officer quickly spoke out. “Sir , the Main Enemy Fleet is moving away from the Emergence Opening. They’re headed towards us.” Sularen looked at the Datapad attached to his Command Chair which had been displaying the current situation of the Battlefield and surely the Grand Overseer could see the 6th Sector Fleet advancing towards his Position and away from the escape vector. “Looks like they want to finish the job” Sularen said while smirking“Well, let's give them what they want. Move the Fleet to engage the so-called 6th Sector Fleet at point-blank range and get me Haon Haey.” Sularen ordered. It was about time the Grand Overseer taught these smug commanders of the Galactic Alliance the true power of the Final Dawn. “Sir , we have Haon Hafey on the line” an Officer said, connecting him to the Metal Lord. “Haon Hafey! I’m glad you could make it. As of now the Main Enemy Fleet , known as the 6th Sector Fleet has begun to advance towards our positions. I will require your forces to execute a flanking maneuver around the 6th Sector Fleet as my Forces move to engage them at Point-Blank Range where we will have a greater advantage in terms of Firepower. It’s about time we gave the Galactic Alliance a taste of their own medicine.

Soon enough , the Vessels of Task Force Vader began to slowly turn around to face the 6th Sector Fleet ready to engage them for a Third Time and remind them who truly dominated the Battlefield with the Predator leading the charge towards the 6th Sector Fleet followed by the rest of Task Force Vader once they had fully turned around who quickly joined up with Sularen’s Flagship beginning their own advance towards the 6th Sector Fleet with the remaining TIE Squadrons of the Task Force joining them as they accelerated towards the Enemy Fleet ready to engage its complement of Starfighter Squadrons. Once the 6th Sector Fleet began its engagement with Task Force Vader , Haon Hafey and his Forces would arrive and strike at the Flanks of the 6th Sector Fleet which would surely break their momentum and allow Sularen and his own Forces to break their lines by overwhelming them with sheer Firepower and Numbers. “Prepare the Shield Leech Canons and target their Flagship. We will deprive them of their Shields and outright annihilate them with our Superior Firepower.” Sularen ordered. Within seconds a portion of the Predator’s Hull began to open up revealing Two Mighty Shield Leech Canons which began to rise from within the Hull before coming to a halt.

As this was happening , the doors to the bridge opened as a pair of 439th Stormtroopers brought in Dagon Kaze , a Jedi Knight who had been caught snooping around the business of some of Sularen’s Proxies in the Core Worlds.

"Sularen , figured it was you. Brig looks as bad as Byss when you ran it."
In response to this insult , one of the Stormtroopers socked Dagon for disrespect and to remind him that he was still at Sularen’s Mercy. Sularen then proceeded to turn around his Command Chair to face the Captured Jedi Knight before pressing his Datapad a few times to find and open a Politorate File on the Jedi Knight. “Dagon Kaze , Knight of the New Jedi Order and son of the Legendary Sith Lord Haytham Kaze. Born in Ruusan , currently resides at Demon and is in his Early to Mid Twenties. Most importantly he has uncovered a lot of sensitive information regarding Mawite Operations in the Core Worlds." Sularen paused for a second before continuing. "You have quite a rich profile, Dagon. I'm honestly surprised at how freely you were able to operate before the Politorate got involved but i assure you , your efforts will be in vain."

"Sir , our Shield Leech Canons are fully charged and are locked onto the Momentus Triumph." An Officer said out loud interrupting Sularen's little discussion with Dagon. "Good. Very Good. Fire the Shield Leech Canons." Sularen said in response before looking at Dagon again. "Bring him forward." Sularen said before having his Chair turned around to face the viewports of the Bridge. "It's time we gave our Guest here a front-row seat so that he can witness the destruction of the Alliance Fleet firsthand." The Guards then proceeded to drag Dagon bringing the Jedi Prisoner right beside Sularen's Command Chair where he could witness the battle raging on outside the Predator. "Beautiful isn't it. This is exactly what you and your Alliance Cronies wanted. To strike back at us after what we did at Jedha , and yet in your anger and desire for revenge you allowed yourself to be drawn into a bloody battle and soon your Fleets will be decimated while we will safely withdraw further into our territories far from your reach" Sularen said.

It was a pretty weak attempt to taunt Dagon but nevertheless it was nice to have a Jedi in his custody especially after his confrontation with Jax Thio. Despite Dagon being in shackles , Sularen was well aware that his friends would come sooner or later. This Battle would give them the perfect means to board his Ship and it had already been two weeks since the Jedi Knight had been captured and even then the Politorate had failed to break him. Thus the Grand Overseer had made special preparations for whoever would try to rescue the Jedi Knight in the form of Hired Mercenary Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar and a Compliment of
Elite Raptors placed under his Command. Once these rescuers would be dealt with and his Fleet managed to reach O'reen , Sularen would finally be able to get the answers he sought from the Jedi who had managed to slip through the radar of the Politorate undetected. But now Sularen had one objective and one objective only : to annihilate the Alliance Fleet.

  • Sularen receives Haon Hafey’s Message and instructs him to launch a Flanking Maneuver against the Advancing 6th Sector Fleet
  • Sularen orders to fire the Predator’s Shield Leech Canons to replenish it’s Shields while Task Force Vader turns around and begins its own advance towards the 6th Sector Fleet.
  • Sularen officially meets Dagon , taking a great interest in his investigations on Mawite Operations in the Core and later starts to taunt him about the Alliance’s impending Defeat.

Location: Space - Adrathorpe Sector
Call Sign: Nacheria Seven
Objective: I - Hard Six
Equipment: TIE Pilot Flight Suit │ Hekler’Kok FP-01
Allies: BotM ( Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Rebirth Rebirth )
Enemies: GA (Elena Lowe Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Zaka Zaka Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva )
Direct Engagement: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne │ Others in Vicinity

“Seven? Are you-”

“Be quiet!” The clone hissed angrily, her high-pitched, yet thoroughly incensed tone immediately cutting off the comparatively soft voice of her wingmate. Being a filthy random, an individual born of natural means, rather than artificial, this wingmate was far less competent than her sister, in spite of her awful luck. It was no wonder, since his genetics were probably chock full of latent defects and deformities, making him annoying at the best of times and grossly incapable at the worst.

At the very least, he might make good cannon fodder.

After a short pause, her words hanging in the air for a few tense moments, the clone spoke once more, her tone seemingly returning to its normal, precise register. However, during that moment of silence, the clone considered how the forthcoming engagements could play out. This was a battlespace like no other, with fast-moving debris coming from seemingly all directions, along with various other spaceborne hazards that might be just as dangerous as the enemy. The closest analogy was an asteroid field, but even that paled in comparison to what this was. Had she been an adherent of the Hidden Scripture like the Mawites, she might have believed this to be a celestial storm wrought by the Dark Gods, a crucible intended to purge lingering weakness from the ranks of the Maw. Instead, her faith lied in the Sith. Perhaps then, this was something similar, a purifying, cathartic storm unleashed to further concentrate the dark side across a smaller, more powerful body, unburdened by the infection of weakness.

Perhaps then, this would be another step to establishing herself as the last and the greatest TIE ace of this decaying Genesis.

“Form up on my wing.” The clone said, her tone reverting back to its precise, refined rhythm as the words departed her lips. As she did, a trio of Alliance X-Wings emerged from behind a large, carbon-scored hulk, their pilots just as surprised as the clone was to see the pair of TIEs in their scopes, as sensor clarity was often inhibited within the raging nexus of the storm. Nevertheless, the enemy pilots moved quickly to intercept, shunting power to their weapons in the process.

“Open foils now! Evasive pattern Delta-21!” With the flip of a switch, Electra-12 unfolded her wings, before pushing her control sticks hard to the left, initiating a sharp break in the same direction. Her wingmate turned in the opposite direction, drawing two of the bandits on his tail as Electra-12 drove her TIE in a tight loop, quickly getting on the six of the less-maneuverable X-Wing and executing a barrel roll to prevent an overshoot. Not a moment later, she willed her laser cannons to deliver a salvo of emerald beams into the bandit’s fuselage, the craft consumed by flames before smashing into a burned-out hulk in a fiery explosion. Pulling a reverse Split S to avoid the same fate, the clone slammed the accelerator to close in on the two X-Wings going after her wingmate. However, with her wingmate having drawn the X-Wings into a particularly dense section of the debris field, the clone quickly realized the opportunity to attack from an unexpected angle. Cutting her engines, the clone dipped her TIE into the pit of a nearby asteroid and waited for her wingmate to come through with the two X-Wings in tow. Before long, the three fighters passed overhead and Electra-12 accelerated her fighter onto their six, casting forth a salvo of emerald beams that initially pounded against the bandits’ shields, before overloading the energized barriers and consuming their X-Wings in fire, sent careening down into the depths of the debris field to crash or explode somewhere far out of sight.

The breath held taut in her chest was released as she shot down the third X-Wing, only for her eyes to dilate once more as more incoming signatures registered on her sensor readout, seemingly a mixed squadron of B-Wings, A-Wings, and X-Wings.

And so it seemed, the predators were now the prey.

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Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
[Commodore Liedran Kathause]
[1st Expeditionary Fleet - 3rd Carrier Line]
[ANV Cadence - C.I.C]

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha , Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva , Syndulla Command Syndulla Command , Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash , And whomever I'm missing?

Enough time spent under the gaze of Csilla's broken remnants had begun to claw into her mind. First with a strange, uneasy feeling chilling her blood. As time passed by, short visual snippets of her time over the doomed planet flashed briefly in memory, blurry at first but rising in definition. At times, the commodore found herself staring into years' old casualty listings splayed on the situation monitor for long seconds that covered so many hours of terror and fear. Other times, the audial nature of the memories was left untouched, though like the visual nature, it only achieved this over many iterations of distortion.

Screams. Screams suddenly rang out in haunting clarity, set against backdrops of clangs, explosions rumbling through thick metal. Some she recognized. Others had been long hidden from memory. Panicked cries sent Liedran's blood into a rush until finally they silenced. She blinked, and at the moment the lids of her eyes touched, her visual processing centers were flooded with unintelligible information, until the fiery contours at last aligned; at that moment, she was treated to the image of....

"-Ma'am, we're picking up a communication originating outside of the emergence. It's pretty garbled but-"

"Play it." The commodore ordered with a short-lived shiver.

Liedran's hand withdrew a circular device from the surface of the command and control table, setting the speaker up against her ear. What came crackling from the other end announced a long awaited arrival. Beyond the deadly bars of their cage, Alliance reinforcements were confirmed to be assembling, proceeding for the stranded fleets within.

All she had to do was hold out until then.

"Ma'am. It's another communication. Short range signal..." Accompanying the comms officer's report was a peculiarity on the radars: the shape of a friendly cruiser, drawing closer to the groups of contacts representing the 3rd Expeditionary. "ANV Reverence, under Captain Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash . Their long-range comms are offline, but the captain is awaiting orders."

"Send Captain Orcash my regards through a direct beam, and draw Reverence in-"

A flash of bright red burst into the frame of the aft viewscreen, then another... two more. Liedran's blood again was bathed in a layer of frigid paralysis, and her thoughts were interrupted by a burst of realization. She'd seen these crimson lights before. They were autocannons, Brotherhood autocannons just like those encountered over Kril'Dor.

Another flash of light burst in the eyes of each onlooker as the four rounds from the autocannons found their mark, and burst through the frame of a
Numerator-class Frigate. The first sheered against the starboard flank of the vessel's superstructure, ripping officers and equipment alike from the safety of the Fermata's interior, and depositing them as lifeless husks in the vacuum outside. A second bore a cavernous hole where the vessel's port impulse drive had once been. And as fresh reports were uploaded to the Cadence's C.I.C, and as the senior staff scrambled to address them, the final two shots sheered clean through the forward axis of the Fermata. In stunned silence, Liedran watched its frame tear apart with every detonation of an unlucky subsystem, until finally: A violent burst of energy expanded from aft of the frigate, enveloping the dead vessel in an eruption of antimatter.

Embedded in the violent image, Liedran once more bore witness to Csilla, engulfed in maddening eruptions of blue and white, fragments lined with a fiery red leaping from its center.

"Get me the location of those autocannons! I want our turbolaser batteries trained on them!" A furious Liedran spun her gaze from the viewscreens, mouth foaming in a terrible amalgamation of regret and hatred. "Turn Rhapsody around, I want every gun she has trained on that blasted cruiser as well. Fighters, pull in to harass their escort ships." She watched the displays spurring into greater motion than before as the line's Majestic-class cruiser maneuvering to deposit the brunt of its firepower into the frame of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's Exactor. Fighters adopted new courses in the explosion of movement, tearing in for strikes against the shielding of the two Ascendant pocket star destroyers. "Get our Sacheens re-aimed. Mass drivers target the spine of their frigate! Request that Captain Orcash offer whatever assistance he can."

While their momentum kept the 3rd Expeditionary on course for escape, the bows of their main warships had begun to spin about, and any notion of retreating the engagement died the way the
Fermata had.

The Brotherhood would pay for the Armistice. They'd pay for the Fermata. And if Liedran was permitted the chance: They'd pay for Csilla.

-@Marlon Sularen's autocannons destroy the ANV Fermata
-In retaliation, each of the Cadence's available turbolasers and Rhapsody's missiles are turned toward disabling the
-@Cruanless Orcash and the Reverence are welcomed into the formation
-Liedran develops a hunger for Brotherhood blood

Liberator Class Star Defender -- ANV Cadence [INTACT]
Numerator-class Frigate - ANV Fermata [DESTROYED]
Hidar II-class Frigate - ANV Chorale [INTACT]
Hidar II-class Frigate - ANV Prelude [INTACT]
Majestic II-class Heavy Cruiser - ANV Rhapsody [INTACT]
Sacheen II-class Escort Frigate - ANV Armistice [DESTROYED]
Sacheen II-class Escort Frigate - ANV Overture [INTACT]
Sacheen II-class Escort Frigate - ANV Sonata [INTACT]
Nagata-class Heavy Corvette - ANV Minuet [INTACT]
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Location: Adethorpe
Objective: Engage Alliance Forces
Focus: Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash
Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
| CETCOM CETCOM | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Foes: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash | Bashir Bashir | Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command

Kenth stood aboard the bridge silently of the Adjudicator II watching as chaos unfolded around the cloaked ship, the transpariteel viewport displaying the wreckage and debris of Csilla, engulfing the brawling Alliance and Maw forces. It was the monument to their sins and almost poetic to see the dead world strike back in such a way. It had been under a month since Kenth had forsaken his mercenary status and already he was thrown into a battle with insurmountable odds, yet he knew he would've always been dragged into the war, on one side or another.

As he stood there the bridge itself was bustling with life as ensigns and ratings darted between their posts. A panicked voice was heard across the bridge as one of Adjudicator's escorts the FDV Magnes began drifting off course. "Sir! The Magnes is hailing us! They've lost all engine power and are drifiting towards the debris field!" Kenth remained standing there silently, looking out of the viewport at the Magnes. After a few seconds Kenth spoke. "We won't break our cloak, she's doomed anyway. All we can do now is hope that th-" his words were cut off as the ship erupted into a bright light as it made contact with the debris field.

Letting out a sigh he turned towards the bridge crew. "Once more unto the fray." he said before pausing, the bridge falling silent as the crew turned their attention to him. "We find ourselves trapped and outgunned. Nothing we haven't faced before." he continued and a low murmur of agreement could be heard. "These Alliance dogs would see this debris field become our tomb yet today we will be the ones to be the hunters." the murmurs grew louder. "To action stations." he finished and the bridge erupted back into the flurry of action .

"Helmsmen bring us towards the Alliance line, keep our speed low. No point blowing our cover." he said and the ship lurched forward as it's Ion Engines were brought to life. The Adjudicator was invisible to most scanners and the naked save for a shimmer in the cloak a starfighter pilot could see if he got close enough.

As the vessel slowly skirted on the outside of the battle Kenth looked towards his allies and adversaries. It was clear Sularen was here to fight and even without a tac map he knew this. Sularen had a grudge against the Alliance and he thirsted for vengeance and glory. The other Final Dawn Vessels of Admiral Garrick and Hafey were also committed to the pitch battle and it seemed only the Fatalis had an interest in escape. As he stood there thinking Kenth's second walked up to him. "Are we to proceed towards the opening sir?"

Kenth spoke without turning to him. "We have often served as an insurance policy and we won't deviate now." he said, focusing his attention towards the gap in debris. "In the event the battle takes a turn for the worse we need to ensure the Final Dawn and Maw have an opening." and more importantly the Adjudicator could be in a position to escape he thought in addition to his words. "We focus our attack on this ship." he said, referring to Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash 's Reverence. "They're still moving to a more defensible formation of the gap, disrupt them now and gaps in their formation will begin to appear." he finished off.

The Adjudicator II flew invisibly towards the Gap and the ANV Reverence and by now the Bridge crew were silent as the ship flew past brawling alliance and mawite ships undetected. "Sir we are in range. Shall we enga-." his 2IC said from the data pit. Kenth remained silent, raising his hand just before the man could finish. "Missile launchers are ready correct?" The officer nodded before replying. "Yes sir but our heavy turbolaser batteries will need time to cycle before being able to fire." Kenth looked back to reply "That's fine, the opening salvo of our missiles should give them a surprise, enough time to charge up the turbolasers." he hoped, not knowing if that was truly the case. He proceeded to look down into the other datapit. "Prepare to deactivate the Stygium cloaking device."

The crewman's fingers danced across his control pad before he looked back up to Berik, awaiting the final confirmation. As the Adjudicator drifted closer and closer Kenth remained stalwart. He knew that eventually the short range sensors of the Alliance ship would pick them up but closing in as much as he could on the target was the core of his strategy. In an instant he shouted a command "Now!" and suddenly the ship's cloak was dropped. To ships around the Adjudicator the cruiser will have appeared from thin air and to make matters worse it opened up with a salvo of concussion missiles, headed straight towards the Reverence. The Captain could only hope that he would now have enough time to charge up his other weaponary before the Alliance ship could return fire.

  • A cloaked Adjudicator II makes its way towards the gap in the debris.
  • Once closing on the Alliance forces it singles out the Reverence and drops its cloak, engaging it with concussion missiled


Location: Outer Hull of the Bunghole
Attire: Standard
Loadout: The Harbinger, Lightsaber
Primary Adversary: Rannan Kol
Additional Tags: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber , The Mongrel The Mongrel
Ally Tags: Open

Traden now drifted further away from the battle, his body experiencing the deathly cold vacuum of space, pulling on his eyelids as if it desperately desired to be let inside. He used the force to help shield his body from the cold, concentrating on the presence that had brought him here.

A slow nagging fear crept into the back of his mind as he looked out into the empty void that lay in front of him…. A fear that he had been somehow deceived… tricked… into a deadly error. All the ships were now battling behind him, and he saw his fate growing clearer as he looked out into the stars in font of him.

And yet… the presence drew closer. He hoped beyond hope that his faith in the force would be rewarded by something other than his own eventual death in the void. Despite everything that had happened, all the grief he experienced, he still had one reason to live…

His thoughts were now filled with images of his beautiful daughter, smiling up a him with such a pure innocence and joy. She needed him…. He could not afford to die and leave her all alone in this horrible galaxy… no… he was not that selfish.

He closed his eyes, drawing on the inner force and pushing forward in faith that this was not the end… it could not be the end.

Suddenly a large vessel exited out if hyperspace directly in front of the force master, replacing the stars with its massive and decrepit hull. His eyes widened as adrenaline kicked in, his body drawing quickly towards the side of the vessel. It had to have been the best possible timing that only the force could claim credit for, because Traden passed through the shields as they recycled and recalibrated from the jump, activating again just as he passed through the threshold.

Traden reached out and attempted to grasp onto the hull. He was coming in much too quickly, and his hand was yanked violently as it was ripped forcefully away from the hull, twisting the master and smashing him head first into the durasteel. Dazed, he reached out with his other hand quickly and was barely able to take hold of the hull before he drifted away.

He stayed there for a moment, his legs stretching out into space as both hands now held on with a death grip. The master breathed heavily as he shook the dizziness away, trying to regain full clarity in his mind.

A smirk spread across his face as he processed what had just happened, realizing that his faith in the force had been rewarded 100 fold. He mentally expressed his gratitude to the inner force as he pulled the rest of his body towards the hull. He didn't know the reason why the force had brought him out through the void to this particular ship, but he knew that he was on the cusp of destiny... fate….

…The will of the force…

Suddenly Traden looked up as he saw a hatch open outward, about 50 feet from his location, releasing a mist of compressed oxygen into space as a being emerged onto the outer hull of the vessel. It's head darted around, looking, until it's gaze finally locked onto the force master.

Traden looked the being over… seemingly obvious that it was a dark acolyte of some kind. Likely a slave of their master… the one who's presence was almost weighing the divergent Jedi down by this point.

Traden reach out out through the force and searched for the masters location…. He was deeper inside the ship, he could feel it strongly. Traden shared one of his thoughts with the source of the dark presence inside the vessel…

Why not come out and meet me yourself? Afraid of the void?

Traden pulled the lightsaber from his side and ignited it, releasing a brilliant teal color that illuminated the hull around him. The Acolyte responded, igniting his own red saber as he glared at the force master. Then the two of them pulled towards each other at the same time, releasing themselves from the hull as they began to drift towards each other, their sabers destined to collide soon within the cold void of space.

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Tags: Open​

Lyrrin's hands were tight around the flight controls of his bright red ISP-6, a comically small rendition of an old Imperial shuttle though despite its age the sub-compact shuttle was equipped with a Hyperdrive, as he brought the spacecraft into the battlefield. The ship was so small it would be a feat to spot it without the assistance of sensory equipment or to fly right by it even with its ruby red paint job which was done in order to cause pause from the red loving Brotherhood.

As the diminutive shuttle zipped towards the enemy lines the flight felt like an eternity as each second crept by in Lyrrin's focused mind. Without warning an engaged pair of starfighters soared past the ISP-6's cockpit which caused Lyrrin to jump a little in his seat "This was a mistake!" he chided himself "Could've taken the assignment on Corellia but nooo you had to choose this one." the shuttle continued on its way and for all Lyrrin knew he was still undetected.

Passing by several more ships actively exchanging vollies of mass-driver and turbolaser fire the agent finally could see the objective ahead of him.



Location: The Liberator, Jax's X-Wing
Equipment: Alliance Jedi Guardian Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Traden Avarice Traden Avarice , Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic , Maestus Maestus (Enemy), Haon Hafey Haon Hafey (Enemy)

Jax heard Traden's voice in the radio, the two of them have become fast friends ever since the aftermath of Jedha. He even helped Jax adjust when Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen shot his eye off. The Jedi Master still wasn't used to the limited vision and he has hasn't trained with the Force to cover his blind spot yet. Still, as long as Jax relies on his instincts he should be fine. However the Liberator is anything but.

"We got boarders inbound!" The Vice Admiral said through the intercom.

"Be careful!" Jax said to Traden. "We got enemy fighters swarming all over the Superstar Destroyer!"

The Jedi Master arrived at the hangar seeing being swarmed by Brotherhood troopers with the two fireteams that Jax had sent being pinned down. "There's enemies everywhere!" One of the Marines shouted. "We can't launch the rest of our fighters!"

"Calm down marine!" Jax shouted activating his Lightsaber to deflect the incoming bolts. "We have to keep pushing through to create space for our fighters! My Padawan Niyta will also be your field commander for this! Now let's flush these bastards out!"

Jax leapt over the debris taking out one hapless soldier who was out position before calling on the force to lift a downed engine. Blaster bolts were whizzed past Jax one grazing his armor but he threw the debris onto the gaggles of soldiers firing on him. As soon as it landed, there was large explosion Jax shielded his eyes to see the Brotherhood soldiers either reduced to cinders or were running around flames wrapped all over them. "Attack!" The Jedi Master yelled as the Marines ran out of cover and began to return fire.

The Jedi Master rushed ahead deflecting blaster bolts and slicing and dicing his way through the hangar. There was another explosion but Jax was too immersed in the Force not to be thrown off balance. "Our shields are down!" The Vice Admiral yelled. "Master Thio! We're going to need you to take care of that Starship that's giving us beating."

"A little busy here sir!" Jax said. "But as soon as we clear them out I'll see what I can do!"

"On the double Thio!"

"Ah chit!" Jax saw his X-Wing in the corner and sighed. "Right!" Jax saw the marines mopping up the last of them. "

"Nitya!" Jax turned to his padawan running towards her. "There's a battlecruiser that's giving us some major damage! I'm going to have to lead a squadron to try to take it down. I'm leaving command of these marines to you, they seem to have the upper hand but they can definitely use a Jedi's help!"

Jax smiled placing a hand on Nitya's slender shoulder. "You may not have been training long under me," he said. "But I know you can do it, you are a Jedi Nitya! Show these people what it means to be one."

It was then Jax rushed to his X-Wing and began to make the preparations for take off. <I should've been in that scrap Jax!> BB-12 beeped while Jax lifted off.

"Don't worry BB," Jax smiled as he flew out of the hangar. "The party has just begun and there's plenty more where that came from!"

<Oh I can't wait!> BB-12 whirred.

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Another day another battle.

Kaul hated war mainly because it meant he had to get up even earlier in the morning and there were no days off. "Fracking hell," Kaul moaned while he remained in position. To think he wanted to go back to doing nothing but that was military life for you and of course the military loves them a good war. "This is Renevant five," Kaul said sighing. "I'm about to go and engage the enemy. You would think I get paid extra for taking down cruisers the size of a planet but I'm not complaining."

Oh no he wasn't at least not anymore, Kaul had his first taste of battle back at Jedha and quite frankly it felt a little exhilarating. These Brotherhood bastards really loved to kill everything they see and Csilla was one of the poor souls that incurred their wrath. It was time for more payback and hopefully they will go away. "Time to unleash some blaster cannon!" Kaul shouted firing on the Brotherhood fighters.

Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne , Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo , Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard , Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen (Enemy), Electra-12 Electra-12 (Enemy)




”A sip, would you like? Tevraki whiskey, it is.”

A chuckle scratched at Osarla’s throat and the broad-shouldered woman nodded, and accepted the offer of the mite-sized Knight. A fine drink, Tevraki Whiskey.

“Might more than a sip, hun.”

If someone so small could consume a swig before battle, surely someone as elephantine as herself could manage a gulp or – oh this was good, easy, the right kind of burn like a sweet fire that pulled at the cheeks and heated her insides in a direct path right to the belly – or two. Two swigs.

“Ah,” She grimaced and handed back the flask to Yenna. Just as that little red dot got more aggressive and plentiful.

“Can’t have the spoils of war without the war.”

Bug forwarded the update of the schematics up to the Bridge, scuttling back three steps to repurpose his technology for something more aggressive.

ATTN: Syndulla Command Syndulla Command
//ENGAGED: //pending//

The screeching of the dark-coloured shuttle, handing the drink back to the little green woman, Bug relaying his report, all happened about the same time. The mountain of a woman hardly flinched from the spray of sparks and flames of metal and metal, the ship surfing across the silver flooring until managing to properly drop its landing gear and teeter just before the ramp dropped and a figure emerged.

Osarla tensed, dropped her hand to the sabres at either side of her hips and rolled her shoulders, taking a step forward.

"I have come to visit a friend. Where can I find Yenna?"

Somehow the voice bounced from the cavernous walls of the massive metal construct without technology. Osarla could feel it tremor through the Force’s natural waves, accompanied by the fervent focus of the speaker. A focus not meant for her. Not meant for the dreadnought, nor her men. Not yet, at least.

<Hold your fire. Maintain positions.> The captain commanded, with a tight gesture of her fist that was relayed to the positions on either side of the hostile shuttle. The troopers, clad in armour painted with the likeness of her montrals, held their blasters at eye-level, peering down their scopes and ready to fire at the slightest gesture of hostility.

Blue gaze remained fixed on the sith, her poise remaining tight. Prepared.

Her lip curled up in distaste, not favouring this approach. The darkness.

But friends were curious things. For a second, she looked to the bandaged alien at her side. Only a second, then back to the threat she was still evaluating. Her voice was toward the woman only, finding it inappropriate for her to insert in the conversation that was so clearly directed to the pointy-eared ally.

“A friend, hun? You want to meet them too?”

ALLIES | GA | NJO | Yenna Yenna
FOES | BOTM | Dimitri Voltura



Libertas quae sera tamen



Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

The Predator was certainly no Prophet but it was an amicable ship all the same. It would not serve him to the same extent of his own flagship, and while he had preferred to engage in this battle amongst the stars comfortably on his own accord, the greater schemes in motion required him to go elsewhere. A frustrating revelation, but one which would ultimately play to his favor in the end. The galaxy had learned to fear The Prophet, knowing full well the necromantic saint was tucked in its belly, it became a target. Yet, here, where he was least expected, is where his heart of darkness could unfurl its inky wings to their fullest span. The thunderous hum of the war waging beyond the walls surrounding him did little to disturb his concentration, to unfetter his mind from the empyrean chains cast outward to fish through the debris and stars. Beyond him, the Dark Lord of the Sith searched, his Presence lurching after the pulsating signatures of the Light-blinded dancing amongst the carnage.

Toil of the mind was his strength, sith sorcery his art, and with the ebon rise of his armored chest, his will be done. His insidious tendrils pierced the chaos, coiling around the minds of the unprepared, sinking in with barbarous ease to rend thoughts apart and drive the unguarded to sickening madness. It was unseen, unheard, as though the Dark Lord himself had manifested in their crafts and placed a tender hand on their shoulders, his murmurs against their ears casting doubt upon their intentions and twisting their wills.

It was a sudden pox upon the battlefield, Alliance pilots veering wildly off the tails of Mawite craft, only to smash into their comrades, obliterating them in muted bursts of energy and light. His parasitic grasp leaped from one mind to the next as lives were snuffed out in the vacuum where no screams of despair would be heard. His razored focus was seen in flashing bursts, ripples of energy coursing through the air to those keen to them, the ghosts of his spectral sadism presented as disturbances upon a pond's surface. An X-wing smashed into the shields of the Predator, casting itself to annihilation as a bird against a windowpane. Another surged into a squadmate inexplicably, sundering the engines of the craft, clipping its wings to smash into the grinding debris ahead.

The shadow of his wings cast The Predator into Darkness, and in this shade, he reveled, sowing the seeds of his chaos between the verses of war, orchestrating the composition to a vapid cadence beyond salvation.

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Negative? I raised my eyebrows when the answer came from the Warlord. I haven’t asked back yet, as it wasn’t my job to question his order. I just give tips, ideas, nothing more. However, I have to say, I was really wondering why. Fortunately, however, he began to explain in a matter of moments why. I wasn’t really aware of the things in space, as I wasn’t responsible for the space battles, I fought on ground only. At the moment on a spaceship, but it's incidental. I wasn't a pilot or a fleeter.

<< What if we tried to steal it? >> I asked amusedly.

However, what Mongrel said, it was logical. I was hoping there would be no need for a retreat. I loved that if we win or are able to defend our territory. I was a little disappointed and sad that there would be no fireworks today, but in return for a bigger plan, I was willing to accept it all. Although, yes, it was a bad feeling to lose one’s fun! I nodded at the man's words and then realized that there was only an audio connection between us, meaning he wouldn't see my answer reaction.

<< Alright, warlord! Then the missile storage is the target! >> I replied to his words.

I was quick to think about what I needed for all of this. For grenades and explosives. Luckily, I’ve already looked at where the traditional armoury is on the ship. Luckily, there was such a warehouse on the way, so I'll have to go there first. A little extra gear never hurts. In particular, timers were needed to give us time to leave before the inside of the ship was sufficiently damaged. True, my armour was plenty to hold me alive in space if he needed to. But I didn’t want to try what a space walk was like. And I answered Mongrel's words.

<< Roger that, warlord! See you soon! Until then, I will serve myself from the GA's explosives stock to help us with our work. >> I told him this too.

With that, I left a datapad there in the flight, I didn't need it anymore. And I couldn’t really take it with me because I didn’t have anything I could put into it. It’s a friendly reminder to myself to get some kind of bag that can hold a lot of things, yet it’s easy to move around with it. I stepped out into the hallway, the fights could still be heard from a distance; I was hoping the Warlord would have the time and opportunity to get out of the hangars. And after a quick walk of a minute or two, I arrived at one of the armouries.

I used the previously stolen and looted code cylinder to get in. As I entered, I grinned wide under my helmet. It will be really fun! I quickly looked through what I could find here. Firearms or something like that are not interesting, nor are melee weapons. From these, I can get the right equipment, probably better and more unique. Oh, the jackpot! There were grenades. They are normal in size and smaller. Last but not least, there were simple explosives.

But now I needed a bag, it was here too, so I packed my booty into it. But one thing was confusing; there were no guards nearby. However, I had to think about it because when I would have gone outside, the two guards also came back in a hurry. So much for getting to where I needed to go quickly and easily…





H A R D _ S I X


Revenant Squadron

Talon Squadron

Saber Squadron

Brotherhood of the Maw

Revenant engages Narcheria
Chaar hangs backs, while the
other pilots are sent to
draw out the TIEs

A clime emitted from Chaar’s control panel. One minute to target.

Revenant Squadron wove between the debris of Csilla and the floating hulks of Alliance and Brotherhood vessel. The ever-shifting obstacles formed a moving three dimension minefield, requiring absolute and single-minded attention from the pilots. Chaar gripped his control yoke white-knuckled as he swung, dipped and dived between the obstructions to hone in on their target. Power had been shunted away from weapons to bolster his engines and reinforce his shields - their laser cannon were useless out here against the fast-moving pieces of debris.

Revenant Three had found that could the hard way when their B-wing collided with the rear half of a burned-out Alliance frigate. The only consolation for the pilot was that their death had been instant. Had they had time to eject, the momentum would have carried them into a swirling chunk of Csilla at hundreds of kilometres per hour, or seen their flight suit punctured by durasteel micro fragments.

Com silence had followed - there was no time to mourn the dead, and to abandon their mission would have put the squadron’s pursuit of glory at risk. Besides, the Umbaran decided that Revenant Three had obviously not been up to standard.

Chaar shot into an area of relatively clear space just in time to see the TIE Hunters finish off a trio of X-wings. “On scopes”, he advised as he diverted power back to weapons. Final Dawn doctrine was skewed overwhelmingly to all-out offensive action at the detriment to speed and shielding. Revenant Squadron, with its rounded mix of starfighters, would deal with the TIE Hunters in short order.

“Three Flight, split ‘em up,” he ordered to the four A-wings. The faster movers would be able to fly rings around the TIEs. “Two Flight, suppression - I want those shields worn down.” The torpedos and wing-mounted laser cannons of the X-wings would be able to hary the Final Dawn shields so the B-wings could finish them off with a barrage of heavy weapons fire.

Revenant Leader always liked to have the kills against his callsign.

Chaar looped his B-wing around the edge of the clear zone as he switched to proton torpedos and readied himself for the killing blow. The other Revenant pilots dove headlong toward the enemy, putting themselves in the firing line to split up the enemy formation. They’d need to weather the storm to draw out the enemy, but when they did, he’d swoop in to save the day.

This would all be over soon - another commendation for Revenant’s growing record.

"Incoming hail from the Defiance. Admiral Myneto has ordered the battlegroup to rally at his coordinates."

"Inform the admiral our task force arrived off course," Captain Bashir never turned his gaze from the holotable, "We'll rendezvous with Defiance when-"

Turbolaser fire slammed into the Starhawk and this time he was thrown from his feet. Despite all the interference and confusion their prey had detected City of Ashes on her flank. Sparks erupted across the bridge and Commander Halcyon pulled a mangled crewman's body off one of the diagnostic stations while fire suppression crews battled to contain the spread.

"Emergency evasive!" he cursed, "Someone give me a damage report."

"Forward deflectors down sixty percent!" there was a gash across Rana's scalp but the executive officer didn't seem to notice, "Starboard down fifty! Hull breaches on multiple decks! We can't take another hit like that."

"No," Bashir agreed, "We cannot."

A conventional assault upon the dreadnought was doomed to fail. Even the City of Ashes in all her glory was simply outgunned by such a monstrous behemoth. Aftab might be a devoted officer but he didn't need anyone to tell him the odds. He knew them better than most. However years of military experience had also taught him to examine his surroundings and use everything possible to accomplish his objective.

"Status on the tractors?"

"They're charged..." Rana hesitated, "Sir, we'll never get close enough."

Bashir shook his head and gestured at the Starhawk's holotable.

"Target the closest piece of stellar debris," a growing emergence reflected in the mon cal's murky black eyes, "Our calculations will need to be precise."

"Vengeance for Csilla," Halcyon smirked when comprehension dawned.


All it took was a little nudge to break off a fragment of the emergence. Cycling the Starhawk's heavy tractors up to accelerate its relative velocity, their slingshot trajectory would bring it around on a new collision course with the titanic Maw flagship. Captain Bashir ordered navigation to match its course, using the cosmic projectile to shield their approach for an attack run.

  • City of Ashes shields are weakened significantly by star dreadnought barrage. Hull damage across multiple decks.
  • Takes evasive action and uses its magnite crystal heavy tractor beams to throw a very large chunk of flaming Csilla at the Fatalis.
  • Attempts to use the emergence to shield its advance.
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The Corellian Sharpshooter
Tags: Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Brotherhood of the Maw, Elite Raptor Squadrons
Enemies: GA, Whoever is foolish enough to attempt to liberate Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Dantum "Dan" Kryszar was anxious to get his Jedi prisoner down to the cells, where he could be better guarded from attacks. Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , the man who hired him, had told Dan to protect the prisoner from potential rescuers at all costs. Dan could infer that the rescuers would be dangerous, as his client had given him two squadrons of elite soldiers. Not only would they be dangerous, but they would probably be Jedi. Dan was sure he could handle one or two Jedi, but just in case, he brought along the Elite soldiers. Jedi were notoriously unpredictable, and Dan knew that to be caught off guard was risky when dealing with Force-users. He just hoped that his preparations paid off, and that the soldiers were capable enough.

The Corellian Sharpshooter gestured to four Elite Raptor Supercommandos, who surrounded Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . Dan saluted to his client "I'll keep this one under watch. He won't escape." The Supercommandos led the Jedi out of the command room, and into the hallway. As the door closed behind them, Dan leaned towards another Elite soldier and said quietly: "Ready your blaster. If he tries anything funny, the slightest suspicious motion, stun him." Dan's client had never said anything about keeping the prisoner conscious, and Dan wasn't willing to take any chances. Personally, he would have the Jedi stunned every couple hours. It was the safest option. But Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen had made it clear that he wanted the Jedi ready for questioning, and constant stunning didn't exactly leave you in the best condition. Oh, well.

After a few more minutes of walking, they reached the cells. Dan was glad to see that his preparations were coming along well. Multiple checkpoints and sentries had been stationed along the hallways, all ready to alert the others at the sight of potential rescuers. Key word: potential. Dan had been in the business long enough to know how to protect a prisoner, and he was almost certain that nothing could get through. The Elite Raptor Troopers would take out any regular enemies, and Dan could handle any Jedi. He was no novice with his laser-edged knife.

Dan walked up to the two troopers on either side of the cell door and showed them his key card. They stepped to the side, and the soldier closest to the control pad dissolved the ray-shield. With a nod from Dan, the four Supercommandos escorting Dagon bodily hurled him into his cell. Dan went through protocol: "Take up your posts around the door. You two, ready your blasters. Stun him if he attempts to talk to you. You there, are the oxygen regulators in place?" The Elite Raptors took up their positions, and the soldier who Dan had asked about the oxygen regulators showed him the control tablet. Dan nodded with satisfaction. One of his brighter ideas. If the prisoner became hostile, the cell's oxygen levels would immediately drop, forcing the Jedi into unconsciousness.

After everything was in place, Dan addressed the Supercommando by the control panel: "Close the ray shield as soon as I leave the cell. Right after I leave the cell. Understand?" The soldier nodded. Dan entered the cell and walked down the short flight of steps leading from the door to the bottom. The Jedi, who was hunched over, showed no recognition as Dan cocked his sniper rifle, set to stun. "Looks like you'll be stuck here for a while. Unfortunately, you won't be trying any Jedi Mind-Tricks on me or my squads. I know how you Force-Users usually escape from captivity. Not while I'm in charge. Don't worry, you won't feel a thing."

And with that, Dan stunned the Jedi and watched him crumple to the hard floor. The bounty hunter calmly walked back up the steps and through the doorway. The Supercommando activated the ray shield behind him. Dan looked around him. Everything was in place, his traps and checkpoints were set, and the prisoner was secured. There was no way any rescue party could get to the Jedi with him and his squads on guard. Dan took a seat on a bench near the cell door. Now all he had to do was wait.


Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Halketh Halketh | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

All around her the colors swirled and spun. She could see them. Feel them around her. The people these colors came from. Their fear, hope, hate, determination. Younger, more untrained, these very emotions, these colors, they'd of overwhelmed her. Now? She'd learned to exist among them, to at least be able to separate herself from the mass of colors that could block out her vision.

But no amount of training could prepare her for this.

Greys were symbolic of the dark. Of hate, intents to kill. The dulling of color that only the Dark Side could do. But what she saw wasn't a dulling. A void spread across the stars. Blotting out the colors around her. No, not blocking the colors. Consuming them. Her gaze turned to watch the other ships around them. And the chaos that followed. The colors that were completely consumed brought only death. Pilots crashed. Died. Killed themselves?

The grip on her controls tightened to the point her hands were shaking. No, she was already shaking. The darkness spread around her. Around her master. Threatening to consume the colors they too gave off. Iris closed her eyes. She was scared. Horrified, even. Little by little the colors around her, the blues and reds of fear and anxiety, greyed. Dimmed. Darkened.

She was scared.


Open your eyes.

As the darkness swallowed everything around her, a new light shined in the dark. An emergence of colors, stronger than her own. "Domxite..?" Iris opened her eyes, turning her gaze towards the saber on her hip. The rainbow gem within was silent, but it's light, it's colors, were clear enough to see. Iris nodded her head slowly. Her gaze lifted up, watching as more colors were consumed by the roving shadow.

But what could she do..? An alarm went off. Target lock!? Iris pulled on the controls, just as a spattering of laser fire slammed into the shield of her X-Wing. The other pilot had indeed circled around. She bit her cheek. "Master..! Somethings happening. I- It's like darkness, eating emotions. What do we do?"



Issue #3 - Liberty's Gate

TAGS - Rebirth Rebirth

  • Zaka realizes he's outnumbered.
  • His shields absorb beam fire and feeds energy back into the shields.
  • Zaka uses the Force to escape the cube.
  • Activates cloaking device.

Just as soon as Zaka came out of the evasive maneuver, he felt a sickness in his guts rise to match. Passing the targeted Divine Eagle, he finally spared a glance in the direction of his sensor readouts. Swallowing down the mix of bitter and sour tasting bile, he ground his teeth at the sight of multiple pinged fighters on a direct trajectory for him. El-Bee's concerned warble was the only confirmation he needed to know they were of the same class.

Without other members of Saber, he was on his own.

Just how he liked it.

Pushing the acceleration, he still had some to build distance between the fighters behind him. He didn't know what his plan was yet, but a desperate break for it through the closing jaws of death wasn't his style.

Eyes bright with excitement, a part of him wondered if this would finally be it. He was young, hadn't accomplished much. But in the halls of his ancestors he would be celebrated, he knew it. Hands moving, as if of their own volition, his fighter dipped down, an Eagle's fired armament soaring past, before he bounced forwards. Readouts reading that the second pilot struck.

Expecting a dip in shields, the Saber X-02's shield projection was of the molecular setting. While his shields initially dropped, the energy was converted to empowering his systems. Spotting the visible dial rising on the side with stored energy, he knew what he had to do. "El, divert power to shields!" Diving downwards to avoid expected follow-up fire and the possibility of his shields being overwhelmed, he leveled out immediately before spiraling straight up. He needed to shake the fighters on his ass.

El-Bee trilled.


Energy readouts of proton bombs coming in from multiple angles.

Trying to box him in.

Slow moving ordnance, for slow moving fighters.

The stored energy dial began to dwindle as power as poured back into the ships systems. "Give me allofit when I say!"

No shields. The split second thought cut a swath through his mind, as he recalled the raking fire he scored on Sacrior's Lead.

His finger lifted from the laser cannon trigger, and dropped to the side of the yolk, finding the untouched autocannon stud. He lined up with a pair of fighters directly ahead of him, and pressed the firing trigger into the yolk, belching out tank shredding HEAT rounds. At its rate of fire, he had twenty seconds of constant fire before he was out. Relieving pressure after a few moments from the trigger, he cut speed, and quickly looped to his right. The astromechs high pitched trilling flooded his ears to the point he couldn't even hear the beeping of his console warning of the bombs close proximity.


Repulsors exploded to life, and diverted energy thrusted him with mind-fraying g-forces to cut an impossibly tight path through the void. As his vision darkened on his peripheries, he made the conscious choice of reaching into the empyrean to strengthen him through the maneuver. Abrupt U-turn cut short, he rolled to the left. Mind slower, he barely recognized that the blue glowing object in front of him was a bomb.

A hand shot up from the controls with instinct bolstered by Force training. He expelled the telekinetic energy to alter the bombs path, shoving it downwards instead of across, to create a gap. Fearful of losing his grip, he put more into it than he needed. The grip turned to a squeeze, and the shell collapsed inwards, exploding.

The X-Wing's shields reacted, made visible once again as the X-Wing knifed through the proton's explosion, bright flames lapping at the molecular shields. They worked in overdrive to absorb the energy, transferring it back in a direct loop to the same field that protected him with the flip of a switch. Abruptly overwhelmed, readout displayed in a bloody crimson, he passed through the other side of the blast, racing by multiple Knyghts.

Blackened hull and carbon scoring riddled the fuselage, surrounded by beeping consoles, Zaka cut the source of the intonations and warnings. Already pushing the mistake to the back of his head, he counted himself lucky and flicked the switch on one of the few systems he had yet to use.

The stygium cloaking device.

It was his turn to be the hunter.

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