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Junction Lifeday Festival - AC/EE junction of Coveway + Oricon

Ashlan Crusade Narrator



Lifeday festival at Draellix Castle

AC and EE junctions of Coveway and Oricon/Paridisum

There are many names for the ever popular winter festival, celebrated by numerous people's all over the galaxy, for some it is a deeply spiritual or religious festival that touches their soul, for others it is a tradition and a chance to spend time how they choose, be it alone playing reading and hologames, or surrounded by friends and family, for some it is simply a chance for a good party.

This lifeday, Isla wishes to open her home to her friends and family from across the galaxy, invites have gone out, food is being prepared and Isla sits waiting for the festivities. The arrangements have largely been planned and provided by the Ashlan Crusade and their new allies the Eternal Empire, but it wouldn't be lifeday if people were to be turned away, so in orbit, Ashlan ships wait to issue landing permits to those willing to leave animosity at home and enjoy the party.

Draellix Castle, home of Isla Draellix will be the centre of the festivities, and a number of its multiple bedrooms have been promised to guests wishing to stay in the luxurious castle. A few miles away the town of Gorrino* will also have a large traditional style lifeday market and there are numerous local festivities to enjoy, the locals are mostly humans and are very welcoming to the visitors having become accustomed to the comings and goings from the castle.

*OOC - in the castle sub, Gorrino is listed as 15 miles from the castle, it should be 3 miles

As for a lot of these social type things there is a level of suspension of character motives. Not saying the Sith and Jedi will be kissing under the mistletoe, but do try to get along. Suggest that any overt darksiders come along in disguise or force masked for flavour.

Location 1 - The Frozen Lake​

Behind the castle, at the bottom of a beautiful lit wooden staircase and walkway there is a large lake, it has been frozen for weeks and the ice is a foot or more thick in places. Surrounded by decorated trees at the edge of the forest, it is a beautiful backdrop for the festivities. A fire pit has been prepared on the shore where several large Andronius War Boar have been slowly roasting over wooden from local forests to enhance their already wonderful flavour. Further along the shore a large wooden structure houses a bar, run by The Pit. Loud music and the aroma of traditional festive beverages such as delicious Nether's hottest Grogg emanate. Different drinks from around the galaxy, and some from elsewhere can be obtained here. Right by the side of the ice, as if perfectly positioned to warm the hearts of the cold revellers is served a variety of hot Happy Cat Hot Chocolate the stall is manned by a pair of young humans, but they had brought along several of cats that stroll around in the snow before returning to the warmth of the fire.

Out of the ice, an area has been set up, Market out with beautiful lights where the ice has been polished by Zamboni droids and is ready to be skated on, a large number of people have chosen to turn up, of varying degrees of ability. For animal lovers there are tame Lurrite Reindeer that are slowly padding through the snow on a circuit near the lake, offering rides for most, whilst the heavier species can walk alongside or hand feed them.

Despite the warmth from heaters positioned around, it is cold outside, so wrap up warm and come and join the festivities.

Location 2 - The Grand Hall​

Inside Draellix Castle in the great Hall there are celebrations for those that prefer a slightly warmer affair live music from a lifeday band fills the castle and adjoining rooms are filled with banquets tablets with all sorts of food from across the galaxy including a wonderful selection selection of Cat's Paw Cheeses hand picked for the occasion.

Waiters sail around the room with free flowing champagne and with trays filled with canapés such as Animal cakes and Happy pills cat chocolates luxuriously prepared and wrapped into little festive bags, these are guarded carefully by only the most well seasoned Ashlanic gingerbread men If you aren't sampling the fine champagnes, congacs, whiskeys and other drinks, maybe a cup of lovingly made eggnog is more your speed? A little bird tells me that it makes the perfect dipping drink for those gingerbread men.

At one end of the room is a large staircase for entry to the upper castle including the bedrooms and along the side of the room are a number of lush Christmas trees. Above the guests, a small swarm of Snow droids flit about releasing a cold, but dry snow into the room that has just moments to settle before dissapearing. Mistletoe adorns the threshold onto a great balcony that overlooks the lake and the forests beyond, for those more romantic types

Location 3 - Town of Gorrino​

Gorrino is a medium sized town, just a 3 mile drive from Draellix Castle. Many of the locals work in the castle and it has become an important part of the local economy. The town itself is mostly 2 story, strong wooden buildings next to a river that feeds the lake by the castle. The technology of the modern galaxy is there, but is understated, the cold hardened locals preferring not to lose their edge in favour of technological comforts.

For Life day the square is decorated with a giant tree harvested from the nearby forests and festooned with hundreds of colourful lights. The celebration her is more rustic and humble than that at the castle, but with a traditional Bavarian lifeday market including beers, smoked meats and all manner of hand made gift vendors, it is something that may appeal to those not wishing to travel to the castle.

There are numerous inns dotted around the town where you can stay the night that would be more than happy to see the coin. A lot of the vendors that are at the castle and lake have set up smaller stalls around the town square, so nobody has to miss out, just because they enjoy the simpler side of Christmas.


Thank you Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for the artworks and so many of the subs linked above and also Credit Wizard Credit Wizard for letting me cook some of his boars.​
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Location 2 - The Grand Hall​

Before the party

"Gaily they ring,

While people sing, songs of good cheer,
Isla sang to herself before reverting to a light humming, carefully applying her ruby red lipstick ad the last part of her makeup in the mirror. She had been looking forward to the party for weeks and finally it was her. She put down her lipstick and relaxed a little, humming a Carol to herself. One of her hand maidens continued dressing her long blonde hair for you. A young girl, not long turned 18 called Erika, she was the sweetest girl, coming to work every day her come rain or blizzard. She reminded her of herself in some ways and they had become friends.

"Thank you Erika, my hair looks amazing. And now I have a little suprise for you. Have a look in the second wardrobe."

Slightly confused the young woman walked over and opened the door, inside mostly empty space was a single dress, a floor length Ivory dress with gold lacework. "Its Atrisian, is similar to the one my mother was wearing when she met my father. I had the tailors fit it to your size, happy life day, I hope you like it."

The woman beamed as she took the dress out "Thank you Countess, it is beautiful, I will make sure to find a time to wear it." Isla laughed, remembering she hadn't told her the other news. "I want you to wear it tonight, your shift finished in an hour anyway so I want you to come to the party as a guest. That man, Ivan? Is it? You have your eye on but he never notices you? Well, he finishes at 11, so I suppose you have until then to make sure he notices you in your new dress don't you." she gave a naughty grin which turned into something more of affection as the girl hugged her.

Isla got on well with her staff, and most of the people of Gorrino, she had ventured a bit further out in the last few weeks tonvisit other towns around the planet. The ruling council had bestowed her the honorary title of Countess and asked her to represent their interests in the Ashlan Crusade. They seemed grateful that they finally had an external representative that they could trust after years of Sith rule.

She finished they last of the touches to her look, the hand made velvet dress with gold and spun-electrum detail work was stunning, it was less showy that some of the dresses that would likely be on display tonight but the craftsmanship was exquisite and the colours, modelled on the Ashlan flag were beautiful. Isla smoothed her hands down her sides and hips, enjoying the feeling of the velvet and admiring the form fitting dress, it had taken drastic measure to prevent her undergarments ruining the lines of her dress, but this was perfect and she was ready to party.

She grabbed her bag and started walking down the stairs, "oh, the weather outside is frightful, but Isla you look delightful, and since we've got places to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."

"someone sounds like she is in a good mood." came the almost musical Atrisian tone of her mother's voice from the bottom of the stairs. Isla almost skipped down the last few steps and saw her parent's waiting for her. "Mum! Dad! You made it." she beamed and hugged her mum tightly. Her dad stopped her hugging him and first saluted at attention then bowed to her, before laughing and hugging her. "Its good to see you baby girl, I couldn't decide whether we needed to salute you or bow to you now Countess. Your family are so proud of you." he wiped a tear away from his eye and recomposed himself. "You look beautiful Isla," her mother told her "your father and I will stay 0it of your way tonight, we are thinking of heading down to ice skate, I think that will be lovely, then we can have some proper family time tomorrow. We would love to meet this Lord Pietro Demici you have spoken about too. But we won't interfere with your night."

Her parents walked through the castle with her exchanging news, they spoken every couple of weeks but she hadn't seen them for months. They would mingle a little and then make their way outside to the lake leaving their daughter to host the party.

At the party

The site from the window of the lake lit up took Isla's breath away, it was exactly what she had pictured for this parry and more. She just took a few more moments to herself, knowing as the host she would need to be busy engaging with people, she had her pre battle butterflies but she looked good, she felt good and everything had gone exactly according to plan other than a minor incident with one of the reindeer knocking over a food cart.

She walked down the stairs into the large ballroom, her household chamberlain made a small a announcement, a compromise she had come to with him, he wanted full pageantry for her entrance to her party, but that wasn't her. It was just a short announcement to the assembled guests.

"My Lords, Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to introduce our host for this evening, the Lovely Countess Isla Draellix of the Ashlan Crusade."

She smiled and nodded graciously to the room before descending the last few stairs. So many faces, some familiar, some less so. And everyone looked so beautiful tonight. Isla spotted Erika in the corner of the room politely applauding her, looking stunning in the dress, the tailors had done a wonderful job, Isla hoped the girl would have some luck with the man she was interested in, she had not had the best time recently and it might cheer her up a little. People seemed to be mingling well, which was excellent.

A staff member approached Isla with a long glass of champagne that she was more than happy to accept. She nosed at a few different trays of sweet goods, trying to decide what to have first, but decided, do the meet and greets first, would be awful to caught with a mouth full of cat chocolates when some Imperial dignitary wanted to introduce themselves. Sure enough, a pair of Snivvians from the nearby planet of Cadomai approached her to give her their best wishes. She had spent some time their in the last few months as they had a significant crop failure and her fleet provided much needed relief supplied to the frozen planet which was much like her own. "My Lords, welcome to my home, I hope your families are well and that your agri-centres are recovering well, if you need anything further, please let the crusade know." One of the gentleman was a High Lord in the Crusade now, she liked him, a strange man, but passionate about his people and committed to ensuring Cadomai was not forgotten by the crusade. They spoke for a few moments before moving along and allowing Isla to entertain further guests.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Have fun
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Equipment: Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Open
[ Christmas Truce ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

This was again one of the times Ingrid regretted that she had appointed her husband to the position of Overlord in the Eternal Empire. That meant the man couldn't be here with her tonight. The laws stated that one of them had to remain in the Eternal Empire. They could not both leave the territory of the Empire. What happens if there is an assassination where they are both there. There would be chaos. Thus, however, if something happens to the ruler, the Overlord can easily take control and the title of emperor or empress, if the ruler has no heir.

Although she hadn't needed food or drink to survive for a long time, Ingrid loved to consume them. The red-haired woman took a hot glass of Glögg from one of the tables, flavoured with orange and cinnamon. She saw Eina in the crowd, but her daughter was alone. She hoped this ball would not be as catastrophic now as it had last time. Especially that it would be a diplomatic scandal now, not just someone breaking her daughter’s heart.

Ingrid didn't come for fun, to strengthen diplomatic relations, to talk about business. The campaigns against the Sith did not stop, and of course even Carnifex was in captivity. She knew the man was planning for something, but she still didn't know what. The red-haired woman was more preoccupied with this issue than anything else. The lawsuit and trial, just a showcase, she knew the man would be sentenced to death. No one had any doubts about that. But what was that. why would the former Sith Emperor have undertaken death as well?

Of course, she thought the man wanted to escape and not die. But even then, what did he want? The Empress looked up high where the snow had just fallen in the room. It was always a pleasure to see the HPI products somewhere, and that was one of them; thanks to that Shadowcat, Dis Dis . Now this ball, at home, will be a small one, approaching her birthday. Almost everyone thought there would be only forty, the reality was different; and besides, she looked pretty much a woman in her mid-twenties. A little vanity does no harm to anyone. And now it was also the sixth anniversary of Adrian’s death, which meant Eina would be six, too, in Realspace time, because she was much-much older thanks to the Nether.

She thought about these as she walked through the crowd, looking for the cardinal with her gaze. She wanted to talk to him for the first time even before she'll talk with others…


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Objective: Try to avoid the too awkward situations.
Equipment: Elegant attire | Attire | Attire | Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current form
Writing With:: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
[ Christmas Eve ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina and Gei arrived days earlier because Isla had invited them. However, for the ball itself, it was only Eina who was able to come to the event. It was really all mandatory for her, the Valkyrja couldn't say she wasn't coming. Her position was accompanied by duties. And of course she couldn't let her friend down either. Geiseric Geiseric caught a cold not coming to the ball; of course the cold was true, nevertheless Eina offered to heal her, but since the crusader refused, Valkyrja was helpless by Light Side methods.

She knew her beloved didn’t like events like that, and he had said the previous time they met in the park, but now it would have been different. Now they would have both been here for each other; there was no need to fear similar circumstances as in the past. In any case, she promised that if the crusader didn’t join her during the evening, she wouldn’t stay too long either, as long as decency and etiquette required it. Otherwise, she'll hurry back to the man.

As always, she was still in her angelic form, wearing a long snow-white dress with some gold embellishment, and her long red hair fell freely on her back. The holiday was unknown to her, she didn't really understand the point when they were told to her. Nevertheless, she knew her duty. True, she walked rather lost in the crowd. The snowfall at high altitude near the ceiling completely impressed Eina. She loved winter and snow. That's why the Sanctuary was in such an area, she founded it deliberately there.
Through the dyad, of course, Eina also paid attention to Gei's condition, and she tried to see acquaintances in the crowd. Of course Isla was here; the Valkyrja's mother, too, she felt Lord Pietro and Lord Heinrich through the Force. There was everyone here who was close to the girl in Realspace. Oh, though she didn't feel Adrian and Lord Tubrok nearby. She knew that her stepfather could not be here, because of the laws, he had to stay in the Eternal Empire's space. She regretted that her mother had to be separated from Lord Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal again because of this event.

Eina pursed her wings so as not to collide with anyone, and walked carefully among the people; although at the end she stopped at the edge of the room, from where she could look out to outside. She hadn't really addressed anyone yet, she'd just enjoyed the crowd. After her captivity, the Valkyrja needed it so much now. She still had attacks when she had to be left alone in some smaller place, but this was perfect, large and there were crowds too…


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective IV: Have fun with Arturo
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Equipment: Attire | Attire || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Closed
[ Christmas Medley ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Then I thought I would be here. I have to say, this place really looks better than Ziost. Although such upbeat balls evoke the times when I was still a slave and… I will not discuss what he wanted to use me for, who owned me, in the past. On the other hand, I think I could have looked better at what planet we were coming to, because I would have brought a coat then. I got cold, I preferred hot places. For example, the desert.

But at least the taxi was close. With that, I went up to the castle from the spaceport. I was not a nobleman to land there. Once upon a time, I might have been, maybe not. My twi'lek clan is already extinct, and it doesn't matter because I am a Mandalorian now. Now I was my own master anyway. To tell the truth, I felt a little uncomfortable and awkward. I was offended when I told Arturo that I was waiting for his invitation for the date. Don’t get me wrong, I really thought he would ask me after the events of the past, but it didn’t happen. And yes, I wanted the date too, but still...

And in other situations, I might not have said what I did. This is fact! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have said that, then I probably wouldn't be here. Especially since I wasn’t specifically the person who invited others to date. Or in general, dating wasn’t what I used to do either. Too many bad memories, too many hunts. Too much work! I get used to dating when I go to work and want to catch someone. The innocent, girly look often helps with this.

But it was different now. Am I nervous? No, not a little! All right, maybe a little. Very. I could owe the situation to myself, so I couldn’t run away. When I got out of the taxi, I straightened my clothes and walked into the palace. I showed the guards my ticket. I soon found the place we discussed, where we'll meet. It was a little earlier, I had a few minutes.

I had gotten a hot chocolate in the meantime, now I just had to wait for Arturo to arrive. I was hoping that the hot chocolate would help me calm down a bit…




Wearing this

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

Location 2 - The Grand Hall

Asaaj looked in the mirror at her own skin and her beautiful tattoos one last time as the smoke began to swirl behind her, she did not like to do this, but she wished to attend the life day ball and enjoy nobility once more. Her curiosity of the Ashlans was also intense, but they would not approve of her in her dathomiri form. So she would apply this spell from one of her Godmother's old books. She chanted deeply and the visage of her godmother appeared behind her in the room, grinning with intent. You shall go to the ball child, and the smoke lashed out at her, the blades she cherished so much burned and became a small inconveniently sized bag, her dathomiri robes too burned, forming into a long silken gown like those that nobles preferred.

The final part was the most painful, she felt the smoke under her skin, her eyes shone yellow and faded to a more natural colour, and her shin, her skin felt as if it was being peeled away, she shouted in the pain through her gritted teeth, clutching the edge of her sink hard. The pain was blinding her to what was happened and she passed out.

An unknown amount of time later, Asaaj En Kelsani, awoke, her hand reaching up and dragging her to her feet. In front of her was not her usual form, but that of a pale skinned blonde woman, the loss of her own identity was a pain only partially dulled by the fact that she knew it was temporary. The woman she looked at in the mirror was her, but it wasn't, the bone structure remained the same, but she was very different. But at least she too was beautiful.

"Night," she said, her voice still her own. "Please ready my shuttle, I will be heading down to join a party imminently."

Half an hour later, at the Castle

Asaaj, or the woman who Asaaj was hidden inside proceeded through the gates of the castle, she was masking her dark force presence as much as she could and looked every bit the noblewoman as any of these other ladies. Everything seemed to be going well, the heavily armoured Sisters had allowed her though without question. She saw several of the Eternal Empire and she nodded too them politely, even though there was no way they could recognise her, only a force sensitive that had close personal interaction with her would sniff her out and she could count maybe three, all allies that might be here.

Grabbing a long stemmed glass of immaculate tasting champagne she proceeded into the grand hall. The music was fun, it had a nice beat to it and the sounds and smells of the guests bombarded her enhanced senses but it was fabulous. She spotted some of the dignitaries about. The Empress, absolutely regal as always, she was most likely the person that would feel her through her disguise. The Ashlan host, she had heard about her but not met her, this would be a fun opportunity to get close to a woman who might otherwise despise her

She took this chance, walking over to Isla Draellix and once there was an opening, she introduced herself, taking the Admiral's hand and kissing it in a low bow, the woman smelled lovely, and had some power about her despite no force presence to speak of. It is a shame that in a different life they might be friends. Asaaj took her leave and looked for someone else that she might find interesting.

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Lady Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum


Location 1 - The Frozen Lake


Tags: Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin

Hanaya was pleased to have been invited by her friend Isla to her seasonal celebration, it was good to have a break enjoy herself. She had seen the Admiral briefly but she didn't want to spend too much time up at the castle, she wanted to enjoy the fresh cold air on the ice, and maybe sample some of the foods she could currently smell. Her plus-one looked fantastic, she had no idea why she was felt so close to Zolasha but it was what it was, since she had found her on her planet nearly four months ago now they had become good friends. She was now working as her royal gardener and the palace gardens had never looked so wonderful. The two of them enjoyed a joke together, played games and occasionally flirted with each other. Hanaya's daughter was still not a huge fan of the young woman but she would come round, she hoped, and laughed to herself, maybe once she hit pupation and Zolasha could talk to her more easily things would be better. She was just protective of her mother. Hanaya had even let her get away with the goddess nickname just a little bit more than she probably should. That was a something to address later.

"So my flower, these lovely people are the Ashlan Crusade, I wish it wasn't the case, but even my friends here can be a little judgemental regards the force, so yeah, she sighed apologetically "we might need to keep your little dark side to ourselves." she was annoyed at herself for bringing it up and looked kindly at Zolasha, she never liked hurting anyone's feelings, and she was such a delicate friend. How in the galaxy was she a Sith? It barely matched with the friendly personality she possessed.

Hanaya and Zolasha crunched through the snow in their dresses, Hanaya's dress had been treated so it wouldn't be ruined by trailing on the ground. She had considered just wearing a Guarderma out, but Zolasha insisted they wore dresses and who was she to refuse to look regal for a party.​
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Objective 1: The Frozen Lake
Equipment: Attire
Tags: Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar
Zolasha despised the cold. She had never gotten used to it, nor had she 'adapted' to it as so many people told her she would. She would have been freezing half to death if not for the Goddess offering her the strange ointment of warmth. She hadn't informed the Goddess of this, but Zolasha had lathered her legs and arms with the strange substance as well, and was glad for it. She felt that she was standing in the presence of the sun, and all it's glory.

The time she had spent with the Goddess were indeed the happier times of her current year, given she no longer needed to flee from those that sought to hunt her. Though, now she was concerned that perhaps such ideal fantasies would be coming to an end, after all, those who had nearly killed her four months ago were the same ones who had invited the Goddess and herself here. She trusted Hanaya, and had come to care for her, but she hadn't opened up entirely on her time as a Sith. While Zolasha tended to the plants and ensured the garden would flourish to the best of her abilities, the truth was she was Sith, and she longed to reclaim a phantom of the power she once possessed. She had buried her force presence down deep, but she knew those were were well trained had ways of seeing through the veil to the nature within.

It was a fact she tried rather hard not to think of.

She kept her arm threaded through one of Hanaya's, walking as close as she dared next to the woman. The pairs dresses dragged along the snow, making something of a cover for the light imprints of their footprints in the frosty layer that was starting to form. "I understand Goddess, once again, thank you for taking me to your side." She was glad for all the make up, which made it nearly impossible to register the blush that overtook her cheeks. Her Sith nature despised having to cast herself behind Hanaya for protection, but it was something that the woman had just come to accept over time. "This Lifeday, as you call it, my people had a similar holiday. We called it, Snanashala. It means, thanks of family. It is close, but different. Hard to describe." She muttered, her free hand tapping to her lip before she found her words. "It is nice to celebrate it Goddess, so thank you." She glanced to Hanaya, and smiled slightly, letting the Queen continue to lead her on the way.

Location: The Frozen Lake
Objective: Be festive and enjoy what's on offer
Outfit: Knitted Coat
Weapons: None
Tags: Open


Life Day, a special time of the year for many people, Tovald got a permit and code that he would transmit when he arrived, even though he had to go through the bureaucratic steeplechase to get what he needed. Language barriers and all that. Anyway, he checked everything out and had a good idea of what he wanted to do. After being checked through the airspace customs, he was allowed to land. Well, he had a warm coat he can wear that looks nice, it's knitted so it traps heat in. With everything sorted and in the order of acceptance, he left for the festivities, down a wooden staircase and towards the lake and the surrounding stalls, snow caking his boots.

Ducking a snowball to the head, he returned one of his own, getting another guest in the back. The snowball fight lasted a while, and Tovald lost, but that wasn't why they were so fun, it's the art of flinging snow, that is fun. A few minutes later he was at the edge of the frozen lake, ice-skates on his feet.

Tovald never skated before, and after being shoved onto the ice by another less patient guest, he slid a few feet before falling on his face, with a thump, his cheeks burned, he was thankful he was hidden under a helmet. Tovald spent some time trying to get up, when he did he took slow skates around.

A single misstep will have him flat on his derriere again, which he proceeded to do three more times, he can fight, repair a ship and look after a menagerie of cats but cannot skate, he glanced over behind him wondering if anyone saw that. Even if they did, they would not bat an eye, as many people had a few slips.
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Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development



Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs

Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Two young women had arrived at the castle in the hour before and were now making their way along the wooden walkway that attached the castle to the lake area, they had gone down the first set of wooden steps and were on a causeway that clung to the side if the hill and overlooked the lit up area of the lake and all the festivities. "Hey, Eleena, let's get a selfie together!" Trinity stretched out her arms and leaned back against the wooden hand rail, trying to throw her best pouting model pose, with her fur rimmed hood pulled back to expose her hair which was in a French plait. "So what do you think? Think we would fit in living in a place like this amongst the rich and powerful?"

The castle and its grounds were like something out of a fairy tale, maybe if she made some priceless discovery and Eleena also managed to become head of the Imperial military they might one day be able to live somewhere like this. Trin's apartment on Tanaab was nice enough for now. She loved Eleena's ski suit and how even with the puffy thermal layers, there was no hiding those curves. A lot of people had opted for dresses with hidden Enviroweave layers, but this way, the two of them felt warm, looked stylish and were less likely to lose a finger falling down on the ice.

A random thought occurred to her, "why do you think, at yule, or lifeday, people find it fun to kiss beneath poisonous berries? I mean, the kissing is fun, but why the poisonous berries?"

Nearby: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

He was not keen to make a public appearance so soon after his sojourn within the Heelen Séi, but then it would not do to turn down Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana 's invitation. He was certain the Grand Admiral would understand his absence, but if he was to resume his position within the sturcture of the Crusade, then his relationships with the various ministers needed to be properly maintained, and that meant attending balls and parties that he would have otherwise avoided.

The Essonian was not clad in the white and gold of his battle-plate, absconding from tradition in favor of pragmatism. He wore a simple black long coat over the similarly dark officer's uniform of the old Essonian navy. The coat did well to hide the smallness of his limbs. It would take him quite some time to return to the peak of physical fitness he'd been at before his battle with Solipsis. Perhaps he never would.

The cane he used for assistance when he walked tapped quietly on the marbled floor as he wandered the halls of Isla's palace. He had attended in an unofficial capacity, and thus had no escort beyond the handful of agents stationed at strategic positions throughout the castle. Less security meant far more freedom, and he had the blessing of being so gaunt given his dramatic loss of weight that most he meandered past did not recognize him. Anonymity was truly a rare and precious thing.

"Isla has built quite the home for herself," he mumbled to Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir by way of greetings. He sidled up alongside the strange woman, the saint they called her, and peered out into the crowd. "I'm surprised she came into a place like this so quickly, but then I suppose credits are easy to come by when you decide on the military's budget." Truthfully he highly doubted Isla would dabble in that form of political corruption, but speculation and court intrigue had ever been some of Cedric's favorite hobbies.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Objective: Try to avoid the too awkward situations.
Equipment: Elegant attire | Attire | Attire | Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current form
Writing With:: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
[ Christmas Eve ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina raised her head as she felt a familiar presence. Whatever circumstances she would have recognized it, she had been around to this aura so much. No, this time she wasn't thinking of Gei, she was thinking of Lord Grayson. She didn't really care about the physical nature of the man, she always looked at the soul, and she did so for everyone. Since it was Valkyrja, that was probably not too surprising. As the man walked over to her, she smiled kindly at him and she made small formal curtseys. In one etiquette book, she saw that mortal women used to do this. At the moment, she thought it was more appropriate than the military saluting.

"Lord Grayson, I'm glad you're already so good to be here." she said caringly and softly. " If at any time you need to be better… physically healed or relieved the pain of your soul, please do not hesitate to tell me. I will try my best to help in your wounds and pain." she offered kindly.

She did not just help only one person find spiritual peace or heal spiritual wounds. Either with words alone, or with the Force, but Eina helped as best she could. All this selflessly, she never expected any mutuality for it, from anyone. It was a joy and peace of mind for her to be able to help others. After all, this was the reason the Valkyrja existed, to help and protect others. She looked a little surprised at the man's next words. Eina didn't really know what the words meant.

"Military budget?" she asked, a little confused.

Although the girl’s parents - whose from souls' she was born - were great in intrigues and they were great shadow players, through nobles, they also enjoyed doing so; they both had excellent silver tongues, but Eina didn’t inherit that from them. She understood everything literally and therefore seemed very naive. Not to mention that this, too, was one of the things that made anyone think she was very pure. She was not spoiled and corrupted by the intrigue or shadow games of the mortal world. With the demons in the Nether, everything is simple and straight.

"The Valkyrja and most species in the Netherworld use barter mostly in their trades, we are not use real money, so unfortunately I don't know that, I'm sorry!" she said in confusion as she looked into the man's eyes. "How are you, my Lord?" she asked kindly in the end.


Still going, despite everything.

Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

The world beyond the balcony was cold, but beautiful.

Or so Arturo thought to himself as he stood alone, arms resting on the railing before him. Casting his gaze out over the lake of silver, the Director of the Contractors' Guild did his best to take in the nightscape as the party continued on without him. At his back, the warmth of the grand hall beckoned; Arturo did his best to ignore the temptation. He had weathered worse than this, after all. 'Sides, Draellix Castle kind of reminded him of Kalidan-Lysenia.

Home. Or the closest thing he had to one these days.

When he wasn't out risking life and limb for the Empire, he was there, running the Guild as best he could. Sometimes his best wasn't enough though. Already members of the Empire's elite were calling for his replacement, branding him as little more than a jumped-up mercenary, which, funnily enough, was as close to the truth as it got. But Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim had offered him the job. And he had accepted. Now, it was just a matter of doing right by her. Hopefully he would do a better job serving her than he did Broka.

Arturo had his doubts.

Straightening up, the mercenary took one last breath of the night air before striding back inside. A waiter offered him a drink as he strode into the light. Arturo turned him down. He was already two flutes in. Two more and his bastard subordinates -the ones that had accompanied him to the castle- would have him up and dancing like there was no tomorrow. Making a fool of himself, as it were.

Shit, I can do that sober.

Navigating the throngs of people celebrating Yuletide, Arturo made his way over to the only guest that mattered. A blonde woman wearing a blue dress brushed past him as he did. The woman ( Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani ) looked eerily familiar, but she was gone before Arturo could take a good look at her. Not that it mattered. His eyes had already found another figure to focus on: a certain pink-skinned twi'lek in a green dress. A twi'lek that went by the name of Lynne.

Or Silhanna, depending on who you asked.

"Evening," he greeted her, slipping from the crowd to stand beside her. Pouring himself a hot chocolate, the mercenary smiled to himself as he looked around the room. "Excuse my lateness, had to put my face on." Grinning, he turned to gaze at Sil. "How do I look? As good as you do, I hope."
Last edited:

Location: The Frozen Lake
Objective: Find something to do
dress made of Shell_spider_silk.
Cup of Nether's hottest Grogg.
Tags: Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a

Zepher shook its robotic head, "I do not consider this a good choice. You are stepping into a rancor den. I cannot make a clear determination of the result, but you are on blatantly opposing sides, and if you speak of your own choices of morality things could turn ugly. Even if you don't start it, someone might." The droids concern was always somewhat amusing. It wasn't like her death or injury would be that detrimental to him, he was basically her second in command. Still, she had the droid for a long time. Perhaps it was just instinct, if that's how the droid worked anyway.

"Why tell me? You know I'm going to go anyway." She prompted putting on the Shell_spider_silk dress. There was a reason for the material naturally, not that she intended to get hit but it did provide just a little extra protection.

The droid responded,
"I prefer you be aware of my position on this. Can't say I didn't warn you."

She shrugged, "Fair enough. I'll catch you later." she said heading off.

Location 1

The former sith looked across the ice as she held a cup of Nether's hottest Grogg and considering joining on the temporary skating area made out of the lake. She was curious what it would involve, it has been awhile since she'd tried something like that, usually busy with other things. She doubted it'd be all that hard but nothing wrong with something casual to amuse yourself in her opinion.

She had come unarmed, to Zephers dismay. Weapons were more reliable than the force in some ways, there were many ways she could get screwed over if someone did attempt to cut people off from it. It wasn't as easy to simply make a weapon vanish from her hands. But she was growing tired of always been ready. It got...boring. Many things were growing less entertaining. On the one hand, she felt too young for that, yet she realized that perhaps time was catching on. Or experience. In her type of occupations, there were certainly plenty of deaths before old age.

Much to think on. She sipped at the drink as she watched people skate, and looked for something to do or talk to.


Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , (open)

"A world without money seems rather ideal. Unfortunately, I don't think humans are capable of living that way. Usery is a shared trait among most of the descendants of Coruscant." Cedric mused, "I was making something of a joke at the admiral's expense. Pay it no heed." He stopped himself from delving into the intricate game that was economics. The banality of money and the means by which it flowed would be of little interest to a being with no need of it.

The former exile cast his gaze out a nearby window to the snow drifts beyond. It reminded him keenly of the alpine ranges of Ruusan, and for a moment he found himself to be slightly homesick. "I appreciate your offer, Eina, but I'm well enough. I've done enough healing for several lifetimes. If I added it all together, I've likely spent a year or two laid out in a hospital bed or some other equivalency." Statistically speaking one of those trips should have killed him many times over. It seemed the Ashla still had a purpose for him in the mortal world.

"I'm as well as I can be. The body is weak, but the spirit is willing. It's fortunate most of the fighting is over. It'll be months before I can lead from the front again." Likely longer but realistically accepting the frailty of his flesh was an impossibility. "There is far more work to do than war anyway. It is time to begin our transition from a military with a state to a proper nation. With the church's foundations and our reclamation of the Holy Land, there is nothing to stop us from reaching our full potential. There will be much to be done, and I only pray I have enough years left to finish it all."

His gaze had drifted back to the snowdrifts again, the quiet terror of his own mortality clawing at the edge of his thoughts. He willed such thoughts away and forced his gaze back to meet Eina's. "I do hope your holiday season has been more peaceful?"

Lady Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum


Location 1 - The Frozen Lake


Tags: Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin

The Codru-ji was amused by the name of the holiday "snanashala? I like it, you know family is very important, maybe you should visit yours some time after we return to Codru Secundus, you do know you aren't my prisoner don't you?" she laughed, not once in for months had Zol even attempted to leave or go off world without her. She then quickly added, for fear of giving the impression she was asking her friend to leave. "Or they could some and visit you on Codru?"

Zolasha felt nervous to her, she could understand why, the Ashlans could be zealots at times and they probably would mistreat her if they found out she was a darksider. She would take her mind off it. "come on, let's eat? I am feeling some war boar and a large drink of Grogg. How about you?" Reaching over with one of her right hands, she put her hand on Zolashas arm that was looped through hers and led her along. There was a little queue to get into the bar, but once they were inside, the warmth was lovely, a fire crackles in the corner and Hanaya felt her bones warming. She let her reindeer fur shrug slip off off her shoulder. "I suppose, seeing as I brought you, I should get the first round? Want anything specific or shall I just use my judgement?"

She helped Zolasha sit down in the booth and get comfortable, as the other woman slid across to get further into the booth, Hanaya just found herself staring into the middle distance thinking, she wasn't really sure what about, maybe it was just the relaxed atmosphere taking her away from.her usual day to day chores.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: The Grand Hall, Draellix Castle; Lur
Objective: Try to avoid the too awkward situations.
Equipment: Elegant attire | Attire | Attire | Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current form
Writing With:: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
[ Christmas Eve ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Actually, Eina liked to listen to others tell her about Realspace, the things here. She also learned a lot with this, and thankfully quickly. The Valkyrja wasn’t stupid or dull, just inexperienced and things here were strangers to her. Nothing more. She understood almost everything at first, it was the lies, irony, or something she didn’t get along with. She was accustomed to communicating through emotions and thoughts, where everyone "says" and conveys a feeling to the other that they feel and think. No lies, no intrigue, no shadow games, just the truth, just purity.

"Mortals are quite materialists, as if that mattered in the next life. At least most of them are. Maybe that’s why I like to be here, with the members of Ashlan Crusade, because spiritualism is more important to many here." she replied with a kind smile.

She just nodded at the next one; Isla had told her something similar before, only about Eina's mother. The Valkyrja didn't understand, as she did now, what it was about. Moments like this were when she really felt she wasn’t from this world. And she has no right to be here.

"I can heal more effectively with the Force. It’s easy for someone who is a Force Entity. However, if you ever change your mind, my Lord. Feel free to tell me. Or if you just want to talk about anything or just lighten your soul. I'll keep your secrets." she offered, the way she looked at the man, it might have been clear that she was already keeping a secret about the man, that she knew something whose burden she was bearing, but she did not tell anyone.

By the way, she thought of giving it to the man from her own life force and thus helping healing. Of course not to an irresponsible extent. True, she hasn’t tried much since becoming a Lightsider, but she thought it might be more effective than ever. Nevertheless, that is, with these thoughts in mind, Eina reached out carefully to Cedric, and if the man did not pull away, she would gently touch the ruler's hand, the real hand, not the cybernetic arm, for a few moments only.

"But if the body is not strong enough, it will not be able to fulfil the desires and will of the soul and mind. And you will suffer wounds again, which will make you weaker again." after the touch, Cedric could feel a little stronger if he was in pain, the pains were gone and a pleasant warmth could fill his body and soul as the extra vitality flowed through him. Of course, this will only happen if he does not refuse help. But if he accepted, then both his body and soul could find some calm and warmth.

"You should spend more time on yourself. What you said also puts a strain on the body, not just the soul. I have experience in this, I know what it's like. But I think you know too, because this is not the first time you have done this, not the first time you have built an empire, a nation. With that, everyone loses if you run out of strength because you are not ready and you are not strong enough." she said softly. "You need someone who take care of you, who helps you, who can be a cure for all your pain, who can help you to be strong and whole again."

As always, she was as direct as ever, always saying what she thought.

"As for the Holy Land… the Nexus…" she paused in confusion and a little flushed after her words.

She followed the man's gaze to the snowy landscape outside, but in the end she looked back at him and shook her head gently at the question.

"We’re not celebrating this, really nothing. But if I look at the customs of mortals, it was the anniversary of my father’s death now and that means my birthday happens in the next few days. Or my mother… The Empress's birthday coincides with this holiday. But like you, I spend most of my time healing, either at Ession or at home in the Sanctuary." she explained. "Like you, my Lord, I need to heal." a little sad smile appeared on her lips.


Location - the grand hall

This was her...second? Yes second offical public outing after her revival, only second because well aside from the battlefield stardust really didnt have much social interaction and really really kinda needed some at the moment. A invitation to a life day ball came through her messages so star took it and went to get a dress made for herself, arriving via shuttle she stepped out light shining just a bit off the red dress, she felt up her ring and let a sigh out as she went forth wondering what this night would bring.

She stopped as she looked to the grand hall, might be a lotta people out there to meet, in fact since she had her ring on it was slightly cold to the twilek so she decided to enter into the grand hall taking a glass of champagne from a server and taking a sip of it as she looked at it and shrugged at the cheap taste. She spotted a few faces that seemed important but she didnt approach them instead she stood off to the side taking everything in that included vantage point and means of rapid escape

Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

She hummed quietly to herself, ushering Kahlil along for a meeting he had made a passing mention of. Even though he had assured her that he had merely been joking, her persistence on the topic had made the idea solidify into something of an arrangement. Even if the party being sought after was not aware of their approach.

"I believe the Empress will be quite pleased to see you once more. Especially after what has transpired." She informed her, before clicking her tongue. "Though her initial concern may be evident with my company. Maybe. The Empress is one chock full of surprises." She admitted quietly.

She kept her gear about her, instead opting to don an additional cloak in light of the festivities. The bells adorning the bottom edge of her cloak softly jingled in chorus with the sharp click of her heels. Her spirits were high, aside from just the atmosphere as the hall opened up to them.

"Let's find the Empress shall we? I don't believe it will be hard to find the other with me beside you." She pointed to the red hair peeking out from beneath her cowl with a smirk.


Ah man, another party. Actually. Thinking back all those years, he met Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim at a party just like this. It's the only reason he actually let Millia Brimarch Millia Brimarch drag him along after his joking comment. Sides, a party might be something truly to relax to. And he had something else he needed to confirm. The rumor had spread. Carnifex had been captured. Even with the bond to his father cut he couldn't help be curious what fate awaited his dad.

Heartless monster that he was, they were still blood.

He straightened out his jacket. Again he didn't bother with a suit. Wasn't much for his style. The usual outfit with the overcoat would have to do. And well, it was snowing inside so why no- It was snowing inside. He raised a brow at the spectacle, but said nothing on it. "Why would she be concerned with your presence?" He raised a brow curiously, glancing to his companion. Ingrid never seemed the type to be concerned with Millia, unless there was something else going on.

Then again, he knew Ingrid in a way many didn't. Not the Empress, but the woman and friend.

Kahlil chuckled shortly after. "Y'know I keep finding myself friends with red heads. Maybe I should just go talk to more and see if it's just a thing."

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