Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little Talks


The Renegade
He swam beneath the surface, enjoying the cool sensation of water on his skin as he let the women talk. He swam in lazy circles, no and then coming up for air. It was a perfect way to build stamina, though he made sure not to exhaust himself. After a while, he swam back to the two women, making sure to keep to the surface to give them fair warning of his approach.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena nodded in response, feeling somewhat foolish. She was normally not half so clumsy with her words, but today she was tripping over every syllable. And where was Keter? He just made a very inappropriate comment and swam off! Oh, no, now she saw him.
"And how do you like it?" she asked, "In the CIS, I mean."

@[member="Siqa"] @[member="Keter"]


Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
"Well it's a nice change of pace from the whole 'we are the strongest in the galaxy and everyone should fear and obey us' angle everyone did back home." I'd said while playfully shaking my fist in the air. "But it is nicer. I have a master who treats me more like an aprentice and a friend more than my parents did. A start at a better life than just flying around and collecting bounties for a living. And, well, I get to meet great people like you two. Who knows. I hear you're talk of peace among the Republic. Maybe give it fity years and I'll be able to shake a Jedi's hand." I joked on the last part but even a part of me thought that might be true.

@[member="Feena Mason"] @[member="Keter"]
The Eternal Queen
Talk of peace. Feena was starting to have her doubts. The republic was stubborn. Even Feena was wondering if there would ever be a day when either side could even consider peace as an option. Was the idea of working together so terribly hard?

"Hmm... I have an idea," she said, "Next time I visit the republic, I will bring you along. As my... companion, or something. I'll think of a good excuse. You can shake a Jedi's hand then. They won't have a choice."

She could only imagine her old Jedi friends and the look of confusion and... anger, maybe? Good. She would not tolerate racism. Not from her enemies, and certainly from her friends.



Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
"Hehe....uh, I don't know if that would work out. Right now I don't think any Jedi know about me. But maybe that's for the better. I mean how do you think it would be for them if they knew about me? Would they kill me out of fear I might turn back to my roots? Would they try to convert me so they prove the Sith aren't as grand and all powerful as they think? Just so much could go wrong I think. Better they're nudged into knowing about me slowly. Maybe you just mention me or...or something." I looked away feel a bit ashamed to have turned her down, but I real did feel now wasn't the best time to meet with any Jedi. Even though I didn't want to be a Sith I learned enough about the Jedi to know they weren't right for me either. A Templar with the CIS was currently the best route I'd taken I I didn't want that to change. I tried thinking of some sort of compromise for turning down the Archon's offer. "Uh...maybe I could do you a favor anyway. How about the next time you're off on some big important mission or something I can watch your daughter. You know, protect and keep an eye on her. I'm fine with kids, just as my master's little sister. And I'm skilled in enough combat to take on anyone who'd try to harm her."

@[member="Feena Mason"] @[member="Keter"]


The Renegade
Keter swam back to the women, lazily stroking through the water before rolling on his back and staring at the sky as he just floated, half-listening. He momentarily frowned before reasserting his neutral expression. He didn't want to just trust his children to a woman he just met. You just didn't do that. In time, perhaps. The girls needed a more feminine perspective after all. Growing up around soldiers was no childhood for them. "Hmmm, I don't know baout my wife, but the offer is appreciated though unnecessary at this time. I mean...would you entrust your children to someone you just met?" he politely pointed out. "But...if you're so good with people maybe you could do something to help me first..." he pondered out loud before rolling over and swimming down again, making sure to gently brush past Feena before coming up for air behind her again, resting his chin on her shoulder, his red eyes fixed on Siqa.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena did feel a slight touch of disappointment in the woman's decision to decline her offer. Still, she did understand. Perhaps some day she could convince her to go with her. Until then, she would keep in contact. She found herself rather liking this Sith pureblood.

For now, her attention was focused on her husband. What could he have in mind.
"Darling?" she asked, wondering if she would be angry at this idea he had.

@[member="Keter"] @[member="Siqa"]


Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
When @[member="Keter"] pointed out the whole just met you' thing, even I realized how I sounded and said "Uh, yeah. Sorry." giving an awkward smile and feeling stupid. Then came the fact he asked me to do something to which I looked curiously at him and asked "Well sure. What did you want me to do exactly?" I noted @[member="Feena Mason"]s's questioning of it too, making me think this would likely be something he didn't usually ask people to do.


The Renegade
The blond smiled. "Well, since I am to be preoccupied with my family in the coming weeks," he started, hugging Feena from behind, his hands around her waist, holding her against him, "I would ask you a favour in helping a...friend of mine," he explained. Friend was definitely the wrong word, but he had no idea how to describe Zandra. "I fear for her adjusting to the CIS, and would appreciate if she could be...educated. Also, she has an annoying habit of getting into trouble, and I would appreciate if she had someone to keep an eye on her." Keter smiled as he explained, his hands idly running down Feena's waist and legs beneath the water. Good thing it came up to their chests or he was sure his wife would have died from embarrassment by now. But it was so fun to tease her like this.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
This was... unusual for him. Not only to ask a favor of anyone, but to ask something like this. Feena did have her own suspicions about the stray he had brought home. She could be anything. A spy, a gang member, a drug dealer, a prostitute... Maybe Keter's mistress. She honestly did not want to know if that was the case. Easier that way.

What wasn't easy was trying to keep a straight face when her husband was touching her like that. She knew she was blushing terribly.

@[member="Keter"] @[member="Siqa"]


Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
"Well sure. I would be glad to help." I said, thinking this would be a good way to at least let the two heads of the CIS know that among their troops and members I was one they could trust. And I wanted that. I wanted people to know they didn't need to judge me just based on my species. That was something we had to work through. "So who is this person exactly?" I asked, wanting to know who this "SHE" was.

@[member="Feena Mason"] @[member="Keter"]


The Renegade
Keter beamed at Siqa. "Miss Zandra is a...difficult women who grew up with no real role model," he admitted sheepishly. "I came across her in a bad situation and wished to help out. Now...we'll I'm hoping you could be a positive influence on her," he added. "She's a gambler and risk taker. If you could instil some...wisdom in her, I would be grateful," Keter finished. Meanwhile, his hands remained beneath the water, and he bit back a grin at the embarrassment he could almost feel radiating off Feena. He wondered if he could make her as red as Siqa...surely it wouldn't take much more.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
She was doing a decent job so far trying not to make it too obvious what he was doing to her under the water, although she was sure her face was bright red by now.

@[member="Keter"] @[member="Siqa"]


Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
"Oh, I'd be happy to. I know what that's like, trying to be rebellious and all. I'm still something like that." I chuckled a bit, before I started to see the look of the Archon's face. Oh I knew that look, all well enough I knew THAT look. I was a bit surprised to be honest, seeing as how they were doing it right in front of me. If I could blush my whole body would likely be....well red. But boy I knew that look. I had played around with girls in the water before, and vic versa. I gave an awkward smile and said " I 'in the way' at all with you both?" Trying to indicate I knew what they were doing.

@[member="Feena Mason"] @[member="Keter"]


The Renegade
The blond ran his hands up his wife's back to gently rub her shoulders, smiling innocently. "We're just taking care of business," he idly pointed out. "But I thank you for your acceptance of my offer. I shall forward a message to Zandra to meet you. Do you have a preference as for location?" he asked, before turning to his wife. "And perhaps it is time we retired for the day?" Keter suggested.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
She knew. She knew exactly hat they were doing. Feenas face only went redder. Maybe she was a little mad too. But it was only the first day of the vacation.

"Y-yeah," she answered slowly, "I mean no! You aren't in the way! You're fine where you are!"
That only sounded weirder.

"I mean... maybe. It is getting a little... late."

Not true. the sun was still out...

@[member="Keter"] @[member="Siqa"]


Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
I smiled more, seeing how excited each was getting. I shook my head before saying "You two enjoy the water. I'll get out." I said nothing else but let them continue on as I made my way to shore. When I was out I made my way back to where my towel was and dried myself I looked back at the in the water and smiled a bit, thinking if I would ever find that special someone who I'd.... "Ha! Yeah right." I put my sandals on and walked on, looking back to make sure the two weren't looking before I guzzled down some more wine. After that I made my way back to my ship.

@[member="Feena Mason"] @[member="Keter"]


The Renegade
Keter nodded at the Sith pureblood as she swam away. "I'll make sure to forward the details to you later!" he called after her, satisfied with the way the day was going. He'd found someone to keep an eye on Zandra (and keep her far from his children), and he and his wife had made a new friend. Oh, and he had managed to push a few of his wife's buttons. She would make him pay later, he knew, but it was worth it. It had been too long since they had had some fun.
The Eternal Queen
Feena waved as the young woman walked away, smiling until she was out of sight.
...Then she immediately shoved her husband.

"That was highly unprofessional! Now, every time I see that girl, she is going to remember this!"



The Renegade
The blond couldn't help but laugh. "And she will know the Archon is as human as anyone else, and not just some intimidating, powerful woman," he pointed out. "You told me yourself, you would rule from amongst people, not above them," Keter added, but continued to tread water. WHerever she would go, he would follow, as he had always done.

@[member="Feena Mason"]

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