Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life over Politics (Open to Jedi)

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Continuing to walk onward, saying I wasn't upset would be a lie. Part of me still wondered how the Silver Jedi would continue. If their Grandmaster listened to those around him, maybe, just maybe there could be change. Maybe there could be a change. A come to Ashla moment for these Silver Jedi. Understanding that even in the past history of the Jedi, if they ever found themselves shoulder to shoulder with a Sith, they still found a blade being pointing into their back.

Stories of Luke Skywalker attempting to end the threat of the near-god of Abeloth, yet Sith followed the steps of the celestial being trying to gain power over the Jedi. It made no sense for the Silver Jedi to now bed and sleep with the Sith as it was the same Emperor, same order, that removed them from Voss. Broke them. Scattered them.

In my mind, all I could see, was the Sith were slowly turning not just the Mandalorian Empire, but the Silver Jedi into puppets and subservient people to them.

Reaching up, I pulled the helmet from my head. Exposing my blonde hair and a disheveled beard. Rubbing it with my gauntlet clad hand. Closing my eyes to revert back on my training. Calming myself. Easing the flow of the force from me. To control the waves within my soul. Breathing in deeply, I held this breath for many seconds. Letting the air burn within my chest before releasing it.

"Have you heard what is going on with the Jedi?"
"Yes, however I thr-"
"Some are condemning the SJC!"
"I knew some would bu-"
"They saying the NIO was started by the Sith!"
"Yes, but werent-"
"But then they start talking about Operation Kyber Dark and-"
"Just hand me the transponder."
"Don't you have one."
"I uh... broke mine."
"Oh... Here!"

The man handed a transponder to me. Taking a hold of it, i dialed into the call that was taking place. It would be remiss of me not to take part. Anger was difficult for me to control in the past year. After facing that Sith with Poisoned blood striking me, it has been difficult to deal with much stress. Either way, I turned it back on. Seeing the Holo of those there. Activating my own holo, I too would now be showing up as a Hologram to this meeting.

"My point as it remains... on that score... is without their contribution would the NIO exist? Perhaps, perhaps not. However, if the issue is with Sith and the dark side itself, then the reach of it extends beyond one empire. We should not be blind to that. If my point on that was not clear, I apologize."

A Jedi I had not seen before spoke of the NIO being borne of the Sith. While it may have been true, I knew of their operation to end the Sith. They fought against the Sith for many reasons. Even the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order were siding with the New Imperial Order just to take down this Sith Empire. Now proclaiming themselves as the Sith Eternal.

"One Empire at a time. This Sith Empire... Eternal... whatever need to be removed. Only then can we go after the stragglers. Such as the CIS and their various Sith as you have so aptly named. Before we can even start such, the Bryna'dul are a threat yes. However, most voices, are not against the CIS, NIO, or SJC. These voices, are calling for the SJC to not sleep with the the pimp that is the Sith Empire, close their legs, clean up, and do what they have sought to do since the Je'daii Order shattered more than thirty-thousand years ago."

Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Sor-Jan Xantha Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Takui Takui Irridia Solensis Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Auteme Auteme Creuat Creuat Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Mishel Kryze Shaka Sunstar
“This discussion isn’t about the New Imperial Order...this is about the the decision of us fighting alongside the Sith which most of us here present are against.”

"However, if the issue is with Sith and the dark side itself, then the reach of it extends beyond one empire. We should not be blind to that."

“I agree on that point, we should look into the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Do they not have a Sith Lord dictating its government? Thank you for mentioning that, Knight...” trailing off, giving Judah the opportunity to fill in the blank.

As he stood back and watch the arguing continue, he knew he needed to step it. The Jedi teaming with the Sith? This was never the way. He may have fallen to the Sith before, but now he had to make it right

Standing up from his seat he looked around the room as the older men still argued. Caden Evesa Caden Evesa had made a valid point. The Jedi needed to be checked up. What happened to bringing peace, bringing order, bringing harmony to the galaxy?

“Caden is right. We have fallen too far from what the Silver Jedi Order are about. Teaming with the Sith? Unacceptable! This has never happened, and it never should have!

His eyes looked around the room. We should have never teamed with the Sith. The madness needed to stop.

Whatever it takes.

Sor-Jan Xantha

"Are the Brynadul a threat? That remains to be seen."

The small Anzat lurched forward.

Coughing and sputtering, the boy choked on his tea for a moment as he tried to remember how to breathe. Then, letting out a long sigh, sank back in his chair.

Had he heard that right? Had someone really just said that? Did the work by Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill to publicize the disaster that had resulted in total genocide on every planet that the Bryn'adul arrived on somehow not make it into Judah Lesan Judah Lesan 's holo-mail inbox?

"Holy chit," the boy murmurered. Before blinking and trying to focus back on the conversation.

They were quibbling over empires? Something?

Thank kark his master hadn't lived to see this mess.
We all fall in parallel
"I joined the Jedi..." his voice was quiet at first, but as the others became louder, he felt something move in his chest. It was a fire, hot, bright, unwavering. This was his conviction. This was why he agreed, and why he came to Kashyyyk at all. It was why he was here now. He stood up and raised his voice so that the Jedi gathered could hear him. "I came to the Jedi Order to stand against the Darkness. Not to defend it, or condone it. Where there is Darkness, I will not turn my eye away blind. I have no lived my life up to now, learned what I have learned, or seen what I have seen to simply cast it aside in time of war."

He was no one, and yet, his voice mattered. They would hear him, regardless of whether or not they listened. Because at this point, his chips were all on the table.

"I don't care where it is, or who, or what their reasons are." In his mind now he saw his father, wicked, gleaming red eyes and sneering smile jeering him. For Takui, the darkness had tangible form. His convictions came from a very personal place.

And he would hold fast to them.

"Those who have fallen, and those who freely embrace the Darkness, are not and will never be my friends. And if the Jedi condone the atrocities of the Sith, then... maybe I'm not cut out to be one, after all."


Location: Silver Concord ship "Peace"
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber)
"The only thing needed for evil to thrive is for good men to stand by and do nothing"
Listening to all of the conversations, all of the justification, not for standing with one or the other, but personal animosity. What is it that he had truly missed over the last eight hundred sixty years? When he was in the Order, it felt… it felt amazing. He was a part of a peacekeeping organization that did not differentiate with personal feelings. It was a sad feeling that crawled across his chest. No, he did not agree with Starchaser, it was a bold but bad mood to align with such a group without at least bringing it to others first. That did not mean that this was the wrong move.​

The Jedi protected those who needed protection, that was why they kept emotions out of the equation. Sure, he was always a bit of a “hothead” but Caltin could see the benefit in such an approach. The Jedi were often criticized for their reticence to act, the big guy himself was even guilty of this from time to time, but they still acted when it was right to do so. This? This was wrong, all of it, and for the wrong reasons.

Being a Jedi once meant something. He liked where he was, he liked a lot of who he had met, well everyone that he had met at the moment. However there were no Jedi in this room, none of them, they were all simply “Force Users”. They have seemed to forget that the Force is not a tool or an ideal, it was a gift. That was the saddest part. Finishing his tea, all he could do was look around the room, this was not his fight, but he was in it. Someone had to be.

Mishel Kryze

Mishel almost spat out her water when comments were made by the NIO by some random knight. She was going to comment when another spoke instead and then another. She cleared her throat and reached under her desk for the bottle of Rishi Rum she had been keeping. Mishel was sure somewhere Alkor and Kurayami were smiling. The woman sighed, as she pulled the cork with her teeth and spat it out. It may have landed in the waste bin, she wasn't sure. Instead, the brunette just poured the rum into her coffee cup and watched as the coffee drowned in rum. Mishel then drank, no, knocked the entire cup back before setting it back down.
Never let it be said that she did learn at least one thing from the Ren; drinking excessively.
"Grandmaster Starchaser."
"It is clear from those presented that this thought was not done so with care or with the mind of all Silver Jedi."
"So, I say unto you Jedi. Jedi who will not sit here, and be spoken to by those who wish to fondle the very Empire who has crossed through this galaxy with the aim of conquest and oppression. To bring nothing more than death and destruction to this galaxy. To the Jedi who will fight the dark side, who will be the light in the darkness. Throw off these ragged robes of the Silver Jedi Concord. You do not need them and clearly, they do not value you, as a Jedi, let alone a person."
"I say to you, leave the Silvers, and find others. Find the true Jedi who will fight, those who share your values, for it is quite clear that the Silver Jedi Concord no longer share yours."
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The amalgamation of Jedi made Lucien a hint uncomfortable, if he were to be honest to himself. No matter, he found himself placed among the group for the express purpose in taking part of the discussion- or at least be present to witness the outcome of things to come. His loyalties to the Order were no secret, such was the transparency that came with his position. The Jedi, as dispersed as they might be, found their ranks across the galaxy it seemed. Despite his present ties to the Order being as cold as Ilum itself, there was still no reason to doubt that Lucien at least openly claimed to that lost heritage of his when it proved convenient to his duties throughout the galaxy.

His principles more closely aligned him to the Knights of the Order, and his training was unorthodox in its inception, yet the undeniable fact remained that his conviction to the extinction of the enemies of the light was more set in stone than even those who claimed themselves to be the bastion of the that same spectrum of the force within the galaxy. The exiled Prince had made his way to the Order through his desire to the protect the weak from not just Sith, but the inaction of those who were capable of protecting them in the first place.

The mysticisms of the force cults would have deemed his path fated by the force, but Luc knew that the truth was far more grounded than what the force cults would like those who aspired to their creed to believe. It was action, not the inaction of waiting for the winds of fate which brought him down the path he now walked; A path which embraced his Imperial and Jedi heritage together, for the implicit purpose of combatting the threat of the Sith, and preventing the unfortunates of the galaxy from finding themselves play-things to the whims of those born with the potential of the force.

Yet the ideologies of the force had always seemed unwilling to break from their eternal cycle of strife and warfare. The force cults of the Jedi and Sith had fought to destroy eachother for millennia, yet now the two authoritarian states of Silver and Red now turned to eachother to embed themselves into an unholy alliance which never should have come into existence.

Luckily for him, he wasn't the only Jedi who refused to believe in the necessity of such a thing. Within their own ranks there were even those who disagreed, let alone the ranks of the New Imperials themselves. The Silver Jedi's decisions would serve to do nothing but spread fuel onto the flames of the Force Iconoclasm growing within the minds of the New Imperials. He'd keep that piece of information to himself, instead choosing to address those gathered with his own take on the matter at hand.

"The fanaticism of these powerful force ideologies who cling to their beliefs have done nothing but continue the cycle of war-- yet to those who hold to the light, it's an undeniable truth that the dark must not just be suppressed, but destroyed." Luc chimed forwards, coming to a graceful pause to let those present become aware of his presence before continuing further. "Let's not fool ourselves, my fellow Jedi. We were gifted with the potential that is known as the force, and as such it is our duty to not just protect the innocents, but act upon the destruction of Sith, wherever they may stand. An alliance with them is not just a fool's folly, but completely asinine in its conception. Nothing but betrayal on either side awaits the other, yet here the Silver Jedi find themselves standing."

A smirk curled to his lips, his words breathlessly escaping his lips as his speech continued on. "It's a simple conclusion that we have here, I believe. The force is a tool-- a tool for killing and destroying, at its core, but one which can be used to protect if needed. There will definitely be times when, as a Jedi, you must not falter in your determination, if you wish to survive the encounter with those corrupted by the dark. Peace will only protect you outside of times of war, but when action is necessary, even the Jedi must kill and destroy to maintain the supposed balance within the force. If Jedi have reached the point where we must align ourselves with the snakes slithering within the grass, then I say to those present that perhaps we've failed as a whole to remain steadfast in our ability to protect the weak, with the tools gifted to us by the winds of the galaxy. We've grown weak and soft, whereas the Sith have remained as conniving as ever. Perhaps even another cloud lingers upon the galaxy, shrouding the intentions of the dark to those who blindly follow the light."

Another pause-- the smirk fading away as he turned to eyes towards the Grandmaster who hailed the conglomerate of Jedi to come together in the first place. "We must remember the weakness of weapons-- They are nothing more than an extension of ourselves. It is up to
us to be the killer and destroyer when needed; to make those hard decisions when the lives of those who lack the potential we possess, are most affected by the inaction of the Jedi. This...alliance is proof that the Jedi have failed. Those who place their faith in the lightside cults of the galaxy must come to understand this, or together we will fall to the eternal enemy that is the Sith."

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There had been a great disturbance in the Force that Tiland sensed as he slept beneath the boughs of the Dreaming-Tree, and he had dreamed, sensing the strife and discord that was about to strike the galaxy.

Not a war, no. Something more sinister. Jedi arguing doctrinal politics. That left a ripple and sensation in the Force that he had come to know and remember from previous experiences.

So, he had gathered his bag of belongings and traveled to the Jedi space station where rumor had been heard of a meeting.

And he was hardly surprised at the sights and arguments that met him. They were old arguments, refocused through new circumstances, and repeating much the same debates that he had seen for nearly a thousand years.

He smiled as he saw young Sor-Jan Xantha and moved to take a seat near the other Anzati and smiled warmly, already brewing a cup of tea as he listened to the various arguments.

If there was one thing that had to be said, Jedi of this era were far more radical than the ones the he had known in centuries past, or at least far more idealistic.

“I suggest a cup of jasmine tea and several hours meditating on the will of the Force,” Tiland said after a quiet grew between speakers. He sipped his tea carefully. “Although I must admit that the lack of knowledge of recent history is a bit concerning. Jedi and Sith have worked together on multiple occasions. Most notable in the recent past, the Omega War invovled cooperation between Jedi, Sith, and others. I personally fought along side Sith and First Order operatives to disable their leader. Furthermore, Sith working on behalf of the Confederacy aided Outer Rim forces in several battles. The claims that such things are impossible are this, unfounded. And there are older examples, less certain that also show the multiple cases of Jedi-Sith cooperation. “

He gave a wry smile at what he was about to say.

“Force forbid me from saying this, but the galaxy is a far more complex place than we might like it to be. Light and Dark are constant, and often at odds, but that is not always the case. Is not the enchantment of a beautiful twilight evening born from the mixing of light and dark?”

He cleared his throat after a moment. “Many, many centuries ago, when I was young, the Jedi Order had many issues that it was accused of, one of which was dogmatism and another was its pragmatism. It sought the greatest good, weighing all possibilities impartially and assessing the course of action to prevent the most harm. That is the situation we now face. Who is the greater threat to life itself? The Sith, who, yea, have committed geocodes and atrocities at times, and we must always strive to prevent doing so again, or the Bryn’adul who sterilize and eradicate all species on the worlds they conquer, as has been well attested by multiple accounts from Jedi, Underground operatives, and survivors who managed to escape.

Let us follow the Light unflinchingly, but also, we must assess the situation impartially to truly assess what is the greater good, because frankly, we’re limited. We cannot do everything we wish we could.”

Jeremiah Jade

Tags: Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Mishel Kryze Takui Takui Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sor-Jan Xantha Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Creuat Creuat Kaleleon Kaleleon Auteme Auteme Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Irridia Solensis Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

It had been years since Jeremiah assumed his duties as a Jedi. He was not the man he used to be and yet the galaxy or Force, some could say, Had a strange way of re-aligning one with their life pursuits. In this instance, this meeting was where he felt he was supposed to be. Needless to say he also felt confused and slightly disappointed.

He atleast hoped there would be some form of alcoholic beverage and spice and women and various other things that he could use to indulge himself further. But there was none of that here. Nothing but men and women, young and old. All Jedi in some shape or form. Some argued, some conversed and others stood in silence of blabbed on about their life of wisdom and experience.

Ahh I see...Of all events I just happen to find this place. Despite it all. It felt right.

" Ahh. Jasmine tea and several hours of meditation. Mmhm. " The Silver Fox commented and blinked hard a single time at the elderly Jedi Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun . That was the statement of the century in Jeremiahs book and it was assumed that was about the age of this Elder as well. Its shocking im not seeing dust come from his mouth after each word. He thought to himself.

" Look grandpa, you can sip your tea and do your thing, I may join you honestly, But use your many many years of wisdom" Jeremiah stepped forward looking over the elderly man closely. " Listen to these young folks and allow them to handle this situation. You many be the most experienced and oldest Jedi in here and yet you too, like many others before us, have fallen into a pit of comfort. Dont attempt to justify this, old geezer."

We are all to blame in some way or were we?

The force is a paradox. It empowers, it strips away, it binds the galaxy together and it can tear it apart. Yet through it all it still needs a commander. A Lord, if you will." His hand extended to the youth. " We are not limited. They are the future and we are the past."

" The answer is in front of us."
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Voices bubbled up from each corner of the chamber following Coren's plea to the gathered. The majority shared Ryv's feelings on the matter as far as he could tell, making it unnecessary to leap to the forefront of the discussion. The Sith were terrible. No one can argue that, and fortunately for everyone's sanity, no one was. It was a nice touch, throwing the existence of the Bryn'adul into the ring. Shift the subject, make those in favor of this ludicrous coalition of dark and light look a bit less crazy and far nobler than they deserve—just another day in the galaxy for a Jedi Knight.

"If I may," Ryv called out from his place near the exit. He gently moved through the crowd, caught between greeting those he knew and scratching at the Force-damned beard growing in uneven patches along his jaw and cheeks. "I've got something to say. Not really a surprise if you know me, I'm an opinionated bastard after all," he threw a casual wink Lucien's way as he wandered past. "This probably won't be as eloquent as the Prince's philosophical run at the discussion, nor as well thought out as the NJO's senatorial representative. So please, bear with me."

His gaze hopped to Auteme as he stepped by her. "Hey Auteme, how ye been?" he inquired in little more than a whisper and continued on through.

"Anyway," Ryv cleared his throat as he reached his destination, a spot a few paces from Coren. "I understand why you're doing this. I mean, not long ago, I was advocating for the Galactic Alliance to the New Jedi Order and vice versa. I felt like it was my responsibility to shoulder that burden. The rising senate needed guidance. They required a conscious that wouldn't allow them to turn their backs on a galaxy at need. And because of that, many of us Jedi have been on the front lines against Sith and Bryn'adul. I've always felt this weight like if I'm not right next to my brothers and sisters on the battlefield, I'll be letting the galaxy down. Lucien is right in saying we have a gift. One that gives us the power to make a difference. We must show caution in using it and employ wisdom when deciding the proper course when necessary to do so."

"Well, the time is now. For so long, the Jedi have followed the status quo. We've worked beside foreign and domestic governments with hope in our hearts. Hope that if we put the best foot forward, be the bigger person, we wouldn't be used and abused by the people we're sworn to protect. Look at us now," Ryv weakly waved a hand, motioning to the gathered Jedi all around them. "We're at odds with one another about whether or not we should protect a genocidal Sith Empire. An Empire ruled by cannibals, psychopaths, and murderers. And who's asking that of us? It sure isn't any of the Jedi I've fought beside. It isn't this recently proclaimed great evil, the New Imperial Order or their 'dreaded' Sovereign-Imperator, that's for sure," he emphasized his choice in description with an eye-roll so hard it threatened to hit the back of his skull.

"The Silver Concord is in bed with sycophants and sociopaths. There must be a point we call their wisdom into question, but it shouldn't stop there. What of the Galactic Alliance? The Sith and Silver-Stained Jedi are working hand in hand to thwart a people who spent decades in forced servitude to the Crimson Saber. Will the Alliance hideaway in the Core while more Imperial men and women die fighting for what's right?" Ryv paused and met Coren's gaze. "And what of you, Starchaser? A proclaimed hero. A Paragon of Light said to stand on even-footing with the Tyrant Carnifex. You've inspired a whole generation of Jedi to do what's right no matter the cost. Will you now stand aside and invalidate all who've come after you and given their lives in honor of a cause you championed?"

Ryv pivoted to face the rest of the room. He unclipped Resolve from his side and held his saber for all to see. "They call me the Sword of the Jedi. But all I've ever been is a tool to be used against the chosen targets of bureaucracy, while senators count their credits and enjoy their freedom. The freedom I've bled for," his gaze instinctively fell to the nub that once was his left hand. "It's time we take up our lightsabers for something we believe in. We must turn them not on one another, but those who've fallen too far into shadow to be redeemed," he returned his ancestral weapon to his belt and looked to Coren once again. He extended his remaining hand to the Jedi Master. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Master Starchaser."

A Light Shining in Darkness
The conversation had gone from the moral and political implications of assisting the Sith Empire against its enemies, to the oddity that was two new arrival’s take on the Force. Wyatt furrowed his brow, confused by their rhetoric; only for their grand standing to end on ‘seizing power’ and ‘lording over the Force’ while also disparaging Coren and Tiland.​
Despite the protests of the Knight tending to him, he stood on shaky knees and spoke as strong as he could - though even his tone was riddled with the atrophy his body experienced.​
Do not insult Jedi who have contributed so much. Tiland is a good man, and Coren has already stated this was not his own decision. This ‘fantasy’ that we should Lord over the Force is…”​
He suppressed a cough as he shook his head.​
The Bryn’adul are a threat - one of the greatest we have ever known. A hundred Jedi would tell everyone here exactly that, if they survived their encounters. Some of us were…”​
Unfortunate enough.​
Fortunate enough to come back. Separating ourselves, declaring Silver’s to throw off their cloaks and neglect their duties to the planets they protect - All of these are not what the Jedi need.”, his tone as forceful as he could muster.​
It almost felt unnatural, to speak like he had authority. In truth, he knew he did not - he abandoned the Jedi for too long, made a mistake that cost more than just his body. Perhaps this was one of the consequences of his selfish act.​
Coren and the Silver’s require council - not exile, not exclusion from our own less than impressive ‘clubs’. In even its vaguest form, the Jedi require unity - and the subject of the Sith alliance is so much more than simple ideology.”​
However, when Ryv chose to speak, Wyatt quieted - if not for the respect he had for the Knight, for the rising pain in his ribs. A few were still broken, scars yet mended had cut deep lines beneath his robes - loose and flailing. If it were not for the subtle support the Knight gave him, he would no doubt be on his knees night prostrate for what he felt.​
Instead, he focuses and held onto as much strength as he could. He packed it against the features of his face - hoping the sunken cheeks and partial lack of color would be no indication of what he faced. That despite how he looked, he was still Wyatt Morga - someone a few in the room had respected only a year ago.​
Ryv is right - the Jedi have made the mistake of being the weapon of goverments that do not truly care for us many a time. Coren is supporting the ideals of his council, of those that rely on him for strength. While we can judge him from our point of neutrality, we do not fully understand the situation.”, Wyatt offered once more.​
If we are to follow a goal, it must be one. Instead of ‘fighting the Sith’ who are slowly being devoured by their own hubris once more, or siding with them when they may yet die of their own accord tomorrow - we should look to serve as diplomats. Stop the wars these nations face, if only temporarily, and bring the full weight of the galaxy down upon the Bryn’adul.”​
A bit more support from the Knight, and a squeeze of his arm told Wyatt he wouldn’t be able to grand stand much longer.​
The Jedi are not unified, Coren and the Silver’s are free to make the choices they wish to. We may council them, try and appease them, but in the end it is their choice to make. I would remind everyone to follow that ideal of freedom among the Jedi - and know that we are not a people so easily brought to one opinion. If it is a war we intend to fight, we should fight it with the right friends, the right foes; not ally with historic enemies against possible friends, but with nuance and conviction for a singular end goal.”​
The end goal for us all should be the end of the Bryn’adul war machine. It is that, and no other, that brings us here today; and the methodology that we use to reach that point will come down to individuals and single leaders. Be kind to eachother, guide one another…”​
His breath was running out now, and he the man had to find a seat. He didn’t finish what he had to say before coughing took over him, and he could feel the individual lacerations that lined his body seem to quiver with each. He had to be careful pushing himself, even if it was for something he felt was important.​
His force ghost would never live it down if he died giving a speech instead of fighting a sith.​

Sor-Jan Xantha

It was always a welcome respite seeing Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

For a young Anzat who feared the spectre of his own future, the sight of the elder Anzat was a momentary ray of hope that maybe the Force could give him the strength to overcome his inner demons -- the ever creeping hunger for sapient life -- that defined their species as the boogeyman that parents spoke of to frighten their children.

It also made the comments by Jeremiah Jade somewhat humorous. Neither Sor-Jan nor Tiland were humans. Tiland was far older than some here would suspect, and still relatively young for Anzati. "Youth is a matter of one's species and perspective, neither of which are universal truths," the youth remarked off-handedly. "But, then, I'm only in my mid-sixties, and thus that rebellious teenage phase."

Well, now he'd spoken, and while his remark had only been intended for Tiland and this silver-haired gentleman who had addressed Sor-Jan's fellow Anzati as geezer, as the boy listened to the strained-yet-impassioned comments of Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga he felt inclined to take his leave of the proceedings.

Standing up from his seat, which at his height was certainly not impressive, the boy-master gave a slight bow to either side of the assembly. Then said, "My brethren, the Jedi do not rule. That is not our role. We counsel. However, we cannot ignore that the Jedi share a symbiotic relationship with the governments that we choose to support; be that a single planet or a republic, federation, alliance. Those are led by governments that make political decisions. We may agree with those decisions or we may not, but they are not our decisions to make."

All right, perhaps now his Galactic Republic roots were showing a tad.

Gesturing briefly toward the student of his friend Jorus, the boy indicated Starchaser as he continued, "Coren can either forsake the vows that the Silver Jedi have made with regard to the planets of the Concord, or he can find a way to counsel... to coexist as guardians of freedom and democracy for those worlds."

Those words were hard to say. The Anzat kept his emotions in check, though it would be dangerous if someone were to ask him if he'd felt the Silvers had betrayed their oaths to Shri-Tal, Voss, Vaynai, and the worlds they fled from when they moved to Kashyyyk.

Old bitterness. Best left as waters under the bridge, so not to let sins of past fathers color or define the future of the Jedi that they might have inspired.

"At the end of the day, the decision each of us must make is with regard to the reality that there are lives at stake in numerous conflicts around the galactic spiral," the youth said, glancing around the group. "You may choose to color those lives however you see fit: Sith lives, Imperial lives, non-Jedi lives... but the end result is the same. Lives are at stake."

Glancing back toward Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser the boy added, "My friend, I am too young to be able to advise you on what is right or wrong, and too old to believe that there are any easy answers to those questions. You are the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi. Whatever course you choose, ask what you will of me and it will be yours."

With that, Sor-Jan rested one hand on Tiland's shoulder. "May the Force be with you," the youth offered quietly, giving the shoulder a squeeze before he turned and departed.
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Yula had placed herself at the back of the room, as far away from the debating Jedi as possible. This wasn’t a discussion she was meant to be apart of, but she’d asked Coren if it would be alright for her to observe. During the days where the OPA absorbing old Galactic Alliance remnants, she’d idolized the man and his willingness to do whatever it took to dismantle the Sith.

Leaning against the far wall with her arms crossed tightly over her chest, her normally easy-going presence was rigid, the good humor drained from her face. Her lips thinned as the others spoke, prodding Coren and then each other with barbs and jabs. Had this meeting taken place among the Outer Rim scoundrels, blaster bolts would have been flying by now.

The Concord’s latest decisions had left her uneasy—like so many others in this room, the Sith had taken from her and her loved ones. Maybe she could fight alongside them against the Bryn’adul, but defending Sith against a third party went against the handful of morals the Zeltron still retained.

Still, she had to hand it to Coren, though, for calling a meeting where he knew he’d be criticized to Corsucant and back. The number of people in this room were a testament to the Master’s influence as a Jedi, and she hoped he’d make the right decision.

Whatever that is.

Her stomach tightened at the implication, and she glanced at the crowd.

There were a lot of faces here, a few she’d even recognized. One, in particular, caused her weary eyes to brighten a bit. Her gaze followed Sor-Jan Xantha as the Anzat left the room, wondering if he could help her with a troublesome holostation update.
"I uh, probably don't have much right to say anything, but uh." This was dumb. Not the conversation. Kahlil saw both sides of this conversation, but what he was actually going to say would likely get him in a lot of trouble. "We are not immortal protectors of the peace. We die. All the time we die and become one with the Force. Don't get me wrong, the Sith? My father? He is evil. The Dark has corrupted his soul to an irredeemable point. But the Bryn are slaughtering everyone under their rule. Everyone. No exceptions.

There are still innocent people in the cloud of the Sith. Letting them kill each other is damning those lives. Of the people who can't escape or protect themselves. Worse, it's deciding to fight on multiple fronts. To make enemies all throughout the galaxy. You've brought in the CIS now, are we to try and fight them too?"

The young Zambrano paused for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. "Grant it, we shouldn't be helping against all of the Sith's enemies. If we're duty bound to help them when they're under attack, we should be duty bound to protect the innocent lives caught in the warzone and focus on getting them out."
The Jedi Master knew the gathered were right. He was handed the placement of the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi Order for a reason. It may have been his experience, something that was being discounted before his eyes, but rightfully so. When Mishel and Irri spoke, that was what brought a lot of the focus forward. The Sith were… The Sith, they were the dark side, they were everything he fought against in his life. From before his time in the Lords of the Fringe, to now, he combated Sith.

But now a new threat banged on all their doorsteps. They had run out of options. It was time to make hard choices. Coren had always sought to emulate Master Skywalker, He was a man who faced many hardships. He knew hard choices too-- from the Yuuzhan Vong to combating an ancestral First Order, he knew that the way of the Jedi was not going to be perfect. The fall of the Great Republic was brought about when Jedi went to war on behalf of their government.

The parallels were profound. Coren was not blind to them.

There was history for this decision, but there was also the history for Coren himself. He had failed his padawan once, and hearing Mishel Kryze speak, he knew it was now or never where he’d fail her again. If the Sith were being seen as allies, that just made the Jedi just as bad as they were. He could feel the shift in the Force already.

Feel the shattering.

He had dedicated the better part of a decade on making it so Jedi would open communication lines between one another. He would not let this hard choice shatter them. No. There had to be another way. But what?

“The Bryn are a threat, they’ve ravaged worlds as they move through our space. This is what brought me to the table with the Sith.” He looked at all the Jedi, his friends, his family, and took another breath, a beat, and a moment to center, calling on the Light, calling on the Force. He may not be able to channel all of the past Masters, but he could reach out to that ever lasting history in his own way.

There was turmoil within the gathered, turmoil at him. Others speaking, Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun , one of the ones Coren trusted above all others, Caden, Okkeus, Takui, Caltin… Their thoughts and feelings. But he could feel the others, Mishel loudest among them. They were all the future of the Order, and did it matter if they were under a Silver banner or another? No. It mattered that they were Jedi.

That was when he heard, felt, heard, all of that, the Jedi Knight known as Ryv Ryv . Coren had heard of this one by reputation. He was similar to how Coren was in his own younger days. Listening to the Knight speak, Coren could only nod. He took the younger Knight’s hand.

“This is not something I can shoulder. I can not follow the Concord’s political decision to side with the Sith. My friends, my family. You know me as Coren Starchaser, warrior against the Sith. When the Galactic Alliance first arose on Sullust, we did so without a Senate, and that was a decision to allow us to fight the true enemy of the galaxy, the darkness and the Sith.” Pulling his lightsaber, the golden blade, the one that he constructed upon rising to the rank of Grandmaster. Looking at it, in his cybernetic arm, the weight of those that were lost.

Lost at Coruscant, lost at Sullust, Fondor, Dantooine, Mon Cala, the countless worlds that the Sith in their conquests had destroyed. How they would wipe the Bryn’adul from the galaxy, but at what cost?

The golden blade snapped to life in his hand.

“Jedi, hear me and hear me well. The Concord has made a choice to stand with the Sith in the wars against the Bryn’adul. But we… we have not. , We are better than that. We are Jedi. I will not lead you to the darkness at the hands of the Sith.” He pointed the saber into the air.

“The Jedi will live and die in this galaxy as Jedi, not as lackeys of any government that will string us along to our enemies. I reject my government’s mandate.

“This will not be easy. I may very well lose my home. My Order. My place. But I am answerable to my conscience first. And you-- yours. So ask you, now. Humbled. Without politics at my side. Will you stand with me, as Jedi, as we find another way?”


Shaka Sunstar

There had been little reason for him to speak again. Many of the voices that had spoken after him weren't happy, a few of them more so. Multiple Jedi left behind, forced to fend for themselves at the hands of the Sith. It sparked something in the young, militant Jedi, but he kept to himself all the same.

When Auteme Auteme stared her frosty gaze at him, his reaction was an up raised brow, questioning. Not why she stared at him, but how she could stand there and scrutinize him for what kind of person he was, when she worked as advisor to the Chancellor herself. The same Chancellor that sought to turn allies to foe over territory the Alliance had no claim over.

Slowly, he shook his head, before his attention was drawn back to her words and later others that spoke.

More of the same, few that truly deviated.

One spoke of the Imperials and the dark siders that were long dead, for some reason. Others spoke of the Omega War, and how Sith fought alongside Jedi. They were right of course, but yet, they missed the point. There had never been a conscious effort to meet with the Sith prior and agree in person to fight side by side. The Silver Jedi that would fight alongside the Sith had done that. Just imagining a Jedi as pronounced as Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser standing in a room filled with Sith, agreeing to fight alongside him made him sick.

And his brows deepened into a furrow, until he heard the familiar voice of a close friend. One who he hadn't been expecting to see on this day. At first, he couldn't see him, but when he maneuvered through the groups to lock his dark gaze on Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , for the first time that day the fiery and abrasive Thyrsian warmed -- for the better, as the Warlord of Nirauan spoke.

By the time the words deadened, opening the path for others to speak, he found Lucien and his lips spread apart into a grin as he wrapped his arms around the Exiled Prince into a strong embrace. "I hadn't expected to see you here," he'd say in a low voice, sure to not cause disruption as others spoke. Briefly, they had engaged each other on Yinchorr, but not before the New Imperial presence had swept the planet and sent the assorted Alliance forces to the winds. "I don't even know why I'm here," he added in hushed tones, turning back to listen as Ryv Ryv , the Sword of the Jedi spoke.

And by the Force he could talk.

Later, Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga spoke. A former Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order. The words he spoke resonated as truth with the young Thyrsian. The Jedi did require unity. Outer Rim Jedi, Silvers, New Jedi Order... As a single entity they'd be stronger than ever, strong enough to defeat the Sith and send them scurrying back to the shadows, and strong enough to send the Bryn'adul back to whatever depths of the Netherworld they had come from.

Besides, what had the self imposed exile done for the first of the first of the Silver Jedi? Had it not brought them to where they all stood now?

He suppressed the scoff that threatened to over take him.

Turning, he'd cast a glance to Lucien, momentarily wondering what he thought of the words spoken.

To remain steadfast and united. Jedi turned Warlord, Jedi turned Warlord, he could trust Dooku to always be on the side that fought against the darkness and the evil that perpetrated. If his actions on Atrisia were anything to go by, Shaka was sure that he'd even stand up against the same Imperial Order that he helped raise up.

Again, the Silver Jedi Grandmaster spoke.

His tune has changed. Shaka noted. Whether it was because the assorted group was finally beating sense into him -- verbally. Or, it was because he was no longer going to pretend to be their punching bag, it mattered not. His arms crossed over his chest as the golden saber burst to life and they, as Jedi were called to stand with him.

Again, he spoke first.

"I will fight against the Dark, regardless. But, I will stand with you, Master Starchaser, if the Sword of the Jedi agrees."

Unity or no, the young Thyrsian couldn't see himself willingly following a Silver Jedi. Let alone one that had let himself get put into a position like this.

Never had he met the other Knight, but it meant little. His own Master had taken up the mantle of Sword of the Jedi in the dying days of the Galactic Republic. He had failed to succeed in destroying the One Sith - turning wanderer before the Sith in the core met their end. He would've followed his Master to the end. With this Knight here, before them all. Shaka was determined to not let him fail like his Master.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Yula Perl Yula Perl - Jeremiah Jade - Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun - Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor - Takui Takui - Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei - Creuat Creuat - Kaleleon Kaleleon - Irridia Solensis
He didn't say much this meeting. Been no need. He was waiting for someone to say what he was thinking, and if they hadn't hurried up, he was about to speak his piece.

Then Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser spoke, and Julius gave his old friend due. He had a way with words. Coren was a warrior, a thinker and planner. A leader. Julius was a soldier. A doer. No great commander. Not except at need. But Coren, Coren people would follow. And his words rang true.

Standing, he folded space with the Force to position himself in a guarding position behind the other Alliance founder, and a bright green lightsaber hissed into life, mirrored by the carapace like armor he had been gifted in the Rift. No words. No speech. Just strength and an obvious voice of support. Coren would lead. Julius would fight. As it always was.
A Light Shining in Darkness
He felt for Starchaser - knowing the stress of so many being against you. Voices spoke from the darkness, some who had never spoken to the Jedi before believing their stance should be well respected; but unlike Wyatt, who had shunned these voices and ignored them the more division they created - Coren did not.​
A better Jedi than him, Coren had aquiesed to the Jedi’s concern, and it brought a small - but pained smile to Wyatt’s lips.​
I stand with you, Coren. For what little good my standing does now.”, he tried to jest, but it was obvious his legs were still weak. It would be many more weeks before he could fight, and many months before he will physically be the man he once was.​
if they're watching anyways

A real blast from the past, wasn't it? Ryv and Wyatt in the same room, talking about Jedi things. The discussion brought a number of surprises. Lucien was there, some guy who didn't read the news didn't like the New Imperial Order, Takui had grown into the role of a Jedi... there was so much to consider. Yet she found herself believing the discussion would be ultimately unproductive.

"Hey," she responded. Last time things were like this, she'd been too scared to even say a word in front of all these Jedi. Now she was standing next to him and critiquing the ideas of other Jedi. It was no different when Ryv spoke; she listened, giving a slight sigh as he ended his speech. "That's dangerous, Ryv."

She'd never stop supporting her friends, but she wanted him to be careful. In her eyes the governments of the galaxy did matter even if they didn't always do what the Jedi thought was best. To consider a small group of people the ultimate moral authority -- as much as she doubted he would, it wasn't far off from his old master.

That was part of the reasoning as to why she began to change her tune on this. Coren didn't have power over the Concord but he did have power over the Silver Jedi. It wasn't possible for him to change this pseudo-alliance between the Sith and the Concord, but he could ensure that the Jedi were not letting their long-time foes off the hook. There were many among the Sith Empire who needed to be brought to justice.

When the Grandmaster finally spoke it reaffirmed the idea. She smiled to him. Others stepped forward to show their support -- some to more limited degrees than others -- but support nonetheless.

Auteme stepped forward. She had no saber (and part of her thought this looked a bit silly) but she raised her hand and shined a light. "Grandmaster Starchaser, I will stand with you. And though we have our differences, the New Jedi Order will welcome and protect all that come to us. We will continue to push back the Sith.

"You are a Jedi, first and foremost. I know you will keep doing what is right."

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