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Faction Library Hours (New Jedi Order)

Nimdok was there for completely arbitrary reasons. I mean, c'mon. It's a library, not some kind of top secret inner sanctum. He had a clearance pass. Maybe a temporary one, but a pass nonetheless. He was there to read up on a planet that had been settled by exiled Jedi many a century ago.

He arrived in time to hear Oros' explanation of the situation, munching on a bagel while the brain in a jar communed with the Padawans telepathically and ducking whenever the Massassi homunculus flung books at them. Crazy how people in the future were still using paper books. Unless the book was made out of flimsiplast, and I'm reading too much into things. Ha, get it? Reading, books... heh.

As several of the Padawans started running around trying to stop things from happening, Nimdok finally noticed Laraine Laraine in her hoverchair and mask. "Oh hey," he exclaimed, raising an eyebrow. "I wish my daughter were here. She's obsessed with mermaids and has been wanting to meet a Melodie for at least two years now. Er, if you don't mind me saying, miss. She's only eight, after all."

Shrugging, he finished his bagel then asked, "Anybody wanna help me talk down that crazed archivist, Mr. Koth?"

Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok // Laraine Laraine // Oros Oros // Linny Rennis Linny Rennis // Athena Panteer // Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze // Viera Viera // Viers Connory Viers Connory

Overconfident and annoyingly cocky padawans igniting saber pikes in the library. Books used as weapons. Ventilation shafts used as pre-mating grounds for hormonal teenagers. Every single thing that was happening in that very moment went against Aeris’ ideal state of mind. The metaphorical cauldron was starting to bubble with an intensity she had hoped not to reach on her home turf as her hand reached out towards one situation after the other with a desperate grasp at normality again.

“Master Ler Sa Talo!” Aeris exclaimed in an uncharacteristically defeated voice before her hand reached out to point at Kat. “Mind the books!” Finally she turned back towards Dagon and Viers, the lovebirds. “Sneaking kisses in the ventilation?! I mean, really? Out of ALL places?”

And then, without a drop of hesitation, right as the intercoms bellowed a taunt yet again it was pried from the wall. Aeris stood at the border to frustration for a moment before finally she closed her eyes. A deep breath swept between her lips and blew out of her nose.

The centre of being had been reached yet again, catharsis pumping through her veins.

“Now.” She said and straightened her robes. “Dagon, Viers. Would you kindly see to it that our intercoms stopped spouting nonsense?”

“I am death incarnate, I am RUUUUUR!!!” An intercom at the far reaches of the archive spouted. “I will decimate your puny organic fleshbags once I get out of this ridiculously cheap chipset.”

Aeris let in another deep breath. “I will see to Archivist Koth with Mister Nimdok and Knight Laraine.”

And with that Aeris set off towards the Master with the Mask. Enough TALK.
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The Melodie seemed quite pleased at the notion. Nimdok smiled. "Perhaps we can arrange something after all this is dealt with..."

Then the killjoy blonde started yelling at everyone, before turning to him and announcing her intent to join him in his quest. Blinking in surprise—how did she know who he was?—he glanced down at the pass pinned to his shirt, which displayed his name for all to see. "Professor Nimdok, actually," he said, introducing himself formally to the two young women. "Although I'm not employed by the Jedi, so technically I have no such authority here."

He couldn't fathom why the blonde was so upset. Perhaps she was simply overwhelmed by all the activity. Nimdok didn't mind in the slightest; in his view, a bustling library was a healthy one. If anything, her raising her voice like this was breaking the rules on quiet and courtesy.

"The Mask of Momin is a Sith artifact—not the most famous, certainly, but not to be underestimated. I'm not much of a fighter myself, so perhaps you had better go on ahead of us." He nodded to the blonde. Assuming, of course, that she had any combat training. If not, then they would have to rely on his persuasive powers, he supposed.

Tags: Viera Viera | Viers Connory Viers Connory | Dagath Kallig | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Athena Panteer | Laraine Laraine | Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec | Linny Rennis Linny Rennis | Oros Oros

Things were quickly escalating in the library, people were grouping up and heading off to tackle the multitude of issues that were plaguing the archives currently. Kat looked over as she heard the enormous crash of two Padawans falling from the ceiling and looking a mess, one seemed topless and very embarrassed while the second seemed to be more oblivious which was just as amusing. Seemed that they were getting into some trouble, Kat was surprised the vents were large enough for people to crawl around in. The guy was not exactly the super skinny type. As Kat was contemplating the unusual structure of the temple where there were vents the size of people when someone came crashing through a wall.

Well, seemed like the Jedi were doing more destruction to this archive than the Sith artifacts, Kat chuckled deeply. This situation was clearly getting very out of hand, and the super strict woman seemed to be on the verge of a meltdown due to the chaos ensued in the library, telling Kat to mind the books. She rolled her eyes hard, this was clearly a dangerous situation where things were going to get chaotic. Offering a hand, she pulled Viera onto her feet and gave a friendly smile to her. "Yup, seems to be a little peeved off about being in a Jedi Temple. Wanna help taking him down a peg?" Kat offered since people were grouping up, she figured it would be a good idea to get some help in dealing with it.

Seemed that Viera had hurt herself, Kat checked what might be injured with the Force. However, it didn't seem to be anything serious and Kat could heal it completely but she also knew that she likely need to heal more serious injuries later which would take all her energy. Smiling warmly, "nothing seems broken or seriously harmed, I would offer some healing but think we might need the healing after the fighting if you feel able to fight?" Kat explained in case there was something that she missed in her quick scan.

Looking over at the others, "we'll handle the big guy, good luck with the others." Giving a friendly wink to the group with her sunglasses a little lower down the bridge of her nose. Before heading off to the chaos of the massassi warrior, letting Viera follow suit. "So, how do you want to handle this warrior?"
The library was nothing like he had seen it before, it reminded him more of a soldier's mess hall on a cruiser. Except the fact, there were Sith 'issues' loose wrecking havoc and various Jedi heading to solve them.

Dagon had other issues.

What do you mean it's not what it looks like? It looks exactly what it looks like.”​

"Huh?" his head snapped at Viers; she did not look happy. At all. "Wh--huh, I-"​

The wall nearby exploded sending the familiar figure of Viera tumbling in and effectively interrupting his relentless attempts to explain the situation to everyone. The Archivist came next with a machine gun of a tongue.​

Sneaking kisses in the ventilation?! I mean, really? Out of ALL places?” Aeris called them both out and Dagon jolted his head back at her.​

"N-n-n-" he began explaining himself again but the Archivist was having none of it.​

Dagon, Viers. Would you kindly see to it that our intercoms stopped spouting nonsense?”​

“I am death incarnate, I am RUUUUUR!!! I will decimate your puny organic fleshbags once I get out of this ridiculously cheap chipset.”

He sighed in surrender and curtly nodded, "Yeah, will do." then whispering to Viers and gesturing at his chest, "you get what I meant?"​

Viers very slowly began to catch on once Aeris started to accuse her of what Dagon was trying to explain away. Her face slowly faded from the frustration that she felt with Dagon into a look of utter horror. The thoughts of kissing someone in the dark only made the Padawan’s face redden as she suddenly felt like she was going to explode from the blush.

Hands raised and held onto her cheeks: embarrassment and slow realization keeping her from realizing the Thyrisian making her entrance known. Viers began slightly hyperventilating as she met eyes with Dagon, Shit. She thought to herself, why did they have to meet eyes, especially after being accused of what Aeris was thinking. There was only one thing to do.

Deny it all.

“Kissing?! Dagon?! Why would I kiss Dagon in the vents?” She sputtered, finally finding her voice, but the conversation had already passed with Aeris issuing the order. Brown eyes shot back to the other Padawan, and Viers nodded and instantly looked away after realizing that Dagon was still shirtless. She now knew how this looked and hated herself for now entertaining the idea. A sharp whisper back as she began to pull off the small cotton pullover she wore over her thin t-shirt.I understand now, but you need to like uh” Her head free from the pullover as she shoved it into his chest, still blushing, gaze staring at her feet. “You need to put all that away right now so we can focus.”

Almost robotically, Viers turned on her heel and headed in the direction she assumed the creepy voice was located.

Thanks.” Viera took the offered hand and was brought to her feet. She groaned quietly, stretching her arms a little and feeling something in her back pop as she did. “Oh, I’m absolutely down for taking him down. Ain’t anyone gonna get away with punching me through a wall.

Her competitive streak was showing, just a little.

She watched as Kat looked her up and down, and a smirk immediately formed along Viera’s lips. Oh, she knew the Echani was assessing potential injuries, but it didn’t stop the knowing look from appearing.

Viera wasn’t one to forget things, especially not what happened on Jedha.

Probably for the best, yeah. I’ve got nothing too serious, plus a handy lil bit of Force Protection helped soften the blow.” She looked over at the newly made hole in one of the archive’s walls. The sounds of the Massassi’s stomping grew quieter, as it wandered further away. “Though I imagine using that is what led to me going through the wall…

Which was ultimately more preferable than just getting punched into it.

She followed after Kat, hopping through the new ‘doorway’ into the hallway Viera had been in previously. Their target was nowhere to be seen.

Well, I’m unsure if the warrior is fully physical? There’s something ‘off’ about him, even if he can physically throw a punch. We might need to go for a subdue tactic, then locate the source of what summoned him into the archives.

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I must concentrate on maintaining the barrier. Know that I will be with each of you and offer what wisdom I may.

Oros was already beginning to feel the strain of potent darkside energies probing at his mental limits. He could not afford to waste his focus lightly. Coruscant's archives were tiered and split into sections. Down in the tomes where most of the New Jedi Order's ancient paper volumes and scrolls were preserved Linny Rennis Linny Rennis contended with an animated Blade of Ochi.

The Blade craves destruction, the Jedi Master's voice echoed through her mind, To overcome the Blade you must think like a blade. Such single minded focus can be manipulated. Perhaps even trapped.

Meanwhile Athena Panteer had discovered Kressh the Younger's not so final resting place in the historical records where his spirit urn was currently on display. In life Elcho Kressh had not been a paragon of Sith Lords but his ghostly essence could still be quite dangerous as Padawan Rennis discovered after taking a flying book to the eye. Without anything physical to fight back against Athena seemed at a loss.

Lord Kressh's essence is tied to the urn. Can you see its cracks? You must open your mind. Use the Force to find its shatterpoint. Will it to mend and Elcho will be bound once more.

New arrivals. Viera Viera wasted little time in rushing to fight alongside Kat Decoria Kat Decoria against her strange and quite alarming massassi opponent. Kat and Viera soon found out that the massassi could be very physical but even after landing several good counter blows it seemed far more resilient than the legends described. Viera might be right about this not being so simple after all. Fortunately Oros could hear them, and illuminated the Books of Massassi with an aura of light where Archivist Koth had previously been inspecting it in the library's main reading hall. It was more or less affectionately known as the Stacks for the piles of ancient text and modern datapads that tended to accumulate.

Sith Lords are many things but seldom fools. I suspect somewhere on these tablets is a phrase meant to break the curse. If you can help me decipher it we may be able to banish the guardian once and for all.

Elsewhere on the tier above Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and Viers Connory Viers Connory awkwardly approached the library's data core. Even after two centuries of living among and studying humanoids Master Oros could not say he completely understood them. Presumably the padawans were courting but the nuances of such byzantine procreation rituals were somewhat lost on a celegian.

Perhaps it is best to avoid focus on recreational matters, they could both sense embarrassment emanating from his thoughts, Rur is confused about its true nature and extremely paranoid but I am afraid it is also a skilled technomancer even by modern standards. You must deactivate the core and cut off Rur's connection to any other electronics until we can bring in specialists to purge the data virus.

"At last," Rur murmured through a security droid's vocoder. Its hands awkwardly gripped the relic lightsaber hilt meant for display but with its green kyber crystal very much intact. Photoreceptors glowed the same emerald hue.

Also on the library's upper tier Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec led Knight Laraine Laraine and Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok to the astral observatory 'Darth Momin' had selected for his throne room and where he had sealed himself away. Just when they considered how best to breach the library's stellar records their doors wooshed open. A zabrak librarian wearing the ancient Sith mask in question beckoned them forth.

"Enter," it was most definitely not the voice of Archivist Koth that spoke, "I have been expecting you."

Do not trust-

"Begone, tiresome echo."

Oros fell silent. Aeris and the others looked like they were on their own.
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There seemed to be a knowing look to Viera's eyes as Kat examined her for injuries, a look that caused her cheeks to flush and a wave of embarrassment wash over her. Kat was confused to why she felt confused, she didn't know the woman too well and she didn't think any past interactions were cause for embarrassment, Kat tended to be pretty reserved around Jedi and the like so she was puzzled in why she felt this twang of deep embarrassment. Like she had made a fool of herself. Shaking herself loose, she needed to leave that behind and just focus on the current issues.

Locating the Massassi warrior, she twirled her blade around and parried the attacks, her movements quick and sharp as she tried to assess how much of a threat this warrior was. "So, I think it might be best if one of us keeps the warrior busy, while the other searches for the book that the brain guy mentioned?" It was weird, she didn't know the name of the alien being and it was talking to her through telepathy, having someone else in your thoughts was never a comfortable feeling but she realised it was necessary to get the job done.

"I personally don't have much idea of what to look for? How are you on all this Sith artefact business?" Kat looked over to the Jedi, "I can handle fighting this guy, might be tough but handle plenty of guys like this one." Swiftly dodging an attack thanks to her legs and their micro-repulsors. She just needed to stay calm and focus on avoid attacks, the brain dude said that it would hard to kill it with just attacks so, dodging she could do. Flipping back, she created some space between her and the warrior, hearing it roar at her, Kat grinned.

"Arggggghhhhhh! To you too!"

Viera Viera | Oros Oros | Linny Rennis Linny Rennis | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Viers Connory Viers Connory | Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Laraine Laraine | Athena Panteer
Archivist Koth appeared to be possessed by the Mask of Momin. They were not talking to Koth, but to the entity residing within the Mask - a fragment of Darth Momin, presumably - and for the time being, Nimdok felt it prudent for them to interact with the Sith Lord rather than trying to reach the subdued archivist it had ensnared.

"My lord," Nimdok replied with a slight bow. "You do us a great honor. What is it you wish of us?"

The other two Jedi with him might find it difficult to play along with this ruse, but hopefully they would not actively oppose it. After all, what else could they do? Fight the entity while it was puppeteering an innocent body? Koth would take all the damage.

Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok

“Just don’t stare into it’s gaze. That’s how it gets you.” Aeris nodded at Nimdok and Laraine. “And I am trained, yes. I’d rather we find a peaceful solution, though.”

Archivist Koth was a friend. Aeris would not stand jumping to violence first thing that happened. As Nimdok took the lead, Aeris would follow. There was no denying that she was a poor actress, but she tried.

“We are here to, uh,” She had to think fast. “Service-” Damn it. “You.”

“How can we help?”
Linny could feel the cool, soothing and distant voice of the Master Librarian working through her brain as she recovered from her last bout with the Blade, offering 'sage' advice.

The Blade craves destruction, to overcome the Blade you must think like a blade. Such single minded focus can be manipulated. Perhaps even trapped.

Linny pulled her face, trying to push through the fear and adrenaline as her mind tried to process the instructions. Think like a blade? Uhh... pointy stabby kill kill... ugh this is useless. Deep down, Linny had enough respect for her elders and teachers to know that Master Oros was probably onto something, but single-minded focus was difficult for a teenage girl. Especially one like Linny.

It's gonna stab me and stab me I shoulda just stayed in school now I'll never graduate or get a real job or think like a blade, Linny, think never get my own ship or my own apartment or get married or what does it want????

As her brain rattled itself into pieces, she felt the attention of the Blade on her again. Whilst she'd been looking inwards, she'd taken her eye off it and now she was in danger again. Linny squeaked as she ducked down closer to the floor, hoping to avoid a swish or a stab above her head.

Single-minded, wants to destroy, wants to destroy...

She shuffled on the floor, through the masses of torn papers and scrolls. They crinkled and shifted loudly around her as she reached a shelf, looking for the biggest, heaviest, most hardcover tome she could possibly find. It had to be thick and tempting and preferably useless enough to not matter if it was destroyed.

She didn't even look to see what it was, yanking a tome the size of a small dreadnaught off the second shelf up. Straining, she hefted it up as she stood, cracking it open to face the Blade. The ancient pages tensed and cracked with the effort, rippling with the knowledge of ages past.

"Hey! Blade!" Linny yelled, trying and failing to sound persuasive, "look! Right here! The juiciest book in the whole library! All this knowledge, all this Jedi stuff.... I'm gonna learn it all up and you can't stop it!!!" As she made her poor attempt, her hands held the thick binding tight.

Come on, stab it. Stab it. Stab iiiiiiiiit and let me slam it shut.

Oros Oros
Ochi's Blade hovered for a few moments uncertainly before behaving exactly as Linny Rennis Linny Rennis expected. It gave no consideration to strategy or subterfuge. The padawan had simply presented it with an offering too tempting to refuse. It sailed towards her like a thunderbolt and embedded itself deep within the tome. Its blade tip barely poked past the binding, and it wiggled around clearly still hungry for Jedi flesh.

Linny slammed the book shut in triumph. Unfortunately the Blade was still quite animated, so it violently bucked and and rustled, attempting to drag the padawan until she lost her grip.

Meanwhile in the 'throne room' of Darth Momin, the possessed librarian regarded Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok and Laraine Laraine with an eerie calmness for someone apparently stark raving mad.

"Deference? How refreshing," amusement tinged the zabrak's voice, "But I believe the question is how might I serve you."

With a wave of his hand the map room's holographic projector hummed to life. Sith Empire space sprawled before them, the Stygian Caldera where legend told their dark religion was born. Star patterns silhouetted the possessed Jedi's ancient Sith mask.

"Your Master Oros was right to warn you about me. When I reawakened I was confused. I did not know where I was. I made...outlandish claims. I see more clearly now. You are at war with the Sith. Their territories are well known to me...their ancient secrets. I could be of great benefit to your cause."

Momin tilted his head incredulously.

"Surely this is worth the noble sacrifice of one junior archivist?"
"Without a doubt, Archivist Koth would be happy to give up his life to such a noble cause," Nimdok replied, his voice as smooth as silk. "But my lord, I can't help wondering why you would remain with such a weak host when so many stronger and more capable bodies are readily available to serve you. After all, this junior archivist is no great warrior. He likely became an archivist because he could excel in no other field. I understand why you commandeered him first, but surely you only mean to use Koth as a starting point before switching to a much better host."

If the mermaid and the blonde spoilsport who had accompanied him were at a loss as to what he was trying to do, his next words may have given them cause for alarm.

"Might I suggest myself as a replacement?"

Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok // Laraine Laraine // Oros Oros

Aeris was not a woman to really feel insulted. People would always try for many different reasons. Her faith, her species, the privilege of being a Jedi, there were a lot of them. She had heard many insults before, and yet this one sentence, not even intended as an insult cut deep beneath her skin with a painfully barbed edge.

Someone becoming an archivist because they weren’t good enough for anything else.


“Y-yes.” Aeris said and puffed her chest. “I am a trained force user, I would be a far better substitute.” It almost hurt her physically to lie. This was not what she did, she dealt with factual truths and distinctly fictive, fictitious fiction. “Choose me.”

Athena Panteer

Lord Kressh's essence is tied to the urn. Can you see its cracks? You must open your mind. Use the Force to find its shatterpoint. Will it to mend and Elcho will be bound once more.

Athena heard the ghostly words of the master librarian. Even after all her time in the library the disembodied voice gave her the heebie-jeebies. Still, she listen to what he had to say. She was confused to say the least. She had a passing knowledge of force healing, and she could mend a basic wound, but putting an object back together with the force? She'd never even heard of such a thing. It didn't seem that much different, but the large spirit in front of her pelting her with tomes that seemed to increase in size with every hit made things difficult.

She could see the crack on the urn pretty clearly through the translucent Sith Lord, but there was no way she was going to focus. She needed to get the Sith to stop harassing her.

"Hey! I challenge you... to a duel!" she yelled at the force ghost. It was an odd request of course given his circumstances of being dead, but it nonetheless threw him off. She was taking a big chance, but the books stopped flying from the shelves momentarily. Kressh stepped forward and looked down at Athena inquisitively.

"You... what? You insult me, that is what! I would not fight anyone less than... a... a... Master! Yes, a Jedi Master. And you are clearly not one of those. You are puny. I can sense your puniness through the force."

"Oh yeah? Why is that, my lord?"

The Sith was vexed, no doubt. How dare a little Jedi girl challenge him, the Dark Lord of the Sith, to a battle. The absolute gall. He couldn't wait to tell the cocky child all the reasons why she was beneath him. Even in death (not that he seemed to notice that part in his stupor) he had to grandstand.

When the Sith Lord began to list off reasons why he was superior to her, which in life would have definitely all be true, Athena focused on the urn. She blocked out his voice, which became a faint babble in her mind as she closed her eyes and searched through the force for the urn. It took a moment, but she found it. It's aura pulsed, but one spot in particular seemed to leak dark energies. Just feeling it made her shudder, but she remembered that far worse things would come if she didn't stop this.

It was hard with out her hands, but she could use only her mind if she didn't want to alert Kressh to what she was doing, almost literally right below his stuck up nose. She focused on the shatterpoint like Master Oros had instructed, where the darkside was coming out from. She cleared her mind, getting in tune with the urn, just as she would before healing a person. She intermingled her aura with it's, and imagined it fixed. She sub-conscientiously drew the memories of what it had looked like before, from passing glances as she'd walked by it in the past.

The more she focused, the more the darkness seemed to retreat, scuttling back into its hole. When it seemed like it could be pushed no further back, she opened her eyes. The urn was there, the crack more of a hairline fracture than the fissure it had been. And there was no more dead Sith Lord berating her.

As her senses returned to the mundane, her head felt like it was about to split open, and her body felt like it had just sprinted a mile without her knowledge. She sat down against a bookshelf, saving herself from collapsing face first onto the tile. She wanted to call out to Master Oros to tell him she was done, but she couldn't muster a word, and much less a thought that he might be able to read. She was sure he'd figure out soon enough though.

For now she was just gonna lay here, catch her breath, and pray to the force she that wouldn't pass out...

Oros Oros Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Laraine Laraine Kat Decoria Kat Decoria Viers Connory Viers Connory

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