@[member="Tegaea Alcori"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
As Mei entered the room she was staying in, she immediately noticed the view she had of the capital city. The view had in some ways reminded her of her time on Coruscant, though by all means Santaissa was a much more beautiful city to have a view of. The room in general was well-furnished without being over-the-top, and while Mei cared little one way or another how nice her own bed felt to sleep in, she admittedly did appreciate how comfortable the bed seemed to be.
Mei sat her luggage down at the foot of the bed, then turned to Mistress Kerrigan, responding to her welcome with a gentle nod. "Again, I must thank you for this opportunity. I will be sure to let you know if anything is needed."
As Mei entered the room she was staying in, she immediately noticed the view she had of the capital city. The view had in some ways reminded her of her time on Coruscant, though by all means Santaissa was a much more beautiful city to have a view of. The room in general was well-furnished without being over-the-top, and while Mei cared little one way or another how nice her own bed felt to sleep in, she admittedly did appreciate how comfortable the bed seemed to be.
Mei sat her luggage down at the foot of the bed, then turned to Mistress Kerrigan, responding to her welcome with a gentle nod. "Again, I must thank you for this opportunity. I will be sure to let you know if anything is needed."