Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
This guidelines page offers commentary on this list of lightsabre crystals and assorted others. Tech judges often refuse to recognize the video-game-derived 'special powers' of certain lightsabre crystals. In these cases, using a crystal of that name is generally fine, as long as you don't expect that special power. In fairness to you guys, some of the judges whipped up an unofficial list of lightsabre crystals and what generally gets allowed, denied, or nerfed. This is about as 'fluff' as it gets. All we're trying to do is stem potential abuses and fix bad information that's gotten passed on by word of mouth. These things aren't set in stone, and if you're going to get up in arms over your favorite crystal getting nerfed because your lightsabre can apparently freeze people on contact...don't.
Unrecognized powers generally fall into two categories: Irrational damage, and improved speed/dexterity bonuses. A lightsabre deals one kind of damage (not cold, not acid, not electricity, not dripping lava) and its blade is effectively weightless. Additionally, although many crystals are said to enhance their wielder's Force connection, that happens with any properly attuned focusing crystal in any properly constructed lightsabre. If a crystal's Wook entry mentions a 'more powerful' blade, it generally refers to cutting power and thus cutting speed, though these are not huge differentials. A 'basic' lightsabre, using a low-end Adegan crystal like kathracite, or any normal gemstone, can still cut blast doors just fine.
As some lightsabres contain more than one crystal, note that similar effects are not necessarily cumulative, and judges reserve the right to deny overpowered or nonsensical stacking of special qualities. Development threads help.
Adegan Crystal: Vanilla. In order of increasing rarity and value: kathracite, relacite, danite, mephite, pontite. A high-end Adegan crystal will make cutting easier. An extremely rare pontite crystal is so connected to the Force that it becomes easier to remain calm in the crystal's presence.
Allya's Exile - Flame effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Allya's Redemption - Acid effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Ankarres Sapphire - Can only be used by a Lightsider, healing aid, contact with the jewel can burn a Darksider (UNIQUE)
Baas' Wisdom - Cold effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Bane's Heart - Electrical effect recognized; lightsabre blades can be charged with electricity (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Barab Ingot - Flame effect not recognized
Blackwing Crystal - Vanilla
Bnar's Sacrifice - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Bondar - Stun effect not recognized
Bondara's Folly - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Corusca Gem - Vanilla
Corrosion - Corrosive effect not recognized
Damind - Can create a wider blade, useful for deflection
Dantari - Can reduce fatigue brought on by using the Force
Dawn of Dagobah - Acid effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Dragite - Sonic damage effect not recognized, though louder blade 'sound effects' may be distracting or disorienting
Durindfire - Vanilla
Enhancement Jewel - Vanilla
Eralam - Vanilla
Firkrann - Electrical effect recognized; lightsabre blades can be charged with electricity
'Focus' - Stun effect not recognized
Heart of the Guardian - Enhances the abilities of other crystals in the lightsabre (UNIQUE)
Horn's Future - Vanilla (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Hurrikaine - Better against energy fields; cold damage effect not recognized
Ilum Crystal - Vanilla, interchangeable with Adegan crystals
Impact Crystal - Kinetic damage effect not recognized
Incineration - Flame effect not recognized
Jenruax - Speed/maneuverability benefit not recognized
Kaiburr Shard - Force Push boost effect not recognized; on Mimban, can aid in clarity of Force senses (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Kasha - Can help clear wielder's mind of distractions
Katak - Force Drain effect not recognized
Kenobi's Legacy - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Krayt Dragon Pearl - Vanilla. Difficult to install.
Lambent - Read the Wookieepedia entry carefully
Life Drain Crystal - Force Drain effect not recognized
Lignan Crystal - Dark Side users only. Can cut more quickly than most lightsabres.
Lorrdian Gemstone - Improvement to awareness of opponent's movements
Luxum - Ionization/anti-droid effect; lightsabre blades can be charged with electricity
Mantle of the Force - See 'Heart of the Guardian' (UNIQUE)
Marilite - Vanilla
Meditation Crystal - Life drain/energy regain effect not recognized
Meetra Surik Crystal - Could only be used by Surik; not valid for player use (UNIQUE)
Mestare Crystal - Blade curving and anti-cortosis effects not recognized, as they contradict major canon sources
Nextor - Volatility property: The yellow 'splash' of released energy, when sabres hit sabres, is slightly larger and brighter
Opila - Some improved cutting power
Permafrost - Cold effect not recognized; sabre can only be used by its maker
Phond - Vanilla
Prowess of Plo Koon - Vanilla (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Qixoni Crystal - Can only be used by a Darksider; some improved cutting power; some improvement to Force strength
Rainbow Gems - Alive, non-sentient, not hurt by use as a lightsabre crystal, no special properties
Rol Stone - Vanilla
Rubat - Sharper visual appearance. Speed benefit not recognized.
Ruusan Crystal - Vanilla
Sapith - Ease of control benefit recognized
Sigil - Improved cutting power
Sith 'Bloodshine' Crystal - The standard artificial Sith crystal, found in many Sith Lords' lightsabres. Has a very small chance of 'breaking' an enemy blade in undefined ways (maybe deactivation, etc. - best to leave that up to your opponent).
Solari Crystal - Will cease to function if wielder falls to the Dark Side; makes a wider blade, good for blaster deflection
Stygium - Force stealth boost effect not recognized
Sunrider's Destiny - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Tsil - Sentient crystalline lifeform from Nam Chorios, known in canon to be very vulnerable to pain/'lobotomization' through energy passage - on this board, a tsil has been used as a lightsabre crystal, in constant and extreme pain - the light of a tsil, and thus the light from this sort of sabre, would repel drochs (a very rare insect from Nam Chorios)
Ulic's Redemption - Vanilla (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Ultima Pearl - Difficult to install
Upari - Ambiguous effects not recognized unless carefully defined.
Velmorite - Creates a narrow, precise blade
Vexxtal - Corruption effect not recognized
Viridian Crystal - Vanilla
Windu's Guile - See 'Hurrikaine' - can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Unrecognized powers generally fall into two categories: Irrational damage, and improved speed/dexterity bonuses. A lightsabre deals one kind of damage (not cold, not acid, not electricity, not dripping lava) and its blade is effectively weightless. Additionally, although many crystals are said to enhance their wielder's Force connection, that happens with any properly attuned focusing crystal in any properly constructed lightsabre. If a crystal's Wook entry mentions a 'more powerful' blade, it generally refers to cutting power and thus cutting speed, though these are not huge differentials. A 'basic' lightsabre, using a low-end Adegan crystal like kathracite, or any normal gemstone, can still cut blast doors just fine.
As some lightsabres contain more than one crystal, note that similar effects are not necessarily cumulative, and judges reserve the right to deny overpowered or nonsensical stacking of special qualities. Development threads help.
Adegan Crystal: Vanilla. In order of increasing rarity and value: kathracite, relacite, danite, mephite, pontite. A high-end Adegan crystal will make cutting easier. An extremely rare pontite crystal is so connected to the Force that it becomes easier to remain calm in the crystal's presence.
Allya's Exile - Flame effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Allya's Redemption - Acid effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Ankarres Sapphire - Can only be used by a Lightsider, healing aid, contact with the jewel can burn a Darksider (UNIQUE)
Baas' Wisdom - Cold effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Bane's Heart - Electrical effect recognized; lightsabre blades can be charged with electricity (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Barab Ingot - Flame effect not recognized
Blackwing Crystal - Vanilla
Bnar's Sacrifice - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Bondar - Stun effect not recognized
Bondara's Folly - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Corusca Gem - Vanilla
Corrosion - Corrosive effect not recognized
Damind - Can create a wider blade, useful for deflection
Dantari - Can reduce fatigue brought on by using the Force
Dawn of Dagobah - Acid effect not recognized (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Dragite - Sonic damage effect not recognized, though louder blade 'sound effects' may be distracting or disorienting
Durindfire - Vanilla
Enhancement Jewel - Vanilla
Eralam - Vanilla
Firkrann - Electrical effect recognized; lightsabre blades can be charged with electricity
'Focus' - Stun effect not recognized
Heart of the Guardian - Enhances the abilities of other crystals in the lightsabre (UNIQUE)
Horn's Future - Vanilla (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Hurrikaine - Better against energy fields; cold damage effect not recognized
Ilum Crystal - Vanilla, interchangeable with Adegan crystals
Impact Crystal - Kinetic damage effect not recognized
Incineration - Flame effect not recognized
Jenruax - Speed/maneuverability benefit not recognized
Kaiburr Shard - Force Push boost effect not recognized; on Mimban, can aid in clarity of Force senses (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Kasha - Can help clear wielder's mind of distractions
Katak - Force Drain effect not recognized
Kenobi's Legacy - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Krayt Dragon Pearl - Vanilla. Difficult to install.
Lambent - Read the Wookieepedia entry carefully
Life Drain Crystal - Force Drain effect not recognized
Lignan Crystal - Dark Side users only. Can cut more quickly than most lightsabres.
Lorrdian Gemstone - Improvement to awareness of opponent's movements
Luxum - Ionization/anti-droid effect; lightsabre blades can be charged with electricity
Mantle of the Force - See 'Heart of the Guardian' (UNIQUE)
Marilite - Vanilla
Meditation Crystal - Life drain/energy regain effect not recognized
Meetra Surik Crystal - Could only be used by Surik; not valid for player use (UNIQUE)
Mestare Crystal - Blade curving and anti-cortosis effects not recognized, as they contradict major canon sources
Nextor - Volatility property: The yellow 'splash' of released energy, when sabres hit sabres, is slightly larger and brighter
Opila - Some improved cutting power
Permafrost - Cold effect not recognized; sabre can only be used by its maker
Phond - Vanilla
Prowess of Plo Koon - Vanilla (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Qixoni Crystal - Can only be used by a Darksider; some improved cutting power; some improvement to Force strength
Rainbow Gems - Alive, non-sentient, not hurt by use as a lightsabre crystal, no special properties
Rol Stone - Vanilla
Rubat - Sharper visual appearance. Speed benefit not recognized.
Ruusan Crystal - Vanilla
Sapith - Ease of control benefit recognized
Sigil - Improved cutting power
Sith 'Bloodshine' Crystal - The standard artificial Sith crystal, found in many Sith Lords' lightsabres. Has a very small chance of 'breaking' an enemy blade in undefined ways (maybe deactivation, etc. - best to leave that up to your opponent).
Solari Crystal - Will cease to function if wielder falls to the Dark Side; makes a wider blade, good for blaster deflection
Stygium - Force stealth boost effect not recognized
Sunrider's Destiny - Can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Tsil - Sentient crystalline lifeform from Nam Chorios, known in canon to be very vulnerable to pain/'lobotomization' through energy passage - on this board, a tsil has been used as a lightsabre crystal, in constant and extreme pain - the light of a tsil, and thus the light from this sort of sabre, would repel drochs (a very rare insect from Nam Chorios)
Ulic's Redemption - Vanilla (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)
Ultima Pearl - Difficult to install
Upari - Ambiguous effects not recognized unless carefully defined.
Velmorite - Creates a narrow, precise blade
Vexxtal - Corruption effect not recognized
Viridian Crystal - Vanilla
Windu's Guile - See 'Hurrikaine' - can only be used by the sabre's maker (VERY RARE, BORDERLINE UNIQUE)