Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Like, Hiya!

Thanks for the welcome everybody. I like the idea of good writing being the only thing. I'm posting my bio now. Sheena's meant to be super rich, so I hope her resources are not too excessive. They actually have past RP basis mostly, and well, she has plenty of weaknesses to balance them out >.>.
Hello Disciple. I see that you've found a signature that sums yourself up perfectly :p.
I agree, but I'd like to keep my development from TGC where I can. I don't really want to 'split' my character in to two versions, but rather just RP in two places with two different groups of writers.
Makes sense to me. I occasionally like to play a character with different variants of the same person - change their direction a little, explore a little more about them, but it can be confusing if you don't differentiate much. If not, best to stick to old patterns, as you say. It'll be good to read your profile, see what you're like. I've not been over to TGC in about a year or two, so I've yet to see what you can do. Sure you're pretty good, though, given the crowd you've attracted :)
Thanks Teynara :). I'm nothing special, to be honest, I'm surprised by the reception here! Basically, I'm (well, Sheena) a spoiled socialite, extremely girly, but also an ace pilot. My bio is up now which explains a little better.

Hi Darron :)
I am unsurprised by these developments.

And yeah, Teynara, I have crazy fun writing Sheena. She's just the most stereotypical girly girl you can imagine in the Star Wars universe. It's great fun!

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