Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Long May She Reign: The Coronation of Empress Kanni Ugaiya Kilran (EOTL)


Lianna, Outer Rim Territories, Tion Cluster, Allied Tion Sector, Lianna system;
The Coronation of the Phantom Empress;
The Empire of the Lost;

Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Lady Varokscar Lady Varokscar | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

"The Jedi, and some within our own Senate, had conspired to create the shadow of Separatism using one of their own as the enemy's leader. They had hoped to grind the Republic into ruin. But the hatred in their hearts could not be hidden forever. At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures.

The Jedi hoped to unleash their destructive power against the Republic by assassinating the head of government and usurping control of the clone army. . ."
-- PALPATINE'S speech during the Declaration of a New Order a millennia ago.

"Well said, Moff Mecetti. We would expect nothing less from a Hero of the Empire."

Sieliel averted her gaze away from Maldor to watch the stage again. The buzz of celebration was palpable as the Imperial elite gathered to honour the coronation of the PHANTOM EMPRESS. With the recent decision of the TRADE FEDERATION OF PLANET'S removal of their trade embargo across the star sectors controlled by the Empire, and the abated crises which had threatened to topple them passing, it was the beginning of the next era within the old realms of the TION HEGEMONY.

But would the HEIR TO OBULETTE be apart of it?

"It is the next step of the Lost to reclaim the old territories of the first Galactic Empire. The desires of Emperor Kilran are still in vogue with the coronation of his daughter, and we are in line with the ideas of the Eggman. After all we would not have been formed without his co-operation."

The sudden revelation that the seditious FIFTH WING were co-operating with the late EGGMAN all this time was, perhaps, a shocking twist for the unfortunate exiled son of HOUSE MECETTI but to Sieliel it was a matter-of-fact comparable to breathing. Of course Velran Kilran Velran Kilran knew everything before his demise at the hands of the rebellion formed by the followers of the NEW JEDI ORDER. After all the man himself had only risen to power through his own seditious act when he butchered the Old Imperial Ruling Council during his coup d'état at the turn of the century.

"The Tion Cluster is ours. There is no Tionese element left after Tion who can oppose our new Empress, and the Jedi rebellion has been subverted. These acts could not have been done without your co-operation and service."

Was the SIEGE OF TION a result of the mistake of a rogue Jedi Knight and wrath of the CORPSE EMPEROR? Or was it a well manufactured crisis designed to eliminate the threat of a TIONESE UPRISING unhappy with the Imperial Remnant that had occupied the star systems of the old TION HEGEMONY? With Fùchóu Zhī Shén Fùchóu Zhī Shén in custody and creation of the conspiratorial Trigonus Report circulating among the upper echelons of the Empire was DARTH TRIGONUS in on the very plot he had helped to create?

"The old Imperial stronghold of Bastion is our next target. Reclamation of Ravelin and the Braxant Run will pay for the Jedi plot which threatened to destroy us. But this Diarchy stands as the next path of opposition. I have been briefed that you have a relationship with Diarch Reign that will prove useful to our cause."

Sieliel turned her gaze back to Maldor. Her gaze razor sharp and focused with the air of belief in them. A useful foot soldier in the seditious FIFTH WING. There was no doubt in those eyes. Indeed the sins of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey had hooked themselves deep in the heart of the last of HOUSE DIMEGOR.

Wouldn't you do anything when all you had left was revenge in the place where there should be a soul?

"As I asked you before, Moff Mecetti, I shall ask again. Won't you continue to co-operate with our organisation?"



Objective: 3
Posting as: Agmena Rend
Location: Krykna secret hideout. Cantina basement, Lianna
Outfit: N/A
Tag: Binn Toskros Binn Toskros

The Domina of the Imperial Underworld sat in a dim corner as the others arrived. Her lieutenants were spread throughout the room to hear suggestions from the rest and portray Agmena's power. Most of the others present were obviously the criminal type that Agmena depended upon to do the dirty work that would fill her bank accounts. In times of change Agmena found that was a good opportunity to see what was hiding beneath the surface of her own world.

That was the purpose of this meeting. To see what else was out there that would bring her profit. Rumor also stated that the Empire sought to dominate Hutt Space. If that was the case Agmena would need more lieutenants. Hutt Space would never go legit. There was so much that the Krykna could do if the Hutts were kicked out of their territory.

When the room reached a desired fullness, Agmena gave a nod and rose from her spot in the shadows to make a round through the room. A mechanical voice started over the sound system. "Welcome fellow outcasts of the Imperial machine. As you all know the crown of power is being passed today. This meeting will decide how to make that passing work for all of us."

A loud laugh came from a horned, blue skinned woman at the bar. "Are you going to find a way to make spice more readily available on this planet? Or can we maybe agree that having headquarters on this rock isn't the wisest move?"

A bit of a growl came from one of the lieutenants. And pulled out an autoinjector. "Hey Embers. Take this and be a constructive part of the meeting or shut your yap!" he flipped the injector to the blue skinned woman, who smiled and injected it into her arm.

Agmena smirked slightly at the antics of the spice addicted smuggler, but she soon found herself near a Quarren that didn't quite look like she fit in. "I am Vadora Grieve. You look a little too put together for this group. What're you looking for?" The name was what any member of the organization would know as their leader. No one knew Agmena by her true name any longer.

Maldor tried not to visibly stiffen. It was a bad idea to reveal the shades of one's ignorance to an intelligence operative.

But he was also uncertain how much of what this woman said could be believed. No one knew better than Maldor how corrupted the Empire's intelligence services had become. It was a miserable tangle of competing interests and secret plots. As opposed to the Ministry of Inquiry, which was made efficient by its singular purpose and master.

So... was she really carrying out the dead Emperor's will? Or was she washing herself and her seditious organization with the sweet smelling soap of patriotism?

Hell, even if she was doing what Velran wanted... that man was as mad as he was a genius.

"As I asked you before, Moff Mecetti, I shall ask again. Won't you continue to co-operate with our organisation?"

Maldor shook his head, "Be specific. A blanket agreement is as vague as it is useless. Only the Empress gets that kind of loyalty, and you aren't She. And neither is Her."
Objective 1: The Crowning

Current Outfit

Kanni giggled when Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss praised her dress. "Thank you Uncle," Kanni said. "But I can't take ALLLL the credit, my handmaiden VR-4 “Four” VR-4 “Four” a gift from Teckla Tane Teckla Tane . Kanni sighed. "Another clone," she said. "I have to admit that I'm little perturbed on how the rest of my council are forming their own Clone Army to supplement the armies that I gave them."

Trust no one. That was what her father taught her and as much as Kanni wanted to believe that there were loyal people like Karl, she still couldn't help but feel that people like Teckla were scheming behind her back. Father was wary of Teckla, saying that she had a load of ambition and there were rumors from the NISB that Teckla wanted to marry her father just so she can increase her status within the Empire. "Trying to usurp my claim wasn't wise Tane," Kanni thought.

But after conversing with Teckla back at the Imperial summit, Kanni started to have second thoughts. It did help that Four was a helpful handmaiden and had good taste in clothing. Kanni didn't pay attention to the gifts Karl gave her, her mind was drifting towards her father, the Empire that she is now leading. An Empire that's expected to last ten thousand years. "The gifts are lovely Uncle," Kanni said a melancholy tone laced within her voice. "But right now..... I don't know if I can do it. You know..... be Empress."

She shifted her gaze towards Karl. "Father had so many plans for the Empire," Kanni said. "He was teaching me so many things...... and he died. I don't know if I'm ready. I don't trust half my council and I know there are daggers in the dark."

Kanni shook her head. "I haven't slept in nearly a week for fear that the people whom my father angered will come to kill me." Kanni said with sadness in her voice. "I can take them, I'm born to be better, I was made to be better. But how long can I keep fighting, keep worrying until......."

She was supposed to be made perfect, why are these imperfections ruining her now?
Last edited:


Objective: 1 - The Crowning
Sub-Objective: Console Kanni
Location: The Empress's Room
Equipment: Dress Uniform with Moff rank plaque and code cylinders, a bespoke Inquisition Slugthrower DN-1

"But right now..... I don't know if I can do it. You know..... be Empress."
"Father had so many plans for the Empire," Kanni said. "He was teaching me so many things...... and he died. I don't know if I'm ready. I don't trust half my council and I know there are daggers in the dark."
"I haven't slept in nearly a week for fear that the people whom my father angered will come to kill me." Kanni said with sadness in her voice. "I can take them, I'm born to be better, I was made to be better. But how long can I keep fighting, keep worrying until......."

Karl listened to the young empress's lament, hanging onto every word and emotion within it. He had been at this point before when he ran away from the First Order before their collapse. He had the entire backing of his crew and his sister, but he still felt that he was completely out-of-sorts, he wasn't the best leader. And he wasn't.

He walked around to the front of Kanni, took her hand, and led her to a floor-length mirror, positioning her in the middle of the frame. "I was where you were once, wrought with feelings of incompetence and disbelief in my abilities," he chuckled slightly, "although I wasn't taking over an Empire."

He began to spread the dress out gently behind her, expanding it to its full glory, "I'll be honest. You may never fully be ready to be Empress, but you can't let anyone know that. I'll let you in on a little secret." He stood up leaning in close to her ear, "Most of the time, I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong. But every decision I make, I'm learning from, growing from, even at seventy-two years old."

"Hmph, we can't have that,"
Karl says softly while bending down. "You have a slight tear here. Now where was that thread and needle? Ah, here we go. I'll have this done in a way no one will know that it was here."

He pulls up a stool and gets to work, every once in a while, he looks up to Kanni in the mirror and smiles, crow's feet on full display. He takes in a breath, "But, just because I don't know what I'm doing means I can't rely on people for guidance either. Your father knew that well. He didn't trust most people, but that's what made him an impressive ruler." He stops and cuts the thread, holding up the stitch to the Empress's reflection. "See, no one will see it. I had to learn how to stitch when I helped fix my wife's wedding dress. Erika wasn't practiced, and my wife was a hacker by trade so...." He shook his head and smiled. "I'm getting off topic."

"Your father, didn't put people he could confide in on his council, he put people who he trusted to do their jobs. And if they couldn't keep up with the demand, he'd point his own dagger right back at them! Same with the people who he angered, he didn't back down he brandished an even bigger blade and threatened to cut even more."
As he said this he imitated stabbing someone with a dagger, hoping to make her laugh.

Karl walked around in front of the mirror and grasped both of Kanni's hands, "You are perfect, you are better, but that doesn't stop you from being human and making mistakes. You just make them less often than regular people, like me. But being better also means that you have the capacity to grow from those few and far-between mistakes even more than the rest of us."

He kneels down and places the back of her hand on his forehead, then looks up to her. "When you grow tired of fighting my Empress, I will wield your sword and fight back the foes who would depose you. And when you grow weary of worrying, I'll take it upon myself to worry for you. On this, I swear my loyalty to you, Empress Kanni Kilran."

Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective 2: Ring a Ding Ding!

Current Outfit

"Come on Freebird," Ami said taking a look at her hand. "Why don't you quit when you have the chance? We all know that you're no match for me! I'm the Queen of Sabacc!"

Ami was in fact NOT the Queen of Sabbac in fact, she was rather terrible at the game. She remembered getting into fights with people over getting bad hands and being tricked into folding by people's bluff. Needless to say, to say that Ami was a sore loser would be a massive understatement. But if there was one thing that Ami loved to do was to trash talk and puff herself into something she knows she wasn't.

"Get ready to lose!" Ami said taking chug from her Beer.

CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"
Objective 3: Lords of the Underground
Location: Krykna Hideout
Tags: Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost

Binn had made it to the meeting spot the message her late husband had. It wasn't odd for him to keep things close to the vest since he was the CEO and she was just the head of Toskros Shipwrights R&D. But he had been giving her the experience to be at the helm if she needed to be. Their kids were far too young to be interested in the family business.

But the task at hand was to learn and grow the business. A mechanical toned voice sounded
"Welcome fellow outcasts of the Imperial machine. As you all know the crown of power is being passed today. This meeting will decide how to make that passing work for all of us."

The words rang true Too many have been pushing towards human centric ideology part of the reason she came to the meeting.

"Are you going to find a way to make spice more readily available on this planet? Or can we maybe agree that having headquarters on this rock isn't the wisest move?"

A bit of a growl came from one of the lieutenants. And pulled out an autoinjector. "Hey Embers. Take this and be a constructive part of the meeting or shut your yap!" he flipped the injector to the blue skinned woman, who smiled and injected it into her arm.

Ah yes the underbelly of the world of drugs.

"I am Vadora Grieve. You look a little too put together for this group. What're you looking for?"
A woman came over and introduced herself as Vadora Grieve "Hello Vadora Grieve, I am Binn Toskros late wife of Thacgern Toskros. Also now acting CEO of Toskros Shipwrights . I am here to explore what I can do out of the Imperial eyes.... I have ships, shipyards, metal refining & R&D. How to bend the markets toward a more tolerant Imperial region." As Binn gestures at the multitude of races in the room.
Objective 1: The Crowning
Sub Objective 1: Talk to the Empress before the ceremony
Sub Objective 2: Talk to Similar aligned Councilors
Sub Objective 3: Talk to Aculia Voland
Tags: | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Open |
Location: Empress Kanni's quarters
Equipment: Military Dress with Rank plaque, emblem of Rasnuhl's Zabraki faction. Both his lightsabers, identification codes, and a shiny black box tucked under his arm.


After a few moments Darth Rasnuhl walks into the room and shuts the door seeing Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran & Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss talking. Walking over a ways before making a sound

"Hello Empress Kaani and Moff Karl. I hope both of you are well. And it's good you both are here, there is a dark undercurrent in the Empire. And much to discuss away from the whole upper echelon."

Darth Rasnuhl walks the rest of the distance over before getting the box out from under his uniformed arm. It is about twelve centimeter's in each of the directions. Extending it out laying in his palms.

"This gift is for you, from I and Demveath Okamsiu Demveath Okamsiu I feel you will need it."

So much had transpired since he brought his people under the Imperial banner for their own safety. His faction of Sith had always fought against their darker brethren that were chained to the dogma of the dark side as much as the Jedi were to the light. Neither understanding that the Whole Force would set them free.
The Clone kept his cards close to his chest as he replied, "Thanks, but I think I like my chances." Sabacc was one of his favorite card games to play in his off-time, and given his opponents' condition, he thought he stood at least a decent chance. "What are you, by the way? An intelligence agent?" The question was open-ended and he didn't expect her to answer seriously. Still, it was the only question he could think of that had any substance. Who knows, maybe she was sloshed enough to answer.

Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih
Objective 1: The Crowning

Current Outfit

A smile slowly formed on Kanni's face when Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss said that even he didn't know what he was doing. Which was strange since Uncle always acted he knew what to do every time. Her father leaned on him for advice amazingly enough considering that he rightly suspected that the Moff Council could turn against him. Yet Karl was a loyal man through and through and with her father gone, Kanni needed to lean on Karl for support. "People are wondering if I will be like my father." Kanni said. "From citizens to the Council, though for different reasons. The council....." Kanni looked away. "Think my father is a mad man. They're wrong of course but fear drives a person to make irrational assumptions."

Kanni wondered if the same could apply to her father, but things always worked out in his favor. Paranoia was a survival trait and those who always remained focused were those who won. "Father....." Kanni said shifting her gaze back to Karl. "Told me his secret on how he built the Empire." She began to play with her fingernails, an unfortunate habit that she picked up on when she was born. As much as she appreciated Karl saying that she was perfect, Kanni knew that she was anything but perfect. But she had to believe that she was otherwise the knives will be out for her.

"One," Kanni said. "The Galaxy is a mess, everyone believes that they're moral and virtuous but it's clearly an act. Attack them relentlessly without any regret. Attack, attack, attack."

The young woman took a deep breath these were rules that her father told Kanni the day before the battle over Mon Cala. The day that he sacrificed his life for her. "Rule two." Kanni continued. "The only truth that matters, is your own truth. You need to believe in your own truth because others will be gleeful in trying to tear things you like. Your truth is what keeps you going, don't let anyone try to deter you."

Her truth, not her father's truth. Father was insistent that Kanni would make the right decisions because she was that perfect person. But what was truth? "WHATEVER IT MEANS TO YOU!" The words of her father would say to Kanni.

"Rule three." Kanni finished. "No matter how bad things are..... you never admit defeat. You always say you won."

Just then, the door opened and Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl and presented a box to Kanni. "Thank you Rasnuhl," Kanni smiled taking the box from him. "I'll be sure to open it after the coronation."

She then turned to Karl. "Speaking of Uncle," Kanni said. "Shall we get going?"
Objective 1: The Crowning


OOC: 2 hours after Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran last post

Outside of the Empress' tower were numerous Imperial Custodians around 30 of them standing at attention gripping their deactivated Lightsaber Pikes to their sides. Behind them was a massive metal door which gleamed against the sunlight. The large band which were playing classical music such as the Imperial Symphony all of a sudden stopped playing. The conductor a: Rodian pressed his fingers against his earpiece as if he were receiving instructions by an unknown figure nodded before he lightly tapped his baton against the holder which contained his musical spreadsheet. As the band began to prepare, Zonn Geist Zonn Geist climbed up the stairs and stared at large sea of millions of eager Imperial citizens. The cool wind blowing against the cape of his white uniform. Hundreds of cameras flew around Zonn and the loud chattering quieted down.

"Good Imperials!" Zonn announced his voice amplified by a small mic in the corner of his mouth. "Please welcome, the Empress of all Imperial kind!: Kanni Ugaiya Kilran!

The massive metal doors opened, and the crowd roared in a loud frenzy witnessing Kanni alongside Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss and Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl walking towards the adoring crowd. Kanni gave a warm smile waving at the tens of millions of her people while the cameras flew over scrambling to get a good angle at the new Empress. The conductor waved his baton the same way a wizard would when casting a spell and the band played Naboo celebration song: A song of joy and for a better future.

When she approached the bottom of the steps, Kanni gently placed both of her hands in front of her taking in the crowd maintaining her warm smile, but on closer inspection one can see the slight nervous twitch in her eyes.

Lady Varokscar Lady Varokscar , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Her Her , Hugo Cordes Hugo Cordes


Objective: 3
Posting as: Agmena Rend
Location: Krykna secret hideout. Cantina basement, Lianna
Outfit: N/A
Tag: Binn Toskros Binn Toskros

Agmena regarded the Quarten woman with a smile and a nod. The Domina instantly felt more kinship with this woman that's any of the miscreants she had surrounded herself with in building the Krykna. Agmena had learned harshly what happened when an attempt to blend order and temperance was made. After surviving that she would not be fool enough to use her knowledge for pure philanthropic goals. She was going to profit. But if her outlaws could provide a place for those the Empire cast off she would be proud of that.

"It is a pleasure Ms. Toskros. I believe that you and I can work together to be a thorn in the side of the Empire," Agmena responded in her democratic tone. "But don't think you can stay clean doing so. I came from a place where I thought we could be forceful in rule, but still do so for the betterment of the people. We wished to include all beings the peace and stability we were to create. I survived the rise of the Kilran dynasty. And these outlaws are the ones that keep me safe now. We are very inclusive. But there is danger to what we do. And in the end most here just want credits. The way they get credits gives me a bit of revenge so I lend my leadership."

A loud ridiculous suggestion of working with Sith came from the horned, blue-skinned spice addict. Because of her addiction Embers could be counted on to make a delivery. But Agmena knew better than to take any works from Ember's mouth seriously. She shook her head and moved in with the division with the Quarren. "This may be a varied group, but we are not looking to make a revolution. This Empire's narrow iron grip creates opportunities. When rules are strict certain things become more valuable. We can talk about what your assets might do for our organization. And we will provide a much more inclusive community than the Imperial oligarchs. If it is a rebellion you are after however, I can set you up with someone on New Alderaan. We won't openly stand against the Empress or her Empire."

Grevo Brolt

Everybody has a Price
Objective 3: Lords of the Underground

"Greetings Krykna!"

Grevo walked inside of the building flourishing his silver coin between his metallic fingers. The people could hear the silent whirring of limbs as he got closer to the table. "Or should I call you: The Imperial Underground. Either way, when I first read the invitation to come discuss matters regarding the Empire, I thought: What kind of criminal organization would describe themselves as the: Imperial Underground? It screams like an NISB op."

The Bio Droid flourished his coin onto his metallic palm before flipping up in the air. "Figured I take a chance," Grevo said snatching the coin midair. "Who knows? Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but how paranoid one is determines how successful you are in this line of..... work that we do."

Grevo already knows that the Imperial Underground checks out. A bunch of former soldiers who were either ousted by the Empire, or criminals who have big connections to the higher ups. He just liked to shake the tree down and see what falls maybe there would something that he missed but as an information broker, data is more valuable than creds.

"So the young Empress is officially coronated," Grevo said. "Congratulations to her but with the power vacuum sealed it leaves a grand opportunity for us to build this thriving underworld economy. I run thousands of Casinos around the Imperial territory and beyond and have little birds who sing me their songs. With my help, I can assure you connections to big time players like say....."

He sat down on a chair crossing one leg over the other. "The Hutt Cartel," Grevo finished. "The Imperials have been hitting the Hutts hard lately and they're on the ropes. Maybe we can give them a little lifeline."

Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost , Binn Toskros Binn Toskros
You've been hit by... you've been struck by...

Objective 3
Tags: Open

Kinley did not want to be here but that was nothing new. She rarely wanted to be anywhere her boss sent her. The young woman knew there was no sense in pouting about it so instead she helped herself to a drink and sat in the corner of the meeting, watching those around her. A woman wanted to help expand her business practices and fight for less alien suppression, a robotic looking individual wanted to go after the Hutts, it was all good business. Kinely was here because her boss had been invited and couldn't attend, so as usual he sent her to do his dirty work. She was just here to scope out of there were any opportunities and play nice.

Maybe she would get lucky and the meeting would end early and she could catch the tail end of the swoop sweepstakes on the holo. She smirked at the thought and sipped her drink.


Objective 3: Lord of the Underground
Tags: Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost | Grevo Brolt Grevo Brolt | Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse

Binn listened intently, she could tell that Vadora had been wronged. Much like her own wronging via Teckla's callousness towards the Quarren. One that indirectly lead to the TAC debacle and her husbands death.
"It is a pleasure Ms. Toskros. I believe that you and I can work together to be a thorn in the side of the Empire," Agmena responded in her democratic tone. "But don't think you can stay clean doing so. I came from a place where I thought we could be forceful in rule, but still do so for the betterment of the people. We wished to include all beings the peace and stability we were to create. I survived the rise of the Kilran dynasty. And these outlaws are the ones that keep me safe now. We are very inclusive. But there is danger to what we do. And in the end most here just want credits. The way they get credits gives me a bit of revenge so I lend my leadership."
"That is good to hear. I know there is no 'staying clean' this decision was cemented by my late husbands death."
"This may be a varied group, but we are not looking to make a revolution. This Empire's narrow iron grip creates opportunities. When rules are strict certain things become more valuable. We can talk about what your assets might do for our organization. And we will provide a much more inclusive community than the Imperial oligarchs. If it is a rebellion you are after however, I can set you up with someone on New Alderaan. We won't openly stand against the Empress or her Empire."

Binn listenes to the end taking it all in. "See I don't want a rebellion. Guiding the economy... be it the actual one via various means. Or the black markets is fine. The end goal I want to help with is steering the Empire away from a xenophobic path of human supremacy. Like many Empires before it."

Vadora couldn't even respond before a metallic tinged voice rang out.

"Greetings Krykna!"

Binn decided to listen to & not respond to the boisterous robot that walked through the door.


Objective: 1 - The Crowning
Location: Lianna City, Empress' Tower
Equipment: Dress Uniform with Moff rank plaque and code cylinders, a bespoke Inquisition Slugthrower DN-1
Tags: Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor | Her Her | @ Everyone I Missed

Karl walked behind the Empress as they exited the tower, following her down the stairs. On his face was a smile of joy and triumph, after all this was a uniting event, he waved to the crowd around as they cheered. As they continued the stairs, a technician and an officer walked up to Karl, following behind him, but not blocking his view of the people. They lifted his cape, attached a microphone pack to his belt, and placed a similar microphone to the one worn by Geist near the corner of his mouth. When they were done, Karl turned to them and mouthed the words, Thank You, and gave them a quick thumbs up.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, and after a short time where Kanni took the crowd in, she stepped to the side and motioned for Karl to take center stage. He stepped up to the edge and looked out over an enormous crowd, and what seemed like a billion cameras. He saw that his face was now plastered on holoscreens everywhere nearby, he smiled and held up his hand, a sign that he was about to speak. He took in a large breath,

"Fellow Imperials, today we stand at the dawn of a new era, a moment forged in the fires of legacy and polished by the promise of a radiant future. In this grand assembly, underneath the watchful eyes of our history and the longing gaze of our future, we not only celebrate the unremitting spirit of our Empire but also the rise of a leader who is destined to guide us to greatness."

The crowd goes wild, as Karl pauses for a moment to catch his breath. He continues as he hears his own voice echo across the promenade. "Empress Kanni Kilran stands before us all as a beacon of hope and a paragon of strength. Within her reflection, we can see our most cherished traditions, tempered with the courage to forge a path uniquely her own. Though she bears the weight of tremendous responsibility, her resolve is unyielding, and her vision is clear. She stands ready to face every challenge and uphold the ideals that shape us as Imperials!"

From the corner of his eye, he can see a few of the Empress' attendants approach holding a velvet pillow, upon it a crown. He waits for the crowd to quiet down again before continuing, and to let the crown-bearers approach.

"I have witnessed firsthand her resilience and determination that define her spirit; a spirit that rises to meet the future with unwavering confidence. And today, as I stand ready to crown her, let us remember that true leadership is not the absence of fear, but the courage to face it and transform it into strength and potential." He turns and grasps the crown with his gloved hands. As he turns back towards Kanni, he takes a moment to lift up the crown, to show it to all of the imperials gathered here to witness this auspicious event. He finishes his turn, directly facing the Empress. "Before I bestow upon you the crown that symbolizes our united destiny, I must ask you a few questions, Empress Kanni, to reaffirm your devotion to our Empire:"

"First. Do you accept the mantle of leadership, knowing that the path ahead will demand sacrifices beyond measure yet hold the promise of greatness?"

"I do, with steadfast determination." Kanni answers firmly.

"Second. Do you vow to uphold the legacy of those who came before you while charting a new course for the Empire shaped by your own vision, making each decision with both bravery and wisdom?"

"I do, uniting the power of tradition with the promise of progress." she replies.

"Third. If darkness threatens to obscure us, do you pledge to stand as a paragon of our ideals and a beacon of hope, leading us relentlessly toward that radiant tomorrow?"

Kanni exhales, looking toward the crowd as she answers, "I pledge to defend and advance our Empire with my every breath!"

Karl looks at Kanni as she answers his last question, pride in his eyes. "Empress Kanni Kilran, by the will of the Empire and its people, you stand ready to ascend to your rightful place as our sovereign. Now, before your people and the legacy of those who came before you, I ask you to kneel and receive the crown; a symbol of your duty, your strength, and your loyalty to the Empire."

She kneels and Karl places the crown upon her brow. As she stands back up, Karl looks to the crowd and exclaims, "LONG LIVE THE EMPRESS!!"

The crowd begins to cry out the same message, repeating it over and over again, cementing it into the thoughts and minds of everyone.

Objective: Coronation
Tags: Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Her Her | Lady Varokscar Lady Varokscar | Hugo Cordes Hugo Cordes |


Not much time was available for socializing after giving the gift box to Kani. Which was unfortunate given all the threads that weave through the Empire and threaten to erode it into the failed states of the past. But that is for after the ceremony.

Darth Rasnuhl in his military uniform, medals adorned, and his Zabrak yellow scarred face visible for all walked not far away from the new Empress. This was the start of trying times, ones where the strings in the shadows are cut, pulled, and tied. He walked proudly with Karl and Kanni smiling and waving to the crowd. Some of the smaller screens showed his scarred Zabrak skin while smiling and waving. It was a momentous day, as was shown upon the masses gathered to see. One that he was happy to show the non xenophobic state of the Empire of the Lost, if they could keep it that way.

Along the procession were a couple of platoons Darth Rasnuhls Marines mixed into the procession security. Proudly representing that side of the Imperial border.

The trio came to the designated spot where a crown was brought forth as Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss masterfully talked to the crowd.
Kanni took the oath repeating after Karl ending in the Crown upon her head.

Karl looks at Kanni as she answers his last question, pride in his eyes. "Empress Kanni Kilran, by the will of the Empire and its people, you stand ready to ascend to your rightful place as our sovereign. Now, before your people and the legacy of those who came before you, I ask you to kneel and receive the crown; a symbol of your duty, your strength, and your loyalty to the Empire."

She kneels and Karl places the crown upon her brow. As she stands back up, Karl looks to the crowd and exclaims, "LONG LIVE THE EMPRESS!!"

Darth Rasnuhl joined in "Long live the Empress!!" The weight of the moment sat upon him, the real work was to begin in earnest again.


Moments had a weight to them.

This moment, more than most.

The Empire was infiltrated. The corruption was deep. Her machinations were afoot, Her fingers stretching into every dark corner.

There was too much arrayed against him... or at least that's what Her people wanted him to believe.

It was hard to be sure how widely she'd spread Her wings, or how illusory they were.

In the Tapani Sector, the Ministry of Inquiry was ever-present, and also usually invitible. Like the air. It was both unobtrusive and all-encompassing. They were a force more vital to the security of the House Mecetti worlds than the military, and they had a size to match their importance. But when they operated on other worlds, they had to create an impact much larger than their footprint. When the rare time came to act, and not just to observe, they had to feel like a force of tens of thousands, rather than a paltry few hundred.

They could create fear disproportionate to their size.

Was that what Her people were doing, now?

Or was Her power really as formidable as she wished it to seem?

Maldor did not know.

"Long Live the Empress," he shouted with the rest.

But he did not believe she would really have a long life.

Nor did he believe his own life would be very long, now that he'd taken a set against Her.

Regardless... at some point you had to stop and face the things that chased you, or you'd never have a moment's rest.


Objective: 3
Posting as: Agmena Rend
Location: Krykna secret hideout. Cantina basement, Lianna
Outfit: N/A
Tag: Binn Toskros Binn Toskros |@grevo brolt | Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse

Embers hopped down from her spot at the bar following Grevo's grandiose entrance/speech. She spilled her drink during an intoxicated wobble towards the newcomer. "All these people and the first set of huge balls is on droid?" the horned woman blurted out with a giggle. "I am assuming you don't really have big balls right? I mean no real user for them. Probably would just get in the way," Embers whispered leaning into Grevo's shoulder.

The man who gave Embers the spice grumbled and shook his head. "Even following the wake of the Imperial military, overtaking the Hutts will be quite the undertaking. Does Mr. Big Balls have a plan?

As some were distracted by the boisterous suggestion one of Agmena's more subtle watchers caught the presence of a stranger. This was not strange as the invite was broad and no ID was required for entry. Most strangers however were loud like the droid or made it obvious that they were looking to make a contact. Those that hid in corners were more than likely spies.

The dark haired young woman approached Kinley with a smirk on her black stained lips. "Drinks are good around here, but they serve the same upstairs. Wasn't warned to watch anyone by your description. So your strings must be pulled by someone outside this room. What kinda dirt you looking for?"

Agmena smirked at the revelation of the Quarren's motivation. Revenge had led the Domina to the underworld as well. It made clear lines become blurry. That would be a good thing for the future of this potential business relationship. "If it was not obvious, I am in charge here. Let's get a meeting on the books. We will start with how we can use your ships to help that agenda of yours."
Objective: 3
Krykna secret hideout. Cantina basement, Lianna
Tags: Binn Toskros Binn Toskros Grevo Brolt Grevo Brolt Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost


For years, Malicar Raith had been out of the galactic stage and working with the Chiss Expeditionary Intelligence Division within the Chiss Ascendancy. While an exile from the Ascendancy, he still maintained contacts and business relationships with a select few that still saw the benefit of what Malicar brought to the table. This also meant that he left the operations of Interstellar Shipping Company to proxies in the various star systems where the corporation did business. With the contract completed and his noble house "in order", Malicar made the trip back to Lianna. The chiss had been keeping up with the changes to the Eternal Empire until it simply was no more. Scrambling, he was able to make sure his business interests were not lost during the transition. This was the first time in years he returned to these systems. Amidst a coronation, there was no better time to ensure that his interests were going to be secure with this Empire of the Lost.

Striding into the cantina basement, Malicar Raith's glowing red eyes scanned the room, seeming to drink in all of his surroundings. The chiss wore a perpetual smirk and carried an easy confidence as he entered the room amongst others of his ilk. At one time, Malicar Raith ran the Black Sun Cartels as its lead Underlord, but opted for a more "legitimate" path with the opportunity to invest in Interstellar Shipping Company. For some time, the Black Sun Cartels were the only underworld organization "in town" for the Eternal Empire. But times changed and Malicar adapted.

Still possessing contacts in the criminal underworld, he knew about this quaint gathering and the new organization that had reared its head called the Krykna. Approaching the gathered group, the chiss waltzed right up with all smiles, "Forgive the intrusion. A friend of a friend told me this little soiree was happening here. I hope you do not mind my dropping in."

Looking around, he mused to himself as much as those he approached, "I have been away for some time, so I might be a bit scattered in comprehension when it comes to current events in this 'beloved' Empire."

Snapping his fingers, he corrected himself, "Please forgive me. Where are my manners? My name is Malicar Raith. Pleasure."

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