Lilin nodded and looked around, trying to find the last little piece of hope she could. She really wanted to get the crystal soon. It was cold, she didn't feel really good nor did she want to spend the rest of her week in the caves of Ilum. There were other things to do and she couldn't just waste her whole life on just trying to find one single crystal which perhaps even didn't exist.
She closed her eyes, but as she did that, an extremely strong ripple in the Force made it to her. It was something she had never experienced before -- was it the crystal? Was it something different? She didn't know. But it was strong and nothing like a typical ripple in the Force.
"Wait a moment, I think I feel something," she spoke.
[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]
She closed her eyes, but as she did that, an extremely strong ripple in the Force made it to her. It was something she had never experienced before -- was it the crystal? Was it something different? She didn't know. But it was strong and nothing like a typical ripple in the Force.
"Wait a moment, I think I feel something," she spoke.
[ [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] ]