Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Light of a Weapon


It was finally the time. Time to go and search for the one crystal which would probably guide Lilin throughout her life. The crystal which would ignite the saber of her own. Even the thought of that gave her chills -- a weapon so strong brought more responsibility. The blade could cut through most objects and people in the galaxy, meaning she would have to be extremely careful when using one.

In case she would actually find a crystal for her saber; the right crystal, that is.

She had brought along a Rogue Knight called Jacen, who also happened to be a member of the Covenant. He'd answered to the calls of the girl and was no accompanying her on the journey to creating the Padawan's very first lightsaber.

It was a symbolic moment, Lilin assumed.

"How did you make your lightsaber? Did you go and find a crystal on your own?" she was curious about how the man had gotten her weapon. She was so excited about the trip that she could barely contain herself. She felt like exploding, but tried to keep all of her excitement in. She wouldn't want to give the man a bad first impression.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

A smile threatened to break out as one side of his lips curled up. “So, bearing in mind we’re going back twenty years here,” he replied, his right hand lifting his own saber from his belt. “Going into extreme detail on the event might be a little tricky. I nearly had to use a synth crystal, we’re going back to before the golden expansion of the Republic here. However, I managed to get on a trip out to the caves on Ilum to find a crystal myself. The few Masters we had back then thought it was a vital part of the ritual.”

He held the hilt out, for her to inspect if she wished. “Pretty standard, two crystal affair. Nothing out of the ordinary. Well balanced though, that’s key. What other components do you have so far? Oh, and I assume you brought decent enough cold weather gear? I brought the climbing gear and blasters,” he said, gauging her reaction carefully.

It had been such a long time since he'd journeyed through the crystal caves. He thought back to those endless iridescent tunnels and how all sense of time and direction had been lost. Not as easy an endeavor as some imagined. It brought back other feelings too. Sorrow at a privileged upbringing wasted by youthful pride, anger at his foolish younger self for all he had thrown away.


"Uh, I have the most of the hilt which I got from the Covenant as a gift of some sort, I guess," Lilin said while searching in her bag to find it. After a few seconds, she could find it and show it to the man. "I think I am missing only the crystal right now."

She then took another look into her bag and continued, "I have a gear for the harsh climate of Ilum. I am just not sure if it is good enough to protect me."

She'd loaned the gear and she could have sworn they had been used many times before and were not at the best condition at that moment. But if that turned out to be true, she could use some Force skills she'd been working on, like Tapas for example. Her skills were not that good yet, but she assumed she would manage to survive thanks to that and the gear she would wear.

"So you lived before the time of the Republic? What was it like?" she asked to fill the time before they would reach Ilum. They were nearly there, she sensed.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

“Well it existed,” he replied. He noted that her exuberance had barely been dented by the talk of blasters and climate gear. They’re not all like you were, he chastised himself. They’re kids, but being a bit over-eager doesn’t mean they’re as proud and selfish as you were. Stop trying to scare it out of them!

“But this was before it stretched halfway across the Galaxy,” he added. And before the One Sith and Rapture cut that back down to almost nothing again, he silently added. “Tapas: niche skill. Could be useful. Especially if you didn’t bring enough warm gear, or if you get stuck down a hidden chasm whilst searching for the right crystal.”

He sorted through the components she’d brought. Jacen was no expert of saber mechanics, but had spent years tinkering with blasters, which had surprisingly similar internals. “Don’t be afraid to change the weight or balance of the hilt. It’s not like you’re balancing a pommel with a metal blade, but the saber still exhibits strange gyroscopic forces and you need to get the right feel.

“So I’ll tell you the same thing I was told long ago. Be patient. Let the Force guide you to the right crystal. The caves are dangerous, so take your time, and check your footing. We’ll land where you want and I’ll follow your lead.”


Ah, so she wouldn't learn of the time before the Republic? Well, that was actually understandable. The faction had existed for long, even before her mother and most likely even before her parents were born. She was just full of hope that she could learn something of the strange era of Four Hundred Year Darkness.

"Uh, yeah, sure," Lilin said. Another one to tell her that she would have to take the time to find the right crystal. Looked like it was really important to let the Force guide one to their crystal that all these people talked about it.

She sighed.

"Somebody told me the right crystal would start to glow or something? Is that true?" she asked before they would reach the spot Lilin wanted them to land at.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

Jacen shrugged, starting the wonder whether a Master with more years of experience would have been better suited to the trip. Doubting himself as usual. The Covenant had few of those though, most were relatives of the cocksure children who seemed to feel parenting from a distance was acceptable.

“Got to admit I didn’t experience anything like that. Nothing so…overt. But at the same time it felt incredibly…right? I’m sorry I’m not always the best with words. Some of the best master can wax lyrical about lifting a pebble.

“Still, we’ve got you here safe, right?” he asked rhetorically, looking through the viewscreen as they broke through the clouds. It was hard to tell in some respect, given the weather. They’d definitely passed through a view of thick grey swirls, into thin lighter grey swirls.

Voidstalker started to layer up his gear, as the shuttle slowed its descent. A holo-map of the terrain within a fifty mile radius appeared next to them. “Pick your spot I guess. We can move on if we get there and it doesn’t feel right.”

On his own datapad only, a life form scan showed the location of nearby gorgodon nests. No point either worrying the girl unduly, or removing the threat from her mind entirely.


Lilin nodded as they started nearing the surface. She took all of her gear out and started putting the additional relatively weatherproof clothes on. It was going to be an adventurous day, she believed. Yet she also understood it would be rather tiring, so she also checked her thermos which she had filled with nice hot coffee. She had enough there, so in case the man hadn't taken anything, she could offer him some warming drink.

Then she put her backpack on and nodded to the man.

"Let's do this!" she said with confidence in her voice. She didn't know there was a gorgodon nest nearby. And all she truly cared about was the fact that she was about to get her lightsaber crystal. Although she should have prepared herself for any possible opposition. The crystal caves of Ilum were not that safe places.

The ship landed and so the girl stepped out. Goodness, it was truly cold there. The caves could have been even worse.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

Jacen pulled his hood tightly about his face as they stepped out onto the surface. “I suggest we find some shelter from this!” Jacen called over the howling winds. He looked up at the cliff face before them. There were three caves he could see, one just a short ten metre climb, the other two much higher. He imagined he could almost manage the closest one without unpacking the climbing gear, just a straight scrabble, even if the ice presented a risk.

“Where do your senses tell you to go?” he shouted. His exposed skin was already red and raw from the biting winds. The nearest cave, please let the crystal be in the nearest cave... he thought to himself as he rubbed his hands.


Lilin shivered, but managed to bear it while she closed her eyes and let the Force tell her where to go. Her senses were disturbed due to the storm and low temperatures, but she could pretty surely tell the closest one would lead the two to the right place. Just as the highest one would. Maybe they were connected somehow?

"We could go..." she felt like every time she would open her mouth, her throat would just turn into pure ice, "... to the lowest cave, the closest one."

She would have not wanted to suffer the effects of such a weather for long, even though she could tell the highest one would take them to the right place faster.

Then she reminded herself that they had all the time they needed. They could walk in the caves for long just so that they wouldn't have to deal with getting sick or anything.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

“Oh thank feth,” Voidstalker muttered quickly, before reigning himself in. “I mean…something something inspiring talk,” he added, with a wave of his hand. Good comeback. Ashamed of himself he broke eye contact and opened his bag, pulling out two pairs of crampons.

“Doesn’t look a hard climb, and it’s a gentle slope, but let’s not take any unnecessary risks yeah?” he said with a smile.

Let’s not take any unnecessary risks and return to the others with a student who’s broken her neck, a small voice added to the conversation. He hated that voice, he really did.


Lilin looked at the crampons and sighed. She didn't focus on what the man had said -- she would have felt just the same way as he did. Then she turned her head towards the first cave. Ugh, yeah, it was really low, but they should not take such risks, especially on a slippery ice like this one seemed to be.

People had died there, right?

"So... Is there any chance somebody will try to attack us in the caves?" Lilin asked while she put on the crampons, but failed miserably at doing that.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
Jacen wasn't in much of a mood for being exposed to these conditions longer than necessary. So he took a knee and finished affixing the crampons to her boots. He wasn't much for answering questions on the Force, but a few months of military environmental training prepared him for this. He stood back and considered her question for a moment. She seemed such a delicate thing, but he knew that age and how it brought a fierce independence and a desire to be considered an adult.

Back in his day he'd been told this was a serious test, with grave danger. Afterwards to be told the only trial was their own fears. Jacen had scoffed at the Republic turning children into soldiers, yet he'd seen enough of that in his career. Sixteen year olds were ready to train for war, far younger as cadets. Eighteen year olds were ready to die for their country. Yet to be picked out and prepared for war based on genetic traits, that rankled with him some. And yet here he was, fighting alongside an army of well-meaning children. Funny the way the 'verse worked.

"No, of course not," Jacen replied reassuringly. "Look, you get that connected to the Force, often your mind will play tricks on you. One lad carried a pebble around for hours claiming it was a crystal when I was here last. Focus on your footing and the ice, that's the biggest risk now. And as for the local fauna, well that's why I brought a handcannon," he said with a wry smile, resting a hand on the massive blaster pistol on his belt. He looked to the slope. The air burned his lungs with every breath. Better to get this done sooner, rather than later.

"You climb well?"


When Lilin finally managed to put on the crampons, she was already feeling as cold as she'd been turned into an ice cube. They had to move fast to get out of the harsh winter environment and make it to the calmer, more peaceful caves.

She had asked a silly question, at least that's what she understood from the man's reaction. She hoped she wouldn't ask anything like that anymore, having already made such a silly first impression.

"I don't know. I've not climbed on ice before," she answered to the next question the man had. "Let's find out."

Her feet started moving towards the cliff and when she finally made it there, she kicked her right foot into the glacier, then followed by her right hand, her left foot and then -- kark, she had forgot to take medication. Due to a strange disease, her left arm was extremely weak when no medication was applied to that.

What would she do now? Fly up to the cave? Climb on only one hand? She did not want the man to carry her, that was for sure, so she played a hero and started climbing with the aid of only her right hand.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
Jacen didn't notice that he'd offended the teenager, he was not the most observant man. He was also not the most eloquent or tactful of men. It was part of the reason his own son, who he guessed was just a few years younger than Lilin, didn't speak to him any more. It also went some way to explain why, despite staying close in case the padawan struggled with the scramble, he didn't even notice she was only using one arm to support her weight. Wedging his hand between to protruding lumps of crystal, he came to a sudden halt.

"Did you cut your hand?" he called over the ever-increasing wind.

[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]


"What? Why would I-" Lilin started talking, but then realised why the man had asked that, to which she laughed lightly and then replied, "No, I was born with an extremely weak left hand and if I don't take medication, it just doesn't function properly."

She looked at the man and smiled, at the same time trying to remember that she didn't have to care about how people judged her. Yet the more time she spent with new people, the more did she start feeling uncomfortable.

Her head turned towards the cave's opening while she continued climbing. It was difficult, having to rely on only one hand. She had to move upwards more with the aid of her legs than with her arms, which she just wasn't used to doing.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

Had they been on a truly vertical slope, Jacen would have foregone manners and roped the padawan to him for safety. As it was, if she slipped on the gentler incline at this modest height, she’d likely just bruise her body and ego. Maybe break something if unlucky. To Jacen, that risk seemed more palatable than the chance of offending the teenager.

However, he did stay close through the climb, in case she got stuck or had a small slip. As they reached the precipice a low rumbling sound echoed across the cliffs. Probably a distant gorgodon, whose cry rolled across the land. It didn’t seem that close.

“Good work,” he grunted as they reached the top, trying to sound genuine and not condescending. “All on you now,” he added, looking at the mouth of the cavern. His eyes spied a twinkle deep within. Remarkable how abundant with crystals these caves were, yet how much time could be consumed finding the right one.


They finally reached the opening. Lilin was already slightly exhausted -- it was not the easiest task to climb on three limbs if you've never done that before. But they made it and hopefully she only had to walk in the caves, not have to jump and run and climb and fall and whatnot.

"OK, let's do this," Lilin said as she made her way into the cavern.

The change in lightning was very sudden, so it took her eyes some time to adapt to what was in the cave. The lights the crystals inside radiated made it a whole lot easier and even magical, to some degree.

"Wow, there are so many crystals. How am I supposed to find the right one?"

And truly, there were green ones, blue ones, even some mixtures of these two colours. She couldn't identify any other colours, though.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

"Just take your time. Meditate a while if you need, or just go exploring. Something will draw your attention at some point, but you need to open yourself up to the Force. There’s really no rush, so just take your time,” Jacen explained. He slid off one glove and idly traced one finger down the length of a crystal protruding from the wall on his left. It had been a long time since he’d been here.


Lilin nodded and continued walking, admiring the beauty of every single crystal on her way. It was so interesting to see all these little rocks of light which all had the potential of becoming the power source of a lightsaber one day. And one of these was most likely the right crystal which would find a new home at the lightsaber hilt which she had along with her.

The thought of her very own saber gave her chills every time she thought about it. What colour would the crystal be? What powers would it have, if any? Was there a chance she could find a crystal of unique colour? All these questions in a small girl's brain.

"What is your lighstaber blade's colour, may I ask?" she asked from the man to fill up the time they just walked around the caves.

[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
Roused from his reverie by the question, Jacen turned to the Padawan with a blank expression. He had been thinking back a couple of decades, as he often did. They always repeated that: "Look forwards, don't dwell on the past." Easier said than done. During his darkest hours he could spend whole days repeating events in his mind, torturing himself by playing out "what if" scenarios and corrected his past mistakes.

"Gold," he said after an unnatural pause to collect his thoughts. "Not common for Ilum crystals, but mine is a pair. One a natural green, one a synthetic orange. You can find crystals that produce other colours here, but they are rare. Did you have something in mind?" he asked. People often lied about that one, but everyone had a preference. He recalled a particularly vain Padawan who had embroidered his robes to match his blade.

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