[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Rylla Aldrecht"]
Threats were flung here, and ideas there. Romeo bent over, and wide eyed him. "OH! That's what that was..it was your mouth moving....I thought you something on your face from lunch earlier...what were you saying? Something about..Sith?" He snapped his finger of his right hand as he pulled it out from behind him, and a fire was ignited over it. "That's right..something about...turning me in..gotcha. Welp, tis okay when they learn you stole their property, and killed one of their own to get that property.." He smiled as his eyes narrowed. "Maybe I'll turn you in, and declare you the suspect in today's uproar." He chuckled, "Cause you dont threaten me, and expect me t...." He turned his head to look at the Sith, he turned his body halfway so his right hand faced the man, and his left faced the woman.
"Well sir...looks like this is your big break.." He cracked his neck. "Tell you what guy..forget me, I forget you...I have business to handle."
He waved his right hand, and the fire went out.
"You see miss, this guy, and I had some beef, but you showed up just in time to distract me, and he to run away with the girl." He turned, and walked toward the Sith woman. "So now I have to make a decision...do I go after him, or you?" On one side of his hand, a saber hilt shot from under his jacket to his hand, and a
black blade snapped with on with a hiss, and then more hissing as it stayed on. On his free hand, another hilt came out from that side of the jacket, and a
cryan blade roared to life. It's old design ready for action, and his body itching for something worth fighting, "So you can guess, if you knew me, what I am choosing." His eyes glowed a deep blood red with each step he took.
"Now Sith, allow me to teach you the true ways of the darkside."