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Lightsabre Crystals

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Zander Greyson said:
When Zaiden had Stygium in his saber it helped with his Cloak. He did this against numerous people and it was never discounted.

Just throwing that out there
The only effect it would confer is invisibility from sensors. If someone goes further through Rp and doesn't include it in their factory submission there is nothing the factory can do about it.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
If it helps, I'm fairly sure there's no solid evidence anywhere for a stygium crystal being able to do anything stealth-related when it's not hooked up to cloaking device circuitry. And cloaking device circuitry is most emphatically not lightsabre circuitry.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
There's a big difference between sensor fuzz and perfect visual cloaking, and the place was a stygium repository, but if anyone has access to Starfighter: Crossbones issue 3, that could be cleared up pretty easily.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Update: found a pdf of the source. Large quantities of stygium crystals (like, human-sized), without being hooked up to any device, had zero visual effect, but scrambled nearby sensors and prevented long-range sensors from picking up their surroundings. Actual cloaking required a very advanced device.

Jagen Wren

Since you've used so many crystals from Galaxies (fav game), I wanted to point out a few that you missed from the wiki.

  • Cunning of Tyranus
  • Gallia's Intuition
  • Kit's Ferocity
  • Maul's Vengeance
  • Mundi's Response
  • Qui-Gon's Devotion
  • Quintessence of the Force
  • Strength of Luminara
That's all, it just bugged me a bit that these weren't in there.

[member="Alec Rekali"]
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