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Faction Long May She Reign: The Coronation of Empress Kanni Ugaiya Kilran (EOTL)


Lianna, Outer Rim Territories, Tion Cluster, Allied Tion Sector, Lianna system;
The Coronation of the Phantom Empress;
The Empire of the Lost;

Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Lady Varokscar Lady Varokscar | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

"The Jedi, and some within our own Senate, had conspired to create the shadow of Separatism using one of their own as the enemy's leader. They had hoped to grind the Republic into ruin. But the hatred in their hearts could not be hidden forever. At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures.

The Jedi hoped to unleash their destructive power against the Republic by assassinating the head of government and usurping control of the clone army. . ."
-- PALPATINE'S speech during the Declaration of a New Order a millennia ago.

"Well said, Moff Mecetti. We would expect nothing less from a Hero of the Empire."

Sieliel averted her gaze away from Maldor to watch the stage again. The buzz of celebration was palpable as the Imperial elite gathered to honour the coronation of the PHANTOM EMPRESS. With the recent decision of the TRADE FEDERATION OF PLANET'S removal of their trade embargo across the star sectors controlled by the Empire, and the abated crises which had threatened to topple them passing, it was the beginning of the next era within the old realms of the TION HEGEMONY.

But would the HEIR TO OBULETTE be apart of it?

"It is the next step of the Lost to reclaim the old territories of the first Galactic Empire. The desires of Emperor Kilran are still in vogue with the coronation of his daughter, and we are in line with the ideas of the Eggman. After all we would not have been formed without his co-operation."

The sudden revelation that the seditious FIFTH WING were co-operating with the late EGGMAN all this time was, perhaps, a shocking twist for the unfortunate exiled son of HOUSE MECETTI but to Sieliel it was a matter-of-fact comparable to breathing. Of course Velran Kilran Velran Kilran knew everything before his demise at the hands of the rebellion formed by the followers of the NEW JEDI ORDER. After all the man himself had only risen to power through his own seditious act when he butchered the Old Imperial Ruling Council during his coup d'état at the turn of the century.

"The Tion Cluster is ours. There is no Tionese element left after Tion who can oppose our new Empress, and the Jedi rebellion has been subverted. These acts could not have been done without your co-operation and service."

Was the SIEGE OF TION a result of the mistake of a rogue Jedi Knight and wrath of the CORPSE EMPEROR? Or was it a well manufactured crisis designed to eliminate the threat of a TIONESE UPRISING unhappy with the Imperial Remnant that had occupied the star systems of the old TION HEGEMONY? With Fùchóu Zhī Shén Fùchóu Zhī Shén in custody and creation of the conspiratorial Trigonus Report circulating among the upper echelons of the Empire was DARTH TRIGONUS in on the very plot he had helped to create?

"The old Imperial stronghold of Bastion is our next target. Reclamation of Ravelin and the Braxant Run will pay for the Jedi plot which threatened to destroy us. But this Diarchy stands as the next path of opposition. I have been briefed that you have a relationship with Diarch Reign that will prove useful to our cause."

Sieliel turned her gaze back to Maldor. Her gaze razor sharp and focused with the air of belief in them. A useful foot soldier in the seditious FIFTH WING. There was no doubt in those eyes. Indeed the sins of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey had hooked themselves deep in the heart of the last of HOUSE DIMEGOR.

Wouldn't you do anything when all you had left was revenge in the place where there should be a soul?

"As I asked you before, Moff Mecetti, I shall ask again. Won't you continue to co-operate with our organisation?"



Objective: 3
Posting as: Agmena Rend
Location: Krykna secret hideout. Cantina basement, Lianna
Outfit: N/A
Tag: Binn Toskros Binn Toskros

The Domina of the Imperial Underworld sat in a dim corner as the others arrived. Her lieutenants were spread throughout the room to hear suggestions from the rest and portray Agmena's power. Most of the others present were obviously the criminal type that Agmena depended upon to do the dirty work that would fill her bank accounts. In times of change Agmena found that was a good opportunity to see what was hiding beneath the surface of her own world.

That was the purpose of this meeting. To see what else was out there that would bring her profit. Rumor also stated that the Empire sought to dominate Hutt Space. If that was the case Agmena would need more lieutenants. Hutt Space would never go legit. There was so much that the Krykna could do if the Hutts were kicked out of their territory.

When the room reached a desired fullness, Agmena gave a nod and rose from her spot in the shadows to make a round through the room. A mechanical voice started over the sound system. "Welcome fellow outcasts of the Imperial machine. As you all know the crown of power is being passed today. This meeting will decide how to make that passing work for all of us."

A loud laugh came from a horned, blue skinned woman at the bar. "Are you going to find a way to make spice more readily available on this planet? Or can we maybe agree that having headquarters on this rock isn't the wisest move?"

A bit of a growl came from one of the lieutenants. And pulled out an autoinjector. "Hey Embers. Take this and be a constructive part of the meeting or shut your yap!" he flipped the injector to the blue skinned woman, who smiled and injected it into her arm.

Agmena smirked slightly at the antics of the spice addicted smuggler, but she soon found herself near a Quarren that didn't quite look like she fit in. "I am Vadora Grieve. You look a little too put together for this group. What're you looking for?" The name was what any member of the organization would know as their leader. No one knew Agmena by her true name any longer.


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