Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
This is mostly cosmetic but shouldn't the durindfire gem have "Adds silvery sheen" since that was what it did? Not something big but that is half its history almost because a family used it because of that.
I think I might find that...XDFirkrann - Electrical effect recognized; lightsabre blades can be charged with electricity
It has an extensive lore on its use both naturally and via technology, none of which involved the force.Darth Tsolan said:and the KOTORs. So, its in at least two games, possibly three. Yeah, game cannon is low, but it is higher than fannon.
When Zaiden had Stygium in his saber it helped with his Cloak. He did this against numerous people and it was never discounted.Vulpesen said:I never saw it as a saber aspect, but a force aspect. Much like a Kasha improves overall focus, I always saw a stygium as improving the parts of the force that do with force stealth, making the ability easier for any jedi who already knows force cloak.