Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life over Politics (Open to Jedi)

Minding my own business?
Tags: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Open to others.

Aaralyn kept to herself, she hadn't been back in the land of the living long enough to make a statement. Sure, she could easily be pointed to as an example of why the Sith need to stand alone - the former Sword of the Jedi had fought the One Sith on countless occasions. On the other hand, one could argue she is another example of how power can corrupt - her death at the hands of the Republic, is an example of just that. So, Aaralyn remained quiet, and observed for now. Should she be called on, she would speak.

She wondered where and when the Jedi had become so blind to the history of the Universe? Aaralyn could recall the history texts, or atleast part. There were a number of times that Jedi and Sith worked together to fight back against a greater threat. Sure, it wasn't ideal but it was needed in order to preserve the balance of the Universe itself. Aaralyn didn't care for the Sith herself, looking back in her mind at the opponents she faced who aligned or called themselves Sith. It was extensive and someone could say that in itself is the reason for her to not defend the Sith - but weren't the Jedi to be selfless?

Afterall, it wasn't about Jedi or Sith, but the Force.

Being a Rekali was different, things weren't always so simple as light and dark. With the combination of being Dathomiri and Vahla alone - more than enough to create a complex situation. Historically, the Rekali's were very anti-Sith, but they were also anti-Jedi at times too.

Maybe, she was just a terrible Jedi...

Maybe, she needed to go an be a Witch...

Ala Quin

So. She was a little late to the party. And to be completely fair she barely knew what was happening. Having only recently awoken from a centuries long cryo-sleep and all this talk of joining up with the Sith, nuking planets, Silver Jedi...sounded shiny! And then there was these Bryn'adul? They sounded a tad bit nasty. It was a heck of a first day to show up and side with any group.

"Ahem," she said clearing her throat.

Truly, she hoped that she could be of help, any assistance at all. There were so many high emotions, and this was never a good place to make big decisions.

"My dear...fellow Jedi...I do not expect that anyone should heed my words," she said with a clear, non-timid but non-forceful tone, "for I am no one of any note to this galaxy."

Briefly closing her eyes, she allowed the cooling wave of the Force to wash over her. There was a tumultous ebb and flow about her, and it remaining centered was utmost importance. "These battles will not be won with blade, blasters or bombs," she said before opening her eyes, "the victory can only come through sacrifice, compassion and forgiveness."

With palms raised just above her waist, and spoke her heart. "I do not have your history with the Bryn'adul, but I have faith that within every being there is the capacity for light, hope and love. We will never defeat them without becoming them. Instead, I propose...we show them a different path and allow them to change. We show them the Light."


Merrick Sato


"Stalwart, I will stand, until mountains turn to sand."


As she ministered to the injured, the dying, those left behind, he was ever there, a watchful eye, an early warning trailing her movements, standing guard so that she could do her best work. The months bled into each other, his soul becoming more certain that, if nothing else, he was always in the right place, at the right time, doing the good they did well as a team - the same soul that stood at the precipice over his mending heart, wanting to fly too, too soon to the other side. He held so much respect for Chiara Viren, a respect that bloomed beyond, and he had worked to lash that very same soul to societal temperance. It wouldn't be fair to either of them, with that old flame not yet embers.

To say, he had to be sure.

The look in her face, her violet eyes, was writ with uncertainty, one he shared in this moment. He could see why things were the way they were, why such decisions of the Concord had come to pass:
an enemy of my enemy is my friend
keep your friends close and your enemies closer
better the devil you know than the devil you don't
But why rise up to their defense, when they would undoubtedly leave a knife in your back when the deed is done? Why couldn't the light stand together, and stem the tide, rather than deed their souls to the darkness? The might of the unified Light was surely greater than this... the Force was hardly so cut and dried, black and white, but his convictions favoured those who truly could not help themselves. After hearing further others speak, he stepped forward, laying a hand on the shoulder of flame-haired healer, his partner these many months, his steady gaze passing over the assembled, before coming to a brief stop on Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser .

"For months... nearly a year, now, we have followed the trail of the displaced, the injured, the dying, and yet there are still those of you here that see wisdom in the defense of those guilty of this ruin?"

A squeeze of her shoulder, another shared look, and he continued, Nabooian eyes showing sadness, pity as he scanned the gathered. His words could have been angry, aye, but temperance ran strong.

"I hope, I pray, you all find your way back."

His head turned back to Coren.

"We stand with you, Master Starchaser."


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