Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Live Aide for the Galaxy

Well Faith Organa Faith Organa saw her at least. She saw the curiosity in her eyes and responded with a small smile. Did she look much like her mom? In some respect she did, but she took on traits of her dad as well.

The others ignored her entirely, even as she patiently waited for her turn. One late arrival even bypassed her completely and butted in line. Maybe it was because Lori was dressed as a spacer? Maybe it caused her to look like some commoner riff raff instead of the royal that she was.

She was used to being bypassed among her family; the one people pushed aside out of the want of keeping her safe and away from the Galaxy's conflicts. It made her feel quite inadequate to even be able to accomplish anything of note that was worthy of her parents or twin brother. It was why she agreed to the arranged marriage to Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun . She wanted to make a difference, and a good one. She wanted to be something more than the black sheep of the family, or a footnote among all of their glorious deeds. Her marriage could help with that. At least that was what she was counting on.

After taking a sudden deep breath, Lori fished out a small bag from among all of her other ones and walked over to Faith, Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez and Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , putting on her customary smile. "Sorry to interupt, but you're Faith right? My mom Kay always spoke highly of you. I've brought you one of her favourite tea cups. She said that you two always shared tea, so I'm sure that she'd of wanted you to have it." Lori held out the bag to her. Inside was a special cup and saucer .
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With a plan, Severus continued his fake browsing, and now watched the people in the hallway. After looking at the people, he came to a conclusion. One woman, was the queen! He had seen her on holonet before, so he could recognize her. He looked again, confirming that it was her. He didn't know who she was speaking to, some military individual from the looks. Severus proceeded to stop "browsing", took a quick breath as he thought up some words, and then moved toward The Queen.

Drat. Arenais was moving in. DRAT! She gave The Queen some sort of gift! She was stealing his move!

He sighed softly, pausing for a minute, before resuming his walk toward The Queen. He'd simply insert himself into the conversation. No need to wait for a brat like Loreena, or some military official to take all the glory!

He briskly walked toward the group, then took a sharp step to the left, and one step forward, suddenly moving beside Loreena. "Greetings, Queen Organa. I am Severus Dobson. I brought gifts for you and credits for charity." Again he utilized the smile he practiced earlier, hoping to look friendlier than Loreena.

HANDLER: Allyson Locke
TAGS: Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and others...



My, the Queen appeared to be getting quite a bit of attention! Tiresh gave her a smile and stepped back, hopefully providing her some breathing room as she turned her attention to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , giving her a slightly wide-eyed expression that communicated being slightly overwhelmed in response to the sudden approach of Severus Dobson Severus Dobson ,

"Well! Looks like the Queen has her hands full!" Tiresh said in a softer voice just enough for Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana to hear, giving a slight giggle, "That's alright that you are not very familiar with us… few people are! We are a small planet with a big heart. From what I overheard, it sounds like you are looking to develop some humanitarian relationships? I wonder if I might change hats for a moment and greet you on behalf of the Kobitana Foundation! My Father and I oversee the foundation, and humanitarian aid is at the center of everything we do. We are currently developing refugee colonies for those who have been displaced from the attacks on Jedha." Tiresh smiled, brushing her hair back with her hand as she quickly looked back over at Faith Organa Faith Organa to see how she was fairing. "Anyways, If you don't mind, what are you 'scheming'?" She said to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana in reference to her mentioning hopes to setup some kind of humanitarian scheme within the Crusade.


Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Dorthea had to make a conscious effort not to tense her hands as they made their way to the museum at a slower pace than she would have liked. Dobsons were certainly not known for their patience, and it was a struggle for her to keep her eagerness in check. On the other hand, the museum wasn't very far away at all and they were already almost there. She just had to internally remind herself that she was just being a Dobson and that everything was fine. It's fine, Dorthea.

The young gentleman, Alicio, thanked her for her compliment and said that he hoped that the rest of Alderaan agreed with her. She chuckled softly at his humility, "I don't think you'll have a problem there. Not that my opinion is of any importance in the big galaxy we live in, but I'm not easily impressed, and I think you're alright, kid."

Alicio shot her a grin and she returned it in her typically awkward fashion. He then outlined his hopes for the conference, and as he spoke, her own grin grew wider.

She was truly tired of how the galaxy seemed to be run by weak people. People that would sell out mere law changes for simple aesthetic pleasures, or those who would harm the helpless just because it made them feel powerful. People like Alicio needed to be encouraged and supported so that their dreams could be realized. And they needed attention to be drawn to them so that they could set an example while doing it. They also needed to be held accountable to their own standard so that they didn't stray too far from grace. She was suddenly reminded of the first time she met Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . Her mind started to turn what she learned over and over while they walked together.

They started up the stairs to the museum as the loud thrum of the music became less oppressive on Dorthea's eardrums with increasing distance. She kept her smile as she replied to Alicio's question, "I think you and I want to see the same thing. I won't get into full details at this time, as we are almost here, but the Elysium Empire and MandalArms want to change the very nature of how refugees are perceived in this galaxy. Our special project has the power to do just that. And while I am instructed to wait until the conference to reveal the full deal, suffice it to say that while others think of refugees as a burden, the Elysium Empire is practically built by and for refugees. In our Empire, refugees wish to not only find asylum, but prosperity and quality of life. That is what we do."

She tilted her head meaningfully at the young gentleman beside her as they reached the summit of the stairs, "is that something that suits your vision for the people of the galaxy?"

Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Faith Organa Faith Organa Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Julius Beyron Julius Beyron Holly Starstorm Andien Gale Andien Gale Christine Dellard Christine Dellard Theo Vereen Theo Vereen
I think I got you all lol
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Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

Turning to speak more directly to Tiresh, Isla noted the name of the foundation as she spoke, and SAINT updated her with relevant information, it was a bit of a bombardment "SAINT.. I can't read that fast" she said quietly to herself as she winced with the headache, the information stopped and she quickly felt better. She hoped that the other woman hadn't noticed anything too untoward, she was still learning to live with her biochip and part of her regretted it.

"You foundation is impressive, private money being shared to good causes is always a noble endeavour." she raised her glass in a polite toast. "As you are likely aware, the collapse of the Sith Empire has left a bit if a mess, as they withdrew from worlds, some places it was scorched earth, others it was just apathy. We recently liberated a planet called Reelin, it was in near collapse after a meteor strike, the Sith had kept a modicum of stability but when they left the warlords took over. It is those people I want to help. They were so scared on Reelin, they even kept me and a colleague prisoner for two weeks to ensure we left when promised."

She stopped before she chewed the poor woman's ear off. It was finally good to speak to someone who was interested in hearing her plans outside of the Crusade, so many people took one look at her military credentials and dismissed her as that "little crusader"

Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson was right; in the grand scope of things, her opinion probably didn't mean too much. There were trillions of souls alive in the galaxy, what did one word of encouragement truly mean?

In this case, to a young noble trying to find his place, looking for validation and inspiration, it meant the world.

As the pair stepped up to the soiree, Alicio felt a new wave of nervousness. He wasn't just representing himself anymore. He, along with the Queen, were acting as dignitaries to their House. He had to embody the caring nature and serene grace of a proper Organa.

Even if he wasn't quite feeling it yet.

Going up the stairs, Alicio listened to Dorthea, a stoic look in his eye. His face naturally rested in a somber configuration, staring into the middle distance with soft greyed eyes, especially when he was thinking, or listening especially hard. She asked him his opinion. "Changing the preconceived notions of the entire galaxy and offering solace and purpose to those that might need it?" He nodded once. "Sounds perfect."

Maybe the thought was a little ambitious. Scratch that, very ambitious. But great change was never orchestrated by small ideas. "The people of Alderaan know what it's like to be without a home as well. If the Empire and MandalArms understand that feeling, and truly want to help, then I think some incredible things will be done here today."

And like that, the party was visible before them. Alicio scanned the crowd, quickly noting his cousin Faith Organa Faith Organa , in the middle of the action. Not for the first time, the younger Organa wondered how the other could keep her calm in a storm of social interaction.

"I was hoping to speak with my cousin, but she seems a little preoccupied," Alicio said, obviously gesturing with a dipped head toward the queen, past Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and Severus Dobson Severus Dobson . "That means it's time to... mingle. Yes." Alicio seemed incredibly, hilariously nervous as he tried to passively catch Faith's attention with a wave.

"I don't suppose you know anyone here?"

- Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana - Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez - Julius Beyron Julius Beyron - Holly Starstorm - Andien Gale Andien Gale - Christine Dellard Christine Dellard - Theo Vereen Theo Vereen -

HANDLER: Allyson Locke
TAGS: Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and others...


Tiresh did notice the slight wince as Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana responded to something that was occurring internally. It was apparent to the spy that she had some type of implant that was feeding her information, but that was to be expected from dignitaries and representatives. Tiresh had even toyed with the idea of receiving such an implant herself, and if it wasn't for her being an SIA senior agent... she would have. However, when in deep undercover work, those kind of things could quickly become a red flag to others. It was safer to be completely organic in her profession.

"Private money, yes. Also, Galactic Alliance grants and support, not to mention strong influence and relationships with over half of the Senate, and many of them willing to dip into their pockets in order to scratch our backs so that we can scratch theirs in return. We are building a better galaxy together, and I believe in your vision…. And that we could achieve much together! It seems I have stumbled across a kindred spirit!" She let out an elegant laugh as she brushed her hair from her face,

"Anyways, I am somewhat aware of the mess the Sith Empire left behind. I believe you stand for a worthy cause, and I would love to stand beside you... That is... If that is something that you are looking for from a kindred spirit such as myself?" She gave her a warm smile.

"It seems there is much trauma on the planets left in the Sith Empires wake… I am… that is horrible that you were detained like that. Grateful that nothing horrible occurred. It is my personal experience that... sometimes... the greatest danger in helping those who are at risk is… unfortunately… themselves." She was thinking specifically of the young refugees who blew up one of her temporary camps on Ponemah Terminal in order to create a distraction so they could hunt for treasure in the dunes. Desperate people would often go to desperate measures, even against those who were trying to help them, "That is why we are heavily investing in developing a militarized humanitarian force… Not only to provide needed security and law in the midst of chaos and disorder while trying to help those in need, but also to provide the ability to evacuate populations in the midst of active war zones."

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So much going on oh my....umm...she had to recover and figure out who she had slighted in these first few moments.

First...she lightly touched the arm of Tiresh Kobitana , "
Senator from Lujo, welcome to Alderaan. I seem to be forgetting my manners this evening"

Then there was Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun confirming what she thought Kay's daughters, and with a gift. She took it carefully and looked inside..."how beautiful. Delicate, is it for me to keep? Oh we need to talk at length after this conference about your mom."

"Ladies I am sorry my mind drifted to faraway places....let me introduce you all to each other....To my left is Tiresh Kobitana of Lujo, in front of me is Isla Draelix and here to my right is Loreena Arenais. I think the four of us could accomplish a great many things for those with less everyone here should call me Faith
" A gentle sigh even Queens and Senators forget themselves.

"I am deeply honored you are all here to discuss a common re-occuring theme in the galaxy, that there are so many displaced that need help, and yes Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana I would like to discuss a humanitarian effort within the Crusade. We need to identify where we can help, and how we can help." And now Faith realized she may have interrupted a conversation. She thought she heard something about Sith. It was not her night she usually handled these things better. But she had goofed. Kark. Deep breath and start over...."I did not mean to intrude on your conversation".

She looked at Loreena, "your mother always thought of those who needed help." Without saying a word Faith thought about the Hutts and the slaves Kay had worked so long to free. No matter where they were Kay had them as her priority.

tags: Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez
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Lori inwardly held a frown as Severus Dobson Severus Dobson appeared beside her, while Arla took a step closer so that she could intervene if need be. But outwardly, the young Arenais did her best not to let her true feelings towards the man show.

Her attention turned to Faith Organa Faith Organa as she was addressed. "Yes it's for you to keep. It's one of her special cups. We can talk about how it's special later."

At least no titles were being used as they were all announced by Faith. Lori had too many of them and at times it was difficult to pick out which order to say them. Was there a right way and a wrong way? She wasn't sure.

Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson was now here, along with Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . Was he a Dobson too? Either way Lori had hoped that her presence would keep Severus in line.

Lori's attention was soon brought back to Faith as her mom was spoken of. "Yes, she built up Commenor with that, giving homes and work to some of the slaves that she freed if they wanted it. They loved her for it. And the Hutts hadn't really regained their power ever since. I'd like to think that her efforts had a hand in that, you know?"

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
Dorthea walked into the conference room and immediately took in everything at once. Sights and smells. With her eyes, she caught the layout of the room. Severus was clucking like a chicken to upstage Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , Loreena appeared to be chatting up her old friend with Arla in tow, and two… women were talking amongst themselves. Dorthea took a whiff of the air and the smell told her everything she needed to know.

"Indeed, I do, Alicio! Let me introduce you to my good friend Lori, over there."

Dorthea strode over to Lori and Arla, assuming Alicio Organa Alicio Organa would follow. As she walked, Dorthea stole a quick glance at the two women talking amongst themselves.

The one looked like a blond college tart wearing a party dress with her boyfriend's navy uniform coat over top to protect her damaged modesty from the night before. The other looked like a curly-haired anorexic tramp wearing way too much makeup and she stank of cigarettes whenever she spoke. Dorthea also wondered if the overpowering smell of perfume came from her or not. To Dorthea's crass perception - which was her trademark after all - both of them looked like easy targets for frustrated, desperate men.

Dorthea reached Lori and Dorthea said, "hey Lori! The nice gentleman that came with me is Alicio," she gestured back at the young gentleman (however far back he was, assuming he followed), "Alicio, this is Lori and Arla. Lori, you look good. Not sure about your outfit, but whatever. Arla, you either look like your pet nexu just died, or you won the lottery. I can never tell with you." she scoffed.

She tried to hold her tongue, but her Dobson tendencies overpowered her self control. "So what can you tell me about the blonde college slut and the anorexic diva over there?" She didn't bother to speak quietly so that no one else could hear.

Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Faith Organa Faith Organa Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Julius Beyron Julius Beyron Holly Starstorm Andien Gale Andien Gale Christine Dellard Christine Dellard Theo Vereen Theo Vereen



Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

It seems I have stumbled across a kindred spirit!"
"It it is kind of you to say that, when the first thing people of see of you is the guns on your warships, it is sometimes difficult to be that person. And people forget, despite our flaws, the Ashlan Crusade are fighting to bring light to the galaxy." she should probably stop herself before she started going on some vitriolic speech about the light and darkness. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't born with a lot of privilege, but I can help but worry about the people that our wars harm, this very planet, if I remember my history, was a victim of one of those wars once."

She thought about her and Eina's detainment on Reelin, it wasn't all bad, the locals treated them well and they never felt truly in danger. "It was an interesting experience, a little frightening when I think of it now, but it was worth if for all we managed to do, and they kept us like diplomats rather than prisoners, only the hotel had locks on the outside." she laughed lightly.

I would like to discuss a humanitarian effort within the Crusade. We need to identify where we can help, and how we can help.
Isla smiled at Faith Organa Faith Organa and replied "It would be wonderful if such arrangements could be arranged, I am pleased I have made this trip, getting to discuss the matter with other like minded individuals can benefit a lot of people. As Faith made the introductions one of the names Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun flagged up with high priority information via SAINT, she accessed it quickly. It hurt her head but there was a lot of information regarding her previous ties with the Eternal Empire, she had probably better tread carefully. But they were far from Imperial space, here she was just a charity patron, or so Isla hoped as she nodded her head and greeted the woman. "It is a pleasure to meet you Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun "

She turned back to Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez feeling a little rude to be focusing more on the senator than the Queen, but there was something she had said that really did peak her interest "So, a militarised humanitarian force? Colour me intrigued. What kind of resources do you currently have and do you find yourself coming across any barriers at the moment? There may be scope for Ashlan military involvement, under appropriate colours of course, if the aims were not in contradiction of our own?" she wouldnt commit until she had a lot more information, but it was genuinely something she would be interested in. There was a concept, sometimes lost on other members of the crusade called soft power, if you can make friends and be the helping hand, sometimes you can achieve your goals without firing a weapon.

Her train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a loud mouthed woman nearby.

"So what can you tell me about the blonde college slut and the anorexic diva over there?"

Isla's eyes widened in shock at what Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson said, she looked over, expecting to see some sprawling drunk rolling about, but the woman seemed more put together than she had expected. "Is this woman really addressing us that way? I don't suppose it would harm my humanitarian credentials if I went over there and broke her nose would it?" she laughed and pushed her own hair back behind her ear and stood up a little straighter, projecting confidence in the fact that petty name calling was a nonsense that wouldn't phase her.

Oh. His cousin hadn't seen his wave. Alicio put his hand down awkwardly, hiding it in his suit pocket. Maybe he should have waved harder?

Alicio followed Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson as she made her way into the crowd, picking his way through the growing crowd with some aversion. Growing up, he didn't have the chance to visit gatherings like this often, so diving into this sea of political positioning and social nuance was nerve-wracking. He walked lightly, as if stepping around cactuses.

Finally, he made his way to Dorthea again, nodding to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and Arla as they were introduced. He shrugged. "Well, since we're at the summit now," he began, standing up a little straighter, "might as well introduce myself in earnest. I am Count Alicio Organa, of Alderaan."

It still felt strange, saying it. Count Organa. Something about it didn't feel like him yet. Like he was playing a part.

His inner musings were quickly interrupted, however, when Dorthea made some... choice descriptions... about other guests. Alicio felt his face grow cold, then very warm with second-hand embarassment.

His diplomacy classes hadn't prepared him for this.

His eyes flicked towards Faith Organa Faith Organa and Severus Dobson Severus Dobson , wondering just how this situation would resolve, and not brave enough to interject himself into it.

- Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana - Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez -

The Queen clearly hadn't heard him over the words of the others. That was fine, though it irritated Severus to have to repeat himself. However before he could, Dorthea's voice was audible. Very audible. She was introducing some Loreena. Probably her newest love interest. The poor boy would end up in the wrong crowd if he were to join "The squad"...Loreena, Dorthea, Vicken, and The Valhouns. Severus frowned. The last thing he needed was to be ganged up on by loyalists and blood traitors like Dorthea.

Regardless, the show must go on. Severus opened his mouth to repeat what he said earlier to the queen, but was interrupted again! But this time the words of Dorthea made him burst out in wheezy laughter and turn to face her. She had completely dissed the two women speaking to the queen. Her descriptions weren't exactly inaccurate either, which made the whole ordeal even funnier. The problem was that Dorthea was more or less a member of The Dobson family. A diplomatic insult like this would hurt the whole family, unless, of course, Severus intervened.

"Dorthea! Quite foolish of you to speak in such a manner about these wonderful women." Wonderful was quite the overstatement. They looked like overachievers. Like Dorthea. "Oh! What's that you have there? A blaster? Surely the guards wouldn't be happy to know that anyone, especially someone so openly hostile to the nobles around them, is armed in the presence of the queen!"

He turned to The Queen, quickly adding to his monologue, "My Queen, I am so sorry that this..." he searched for the right words before stating it bluntly, "...embarrassment to The Elysium Empire and The Dobson family. She is an outcast to us, she has given her loyalty to the most incompetent and inexperienced people in The Empire, and now she is dragging everything I represent through the mud. Please, ignore her and don't think poorly of my family for her words."

Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Faith Organa Faith Organa
Lori turned to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson as she approached them with Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , surprised as ever at the cheerful demeanor of the former. But it was nice to see. She smirked at the comment about her spacer outfit and was about to reply to it, when the woman had made remarks about Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez that made her snicker. She couldn't help it afterall, for the comments were funny and Lori was never one to avoid laughing at a good joke.

"Nobility is full of oddballs. I should know, for I'm one of the quirkiest, Dorthea."

And then Severus Dobson Severus Dobson stepped in trying to butter up Faith Organa Faith Organa with his sleezy comments and efforts to upstage everyone else. Lori rolled her eyes and ball one of her hands into a fist. "Incompetent and inexperienced? I've done more in my shorter life than you have. All you've learned is how to suck up, lie and cheat, just like your father. And where is he now? Oh that's riiiight, he's" She smirked and put her hands triumphantly on her hips.
Faith was overwhelmed for the moment, she finally realized that Alicio Organa Alicio Organa was also in the room....oh my...she was failing at this miserably today, what was wrong with her? She looked at Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , "I'm sure her efforts did many things to curtail the Hutts, and slave trade across the core worlds and Hutt space"

She was trying to process all of the conversation around her when a single sentence drifted over the words of the others,

"So what can you tell me about the blonde college slut and the anorexic diva over there?"
Faith was stunned, who was that? Was that a guest of Alicio's? Faith tried her best to not look that way but to look at Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and Tiresh Kobitana, , "I would, um prefer that you not break her nose. Though I'm sure it would be satifying on some levels when someone throws an insult to..well..give it them." Yeah she could relate to wanting to start a right.

Loreena it seemed also knew the young woman with Alicio.

There was another voice that Faith turned to Severus Dobson Severus Dobson his voice was quite distinguishable this time. She nodded, "Severus Dobson" she repeated the name to try and remember it. Faith wished at that moment she could say she recognized his name, but she didn't. "Mr. Dobson this young woman is an outcast to you, understand thank you for sharing and yes thank you for your gift." Clearly Mr. Dobson was not someone that Loreena was on friendly terms with she would talk with her later about the cup and her opinion on Mr. Dobson but right now this was not a battle ground it was a conference on helping oth

Lord all of this got very complicated quickly a gift was clearly welcome but the tension in the room certainly needed toning down. "Everyone here currently is considered equal as we are all here for the same reason, to support those displaced by war and disease. We all have the same voice here in this room today we all stand at the same level." Faith's gaze landed on the young woman who had made her comment about sluts and divas., "I have always fancied myself a diva I want what I want the way I want, and definitely on my own terms, but then most women are don't you think? As for the other thing everyone has their own idea what constitutes the label, but today there are no labels here. Only individuals looking to help others"

She looked over to the group that now stood with Alicio. She smiled, "Everyone this is my cousin Alicio Organa, Alicio would you mind introducing everyone standing with you, please."

Hopefully this time she had not missed anyone, and hopefully the tension would decrease.

Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

HANDLER: Allyson Locke
TAGS: Faith Organa Faith Organa Holly Starstorm Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and others...


Tiresh glanced over quickly at Faith Organa Faith Organa ’s touch, placing her own hand quickly upon hers in a sign of understanding as she flashed her a bright smile and shook her head quickly in a way that hoped to communicate that she had not been inconvenienced at all. She understood that the Queen was a very popular connection and that many desired to receive her attention.

“No! Not at all! Please, attend to your guests… I will be here when you are available, my Queen.”

She turned to face the other ladies as Faith Organa Faith Organa introduced everyone. She gave each a nod and a smile as they were introduced, and gave Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana an additional wink as they had already been enjoying some conversation.

Tiresh nodded in agreement at Faith’s proposition that the four of them could accomplish much together. She hoped that would be the case as well.

As the Queen engaged with Isla, Tiresh turned quickly to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and reached out her hand in greeting,

“Nice to meet you, Loreena!” She said in a hushed tone so as not to disturb the other conversations occurring around them, “I would love to know more about you, if you are available at some point for conversation, of coarse!”

Tiresh listened in as there was much talk regarding Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ’s mother. She would very much like to know who that was. She seemed to be someone of great influence.

Tiresh then turned back to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana as she picked up the conversation again, sharing more about herself and the Ashlan Crusade. Tiresh nodded, listening attentively.

She reached out her hand and placed it gently on her shoulder, “Thats a relief to hear that you were treated well! I have had experiences that were not so fortunate... unfortunately.”

She then listened as she processed the idea of a militarized humanitarian force and asked some follow-up questions.

“Yes! We are currently utilizing some Alliance financial grants, as well as pursuing trade partnerships with other systems and governments that are interested in the cause. We also have raised some significant capital through the Kobitana Foundation which has really given us a big kick-start, however we will need to raise more soon. Lujo is our first experiment… We are developing our own defensive force as the first prototype of this kind of model… and with the new Common Soldier Act that was recently passed, we will be able to bring the Lujian forces to the aid of any system within the Alliance. But I am very intrigued with a potential partnership with the Ashlan Crusade to see a militarized branch developed outside of the Alliance that could assist other systems beyond our boarders. I would love to hear more of your vision to see if we could possibly be in true alignment? I do believe that the key to such an endeavor would be strong relationships and mutual trust, because any militarized force… whether humanitarian in nature or not… has the possibility of causing unwanted damage. So we need to be careful with such proposals, as I am sure you would agree.”

It was around that moment that suddenly Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson ’s boisterous comments rang out, causing Tiresh to pause from continuing the conversation as her eyes widened at the awful conduct that was now on display, a look of genuine shock spreading across her face as she processed the foul descriptions assigned to herself and Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana .

And then the outburst of laughter from Severus Dobson Severus Dobson caused Tiresh to jolt her gaze over in their direction, her eyebrows furrowed angrily at both of them. How absolutely disgraceful and inappropriate! And then to hear Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun snickering as well… She was completely dumbfounded at the display. What a distraction and a potentially devastating turn of events for Faith Organa Faith Organa ’s fundraiser. Tiresh was obviously not amused.

“Excuse me, but can you children take your petty quarrel outside while the rest of us do our best to actually help those in desperate need? Or are you truly so selfish as to attempt to crash this fundraiser?”

Tiresh let an irritated “tisk” leave her lips as she diverted her judgmental and harsh gaze from all of them that had engaged in the display. She placed her hand gently on Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana ’s shoulder, a sign that she intended to excuse herself,

“Sorry… I think I’m going to take a look at the horderves for a moment.” She gave her a smile, then looked back towards the queen with a respectful nod,

“Please excuse me for a moment, Faith.”

She walked away from the group, skipping the horderves completely in pursuit of an alcoholic beverage. She approached the table and took one of the glasses of wine off the tray, taking a sip as she muttered profanities under her breath.

The agent in her wanted to walk up and punch the woman in the face, however she had reserved herself for the Queens sake, and for the sake of her fundraiser. She would likely rejoin the group in a moment. The comments probably caused more of a reaction from her due to the fact that she had been already pushed to the point of exhaustion over the past few months, and she had already wrestled with being on edge with everything that had been happening with the Brotherhood of the Maw. It also didn't help that she was burning the candle on both ends as an SIA Agent. She was just so... burnt out. It didn't take much to set her off these days.

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The insult was unacceptable. Severus quickly snapped back, his unfiltered rage showing once more. "Arenais, you insufferable little cur! The nerve! Insulting my family in such a manner, and bringing my sister along, creating such a scene in front of a queen! What it wrong with you? And you're one to speak of a father, seeing as you don't have one! And to use my father's arrest against me? He was breaking up a fight that you started!"

The Queen interrupted, trying to restore order. As did Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez . Severus almost let his anger get the better of him, but decided instead to take the mental high ground, forcing Loreena and Dorthea into a bad situation. "Yes, of course Queen Organa, and-" He was going to recognize the other woman but she was walking away, "-I apologize. I just don't take kindly to my Sister and her MandalArms puppet, Arenais, insulting everyone in fact I think it is best for you to have at least one of the women escorted away. It is clear that they are here to cause trouble. I will donate triple the amount I initially planned, in order to make up for any donation you are losing by removing them from the conversation."

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
If Dorthea had been drinking something at the time when Alicio had said his full name, she would have spat it out in shock. Count Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . She had guessed that his name was of high standing in the Alderaan nobility, but the Organa legacy was galactic in its own scale.

Not that Dorthea wasn't used to dealing with big names. Arenais was also galactic in scale these days and everyone knew the name, and Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun was Dorthea's charge. Still, the fact that Dorthea had not expected Alicio to be an Organa had caused her to take this as a bit more of a shock than she was mentally prepared for. A look of utter stupidity clouded over her face for a couple seconds before she snapped herself out of it. Collecting herself, she decided to proceed with the conversations, "Count Alicio… Organa? I didn't know you were an Organa! I do know that the Arenais family and the Organa's are pretty close. Did you know about Lori here? She's a young member of her family like yourself, and she is my… employer." She chuckled. She was careful not to brag about how she was actually more of a tutor to Lori than anything. It would probably just come off as pathetic in this setting.

Then the reactions to Dorthea's comment started rolling in… which surprised her because she didn't think anyone besides her immediate audience was listening. Nosy crowd here, she growled to herself.

Alicio, in his humble classiness, seemed to blush in total embarrassment. She actually felt bad about that one. Part of her wished she hadn't blurted that out so thoughtlessly on that account alone. The rest of the reactions were priceless, however.

Lori had chuckled nervously, and her comment had indicated that Dorthea's remark was undeserved in her opinion. But Lori knew Dorthea well and their relationship was built on a degree of honesty, so Dorthea had been relatively prepared for that.

Then 'Navy Girls Gone Wild' commented to her friend about how she wanted to 'break her nose' which caused Dorthea to noticeably scoff and roll her eyes. Dresses like a skank and threatens like trash. Oh she's a peach. Who is she even here for? Dorthea still couldn't get her head around someone dressing like that for a formal galactic event…

Then the 'Party Clown' (Dorthea coined her that in her mind since her makeup and smell reminded her of one) threw a smarmy remark at Dorthea about acting like a child. As she began to walk away, Dorthea mumbled under her breath, "yeah, you're 'adult perfume' is a fine example to set for a conference…"

Like, who invites these people?

Oh right,
and then Faith Organa Faith Organa gently chastised her for making critical comments, defending Divas and whatnot. Dorthea actually found herself to be somewhat confused as to Faith's comment about Dorthea being a 'young woman' as Dorthea was very clearly 43 years old and was quite a bit older than her. Maybe it was meant to be condescending? Maybe Dorthea looked a lot younger after getting back into shape? She was confused. Anyways, Dorthea wanted to say, aren't you at least a little offended that people dressed like that to your fancy event? But instead she settled for, "My deepest apologies, Lady Organa. I suppose I should be more accepting of…" she ran her eyes up and down @Isla Draellix’s ridiculous outfit in mock appraisal, "… different… cultures"

And then her kriffing brother chimed in as expected…

"Oh yeah, you wanna confiscate my blaster, eh brother? Why don't you bend over so I can help you 'acquire' it from me…"


She was about to suggest that they might find one of @Severus Dobson’s famous 'lost' laptop data pads while they were in there, but someone hit Dorthea in the rib cage with enough force to subtly knock the wind out of her.

She took the hint…

Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Faith Organa Faith Organa Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Julius Beyron Julius Beyron Holly Starstorm Andien Gale Andien Gale Christine Dellard Christine Dellard Theo Vereen Theo Vereen
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Oh such a quick turn of events this was. And quite entertaining, to say the least. Of course she'd speak to whomever wanted to speak with her in due course, but Severus Dobson Severus Dobson had her full attention as he was making jabs at her. He was playing into her tit-for-tat quite well, which revealed a lot by the way of what his temper was like.

She placed her hand gently on his cheek and gave it a light tap while she spoke in the manner of a mother trying to soothe a toddler after a temper tantrum. "Now, now, how quickly you forget your place. I am a Queen as well, don't forget, and your temper is doing little for your family's image. But your words and bribery sure do."

Lori turned to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson as she continued to egg Severus on, with which resulted in a quick elbow to the ribs by Arla. Hopefully the older woman got the point. Yet she couldn't wait for a time to get Severus alone in order to hopefully get the bad Dobson family members off her back for good. They saw her as a threat to their control over the Elysium Empire, most especially as she was married to the heir. Having a huge weapons and shipbuilding company out of their influence also irked them. Or at the very least it irked Arken Dobson Arken Dobson .

"Throwing credits at refugees isn't the only answer. My parent's legacy was built on supporting refugees in whatever they needed wherever they need it, be it jobs, homes, food or education. The Arenais Foundation of which my brother and I run is made for it. So of course we'd further pledge to increase our efforts." Lori didn't need Caedyn Arenais 's approval for that.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Faith Organa Faith Organa Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez
It was like watching a speeder crash in slow-motion.

Hilariously, comically awful, but he couldn't look away.

The young Organa was not equipped for this kind of tension. It was his first political event, how was he supposed to prepare for a diplomatic crisis such as this? His mouth was glued shut, grey eyes darting nervously around the group as insults were slung, threats were made, and bridges were burnt before him.

This sort of bad will would poison the summit before it even began, and Alicio wasn't sure how to solve it. Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana hadn't stormed off, at least not yet, but Tiresh Kobitana had walked away. There was a stand-off between Severus Dobson Severus Dobson and the pair of Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson and Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . Alicio wouldn't have known how to begin to untangle this situation.

Thankfully, Faith Organa Faith Organa was here to save the day. Her presence was calming, as Alicio assumed she had the situation entirely under control, and knew exactly what to say to de-escalate. His body language relaxed as the Queen spoke.

He admired his cousin greatly, and it showed.

"Hello, Faith," Alicio responded, the nerves obvious in his tone. He gestured to his side at Dorthea, realizing in that moment that he never got her last name either. "This is Dorthea. She is here as a representative to the Elysium Empire and MandalArms." He would let her introduce herself beyond that, praying to whatever gods may exist that no more fires started tonight.

As the Dobsons and Queen Arenais-Valhoun began verbally sparring again, Alicio gave his cousin a knowing look, and turned towards where Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez was 'sampling the hor d'oeuvres'.

It was time for damage control.

He excused himself from the gathering, and walked towards the refreshment table, clasping his hands behind his back. He paused before approaching the woman, took a deep breath, and continued on.

"Might I reccomend the Emerald Wine? It's pressed at a local Vinerium." He stepped up to the table, looking at the wide selection of bottles. "I haven't had it myself, but I've heard it tastes like a bright Alderaanian afternoon."

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