Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Live Aide for the Galaxy

The music continued and Lori couldn't help but have a skip to her step as she went through the booths. In her arms lay quite a few bags of trinkets and special items that she bought for a variety of people in her life. Arla was the one that she was closest to and the bodyguard wasn't even a real person. If her husband Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun was here, they'd more than likely be pretending to be happy newlyweds, when really they hadn't even done so much as hold hands. It was probably too soon for them to appear together anyways. Outside of the Elysium Empire and among a couple of Mandalorians, no one even knew about the arranged marriage. Yet it was probably better that way.

Arla started to lead her to the conference center, which Lori recognized by seeing the signs directing them to it. "I can see why my mom liked it here. They have so much wicked stuff! And teas. Even teas. I'd of gotten her some if she know." Alive was what she wanted to say, but didn't. There was a lot that she kept to herself and this was one of them. Losing both parents in a matter of months, followed by her first husband....It was safe to say that she kept her walls built up so that she didn't have to lose anyone else that was close. It was probably why she was slightly estranged from her brother Caedyn Arenais . She hadn't even spoken to him since she had left the Eclipse Rebellion.

As Lori walked into the conference center, she kept hold of her bags, leaving Arla free to do her job. She fished out her invitation from one of her pockets and handed it to security. "Loreena Arenais-Valhoun from Elysium Empire, MandalArms, House Arenais, yaddy yaddy yadda. I don't wanna bore you with the titles and details. This is my assistant, Arla." There was a slight chuckle from the guard before he waved her and Arla through after them through the holonet.

Hopefully they weren't late. Lori didn't let herself get too distracted, afterall.
The Conference Hall also known as the Alderaan Museum full restored after the earthquakes was once again a shiny beacon the art and history that had once graced the walls and displays were back in place. Faith often chose this location for conferences, it allowed her to show the history and heritage of the people of Alderaan.

Here from the balcony with it's the new transparisteel covered balcony allowing them to look out into the City. Faith and the designers had determined that it would be a benefit should any other meetings be held in the museum that they be able to see what was coming. She heard that Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana of the Ashlan Crusade was on Alderaan and headed to the conference.

This would be one of the first to come to the conference to discuss how they could move forward with meeting the needs of the refugees of the Galaxy.

How many others would find their way to the meeting?

The roar of the concert outside of New Aldera could be heard all the way to the main streets, it seemed to be a big hit. How was Theo doing out the

Tags: Holly Starstorm | Severus Dobson Severus Dobson | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson
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Holly narrowed her eyes for a fraction of a second and then grinned nervously. She could already tell this man was pure slime and while that made her reporters instincts light up, it also made her skin crawl.

“Oh no. Please put this in the donation box. I really must get back to my booth. Good luck !”

She handed him back his credits and went back to the sound board. A moment latter she was in headphones and had the mic turned on.


“This is Holly Starstorm live at the bennefit concert being thrown on Alderaan. I am taking requests for the next half hour and the thirteenth caller will win free tickets to a museum event! Be sure to stay tuned and dial 777-HNN-Radio for your chance to win!”

Severus Dobson Severus Dobson

Severus frowned instantly as the reporter handed him his credits back. He was a Dobson, and Dobsons don't like being denied. Arken, Severus' father, would probably drop the whole thing, but Severus was not his father. He was better than Arken and now was the time to show it. He wanted the reporter to follow him in order to make his donation viewable to the galaxy, and that was what was going to happen. He had even guaranteed an interview with whatever noble he would find. This rejection was unacceptable. To make things worse, he hadn't been on camera the whole time. At least not live. All of his posturing had been useless, he had made a fool of himself!!

He simply waited as Holly talked to her audience in front of the camera. Normally he'd wait through the whole thing, but this time his patience was gone. Nobody makes a fool of The Dobson family, and Nobody refuses their offers.

He walked over to her soundboard, pushing her staff away, he shut the thing off. Or, tried to. It didn't seem to be working, so he instead decided to hammer the thing with his fist. That seemed to work. Then he turned his attention to the reporter. "Miss Starstorm, perhaps you misunderstood me. I want you to follow me, and record my donation. It is important that my family is seen as the only good thing in this retched Empire Mr. Valhoun runs, so that we can take it over. You know who my father is. I don't think it is wise of you to deny me a second time, so if you will, please follow me as I find one of these nobles. There are credits and a free interview with whoever I find as a reward. So, what do you say?"
North of the Stage
Near the Food and Drink

It had been a long time since Andien had been to Alderaan propper. Her time out in Sith Space and then recently aiding logistics teams for the campaign in Chiss space along with her new increased patrol duties...Well, it left a girl tuckered out. When she'd heard of the concert going on planetside she abandoned her family and took the first charter shuttle down to the surface.

The air was so clean on Alderaan. Raised on a space station, even one as advanced as The Ascension, and spending most of her waking hours aboard an Alliance Light Cruiser, she had forgotten what real mountain air tasted like. She savored every minute of it. Despite her dress, she really was enjoying herself. She hadn't had a chance to slip out of her uniform, but she was proud to wear the white and blue, her starbird crest displayed prominently on both shoulders. Her glass of toniray was getting low though. She took a look at her com and winced. How had she already blasted through so much of her personal allowance? Typically she didn't like to spend too much money, limiting herself to a certain amount per day. Today was special though wasn't it?

Not really, but it felt like it.

"I've saved up enough to enjoy myself a little bit I think." She said to herself, mustering up the courage. "But...maybe we get something a little cheaper." She grimaced at the thought. Cheaper probably meant harder, or at least, harder on her palate. Ale, whiskey, tihar? She couldn't stand any of it. She was a wine girl through and through. But good wine on Alderaan cost a pretty penny. She sighed and relented though as she downed her wine and walked up to a stall selling something called Port in a Storm. It smelled awful, but it was the cheapest drink at the stall. Strange for it being apparently imported from Pamarthe.

She should have known something was up when the server quirked an eyebrow at her and chuckled when he gave her her mug.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Dorthea smiled inwardly and towards the young gentleman before her. Normally, this young man's humility would have disgusted her in years prior to her joining the Elysium Empire, but in recent years she had learned to appreciate that sort of thing. Cutting herself off from her father, and joining the Elysium Empire wholeheartedly, she had learned the value of humility and appreciation. Despite being twice this young man's age, and him being a noble, she figured she could learn a lot from somebody like him. She still struggled with learning how to not be a Dobson for feth sakes.

"I am, and I know exactly how you feel," she chuckled nervously. She wasn't lying, "Today I am responsible for representing a major project by both the Elysium Empire and MandalArms. This project is bigger than anything the Elysium Empire has ever taken on before, and I have never even come close to representing something this massive in my previous career. But this massive undertaking will be a huge benefit to refugees everywhere" she realized that she was starting to ramble and brag a little in her nervousness. Stupid Dobson habits.

There were a few reasons for why she had been chosen to represent this project. One being because she was the leading logistician for the whole operation. Two, because she was in a perfect position to represent both the Navy and MandalArms. Third, was because Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun trusted her. Despite the fact that Dorthea had Loreena's faith in her, Dorthea was still pretty stressed about it.

She appraised the young man once-over and pretended like a thought had just occurred to her, "hey, since we're both a little nervous, why don't we keep each other's company on the way to the conference? Maybe we can help each other prepare for what's coming? What brought you here?"



Location: North of Stage -Near Food Stands
Objective: Recommend a good colonoscopy to Severus Snape Dobson
Equipment: PIMA - Smashed Radio Equipment

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The man attempted to turn off her radio equipment and when he couldn't figure it out he hammered it with his fist. The sound board made a high pitched sound, as microphones often did when they were damanged or encountered feedback. The noise went on for a few moments causing many people in the area to grab their ears and look over in annoyance. The sound engineer, a member of the staff he had pushed aside, looked furious.

Holly unplugged the board to stop the sound and stared at the ruins in stunned disbelief. Who did this guy think he was? Was he a psycho or was he just a spoiled rich son who was used to getting his way? Normal people did not go around smashing other peoples property in public! He kept blabbering on about recording and being on camera, but Holly heard him as if from a distance in her stunned disbelief. Was he not paying attention to the fact that Holly was there with HNN RADIO?!? She didn't even have a cameraman here with her today because she wasn't here in a television capacity but rather to cover the concert for HNN radio. The only video recording equipment with her was her personal media assistant.

After a moment of stunned staring she shook her head and came to her senses.

“PIMA start recording.”

The yellow bot, who was floating around turned to face her, and the camera moved in and out to get her in focus. The little green light flashed red.

RECORDING (not broadcasted LIVE, just being saved for latter).

“This is Holly Starstorm on scene at the Alderaan Refugee Benefit Concert. What was supposed to be a fun filled day of radio contests and interviews with band members has turned into a sour commentary on some noble family habits in the Elysium Empire. Moments ago Severus Dobson, member of the well known Dobson family, smashed a radio sound booth and assaulted a sound engineer when he was refused a request he made of Holly Starstorm. The temperamental Dobson asked this reporter to film an interaction with an Alderaani noble, but when this request was denied he destroyed several pieces of HNN recording equipment and threatened the reporter. Mr Dobson states that his request to be recorded stems from a desire the Dobson family has to seize the imperial throne. The empire, which Mr. Dobson referred to as wretched, is currently ran by the Valhoun family."

"PIMA end recording and send file to the station for editing."

The little droid beeped and the red button turned green as the file was sent.

"Congratulations Mr. Dobson. You just made the six o'clock news. It looks like your desire for publicity won't go unanswered today. I will not be accompanying you to speak to a member of the Alderaan noble families, but if you are hell bent on talking to someone in front of me I suggest you stick around. The police will probably want a statement for the damage report I file in regards to what you have done to HNN property. I'd be more than happy to record that interaction for you."

She motioned to the side where sure enough officers were heading towards the disturbance. The loud noise from the damaged microphone and the sparking damaged equipment had attracted attention.

Severus Dobson Severus Dobson
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Theo had a glass of Emerald wine you would think it a bit sweet from the color it was more of a bit tart or maybe he should say dry. It went good with most food which he currently stood munching on a bantha burger. Grilled bantha with some other vegetables and a sauce. It made the wine go down easily.

He wouldn't have to be back out front for a bit, and even if he did miss his cue someone would step in to keep things going. He wanted to make sure he met some of the performers so they could put a face with name, and if he ran into anyone that he worked with or worked for or needed to introduce himself to that he did so.

The Tatooine Five were on he could hear their music over the speakers.

Tags: Julius Beyron Julius Beyron | Andien Gale Andien Gale
Alicio may have been new to the galactic scene, but even he knew what the Elysium Empire and MandalArms were. One, a prolific weapon-dealing company with enough clout, credits, and firepower to rival regional governments, the other, a monarchy with the ambitious goal of uniting the galaxy under a single banner of unity.

He couldn't entirely agree with the sentiments of either body, but to meet someone entrusted with the diplomatic weight of both was equal parts intimidating and exciting. This was the kind of person Alicio was chomping at the bit to meet. And her focus on the needy, the exact people Alicio went into politics to help, was inspiring.

The young nobleman nodded, trying his best to pay attention while tasting the electricity of the concert on his tongue. "It's good to know I won't be the only one out of their depth tonight," he said, letting his relief be heard.

At her suggestion to go to the conference together, Alicio nodded. "I don't see why not. I'm new to... well, everything, so I would appreciate the chance to compare notes, at least.

"My cousin invited me. She's, shall we say, rather ingrained into the politics of Alderaan."
Alicio smiled inwardly, dancing around the subject of Faith Organa Faith Organa . He was Alderaanian royalty; coy, sideways talking was in his blood. "I want to help people, and observing how diplomats across the known galaxy work together to that end is a good first step."

"We should probably get going. I'd hate to be late to my first summit."

"I'm Alicio, by the way."
He held out a hand to gently shake.

- Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson -

TAGS: Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson and others...



As the shuttle began it's final approach to Alderaan, Tiresh leaned back in her luxurious chair, finally setting down the data pad after hours of scanning through reports and updates regarding the progress of the refugee colonies that were being constructed on Ponemah Terminal. She rubbed her eyes slowly, letting out a soft sigh as she reached for her glass of wine. Her eyes hurt from staring at the small screen for so long, not to mention her brain was weary from putting out constant fires and finding solutions to a hundred different problems.

In truth, she would have preferred to be snuggling up in the warm sheets of her own bed back home and not seeing anyone for at least a week… but such luxuries were not meant to be.

She sipped down the rest of her wine as the shuttle set down, picking herself up and making her way out of her private quarters to the rest of her guard detail. The guards nodded as she approached, each one dressed in the finest luxury uniforms… obviously not meant for combat… intended more for appearances.

She herself was dressed up rather elaborately in a fashionable dress that was a step above her usual attire.
Her ears flashed with beautiful jewels, and her neck was adorned with an elegant golden neckless. She had learned how to play her part in these kind of proceedings… She was the fundraiser… the one who laughed at the nobles jokes, giggled at the advances of spoiled young princes, and did everything in her power to get you to like her enough that you would, in turn, open your wallet and support her cause.

Whatever it took to help those who needed it the most.

She was looking forward to meeting the Queen of Alderaan, a woman whom she had heard much about, and a noble that seemed to share much of the same values as the planet she represented as well as the Kobitana Foundation. It seemed like it would be a perfect match.

The Senator of Lujo made her way down the open ramp and was quickly greeted by representatives of the queen.

"Greetings, Senator... and welcome to your first visit of beautiful Alderaan." The representative bowed. Tiresh responded by bowing as well,

"It is my pleasure to finally see its beauty with my own eyes. Would you mind informing the Queen that I have arrived, and that I look forward to attending her conference."

"Yes, mam. This shuttle will take you to your private villa." He motioned to the shuttle behind them. Tiresh nodded and smiled,

"Thank you." She entered the shuttle, along with her six guards and personal assistant, and the shuttle lifted up and made its way towards the luxury suite. Tiresh looked out the window, almost in a daze as her mind began to wander and muse upon other things.

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Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and others...

Isla walked in to the hall, it was a magnificent venue, the glass front giving a stunning view of the city, she had a small internal smile to herself, the opulence that was usually the order of the day when rich people needed to talk about the poor was always such an irony, but she passed no judgement, they were here and could raise billions of credits in hours while they enjoyed the millions spent on a little sparkle.

She took a moment to glance around at some of the other dignitaries, she had been listening to the holo radio on her way here and she knew Holly Starstorm was reporting. She enjoyed her shows and her presenting style, she had been a regular listener of hers for a little while and wouldn't mind actually speaking to her, as a fellow galactic citizen, rather than necessarily an interview subject though.

Ahead of her was Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa , she looked almost as lovely as her planet. She did not look too busy so now would be an opportunity to introduce herself "Good evening your Highness" Isla bowed low in respect. "I am her representing the Ashlan Crusade and also representing the Draellix family. This is my first visit to Alderaan, it is such a stunning planet. I look forward to the opportunity to give back to the galaxy that has been so good to me." she wasn't entirely sure of the etiquette here, some royals expected you to kneel, others wanted their hands kissed, some disliked all the pomp all together and would have you simply use their first name. Isla stood from her bow and straightened an errant hair back behind her ear. She genuinely meant the sentiment, the galaxy was a harsh place and she had her share troubles, but only those she had chosen to face. She was from a wealthy family and owned a castle on the beautiful world of Lur, so many people faced the wars from beneath them and she pitied them.

Upon hearing the words Ashlan Crusade, Lori turned her attention to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana . She had heard very little about them, given that her times in politics has been immensly short. What were they exactly? She couldn't quite recall other than they were strong in their convictions. Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson had told her about them before during her lessons, but honestly she was only paying the lessons on that particular day half a mind.

Of course she wasn't going to just butt in on the conversation that the lady was having with her mom's old friend Faith Organa Faith Organa . Instead she was just going to wait patiently. At least she had Arla to keep her company. That didn't quite matter too much however, for Lori had a lot on her mind to work out.

Hopefully she didn't talk a mile a minute when it came to her turn. Excitement and nerves tended to give her that side effect.
Heavy riffs and a mugful of caf, and we're good.
Her eyes were softly closed, but all her other senses were sharpened to the max as she stood in the enterance of the huge live stage. Long deep breaths came from the blonde singer. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Gold thick strands framed and somewhat covered her face as she tilted her head downwards. She heard the crowd cheering on the band currently on stage; Tatooine Five. They were very good. As a professional musician Chris would definitely admit that. They were one of the best in their genres. She could feel the movements of the crowd in the stage floor. Thousands of people set in motion by their music. Their creations of sound and voices carefully put together for the galaxy to listen to. Chris could hear her own heartbeats through the sound of the Tatooine Five and the crowds cheering. She felt the adrenaline pumping and the excitement to stand on a stage again rise sky high. Hearing the Tatooine Five finishing their last song, it was her and the De'Rift's que to take their place on stage. And what a stage it was!

Chris opened her eyes and with a bright white smile greeted the boys with a high five each, as they left the stage and the staff begun to reorganise and set the stage for the De'Rifts. She made the last adjustments to her electric guitar and took one last breath, before giving her three other band members a smile of anticipation and excitement.

She awaited their presentation before she took the lead out on the stage and was instantly met by the bright spotlights. The drummer took off to his place, as did the other band members grabbing their instruments. A large and bright smile spread itself on Chris' lips as she saw the crowd raise their arms and heard the thundering cheers as she approached the edge of the stage.

''ALRIGHT! We're happy to see you too, Alderaan!! Love to be here!! We thank the Tatooine Five for the awesome performance, and together with all other artists tonight we're gonna raise enough funds to make a hard impact on poverty and wars across the galaxy! Who's with us?!'' Chris announced into the microphone just as the drummer of the band started beating his set and they recieved yet another loud cheer from the crowds, which Chris followed up on bobbing her head to and started to walk back and forth on stage. She kept very attentive and gave fans closest to the stage a both points and winks that she had seen them, working the crowd up for the musical number they had in store for them.

''I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone.

And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won't end though
Chris picked up in a smooth voice right on que with the synthesizer, before she increased the pitch to her fullest potential for the next verse.

''Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone

How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone''

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Faith folded her hands resting them waist high as she had been taught she smiled brightly at Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana . One of the things that her assistant Becca had become quite adept at was to make sure that Faith knew who was coming to see her. So far the only thing Becca could say was she was an Admiral but could not find family, or other associates. It did raise Faith's curiosity how had she hidden her family away from the public eye. Faith needed to know that secret it would be most helpful.

"Isa Draelix welcome to Alderaan. I am honored that you have come to help those in need. There are always so many."

Thank goodness she thought that Isla did not do the full curtsy. Pomp and circumstance had its place but not here not today. Faith tried to keep things informal she felt it made her more approachable. "Please do call me Faith. Perhaps there will be time to look around a bit more to enjoy some of the sites here, or look through our wonderful museum. "

Beyond Isla's shoulder Faith saw another entering the room. She had a familiar face but she didn't know why, was it the eyes? Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Faith turned back to Isla making sure she was not rude.

tags: Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez
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HANDLER: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
TAGS: Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and others...



She looked at herself in the mirror of the large bathroom, a rather blank expression on her face as she studied herself, making sure everything was in order. Finally, she snapped the make-up container closed with her fingers and placed it in her bag, closing it and placing it on the sink counter with a wearied sigh. She leaned up against the counter, continuing to stare at her own reflection, deep in thought.

She reached back into her handbag and pulled out a metal container. She looked over her shoulder quickly, making sure no one was in her room… more of a habit, as the likelihood that one of her detail would enter her bedroom unannounced was highly unlikely. She turned back, turned on the bathroom fan, opened the container and slid out a cigarette. She brushed her hair back as she leaned forward, lighting the end as she inhaled softly through her lips, causing the flame to take hold and pull the nicotine into her lungs.

She turned and leaned up against the counter, her mind growing calm and her features showing relaxation with every pull, the smoke exhaled in a swirl through her elegant nostrils.

She was growing weary.

She basked in the simplicity of this moment… the stress of life slipping away and the foreign feeling of peace filling her body. How she craved the feeling more and more these days.

About half way through the cigarette, she decided it was time to get moving, quickly turning on the faucet and holding the burning end under the flow of water. She then waved the smoke up towards the venting air and tossed the butt into the toilet, flushing it away. Finally she washed her hands, smelled them… washed again. Pulled out her perfume and quickly sprayed a little on her neck. Washed her mouth out in the sink… breathed out into her hand and smelled for any remnants…

"Lets go." She said as she exited her bedroom. The group made their way to the shuttle outside and began the short journey to the fundraising event.


Tiresh stepped out of the shuttle, followed by her guard detail and personal assistant. The sound of loud music quickly met her ears as she flinched slightly, looking out over the crowd. The giving Kiosks were located up front, however Tiresh never gave donations in such a fashion, preferring for it do be done in a more personal… and public… fashion. Wow, she really was a politician now…. She winced at her own thoughts as she ventured past the crowded venue and headed towards the back, where a concierge awaited for members of the conference to arrive.

She walked up to him, giving him a polite nod, but not much to offer in regards to a smile,

"Tiresh Kobitana, Senator of Lujo and representative of the Kobitana Foundation." The man looked down, nodding as he found her name on the list.

They were led into the luxurious conference hall where Tiresh was able to see the other delegates. She looked around, giving a polite smile and a respectful nod if they happened to make eye contact.

Most of the room was new acquaintances for her, however she recognized some from various Senate hall sessions. She looked over at Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , noting the uniform that implied she was a member of the Ashlan Crusade. She had not had much connection with the group, and she hoped that she might be able to build some relational bridges today. She gave her an especially respectful smile, hoping to have some conversation with her soon.

However she felt it most appropriate to greet the Queen as soon as possible. She walked forward and stopped gracefully in front of Faith Organa Faith Organa , placing both hands in front of her, one hand on top of the other, and gave a slight bow to the Queen as she raised her arms upward slightly. It was a traditional greeting of the indigenous people of Lujo.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you outside of the Senate Chamber, your Highness!" Tiresh said with a warm smile. She had observed the Queen in a handful of the senate proceedings, but had never gotten the chance to connect with her personally.

She turned slightly towards Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , who had been in a conversation with the Queen,

"Also, a pleasure to make your acquaintance friend! My name is Tiresh, Senator of Lujo." She awaited for her response so as to learn her name as well.
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He could buy himself out of this, easily. But his reputation would forever be tainted, and he would have his revenge on this reporter. He wouldn't forget her name, Holly Starstorm. He turned to the police, and handed them a wad of credits he had already prepared. His pockets were empty now, which meant he'd need to send an Intergalactic Banking Clan check as his donation to charity now. This trip was a complete failure, and the man was filled with rage. His father would be so disappointed. Perhaps he could still salvage this?

He stormed off, giving not a word to anyone involved in the incident. He needed to find the queen. He was headed for the nearest cookie vender. Once he arrived, he pulled his IBC checkbook out, wrote up a sum of credits probably worth much more than the entire stand was worth, and extended his arm to the vendor, "Take it or leave it buddy."

A few moments later

Naturally his offer had been accepted. He had grabbed as many as he could, placed them inside a covered plate, and left the stand (and the remaining cookies) behind. A simple search on his data pad revealed that there was a conference taking place in the Alderaan Museum, which was more information than the reporter had given him. He scowled at the notion that a simple datapad search would have prevented that whole situation earlier.

At last he reached the museum. Before entering he took a moment to catch his breath. Then he walked in, unsure of exactly where to go. He was sure that food wasn't allowed but he didn't care, he'd just pay off any security, who were surely paid the minimum wage. As he walked he ignored the variety of art surrounding him. They were nothing to him, simply relics of the past of a place he knew nothing of. He turned, walking into a large hall. That's when he saw Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . He frowned. If Loreena was here, it was for the conference. She was his father's biggest competitor so she would surely try to sabotage his plans for this conference.

He pretended now to look at the displays around him as he thought up a plan. It didn't take long. If Loreena was here for the conference, she planned to donate. She was inexperienced in running a business, that's what Arken had said. She was also hotheaded, as evident by her brawl on Sluis-Van. If Severus topped Loreena's donations each time, she would probably take the bait and try to one up his. He could bait her into spending a fortune, while his own donations would be straight from The Empire's coffins (thanks to the Dobson-appointed senate and council members.)

It was the perfect plan to completely repair this disaster of a trip.



Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and others...

This was remarkably pleasant for all the build up and nerves Isla had let herself feel on the way. The Queen, Faith wished to be called by her first name that was a nice touch. "The museum sounds nice, I am fascinated by history, most of my own collection involves military history but it is fun to branch out. And Isla is fine for me too, when you spend months at a time on a warship where everyone calls you ma'am or something similar, it is easy to forget who you are."

She watched as another woman walked up ( Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez ) a senator that introduced herself as Tiresh, SAINT offered her access to further information about her world some foundation she was a patron of but she waved it away, she can look later, she thought, let's try to just get to know people.

"Good evening, I am Isla, Defence Minister of the Ashlan Crusade, it is a real pleasure to meet you. I am sorry to say that I am not familiar with your world at the moment." Her warm smile seemed an invite to further conversation. "but I would be fascinated to learn more about it."

She turned back to Faith, as the host she was likely to be whisked away by the next excited guest, that was fine, that was how these things worked. She would make sure to enjoy the chance to speak to this royal whilst she could, it was very different here to the Crusade. "I am hoping we can set up some kind of humanitarian scheme within the Crusade, our priorities have changed s little and I am trying to nudge the rest of the leadership in a direction that allows more resources to be dedicated to the welfare of our new citizens, and those beyond our borders."


Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Mine's Dorthea, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Alicio" she shook the hand that was offered and gestured politely for him to lead the way as a young gentleman should.

Dorthea was pleased that the young man wanted to use his first name for this conversation. She suspected that whatever family he was part of was a very big name indeed. His clothes said as much, and the hint about his cousin pretty much confirmed it. The fact that he had avoided throwing his last name, or his title, around told her that he was probably more interested in making friends than making power plays. And such friends were never a bad thing to make in the galactic scene. The Elysium Empire needed friends.

As they began to walk, she smiled at him. The smile was genuine, which felt weird to her. She didn't smile often. "It's good that you want to know how to help people in need. You're already on the right path towards honouring your alderaanian heritage - by my own understanding of it." She shrugged. Mentally, she also noted that Alicio hadn't mentioned that he was Alderaanian, but his clothes, accent, and the mentioning of his cousin were enough to safely make that assumption.

As they kept walking, Dorthea made an effort to keep their pace up so that they weren't late, but was careful not to take the lead away from him. "what kind of help do you think we should bring to the people of the galaxy today?" She asked conversationally. She secretly hoped that he would give her some insight into what's being planned behind the scenes at the conference, but she didn't want to press too aggressively. Therefore she had settled on a tangential question.

In politics and commerce 'fishing' for information was just part of the job, and wasn't considered rude to a seasoned negotiator. But Alicio was young and might take offence to a more aggressive inquiry. In Dorthea's mind, if he could tell that she was fishing from the way she asked the question, then his understanding of diplomacy was advanced enough to know that her question wasn't intended to offend. But if he wasn't aware of the fact that she was fishing, he would probably just see it as her taking interest in his prospects. There wasn't much room for a middle ground assumption, and therefore, little chance of offending him.

And for some reason, Dorthea didn't want to offend Alicio. That wasn't like her at all, she thought. Her time with MandalArms had changed her… she was beginning to care what people think. She shuddered inwardly.
Despite being encouraged to take the lead on their walk, Alicio constantly found himself subconsciously falling back. He wasn't used to leading the way; he was much more comfortable letting someone else take center-stage.

Not a good habit for a politician, he knew. Still, one couldn't hope to be perfect at their first summit.

Walking aside Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson , Alicio looked down between his boots at her encouragement. "Thank you. I just hope the rest of Alderaan agrees." He had also realized her guess at his home, but didn't think much of it. The assumption wasn't out of the blue, by any means.

Nor was her following line of inquiry. Alicio thought about it for a moment, considering his next words. It was a good question, one he realized he should have considered earlier. It was easy to expect to watch from the sidelines as a passive observer, but what help did he want to see?

Alicio looked at his walking companion, skewing a grin her direction. "The substantial kind," he finally said. "Not just the positioning of royals or politicians, trying to buy favors and votes with donations. I hope we can fund some big ideas. Do what we can to compensate the people who have had their livelihoods ripped away from them. Find them some happiness in their darkest days."

His wording revealed two things. One, he had absolutely no idea what would be discussed at the meeting, beyond what the other attendees were aware of. And two, Alicio was an idealist. Again, not the most desirable trait in his chosen profession, but one that he refused to relinquish.

The museum was in sight. It appeared as if others were already congregating. Alicio could just see his cousin inside, in her element.

"What about you? What do you want to see come out of this?" Alicio flipped the question back on her. He was genuinely curious what she'd say, representing two bodies.

- Faith Organa Faith Organa - Holly Starstorm - Severus Dobson Severus Dobson - Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun - Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana - Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez - Christine Dellard Christine Dellard - Theo Vereen Theo Vereen - Julius Beyron Julius Beyron -


Location: At her booth by the food stalls
Objective: Find new microphone
Tags: Open for interaction

Holly had taken the information the officer gave her and put it in her datapad. She was going to have to fill out forms for the insurance company, which did not sound at all fun. Luckily there had been no further confrontation with the Dobson man, but her boss was sure to be angry with her. The fiasco was not her fault but her boss had a short fuse.

“I think I may have a sound deck in the speeder. If we can hunt down a new mic we might be able to get back on the air.”

Her sound engineer sounded stressed and honestly she couldn't blame him.

“I will go see if any of the band roadies brought one.”

She headed off towards the stage, wondering if security would even let her near the backstage area.

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