Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Look here, fresh meat!


Zenith of Bakers
Hello everybody! As the title may explain, I'm new to this site, though not to mention new to almost everything that has to do with writing and role-playing.

I came across this site through a post on my friend's Facebook. Without hesitation I decided to join and find out what it's content had in store. So far, I am not disappointed!

As I read through the guides of this website, I give you my presence. Again, hello! Hope to hear from all of you soon, both in-character and not.
Welcome to the site, [member="JanesBatter"]! There's a lot to take in as you can see, so be sure to ask any questions as you might find them. I suggest joining the Galactic Republic, because I'm Supreme Chancellor and quite frankly we could use the bodies. We also pay well, have the benefit of being the underdog, and unlike every other faction on this board, we believe Taco Tuesday is a right, not a privilege.

Have fun!


Zenith of Bakers
Thank you, [member="Jack Sparrow"]! I'm starting to get the hang of everything, and I do truly appreciate the support. The faction you suggested looks mighty fine from what I've so far read. If you'd enjoy taking in a new character with your words, it would be most helpful! If you prefer not to, don't feel pressured. I can make do!

(Taco Tuesday is most definately a right.)
Welcome to the site! If you're still looking at different Jedi/light-sided factions I'd love to thread something if you'd like to check out the Galactic Alliance.

I hope you enjoy your time here...and I wonder if you find the link to the site through me since I posted to my friend's FB recently...


Either way, glad to have you!



Zenith of Bakers
Hi, [member="Olivia Durant"]! I don't think there would be a problem with me trying out multiple threads - for multiple factions until I see what I'd like to settle with. If you're interested in creating a thread with me or a character of mine in it, consider giving me a private message so we can discuss the details.

Have a great time!
Welcome to Chaos :) You can locate the rules here, map of the galaxy here, and factions here.

It is currently year 847 ABY, meaning we're about 843 years after the events of Return of the Jedi. You can read blurbs about the events that have taken place on the board here, though they don't summarize the entirety of each event.

Have fun, ask questions if you have any!

I like this guy! Welcome to the site and if you ever need a villain for your threads I'm there! I have no code of ethics and will kill anyone! Men, women, children, pets, old people! It doesn't matter I just like being evil! Again welcome!


Zenith of Bakers
Hi, [member="Dredge"]! You remind me a lot about the hunter from Rick and Morty. If I can figure out a good system to save names and contacts, I'll keep you somewhere in the bunch for when I have some heroic that needs dealing with.

Keep in touch!


Zenith of Bakers

*High-five!* I have just posted a small Looking For A Group thread as my Wookiee character. If you'd like to discuss a meeting thread on there, I would be more than pleased to see you!

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Glad you found your way here - have fun with us and just shout if you have any questions and we will help you out.


Filius Stellarum

Hello, hello, hello from your friendly neighborhood assassin! ;) You ever doing something in the criminal underworld and need an extra rifle, I'm your guy!


Zenith of Bakers
Hi, [member="Filius Stellarum"]! I'd love to keep in touch. I guess I'll have to sum up a lot of credits to fuel all of the guns already advertising themselves to me.

Keep in touch!


Zenith of Bakers
Hello, [member="Werah Unon"]! I'm afraid I won't be all that eager to join a faction for just untold "reasons" but if you'd like to introduce yourself to my character, we can see about what can happen in that thread!

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