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Lockdown on Exocron (Sanya)

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | @Klesta

Bryce was not without sympathy at seeing Sanya reaction to the latest round of questioning. The spiritual appearance of her master / captor combine with the new round of evidence was enough to affect her greatly it seems.

"Though not asked directly the court will grant the accused time to collect her thoughts and prepare a rebuttal to the recent evidence produced. A recess of one hour will be taken, at which point we will reconvene. Emperor Graf, I believe the floor will be yours when we resume."

[member="Tanomas Graf"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
OOC: Apologies for the delay.

Judges: [member="Bryce Bantam"] | Klesta
Prosecution: [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Defendants: [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Balaya's testimony may have been duly recorded, and also on holocameras brought in by the court officials to allow the prosecution and the defense to review testimony made at a later date. But Balaya did not swear the oath; nevertheless, because the testimony had some relevance to the charges of use of alchemy on civilian populations and genocide, as applied to Sekalus, Klesta will still allow it. He had to take the time to review all the evidence presented with his clerk. He might be a little new to the business of adjudicating the crimes, but he knew that only the highest-profile of crimes usually made it to trial, like these ones: most crimes are adjudicated at the pre-trial stage. With his clerk, he reviews the evidence that Balaya set forth. Out of turn, perhaps, but will be taken into account nonetheless. Even in phantom state was enough to incriminate [member="Sanya Val Swift"] on two of the most serious charges: it did nothing to address the crimes at the mining facility, however.

"Utinni! The red-skinned hologram reminds me of someone in the Senate files regarding the massacres of the One Sith!"

"Who is that?" the clerk asked, while rolling his eyes.

"It appears that the hologram was that of someone called Darth Praelior. Then again the defendant is partially right: Darth Praelior is also part of the crimes Sanya committed"
[member="Klesta"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

The deadline came and went, and as the recess ended, Jorus got to his feet. A little longer, and he'd be done with this, done talking all proper, done hammering Sanya with her mistakes. He'd never wanted to be involved in the prosecution; his job had been investigative. Find the proof, find the fugitive, done - but only in theory. Getting roped into the courtroom had never been the plan.

"Your Honors," he said, glancing at the legal droid beside him, "we believe we've established guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The prosecution rests its case."

He sat back down. Resting was a gamble - he'd be unable to speak to any evidence the defence might raise from now on - but he had his reasons.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Bryce Bantam"] Ξ [member="Jorus Merrill"] Ξ [member="Tanomas Graf"]

Sanya was moved back to the cell from before for the recess. She had sat on the floor performing force heal on herself. Broken bones where hard to fix even for a master healer, but it did speed up the process and reliviate the pain. The holo display of emperor graf was displayed behind her. "I don't want to wait around any longer... Just show the evidence and we'll be done with this. They think they are taking my stuff. They have another thing coming. The outback will realise any data from exocron will have been transferred and wiped clean. My ships hyperspace jump history has been wiped. Anything they thought they had will be or has gone, but I swear if any of my people have been hurt. They will pay. If I find out if those of my people that were croa didn't volunteer to become test subjects. They will pay." Her words didn't come from aggression, it was from someone who wanted to protect. The man would probably pick up on her tone was soft put her pitch raised up and down putting ephsis on certain words. Not before long she was moved back in the court room.

Ooc: next post will be links and post numbers along with file formats
A- audio
AV- audio and video
D - Document
S - Credit statement

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Jorus Merrill"] Ξ [member="Bryce Bantam"] Ξ [member="Klesta"]
Evidence -
Proof of purchase
S- 54 credits on a medium crate of phrik
Alibi of her activities.
D - a document of the destress signal and Sanya's activities on demonsgate before going to the facility.
D - negotiations for civilians to stay and bartering for the phrik. (65,74,78,85,88) (conversations with the girl or camellia have not been included in the document.)

Proof of innocence on the destruction of the demonsgate facility
AV - shows inside the room at the time of the ion shot hitting the shield. Linking the time frame with jorus's conversation with Sanya will prove she wasn't inside the room at the time of the melt down was initiated.
D - a list of all the evacuated civilians show all humans except one been a croa.

Proof of Sanya been innocent of the croa virus
D - records of Darth praelior on rendili 1
(Was a lot to go through so I just linked the dom it happened also should be all the evidence that I'm been accused for in this trial.)
Bryce walked in with a serious look on his face, after he and [member="Klesta"] retired to the official offices to deliberate the trial was finally coming to and end. It has been a long road for all concerned. As the prosecution and deference rose Bryce nodded and motioned for every one to take their seats.

Recorder droids buzzed and clicked as Bryce took up the great metallic gavel and slammed it down to bring the proceedings to order.

"It is with a serious heart stern mind that we sit here today. Today we decide the fate of not only a woman, but of a ruler and queen. She is one of the first of her race, one with dubious beginnings but a recognized race none the less, and this must be factored into our decision. We shall begin with charges from least to greatest....

On the charge of resisting arrest, the court finds the defendant ... Guilty

On the grounds of Grand theft Phink,we find the defendant ... Not guilty... Though her evidence presented shows the court that instead she will be instead charged and found guilty of the lesser crime of extortion as it is obvious that one crate of phink, one that on the normal market value would sell for thousands, only went for a measly 54 credits, well below cost. It is obvious to the court this was negotiated with one either under the influence of the force, or one who feared for their life.

On the charge of destruction of said Phink facility, as there is no direct proof, the prosecution has not made their care and the court must find the defendant criminally... Not guilty... However as for the civil charge, one which the burden of proof is on the defendant the court also find she did not make the burden of proof and we find her civilly ... Guilty...

Lastly on the final charge of Alchemy, this has left the court dead locked. One judge feel that the prosecution has more then made their case, the other judge feel their is more to consider. On Demonsgate I met a young Croa, one who was not able to be evacuated due to circumstances. She flew with me, served as a trusted crew woman for years. I still remember her dying moments during the Omega, how bravely she served. I remember her as the person, on the long journeys to Demonsgate we would talk. She remembers nothing of her life before being a Croa, only the pride that came from who she had become. Sanya sees nothing wrong with what has happened because it was needed to create her race. It is what gave her new life.

On the final charge of Alchemy I find her... for reasons she herself was alchimised... Not guilty.

Their was shock in court as the final verdict were read. As the droids cherped and hummed Bryce slammed the gavel down again to bring the court to order.

As to the civil charges, the court orders the facilities and intellectual property ceased on Exocorn are to be awarded to the citizens of Demonsgate. Those Croa still held will be released and transported back to Sekulas as no sign of alchemy remains in them. Of the criminal charges the court..."

Bryce was not able to continue, before he could a messenger burst into the room and ran up to [member="Sanya Val Swift"].

"Order, I will have order in the Court!"

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
The challenge here was to avoid dwelling on negativity. The whole bizarre affair had ended. Some limited measure of justice had been done, and he had to be content with that, support the verdict. The penalties she had accrued would have to do, and they weren't negligible: both Inquisition Industries and its weapons subsidiary had just lost crucial arms factories on Exocron. The facilities, machinery, blueprints, and stock captured would sell for tens of millions, and the people of Demonsgate could only benefit.

Insofar as he'd become invested in this case, now was the time to let it go. Time, too, to face his failure and move past it. He'd taken a reluctant but energetic swing at a task for which he wasn't qualified. He'd also failed to find the full evidence. He would owe the people of Demonsgate for his insufficiency, but the important thing was to move on.

He shook himself from his thoughts as a messenger burst in.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Bryce Bantam"] Ξ [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Sanya fell back onto the betch as the virdict was been made. While most the the major parts she'd proven her innocence they still twisted some. It was the man who offered the seventy percent discount. No force involved and the lasting relationship she had with the people there showed he wasn't in fear of Sanya he even entrusted his daughter to her. Still what's done is done now. The doors burst open with a whoosh as a person ran inside. It took a second to recognize the green twi'lek girl "Hirani? Wait how'd you find me." Sanya said in a rush of words raising to her feet. "Master swift." She said with a quick bow. "Asuna tracked the link. No time explain that. Your needed back home. Here." The girl said all flustered and out of breath. Hirani pulled out a datapad and connected to the holoprojector in the room.

A large holo image of Asuna would appear in the room. Asuna first looked at the judge. "My apologies for intruding judge's but we needed to urgently get this message to our queen. Malady, Sekalus, our home, our people are in grave danger. If we don't evacuate now we will all die and that can't happen."

Sanya walked to the edge of the box as Asuna spoke. The look of worry and fear for her people draped over her face. "What's wrong Asuna? What's happening?" Sanya felt her gut sink making her feel sick to the stomach. "The sun is dying. We haven't long left before it goes supernova. We have roughly four weeks maybe a little longer but not much." Sanya's face went pale. More pale than her white skin was. The second the woman said supernova it hit the queen. The black shiny tail dropped down to the floor and the fury ears hung low on the top of her head. "Listen to me. Start evacuating people now onto the ring." "But it can't hold ever..." "I know, I know." She turned to face the two gents in the room Bryce and jorus before looking back. "I'll be there soon asuna okay. I'll bring help. Just get as many onto the station. Subdue as many animals as possible that are in the zoos and put them in cryo stasis. Just don't panic. One more thing I'll need the red case." "O...okay."

Hirani waved her hand unlocking the door to the box they had Sanya in. The Queen however didn't walk out. She stayed still till her legs gave beneath her. Tears told down both cheeks on a face looking to the floor. "Master? You okay?" Sanya said no reply. There was just to much to take in. Her people might die. Slowly her eyes wondered up blurred by the tears swelling in her eyes. She then stood up wobbly on her feet as she walked out and took a seat on the outside of the box. The Sekalien woman was holding back so much emotion right now but they were overwhelming her. "I need a favor from you both." She said in a quiet voice that still carried. "I need your help to evacuate my world. The ships I manufacture can't hold many people, except one, but with everything combined it won't be enough. Please you have to help me. I can't watch my people go. Not like this, not in any way. I'm begging you?"
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

"Lady, none of the crap you've done makes your planet less worthy of surviving. I'll call in some old markers. Silk Holdings makes supertransports that can evacuate planets, and it operates plenty of'em. Four weeks to get ships that deep into Wild Space will be a stretch, but we'll see what's feasible. I'll also go talk to the Coalition Council right now and see what we can bring to the table for evacuation transports. They'll want all the data you've got on the subject, and they'll want to know where you plan to settle. I'll tell them we'll find you a spot."


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
After the verdict was made, Klesta was more than disappointed to see [member="Sanya Val Swift"] go off so good and only found guilty of extortion and resisting arrest, while in his mind the other parties responsible for the main crime, especially [member="Balaya Praelior"], then known to the Senate as Darth Praelior, but also other names known to the Senate files cited in the evidence the prosecution introduced regarding that crime, incriminated Sanya just as much as Balaya: Camellia Swift and Darth Venefica. But, chasing the other three will have to wait until the evacuation of Sekalus ends. To this end, [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Bryce Bantam"] made preparations.

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