Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Long Black Train

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"And to think, i get to see you in action." He waved his hand for her to continue, while he seemed to just lean back in the chair and closed his eyes. His saber found his hand though and if she looked through the force into him she would notice is signature expanding ever so slightly andshe would feel some intrusion herself into her mind. He was far from doing nothing, instead he was reaching out and probing the minds of others, looking for anything that could give him a bit of information into what was happening.
She huffed a short, rather unamused sort of chuckle at the awkward guy's comment. She could deal with it, though.

SXB-1 in hand, Gen was about to deal with whoever was causing all this grief up front. It was hardly a hero complex--more like a mission to be carried out in the name of All Things Good and Noble, because someone needed to teach the bad guys a lesson. And she would enjoy doing just that. A crafty smirk developed at the corner of her lips as she progressed towards the preceding car, coat sweeping behind herself in foreboding fashion. She would be fear to those who stood up against her.

A tap of something a little bothersome was felt against her mind, and Gen realized someone was going to try to be a little extra tricky. It was a bit agitating and Lasedri almost instinctively swatted away his little probe, but decided there might be some benefit to it in this situation.

Arriving at the link to the car ahead, Gen said not a word and pulled the trigger, barrel pointed just below the back of the neck of their friendly neighborhood mercenary.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Boring..." He hadn't moved an inch, merely listened as the shot rang out and the merc fell dead to the ground, with a quick glance though her looked around the seat and sighed as he got up and moved down the lines of seats. Once her got to Genevieve he touched her shoulder and grinned as he leaned forward and past her. "Pardon me, what is it was have going on here?" He already had his saber in hand and seemed more bored than interested, crossing his arms over his chest.
People in the bacl had screamed and ducked even further behind their seats upon Geneviève's slaying of the guard. Stuff just got real on this little voyage, and she wondered how long until the train stopped so the crew could either try to resolve this mess or abandon ship.

What confused Gen, however, was her assistant's approach. Did he actually expect a respectful response after she had just dropped one of their men? Because all they got in return were blaster bolts and curses beginning with every letter of the alphabet. "Frakkit, Solan," she muttered as she whirled out of the door and placed her back against the wall, taking the time to formulate a firing strategy as she reached out with her mind to see where everyone stood in the car ahead. "There are like three guards spread to the left side--about eight seat rows? And there's one all the way in the back and to the right. Hope you're not afraid of a bit of violence." She eyed his lightsaber. Was he actually going to use that thing?

[member="Solan Charr"]
"Hmm... sounds boring, ill be back." He checked out the window quick to see how much room he had before giving Gen as slight bow and cutting a hole in it quick before climbing out and heading up and over. Once on top of the train it took all his focus not to fall off and remain stable, the air blasting him in the face as he half crawled, half walked over the top of the train. He had no idea what would go on while he did this though and he really hoped that she had her own plan because his was rather simple in its approach. That was, assuming everyone remained where they were when he had gone to the outside of the cars.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Oh, she had a plan. While Solan's move was unexpected and a little disappointing, she could handle herself. Leaning out from behind the wall, she shot down the corridor with a three-round burst, connecting with the wall down at the end of the car as her solo target ducked below her fire and behind the chairs. Gen wasted little time and transitioned across the linked doorway and pulled on the pump grip of her gun, spitting out scattershot at two of the mercs. One of them fell, the other shouted some more curses as his shoulder tore. Gen dove behind a row of chairs on the right and waited out the return fire from the first and the fourth guardsmen.

Lasedri loved the adrenaline rush. It had been some time since she had felt this way.

The odd thing was, they still did not know what they were fighting for. All they knew was they were fighting against something illegal. Hopefully, Solan would get to the bottom of this, or at least not be too stupid and 'peaceful' and die like a dog.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Solan took his sweet time, listening as two of them went down and position himself over the one that was in the back of the car, whistling the tune that would be very similar to the imperial march before igniting his blade and quickly carving a hole in the roof of the train above the mercenary. The ceiling would then fall with Solan and the sheet of metal collapsing on the man that was standing there. But that would not be the only thing that Solan would do. Without even a second's hesitation he looked at the final man and gripped his arm and blaster with the body, before sending a massive amount of pressure down on his joints and on the barrel of the gun. First the sound of his arm breaking at the elbow, then at the wrist would sound, and less than a moment later the gun would fall to the floor and the mercenary would be slammed into the side of the car, knocked unconscious.

Only then would solan look at the guy under him and smile as he started to come around, only to receive a kick to the face and a broken nose. "I think that is more than enough fighting for the day."

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Lasedri frowned as her partner in whatever they were currently doing pulled off the victory, seemingly without significant effort. She arose from her hiding spot and tread over to the wounded merc. Stomping on his wrist, she looked towards Solan without giving heed to the man's cry of pain. Then she kicked his loosed gun away without giving him another glance. "I think you're getting a little bit ahead of yourself, Charr. Where do you think the rest of that big crowd went?" She nodded her head in the direction of the next car ahead.

She knew he knew there was more that could be done. Whether he would agree to participate or not was another question. She wanted this. Deep down, she hoped he would not spoil the party, whether they were right or wrong to plow through.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Whats the chance of them jumping ship and us just having fun with these four?" She was right though and he knew what she was thinking. They were probably in the next car, and after hearing that probably waiting for them too. He was decent with a blaster, but he much rather preferred his saber or force powers, neither much help when in a tight space and surrounded.
"Well, what do you believe?" He had a good point, though she wondered if they had had enough time to scram yet. She pulled up her blindfold briefly and squinted out the window to see if anyone might be visible out there, though she was fairly certain she would not spot anyone. The train was beginning to slow down, however. "There are two more cars ahead, and then there's the engine."

Trying to figure out what exactly was going on, Gen attempted to penetrate her captive's mind and pry for such details. She winced, finding his mind too murky as he fell into unconsciousness. "Well, what's your decision, here?"

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Well we can hopefully assume that everyone on this train is a hostile. If so i can work a bit of Pyrokinesis if you lay down cover fire and burn these morons to ashes if they want to act like bigshots. In the event that they have hostages, i suggest the surrender and get captured plan, it always works out fine, trust me." He smiled, a wide Cheshire grin that left him looking like his mouth was much wider than it should be. Even his hands closed on the saber again as he spun it in his hand, in-activate.
"Oh, right. That plan always works. Sure." She looked at the body of the dead merc a few rows ahead of her. If she had taken off her blindfold, he would have seen the most exaggerated eye roll. "And then how do we protect these hypothetical hostages in that case?"

She was reminded that there was more they could plan given Solan's most recent antics. "Why don't you do that walk-on-the-roof routine again and head up to the engine? If you can deactivate the magnetic couplings, they'll be isolated and someone on their end will have to make a move." Geneviève shrugged her shoulders to loosen up a little more, anxious to press ahead lest her adrenaline surge have a chance of dying down. "I'll take care of my end, of course."

[member="Solan Charr"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Solan Charr"]

With a door being kicked down from the other train cart undercover republic field agent Patricia Garter aimed two slug thrower pistols at the enemy combatants and proceeded to open fire on them. With cracks of thunder echoing through the hall of the train she was all but furious, rage was more than evident on her face and whoever these people were they had just ruined weeks of undercover work. "Mother @&?!ers!!" A few of the rounds impacted a seat near the two and began to melt in a slump of acid. Whoever these terrorist were they were shooting up a train with innocent people on it and they had to be neutralized before anything else could happen.

Patricia had been onsite for a few weeks now running down illegal slaver activity and was actually doing a good job for once. She managed to sign up with a crew of mercenaries whose job was it to escort fresh product to their buyers before collecting payment. This was supposed to be it, the big break in the case and it was just ruined by two psychos whose motives were of a deadly intention. "Republic Intelligence! Put your weapons down you are under arrest!" Patricia yelled aloud to the two of them hoping that they would not go quietly so she could put a bullet in their faces.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Oh look, the Republic is here, for heavens sakes i can't get rid of you guys even when i want to." He looked at Genevieve and smiled as he glanced at the window and considered doing it once more. His eyes looked at the woman that had appeared and then to the window again before speaking. "Miss, i really hope you don't do what you are thinking you are doing, because way i see it for being a republic agent you are helping the ones who are trying to seize the people on this train." He wasn't going to let some self important Republic Agent, corrupt or undercover he didn't care, she blew her own cover by shouting that and now she was in the same boat as him and Gen.
Now, this was a real mess. A moment ago, they would have been praised as heroes fro taking down a group of slavers. But with this Republic twerp showing up, suddenly the tables were turned. Whatever they had just done was now obstruction of justice or whatever. As if the Republic had been doing a good job of seeking justice in the first place. How long had they known about this slaving operation and done nothing about it?

Sighing, Geneviève lowered her weapon and narrowed her eyes at the agent--though no one could see that, her eyes being concealed by the black band around her face. "Look, we were told that there was a bounty on slavers, so we're entitled to collect that." That was an utter lie, but it was believable. "Or there should be a little more clarification on a Republic world that no one seems to have straight." That was right. Turn the blame around.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Solan Charr"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"][member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Aiming both her pistols at whoever these people claimed to be Patricia quickly and sharply turned to Solan and was about to all but scream at him until she noticed something. He was hot, like stupid hot. In another way to describe it if I weren't arresting you we'd be back at my hotel playing drown the bantha for a better half of an hour, hot. Wavering her concentration for a moment she gave him a look of pure hunger then was quickly snapped back to reality by a large burly voice from her comm piece. "Agent G! Five mikes and we are pulling out! The opp is blown!" Growling she snapped over to the ninja turtle as she spoke.

"That's great so you are bounty hunters. Produce your license and warrant and you are free to go." Thumbing back the hammer on both her pistols she snarled at gen and spoke "But since you two don't look like bounty hunters I doubt that's true. So you have to the count of three to either produce your license or drop your weapons and get on the ground or else you both get a bullet. ONE!" She snarled again making sure her point got across. This operation was weeks in the making and the agent was close to taking down the slave trade leader. Now all they could do was have the strike team raid the train and free the slaves and arrest the bad guys. These men deserved to have their day in court not have their brains scattered about the floor.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

He sighed and activated his blade before turning it in his hands and stepping infront of Gen before activating the other end of the Saber. "Miss, you need to just let use do our own job, sorry about ruining your op but these men deserve to be dead, or atleast taken out of business like this moron." He glanced at the one he had immobilized and made sure he was still passed out and unconscious, no need to be shot in the back by a slaver because of a Republic agent and his own partner in this.
She nodded as Solan took a step forward, noting the rather vibrant blue blade extending. She had no doubts now, that if they were up against the ropes, he could take care of business. And there was something else they could do with 'Mr. Smooth'... "I'd actually like to see your credentials." She smirked, sizing the woman up. "I mean, your 'occupation' is a little more sketchy than mine."

Then she nudged her compatriot. Come on, loverboy.

[member="Solan Charr"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"][member="Solan Charr"]

Oh they were going to do this the hard way, or as Patricia liked to call "the fun way". Glaring at them both Patricia made sure each slug thrower was flush with it's target. She was not about to put away her weapons and show them she was an officer of the law. And she could not risk whoever these two were knowing her real identity thus compromising her on future missions and assignments. "My credentials are on their way right now in the form of a twenty man republic strike team. So if you want to sit here and f@&$ with me." She paused for a moment and looked over to the sweet piece of ass that was Solan. "Not that I would mind you doing that." She said with a small evil grin. "But if you two want to keep it up I'm sure they will be happy to show you in three minutes."

"Now where were we, TWO!" She yelled and was ready to engage. In truth this was far from Patricia's first rodeo. She had fought on Manaan against the sith empire. She had almost been killed by sith knights but before that could happen she made sure they hurt. She had gone up against much bigger fish than padawans and she was more than certain she could take the two. More experience and better training, her only weakness now was to hope the more handsome of the two didn't start a random pole dancing session
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

He grinned and weaved his words with the force, pushing into his voice it so that a bit more persuasion were on his words, and incase that failed he was building up force pressure in his free hand. "Now now, you don't want to hurt us. We are working on the same side and this is all a little misunderstanding, you want to lower your weapons and after this we can go out for a drink? Ill buy, and i promise not to skimp." Ok so his approach was unorthodox and he probably was going to get skinned alive later by a certain redhead, but hell, it was better than being pumped full of slugs or having to harm this agent, so what ever.

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