Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Long May She Reign: The Coronation of Empress Kanni Ugaiya Kilran (EOTL)

Objective 3: Lord of the Underground
Tags: Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost | Grevo Brolt Grevo Brolt | Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse | Malicar Malicar

The evening was getting more interesting by the moment. A bunch of new faces, ones that are rapidly popping up.

Vadora responded

"If it was not obvious, I am in charge here. Let's get a meeting on the books. We will start with how we can use your ships to help that agenda of yours."

Binn gave a Quarren smirk "All business that is mutually beneficial is worth while." She paused but it was a bad, or good spot to do so.
A new voice came into the conversation.

"Forgive the intrusion. A friend of a friend told me this little soiree was happening here. I hope you do not mind my dropping in."

Looking around, he mused to himself as much as those he approached, "I have been away for some time, so I might be a bit scattered in comprehension when it comes to current events in this 'beloved' Empire."

Snapping his fingers, he corrected himself, "Please forgive me. Where are my manners? My name is Malicar Raith. Pleasure."

More people, from more places... and most of them also alien too. She heard the Chiss out.
"Hello Malicar Raith. I am Binn Toskos, CEO of Toskos Shipwrights. Pleasure to meet as well. What do you bring to the table so to speak?"

Grevo Brolt

Everybody has a Price
Objective 3: Lords of the Underground

A small chuckle escaped from Grevo's vocablulator his silver hands adjusting the edges of his black jacket suit. Made in Coruscant, firmly pressed and tailor made. It was the way that Grevo liked it. The horned woman was a funny kind of woman, Grevo already knew everything about her based on the files that his agents presented to him. Embers may be a drunk, but it only served to hide her cunning. That was the thing about doing business criminal or otherwise, it was all an act. The weak minded are easily fooled by the surface level imitations that manipulators employ to hide their true intentions. In the criminal underworld, playing dirty is the only way to play the game.

"You're a funny gal Embers," Grevo responded leaning his elbow on the tale. "If discussing business is me having 'big balls' then you're the easily impressed type. I'm already five seconds into this meeting and the Imperial Underground is already a disorganized mess."

Grevo stared at the Chiss: Malicar Malicar of Interstellar Shipping had arrived. Formerly from the Ascendency, one doesn't see the blue skinned military autocrats now and days. "Nice to meet you Malicar," Grevo nodded. "I hope you make yourself comfortable, we got a lot to talk about."

He then stared at Binn Toskros Binn Toskros and chuckled again. "Another CEO," Grevo laughed. "Gee I'm sensing a pattern here! The three of us are honest businessmen yet we choose to dwell in the Underworld. Why is that?"

Grevo leaned closer to the men and women on the meeting. "It's because in the underworld, greed is unshackled." he said. "Credits are the only thing worth collecting. The whole regulations the governments around the Galaxy impose on us is all bullchit. It's all playacting. Poor players strutting across the stage dramatizing events to a slack jawed crowd while the real machinations occur backstage."

He shook his head the whirring from the gears that turned his cranium were heard. "I'm no mere Droid," Grevo said. "I'm a bio-droid and I've been in this game for hundreds of years. The only thing that makes this Galaxy function are creds."

"And Information," Grevo thought. "So let's get down to brass tacks shall we?"

Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost , Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser
Objective: 3
Krykna secret hideout. Cantina basement, Lianna
Tags: Binn Toskros Binn Toskros Grevo Brolt Grevo Brolt Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost

With a subtle point to the wine sitting on the back shelf, the bartender nodded and began opening the bottle of wine that was corked, but already opened. It was clear that Malicar had been in this establishment before--recently. Malicar looks back over at Binn Toskros Binn Toskros , the quarren, and responds with a smirk, "What do I bring to the table? A dash of shipping freight, a sprinkle of shipbuilding, and a hint of dealing with the underbelly of many worlds. But I never come to the table smile."

His head turned to Grevo Brolt Grevo Brolt , the droid, and replied, "I suppose I am impressed at your longevity? Congratulations? Yes, yes credits are king. This I understand--but sometimes sticking your middle finger up at the leader of an Empire might not be the best approach. It would seem that my time in the Eternal Empire showed me a bit of fanatical activism and underworld ambition that laid in bed together--that is dangerous for building credits. I would even daresay, detrimental to earning credits."

The bartender slides the wine glass over to Malicar, who nods appreciatively. Taking a long pull from the wine, he closes his eyes to savor the taste and then opens his glowing red eyes, "Have you considered that perhaps your approach to this new coronation might possess the qualities of 'tunnel vision'? Food for thought...or oil bath for your thought--whatever you prefer."

Looking over to Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse , his eyes narrow slightly and muses, "You look familiar to me...perhaps we crossed paths along the lines of another organization?"

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Objective: 3
Posting as: Agmena Rend
Location: Krykna secret hideout. Cantina basement, Lianna
Outfit: N/A
Tag: Binn Toskros Binn Toskros | Grevo Brolt Grevo Brolt | Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse | Malicar Malicar

Agmena gave Binn a smile and a nod, "Before I turned to the 'wrong' side of the law. I was a soldier and a politician. I understand that both sides of a relationship must be satisfied. I look forward to a very fruitful business arrangement in the future." Agmena looked around the room and smiled. "I must see to other business. I will contact you soon to make further arrangements. Circulate around the room. I certify that all members of the Krykna are outlaws, but most are looking for some reasonable profit first and foremost. You will be safe here. Also, I can attest that some present are inebriated beyond reason. I would avoid them."

Agmena gave a farewell nod and, sliding a card with communication information to Binn, she backed into the shadows to make note of other newcomers who were not yet members of her organization. The droid and the Chiss both seemed to have legitimate businesses, but these two seemed more criminal than the revenge seeking Quarren.

"Suggesting we use the Empress' need to impress and desire to move on the Hutts as a way to profit ourselves is the proof of you big balls Mr. Accept the compliment and take my name. I transport anything anywhere…payment methods are wide open. It all ends up as spice in the end," Embers responded before the droid turned his attention to the Chiss.

A holo of today's event in the fancy part of the city was displayed in the middle of the cantina. "The Kilran dynasty continues. Through its proud blindness the Krykna will thrive as an unseen thorn in the side. Rich and powerful. Take a cup my friends. To many more customers created by the myopia of an Empire."

Objective 3: Lord of the Underground
Tags: Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost | Grevo Brolt Grevo Brolt | Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse | Malicar Malicar

Another CEO," Grevo laughed. "Gee I'm sensing a pattern here! The three of us are honest businessmen yet we choose to dwell in the Underworld. Why is that?"
Binn listened to the droid "For freedom, amongst other things."

"It's because in the underworld, greed is unshackled." he said. "Credits are the only thing worth collecting. The whole regulations the governments around the Galaxy impose on us is all bullchit. It's all playacting. Poor players strutting across the stage dramatizing events to a slack jawed crowd while the real machinations occur backstage."
Binn nodded heartily in agreement. He does have a finger on the pulse of the galaxy it seems. And the experience to know what's what. she mulled over what Grevo's end game was.
"What do I bring to the table? A dash of shipping freight, a sprinkle of shipbuilding, and a hint of dealing with the underbelly of many worlds. But I never come to the table smile."

Binn smiled as a Quarren does at Malicar "Those are all very important things. I also know a thing or two about ship building. Maybe some of your engineers would like to visit a facility?" That was true, but she also wasn't too sure of the rest of the things. Her late husband was the one doing dealings, most of which she was still in the dark about.

"Before I turned to the 'wrong' side of the law. I was a soldier and a politician. I understand that both sides of a relationship must be satisfied. I look forward to a very fruitful business arrangement in the future." Agmena looked around the room and smiled. "I must see to other business. I will contact you soon to make further arrangements. Circulate around the room. I certify that all members of the Krykna are outlaws, but most are looking for some reasonable profit first and foremost. You will be safe here. Also, I can attest that some present are inebriated beyond reason. I would avoid them."

Agmena gave a farewell nod and, sliding a card with communication information to Binn,

She gave a nod "I haven't dabbled in as much yet, but I shall. We will do great things." Binn gave a smile. She took the contact information and gave her own. The mingling was to continue, contacts made, and a future woven.

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