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Lightsabre Crystals

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
This is mostly cosmetic but shouldn't the durindfire gem have "Adds silvery sheen" since that was what it did? Not something big but that is half its history almost because a family used it because of that.
Here's a question, I know a guy who had a Krayt Dragon Pearl, all it would do is change the blades color according to the pearls color which is either, pearl, or black, from what I know. Now I have that pearl in exchange for money, if I go to make my custom black saber cause its a black pearl, would it need a dev thread? And sabers usually have two crystals in them dont they? a blade color and a effect one?
Why isn't the stygium effect noticed? For me that seems like a very interesting one to have, especially since it uses a dev thread. Kinda negates the dev threads for those force users that aren't gear heads and into complicated armors.
[member="Romeo Sin"]
Generally a regular saber has a single crystal in place, the focusing crystal, but many Jedi/Sith add a second on at some point that would give it an added effect, if their crystal did not do so originally. Generally adding a secondary crystal that would give an added effect along the lines of a Lignan Crystal or something equally rare and powerful would require what amounts to a fetch-quest, though that is the case on a normal basis as well. I seriously doubt someone will make you write up a development thread for a kraayt pearl, though.
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
That was a Star Wars Galaxies thing that was added for a game mechanic incentive to find such crystals. The only thing a stygium crystal would actually do in a lightsaber is make the saber invisible to sensors.
I never saw it as a saber aspect, but a force aspect. Much like a Kasha improves overall focus, I always saw a stygium as improving the parts of the force that do with force stealth, making the ability easier for any jedi who already knows force cloak.
[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Rasho the Hutt"]

In its pure crystal form, it was known to be suitable for use as a lightsaber crystal. It was known that when refined Stygium was mounted on a personalized lightsaber and wielded by a Force-sensitive, the natural cloaking attributes of the crystal would augment the power of a stealth-minded Jedi in remaining unseen.

Sounds like it does to me folks.
Vulpesen said:
I never saw it as a saber aspect, but a force aspect. Much like a Kasha improves overall focus, I always saw a stygium as improving the parts of the force that do with force stealth, making the ability easier for any jedi who already knows force cloak.
When Zaiden had Stygium in his saber it helped with his Cloak. He did this against numerous people and it was never discounted.

Just throwing that out there
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