[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Klesta"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Hmm there was something of an interest in her eyes as she sat there. in the meditation chamber that had been constructed for the ships and cannibalized to be within her own personal chambers. The amplification crystals so that her force powers could expand outwards. The zeltron was different from the last time most of the galaxy had sen her, the trials in the monolith something that had broken her body part a thousand times and reformed it. The voices of the five there as they had allowed her to learn from them secrets when she had gone against her own pride and temptation that had revealed maybe more ot her then she had expected. There was a bigger look on her face while sitting in the oversized chair, she had managed to reform her body with the upgraded and implants but also have one that wasn't falling apart from the darkside corruption. Half her once great size but with the power of a battlelord warmaster. She could command the sithspawn that were there with her. A hand going up, there was news the Firebirds had brought to her. They were presenting that a former servant a former associate had been captured and was on trial. "How interesting." She said it with a small tight lipped grin while she sat there for a moment. This would be something to see and she shouldn't be late to the party.
As her eyes gleamed in the light with the massive mane of fiery dark red hair around her pink skin. The vains of her body pulsing and going black slowly for a moment as the pressure in the room became an aura of dominance and the sithspawn servants who were in there with her fell to their knees and the floor almost in pain. They were there when she was focusing not on the planet or the place. She had long ago done blood trails on her pets. On her servants so that she could find them anywhere in the galaxy or at least have a general direction as she felt it there behind her eyes. Tracking with the force itself she knew Sanya, she knew her pets and creatures when she was feeling her, feeling the room and the other beings that were in there. Slowly she focused more of the energy as she was speaking with the force on her lips. Energy building with the pressure of a spell before she remained there in the room with her own consciousness and her own power. Letting the dark presence be felt in there, with a drop of the temperature as she was focusing and pulled one of the beings there to her. To use their life force to power the spell of a phantom that shifted into the room. Still a giant compared to many the seven foot zeltron with muscles in her zoosha fabric dress when she got some gasps of surprise.
The displacement of creating the phantom couldn't go unnoticed, it was sith magic, darkside power that she had used and it made the breath of those around the phantom chill in the air as small lines could be seen. The gooseflesh appearing on their arms and the zeltron was standing there for a moment when she focused to form a familiar to create the communications. She had secluded herself within the bubble and found a place for the others to be that she could access and draw upon the power. Slowly focusing her eyes to display the muscled form on herself. A long curtain of black hair framing her when some of the people around she could tell through the familiar were force sensitive. Some of them might have even been there when she had been within the black Rose itself.... might have seen her experiment but as far as most knew she was simply Darth Praelior a former voice, monster maker, sith lord and general nobody. She preferred it that way. Meant she didn't really have to focus to much on the people or the day to day operations of things. She was free to be in her workspace, she was free to come and go with her experiments for a moment before her eyes fell on Sanya who was there and speaking. There were others around as well that she didn't know... and didn't need to know.
"Hi." See she wasn't totally evil, just not the most people person for herself when she was remaining there with a few more thoughts. One of the people looked at her. "By the force." He seemed to get she was a zeltron but no pheromones, no real life signs aside from being there and making the area around her a little colder as the darkside aura remained over the area. "I was bored really bored and wanted to see how my old apprentice is doing." The sith lord was standing there looking at all of them now and curious about what was going to happen. She had merely heard that Sanya was arrested and facing trial. Many had but the proceedings well she had gone into them blind and wasn't like it was any skin off of her if she was here and they didn't like it. Just meant she was getting to meet some people who were important in this area of space now. Uncertain about the rest she remained there looking up and over at a few more thing walking around with her hands behind her back so she could stand opposite Jorus raising her eyebrows to wonder about him as he looked the vaguest sense of familiar but she shrugged unsure if she had seen him now or later. The fore could do tricky things when you went to places most others didn't and saw eldritch force energies who were dangerous.
She was listening to them, the interest in Sanya was there but how she handled herself as the phantom moved to stand there. Then waited for a moment looking at the other judges or the people. SOme interest coming to her so that she would be able to listen to all fo the charges the stenographer was doing. The minutes let her go over the previous statements as well as whatever was needed to be in here that was important. "Hmm I see." Balaya looked over at Sanya and spoke. "I am very disappointed in you my pet, all of this because of what? Because of what we did.... seems a little excessive but hmm I am uncertain what I can do to help, I am here with the Aing-Tii learning from them after they helped keep me safe." She said it and the phantom was one of the better spells to use when you dind't really want to reveal anything. The aura wouldn't change if they thought she was lying and wanted to check it. It was just a sense of the darkside and all of the energies that were going into creating it while she maintained the connection with the life force of one of her sithspawn. "Sekalus was one thing but Demonsgate was different. Sadly I wasn't able to learn as much as I wanted from the being there or get the proper data . To little in terms of what it was I needed to experiment."
Balaya was saying it and speaking now for the time while she walked around. "As to the croa, your claims of knowing what they are is grossly out of perspective. These are not sexual fetishes. Or at least they didn't start out like that.... really it begins very small, seems like nothing much at all. Just a germ, just a speck, just a grain but the seeds were sown and before she knew it had grown it had spread through the worlds like a stain." She said it. "They started out as a solution to the problem that presents itself when the sith come to a world. See we can bring order to the chaos that is your lives, we can bring prosperity if you would just bend a knee and serve us. Worship us, fear us and we will be there to ensure you are taken care of. All machines of conquest and advancement need gears, they need cogs and the chaos that is your own humanity makes you rebel, makes you seek to be a problem. So I created the croa, a virus that is small, that infects, transforms, molds you into the perfect cogs. It removes, your hatred, it removes your sickness, it removes your need to fear what is happening to you and provides bliss in servitude. Those who have it do not know better and those smart enough to protect and save themselves have shown they are stronger for it."
Balaya spoke plainly while she was walking around and allowing the one recording it to make sure of what she was saying. She didn't see people, she didn't see what she had done. A more pure form of the strong controlling the weak but without the ego or the thought that it was her right. She had the ability, she had the power to make these beings better to make their lives improved and so had simply created something that could do it on a galactic scale compared ot many of the others. Where she saw not really people but a puzzle piece that needed to fit itno the concept of sith conquest. People... individuals had freewill, they had thoughts and endangered often what was best for them because they wanted more then their lot in life. Even if they were not skilled or strong enough to claim it. THey would try to blindly lead others and then they would die and the overall vision would be damaged because someone couldn't accept it. So she had engineered and made something that would make everyone better, would make their lives better and it would help them. They weren't being genocided, they were being turned into something that would properly fit into the plans and vision of their betters. They were a collective not free of the sickness that was freewill and individualism.
"As the project evolved others for good or ill took an interest and they could be used for things. We had such plans but problems arise, Sanya here wanted to try and have it both ways. Be the villain with the heroes and it was not really for me. I could have ordered her to step down and away, I could have taken the leadership and title away from her but I like my position. I don't need to rule over the others and attract the attention until my plans are ready to be implemented. Until the right moment, by being like this, by being the second I am afforded certain powers and freedoms. In many ways I am protected, whoever is in charge attracts the attention, those under me are afraid because while they know I hold power they also know trying to go after my servants will incur my wrath as well as those higher then them who are using these pawns in their own plans." Balaya remained there. "So I sat there and I worked out the paradox that is sith control and rule. Fear is power, martial prowess is power and all can be used but eventually you get someone looking to be a martyr so you need to make the people under you docile and able to still function. THey must be more drones serving the masters will. So a simple solution came, to transform all of them and I gave my servants, I gave others the means to do it."
That was the crux of it, if she had ordered it and someone was following orders or if she had well left it there. A loaded gun as it were for them to use it however they wanted and the truth of the matter was... She didn't care. The more uses of the croa the more it spread the more the galaxy would be able to be brought under the rule of her and those who were strong. She could compare them to the rakghouls except to make them and control them you didn't require a dangerous and flawed talismen that had been designed by a madwoman. Balaya held a small grin on her face now. "I gave her the power but unlike many of the others she does have free will. Other servants do not but you need those able to think, you need those who will serve a purpose knowingly or unknowingly to spread the croa around the galaxy and so she like others can think. Doesn't mean as a mother I cannot be disappointed in them but are you so certain that those infected, those who were taken are suffering? As i said it transformed them, who is to say they are not a new being that you are condemning because of what they are. Proving why they are needed. The croa do not hate you, they do not judge you and they will not betray you for credits." She said it with a shrug while walking to a seat.
he stayed there in the seat, done with speaking for the most part, she didn't have much else that could go with it. The croa were something meant to solve a problem that the sith and black rose had faced. People were a problem, so she got rid of them and made her own. Until they were looking at her at least the others that grew of some interest to her. Risking it all until she pushed the force here when she wanted to see areas of it, when she was going to be prepared for it with all of her thoughts that were looking at her now. Some fo them seemed disgusted while one or two seemed to think about it and it helped that she was unsure about the risks or implications of it. As she didn't turn it to be the malevolent evil that wanted to rule and would kill you if you resisted. It was that evil that didn't care and only made you part of the machine, part of itself and did it because it thought it was improving you, improving your lives, making you better by taking away the soul and what brought misery or thoughts. Balaya basked in being labeled as evil and a wicked being, she had given her apprentices who had taken the powers that were offered to them the freewill because they were showing that they were strong and able to defend themselves. She had her eyes on all of the people there with raised eyebrows.
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